The Danger...

I called it Quasi Racism because it does not meet the definition that pertains to race but to culture...sort of the same definitions used for prejudice against Jews in the 50's in America from joining Country clubs and other social networks.
Great job explaining yourself! :clap:

Tx. Roudy AKA Camel

That was extremely rude. Apologize now !!!!
Another person who throws the word racism around like its nothing.

Pbel, what is the definition of racism ?

I called it Quasi Racism because it does not meet the definition that pertains to race but to culture...sort of the same definitions used for prejudice against Jews in the 50's in America from joining Country clubs and other social networks.

Ok, but just because you call it so, doesn't make it so..

You and Seal seem to have a distorted definition of 'racism'

i prefer the terms "bigotry" and "prejudice" in almost all cases, but "racism" seems to be a lingua franca for this forum. we all know what we are talking about, despite the attempts at some paper pushers and those with enormous sticks up their ass to divert the discussion by indulging in ridiculous definition and interpretation of the word.
Yet you have not ONCE showed me anything that would suggest that I'm a bigot

Just bullshit repetitive accusations. As a matter of fact, is there a pro - Israeli here that you HAVEN'T called a bigot , bigot ??

And Seal, for the last fuckin time , you are well known as the official I/P forum bigot !! Therefore, you have no right to accuse others of bigotry. It just doesn't work like that. What part about that don't you understand ?
Yet you have not ONCE showed me anything that would suggest that I'm a bigot

Just bullshit repetitive accusations. As a matter of fact, is there a pro - Israeli here that you HAVEN'T called a bigot , bigot ??

And Seal, for the last fuckin time , you are well known as the official I/P forum bigot !! Therefore, you have no right to accuse others of bigotry. It just doesn't work like that. What part about that don't you understand ?

i have shown you plenty. you are just in a complete state of denial. what about all those "drunk irish" remarks.

ok, who exactly knows me as the official I/P forum bigot. i wasn't even aware that there was such a thing. also, it seems you have a difficult time providing proof of my bigotry while i have no problem providing proof of your lies, and have done so in the past.

what is hilarious about these recent spate of threads is that you folk go on and on and on for months on end calling people "anti-semites", and on the very same posts where you demean palestinians/arabs/muslims as beasts and savages and animals and go so far as to advocate their genocide but whenever you get a little bit of it back, you wilt. you squeal like poked pigs and divert from any honest discussion on the subject and resort to nothing bit insult as above. at least say something of substance along with your name calling.
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It's been a while since Pbel posted his "The year is 2048" thread , what's going on ????

I've posted that essay many times but each time the board censors move it even though its clearly a very original satire that speaks to the end-game if this conflict does not end.
Tx. Roudy AKA Camel

That was extremely rude. Apologize now !!!!

he calls people Neanderthals and cleary implies that I am a bigot and you want me to appologize? Are you saying he's not the former 76 Virgin Camels?

Anyone who calls for the destruction or elimination of Israel IS a Neanderthal and it doesn't matter if they have Ph.D's. Most Nazis were doctors, engineers and chemists, and they were still Neanderthals. I don't know why they can't use that education for constructive, rather than destructive, purposes.
Yet you have not ONCE showed me anything that would suggest that I'm a bigot

Just bullshit repetitive accusations. As a matter of fact, is there a pro - Israeli here that you HAVEN'T called a bigot , bigot ??

And Seal, for the last fuckin time , you are well known as the official I/P forum bigot !! Therefore, you have no right to accuse others of bigotry. It just doesn't work like that. What part about that don't you understand ?

i have shown you plenty. you are just in a complete state of denial. what about all those "drunk irish" remarks.

ok, who exactly knows me as the official I/P forum bigot. i wasn't even aware that there was such a thing. also, it seems you have a difficult time providing proof of my bigotry while i have no problem providing proof of your lies, and have done so in the past.

what is hilarious about these recent spate of threads is that you folk go on and on and on for months on end calling people "anti-semites", and on the very same posts where you demean palestinians/arabs/muslims as beasts and savages and animals and go so far as to advocate their genocide but whenever you get a little bit of it back, you wilt. you squeal like poked pigs and divert from any honest discussion on the subject and resort to nothing bit insult as above. at least say something of substance along with your name calling.
Why not tell us, Solly, about the Muslims calling the Christians and the Jews different names, or is that OK in your opinion? By the way, can you give us your thoughts (since you want to have a discussion) about the Muslims believing that when Jesus returns he is going to break all the crosses and preach Islam? If you don't have any thoughts about this, would it be possible for you to ask your local parish priest? It would be interesting to hear his thoughts on this.
That was extremely rude. Apologize now !!!!

he calls people Neanderthals and cleary implies that I am a bigot and you want me to appologize? Are you saying he's not the former 76 Virgin Camels?

