The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

At the earliest possible opportunity, my wife and I've taken the Moderna dose 1 and 2, Moderna booster, dose 1 and 2 and Moderna's bivalent booster. Both my children got the same shots when available to them. Aside from upper arms sore for a day, we've had NO ill effects from the injections and neither has ANYONE I know and neither have the vast, vast, vast majority of people who get the vaccine. I lost two friends and a cousin from the disease before the vaccines were released. The risk of illness or death is orders of magnitude greater without the vaccine than with it. I also wear a mask in all enclosed public places. I have never had the disease. The statistics indicate that my odds of getting the disease are a tiny, tiny fraction of your chances of getting the disease. But that doesn't bother you, eh?
right, so your anecdotes trumps all stats gathering legs

Cracks are widening in The Elf's dam.
This following geography lesson is important, because it (places into proximity [italics]) both one of the early preventive pioneers of the SARS2 epidemic, and SARS2 virus "parts" that were discovered in ticks on pre-pandemic Long Island, New York.

One of America's pioneer doctors who was among the first to be on the front lines against the virus was Dr. Vladimir Zelenko.

Dec 2020 Zelenko, et al / Azithromycin, etc.

Dr. Zelenko was at Monroe, New York.

Monroe, New York

The RGD motif from ticks on Long Island is the same RGD motif found in SARS2 as well as the Chinese PLA's (military [italics]) virus, ZC45.
@24 Jan
'....Chinese scientists accidentally uploaded a sample from 2019 (pre-covid) that contained a spike protein with 100% match to SARS2 without the furin cleavage site, basically confirming the virus was artificially created in a laboratory.'

If it's a supply problem, there's always Long Island.
Or, that you are a dumb shit who refuses to admit that he is wrong.

How can I be wrong about something when you can't even name what it is I'm wrong about, despite being asked numerous times? :auiqs.jpg:

Attacking your own positions is showing that even you don't believe your own idiocy.

I attack my own positions? When did this happen? :auiqs.jpg:

Speaking of yourself again?


You are unwell even for an antivaxxer, and that's really saying something. You've firmly thrown in your lot with every other wack job of the last few decades, who thought the earth was flat, who believed democrats were running a pedophile ring out of a pizza shop, to ppl who think aliens had sex with them, etc. This is you, and it's sad.
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You are describing large portions of the US population, those who were indoctrinated successfully by MSM and Fauci. Most of us were fooled, but many have now realized it. Some will never realize they were fooled.

In order to realize you've been fooled on something you would need actual evidence of this happening. Do you have it? Every time I've asked for this information, the other poster will either slink away quietly without ever answering or in the case of Catman, simply deflect ad nauseum because this is how he deals with unpleasant facts since he can't live in reality. Does this describe you as well?
In order to realize you've been fooled on something you would need actual evidence of this happening. Do you have it? Every time I've asked for this information, the other poster will either slink away quietly without ever answering
This has been shown to you multiple times now Krich>

Batch Codes of Coronavirus 2019 Vaccines

This is evidence from our own government

You're the one slinking away when it's revealed to you


In order to realize you've been fooled on something you would need actual evidence of this happening. Do you have it? Every time I've asked for this information, the other poster will either slink away quietly without ever answering or in the case of Catman, simply deflect ad nauseum because this is how he deals with unpleasant facts since he can't live in reality. Does this describe you as well?
Is the dam still breaking? I'm not seeing anything yet.

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I'm not seeing anything yet.
Bill Gates just admitted mRNA jabs don’t stop infection, don’t block transmission, don’t block mutants, don’t last, don’t work at all — after he sold stock in his vaccine ventures

Bill Gates just admitted mRNA jabs don’t stop infection, don’t block transmission, don’t block mutants, don’t last, don’t work at all — after he sold stock in his vaccine ventures

Wow, so you just bought what the spectacularly one-sided article's title said. I didn't know you did that. Okay. Now I know.

I just watched his comments on the video in the article. He was pointing out the problems of most vaccines. He was not condemning or attacking the current vaccines. He did not say they're killing people. He did not say they don't work. He did not say they're a fraud. He is saying that improvements have to be made in general.

They are not perfect, as any honest, intelligent adult will admit. And any honest, intelligent adult would have said that, 700 million American doses in, there would be some problems.

But you fell for that. Okay. Got it.
Wow, so you just bought what the spectacularly one-sided article's title said. I didn't know you did that. Okay. Now I know.

I just watched his comments on the video in the article. He was pointing out the problems of most vaccines. He was not condemning or attacking the current vaccines. He did not say they're killing people. He did not say they don't work. He did not say they're a fraud. He is saying that improvements have to be made in general.

They are not perfect, as any honest, intelligent adult will admit. And any honest, intelligent adult would have said that, 700 million American doses in, there would be some problems.

But you fell for that. Okay. Got it.
none are so blind as those who refuse to see Mac

Wow, so you just bought what the spectacularly one-sided article's title said. I didn't know you did that. Okay. Now I know.

I just watched his comments on the video in the article. He was pointing out the problems of most vaccines. He was not condemning or attacking the current vaccines. He did not say they're killing people. He did not say they don't work. He did not say they're a fraud. He is saying that improvements have to be made in general.

They are not perfect, as any honest, intelligent adult will admit. And any honest, intelligent adult would have said that, 700 million American doses in, there would be some problems.

But you fell for that. Okay. Got it.
Geez now making excuses. WTF!

Brought to you by Pfizer.
The mistrust is rampant. I went out to lunch with friends this week. All four of us completely distrust the medical establishment now. We all go to functional med/alternative providers. All four of us have advanced degrees.
Agreed. I totally mistrust doctors and avoid them. I think people should realize that the constant appeal to us to get tested again and again with invasive procedures is just giving them a hunting license to mine our bodies for their profit.

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