Anyone who calls for the destruction or elimination of Israel IS a Neanderthal and it doesn't matter if they have Ph.D's. Most Nazis were doctors, engineers and chemists, and they were still Neanderthals. I don't know why they can't use that education for constructive, rather than destructive, purposes.
I think the Western Powers hijacking of Palestine and tearing residents from their homes of nearly 2,000 years acted worse than Neanderthals...and besides you should apologize to the Neanderthals because they in fact were no as Bellicose as Israel is to all her neighbors.

Call a Spade a Spade!

Sure, WWII and the Holocaust was sad, and a safe-haven for Jews was a moral prerogative, but displacing people from their homes and confiscating their land is also criminal.
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he calls people Neanderthals and cleary implies that I am a bigot and you want me to appologize? Are you saying he's not the former 76 Virgin Camels?

Anyone who calls for the destruction or elimination of Israel IS a Neanderthal and it doesn't matter if they have Ph.D's. Most Nazis were doctors, engineers and chemists, and they were still Neanderthals. I don't know why they can't use that education for constructive, rather than destructive, purposes.
I think the Western Powers hijacking of Palestine and tearing residents from their homes of nearly 2,000 years acted worse than Neanderthals...and besides you should apologize to the Neanderthals because they in fact were no as Bellicose as Israel is to all her neighbors.

Call a Spade a Spade!

Sure, WWII and the Holocaust was sad, and a safe-haven for Jews was a moral prerogative, but displacing people from their homes and confiscating their land is also criminal.

2,000 years? Try 100, if that.
Anyone who calls for the destruction or elimination of Israel IS a Neanderthal and it doesn't matter if they have Ph.D's. Most Nazis were doctors, engineers and chemists, and they were still Neanderthals. I don't know why they can't use that education for constructive, rather than destructive, purposes.
I think the Western Powers hijacking of Palestine and tearing residents from their homes of nearly 2,000 years acted worse than Neanderthals...and besides you should apologize to the Neanderthals because they in fact were not as Bellicose as Israel is to all her neighbors.

Call a Spade a Spade!

Sure, WWII and the Holocaust was sad, and a safe-haven for Jews was a moral prerogative, but displacing people from their homes and confiscating their land is also criminal.

2,000 years? Try 100, if that.

Why don't you provide a Link?
Yet you have not ONCE showed me anything that would suggest that I'm a bigot

Just bullshit repetitive accusations. As a matter of fact, is there a pro - Israeli here that you HAVEN'T called a bigot , bigot ??

And Seal, for the last fuckin time , you are well known as the official I/P forum bigot !! Therefore, you have no right to accuse others of bigotry. It just doesn't work like that. What part about that don't you understand ?

i have shown you plenty. you are just in a complete state of denial. what about all those "drunk irish" remarks.

ok, who exactly knows me as the official I/P forum bigot. i wasn't even aware that there was such a thing. also, it seems you have a difficult time providing proof of my bigotry while i have no problem providing proof of your lies, and have done so in the past.

what is hilarious about these recent spate of threads is that you folk go on and on and on for months on end calling people "anti-semites", and on the very same posts where you demean palestinians/arabs/muslims as beasts and savages and animals and go so far as to advocate their genocide but whenever you get a little bit of it back, you wilt. you squeal like poked pigs and divert from any honest discussion on the subject and resort to nothing bit insult as above. at least say something of substance along with your name calling.

How soon we forget the anti - semitic spree you went on that day, calling me a money grubbing Jew. Then when I called you out on it , you denied it and you deleted the post. You were in complete denial. Like a little fooking child.
I will admit that I did say something to you of that nature. AFTER you went on the anti - semitic rampage.
I have nothing against Irish people. As a matter of fact, I know one Irish person who I used to be friends with.
Tx. Roudy AKA Camel

That was extremely rude. Apologize now !!!!

he calls people Neanderthals and cleary implies that I am a bigot and you want me to appologize? Are you saying he's not the former 76 Virgin Camels?
I'm calling those who call for the destruction of Israel neanderthals (your heroes) and I have no idea what you're talking about, other than you must have again mixed alcohol with drugs. By the way, discussing sex with animals is a violation of board rules so I'd be careful if I were you.
That was extremely rude. Apologize now !!!!

he calls people Neanderthals and cleary implies that I am a bigot and you want me to appologize? Are you saying he's not the former 76 Virgin Camels?

Anyone who calls for the destruction or elimination of Israel IS a Neanderthal and it doesn't matter if they have Ph.D's. Most Nazis were doctors, engineers and chemists, and they were still Neanderthals. I don't know why they can't use that education for constructive, rather than destructive, purposes.
:clap: :clap:
he calls people Neanderthals and cleary implies that I am a bigot and you want me to appologize? Are you saying he's not the former 76 Virgin Camels?

Anyone who calls for the destruction or elimination of Israel IS a Neanderthal and it doesn't matter if they have Ph.D's. Most Nazis were doctors, engineers and chemists, and they were still Neanderthals. I don't know why they can't use that education for constructive, rather than destructive, purposes.
:clap: :clap:

You mean like:

Baruch Kopel Goldstein (Hebrew: ברוך קופל גולדשטיין*; December 9, 1956 – February 25, 1994) was an American-born Israeli physician and mass murderer who perpetrated the 1994 Cave of the Patriarchs massacre in the city of Hebron, killing 29 Palestinian Muslim worshipers and wounding another 125.[2][3]

The Israeli government condemned the massacre and responded by arresting followers of Meir Kahane, forbidding certain settlers from entering Arab towns and demanding that those settlers turn in their army-issued rifles.[4] Goldstein was denounced by mainstream Orthodox Judaism[5] and was widely described as insane by Israelis.[6]

Goldstein's gravesite became a pilgrimage site for Jewish extremists.[7] In 1999, after the passing of Israeli legislation outlawing monuments to terrorists, the Israeli army dismantled the shrine that had been built to Goldstein at the site of his interment.[8]
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Now post a list of Palestinian Extremists who have murdered people face to face.

I estimate it will take about 3 pages
Anyone who calls for the destruction or elimination of Israel IS a Neanderthal and it doesn't matter if they have Ph.D's. Most Nazis were doctors, engineers and chemists, and they were still Neanderthals. I don't know why they can't use that education for constructive, rather than destructive, purposes.
:clap: :clap:

You mean like:

Baruch Goldstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Baruch Kopel Goldstein (Hebrew: ברוך קופל גולדשטיין*; December 9, 1956 – February 25, 1994) was an American-born Israeli physician and mass murderer who perpetrated the 1994 Cave of the Patriarchs massacre in the city of Hebron, killing 29 Palestinian Muslim worshipers and wounding another 125.[2][3]

The Israeli government condemned the massacre and responded by arresting followers of Meir Kahane, forbidding certain settlers from entering Arab towns and demanding that those settlers turn in their army-issued rifles.[4] Goldstein was denounced by mainstream Orthodox Judaism[5] and was widely described as insane by Israelis.[6]

Goldstein's gravesite became a pilgrimage site for Jewish extremists.[7] In 1999, after the passing of Israeli legislation outlawing monuments to terrorists, the Israeli army dismantled the shrine that had been built to Goldstein at the site of his interment.[8]
It is so pathetic when you see people like Phillip drag up Goldstein once again when he is really not admired by the majority of Jews. It would be nice if people like Phillip told the entire story about Goldstein -- how he tried to warn the police of an attack by the Muslims, but they didn't listen to him. After he had to perform an autopsy on his best friend (with his friend's testicles shoved down his throat a la Arab style), he wrongly took matters into his own hands. However, there were weapons found in the mosque. If only the police had listened to Goldstein, these Muslims would still be alive and Goldstein wouldn't be mentioned on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites.
Yet you have not ONCE showed me anything that would suggest that I'm a bigot

Just bullshit repetitive accusations. As a matter of fact, is there a pro - Israeli here that you HAVEN'T called a bigot , bigot ??

And Seal, for the last fuckin time , you are well known as the official I/P forum bigot !! Therefore, you have no right to accuse others of bigotry. It just doesn't work like that. What part about that don't you understand ?

i have shown you plenty. you are just in a complete state of denial. what about all those "drunk irish" remarks.

ok, who exactly knows me as the official I/P forum bigot. i wasn't even aware that there was such a thing. also, it seems you have a difficult time providing proof of my bigotry while i have no problem providing proof of your lies, and have done so in the past.

what is hilarious about these recent spate of threads is that you folk go on and on and on for months on end calling people "anti-semites", and on the very same posts where you demean palestinians/arabs/muslims as beasts and savages and animals and go so far as to advocate their genocide but whenever you get a little bit of it back, you wilt. you squeal like poked pigs and divert from any honest discussion on the subject and resort to nothing bit insult as above. at least say something of substance along with your name calling.

How soon we forget the anti - semitic spree you went on that day, calling me a money grubbing Jew. Then when I called you out on it , you denied it and you deleted the post. You were in complete denial. Like a little fooking child.
I will admit that I did say something to you of that nature. AFTER you went on the anti - semitic rampage.
I have nothing against Irish people. As a matter of fact, I know one Irish person who I used to be friends with.

guilt and denial go hand in hand. it strikes me as very strange that you do not quote these horrible posts i make in your responses to them, as you manage to quote this one. i smell a pathologically lying rat with an histrionic personality disorder.

lol...for your next act, can you say "some of my best friends are negroes."

i don't really post much on the threads that go to the badlands but your and roudy's denigration of the irish has not gone unnoticed by me, as well as your out of context lie about hezbollah, and not to mention the roman catholic collar on the distasteful and cruel picture and yet, no "anti-semitic tirade" from me. i have a very high BS saturation point. keep it up though. you two may get there.

now excuse me, but you are beginning to bore me so say what you will about me while i ignore you.
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i have shown you plenty. you are just in a complete state of denial. what about all those "drunk irish" remarks.

ok, who exactly knows me as the official I/P forum bigot. i wasn't even aware that there was such a thing. also, it seems you have a difficult time providing proof of my bigotry while i have no problem providing proof of your lies, and have done so in the past.

what is hilarious about these recent spate of threads is that you folk go on and on and on for months on end calling people "anti-semites", and on the very same posts where you demean palestinians/arabs/muslims as beasts and savages and animals and go so far as to advocate their genocide but whenever you get a little bit of it back, you wilt. you squeal like poked pigs and divert from any honest discussion on the subject and resort to nothing bit insult as above. at least say something of substance along with your name calling.

How soon we forget the anti - semitic spree you went on that day, calling me a money grubbing Jew. Then when I called you out on it , you denied it and you deleted the post. You were in complete denial. Like a little fooking child.
I will admit that I did say something to you of that nature. AFTER you went on the anti - semitic rampage.
I have nothing against Irish people. As a matter of fact, I know one Irish person who I used to be friends with.

guilt and denial go hand in hand. it strikes me as very strange that you do not quote these horrible posts i make in your responses to them, as you manage to quote this one. i smell a pathologically lying rat with an histrionic personality disorder.

lol...for your next act, can you say "some of my best friends are negroes."

i don't really post much on the threads that go to the badlands but your and roudy's denigration of the irish has not gone unnoticed by me, as well as your out of context lie about hezbollah, and not to mention the roman catholic collar on the distasteful and cruel picture and yet, no "anti-semitic tirade" from me. i have a very high BS saturation point. keep it up though. you two may get there.

now excuse me, but you are beginning to bore me so say what you will about me while i ignore you.

What lie about Hezbollah ??

'Ireland leads opposition to blacklisting Hezbollah' | JPost | Israel News

LOL poor you, can't even accept the truth about your own people !

You think you're fooling anyone Seal ?? You know VERY WELL what you called me several months ago, and you know very well you deleted your post, you lying monkey. You constant denial makes you look like a 10 year old kid, my goodness. Grow up for fook sakes !

As for ignoring me, I'm not surprised , you simply can't accept the fact that I'm exposing you for who, or what you are. A lying scumbag lowlife bigot. You can deny it all you want, but you know very well I am not the only poster to accuse you of going on an anti - semitic rampage. Just because you deny it, doesn't mean it didn't happen...

But seriously, I cannot believe I am arguing with a grown man, who denies what he posted. You are a massive massive massive fookin coward. and so full of shit. Really, I cannot think of a better way to describe you then full of shit :lol:

The good news is you have still retained your title as the /P forum bigot, no one can take that from you, coward :lol:
Did I mention that you cannot accept the truth about the Irish and Hezbollah, crybaby !

Here it is one more time for you bigot:

'Ireland leads opposition to blacklisting Hezbollah' | JPost | Israel News

I still cannot believe you are in denial about those "money grubbin Jew' comments you made. Wow, denial like a little child. You should be ashamed of yourself for not manning up, really.
Grow some balls bigot boy :cool:

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