The DANGEROUS ESCALATION of Online Censorship

I agree, the internet is in serious danger of being censored from all angles; it was bad enough when it was just hosting companies restricting free speech. Now we have domain name registrars restricting free speech as well (yea I am talking about stormfront) Down side is it's already too late.

At some point you lefty fools are going to be burned, your going to say something off the cuff (and I've been here long enough to see some of the horrid things you folks say) and boom you'll be shut down, your favorite site will be removed, your social media posts edited or deleted, accounts closed, etc. You don't care now because you think the censors are on "your side," but what's "okay" and "censorable" will change over time, it always does. Laugh it up while it's still funny to you because once it starts going away, it's going to disappear really fast and before you know it we might as well live in North Korea or Russia where there is no freedom of speech on the internet and only "approved" information is allowed out for public consumption.

You can already see the devastating effects this kind of shit has; stop visiting any other information site on the web, get all your news from the MSM and then come back here to this site (which actually does pretty good at giving news from all fronts) and realize what you've missed. I get that you want to hate President Trump, so all the MSM's bullshit with him is "okay" in your book because it feeds your dislike of him, but at some point you folks will open your eyes and realize that letting the media pick your president for you isn't very smart at all - and yes, that is exactly what is going on, and why we suddenly have a rash of right side view points being scoured from the internet (because President Trump proved without a doubt that the internet could get around the media's stranglehold on public opinion.)

I feel damned sorry for you "wool blinded" sheep who cannot see the slaughterhouse on the other side of the pasture. On the other hand, you won't even know whats happening until it's too late and you find your muzzles taped up so you can't complain about it being your turn. ~shrug~
I agree, the internet is in serious danger of being censored from all angles; it was bad enough when it was just hosting companies restricting free speech. Now we have domain name registrars restricting free speech as well (yea I am talking about stormfront) Down side is it's already too late.

At some point you lefty fools are going to be burned, your going to say something off the cuff (and I've been here long enough to see some of the horrid things you folks say) and boom you'll be shut down, your favorite site will be removed, your social media posts edited or deleted, accounts closed, etc. You don't care now because you think the censors are on "your side," but what's "okay" and "censorable" will change over time, it always does. Laugh it up while it's still funny to you because once it starts going away, it's going to disappear really fast and before you know it we might as well live in North Korea or Russia where there is no freedom of speech on the internet and only "approved" information is allowed out for public consumption.

You can already see the devastating effects this kind of shit has; stop visiting any other information site on the web, get all your news from the MSM and then come back here to this site (which actually does pretty good at giving news from all fronts) and realize what you've missed. I get that you want to hate President Trump, so all the MSM's bullshit with him is "okay" in your book because it feeds your dislike of him, but at some point you folks will open your eyes and realize that letting the media pick your president for you isn't very smart at all - and yes, that is exactly what is going on, and why we suddenly have a rash of right side view points being scoured from the internet (because President Trump proved without a doubt that the internet could get around the media's stranglehold on public opinion.)

I feel damned sorry for you "wool blinded" sheep who cannot see the slaughterhouse on the other side of the pasture. On the other hand, you won't even know whats happening until it's too late and you find your muzzles taped up so you can't complain about it being your turn. ~shrug~

Very well said, bravo.
I agree, the internet is in serious danger of being censored from all angles; it was bad enough when it was just hosting companies restricting free speech. Now we have domain name registrars restricting free speech as well (yea I am talking about stormfront) Down side is it's already too late.

At some point you lefty fools are going to be burned, your going to say something off the cuff (and I've been here long enough to see some of the horrid things you folks say) and boom you'll be shut down, your favorite site will be removed, your social media posts edited or deleted, accounts closed, etc. You don't care now because you think the censors are on "your side," but what's "okay" and "censorable" will change over time, it always does. Laugh it up while it's still funny to you because once it starts going away, it's going to disappear really fast and before you know it we might as well live in North Korea or Russia where there is no freedom of speech on the internet and only "approved" information is allowed out for public consumption.

You can already see the devastating effects this kind of shit has; stop visiting any other information site on the web, get all your news from the MSM and then come back here to this site (which actually does pretty good at giving news from all fronts) and realize what you've missed. I get that you want to hate President Trump, so all the MSM's bullshit with him is "okay" in your book because it feeds your dislike of him, but at some point you folks will open your eyes and realize that letting the media pick your president for you isn't very smart at all - and yes, that is exactly what is going on, and why we suddenly have a rash of right side view points being scoured from the internet (because President Trump proved without a doubt that the internet could get around the media's stranglehold on public opinion.)

I feel damned sorry for you "wool blinded" sheep who cannot see the slaughterhouse on the other side of the pasture. On the other hand, you won't even know whats happening until it's too late and you find your muzzles taped up so you can't complain about it being your turn. ~shrug~
No, you folks who use your privilege of free speech to spread hate for fellow Americans are the ones who blew your chance, fouled your own nest. No one is going to take away a reasonable person's freedom of speech. You have no right to broadcast your views internationally because they denigrate and demean whole groups of people unfairly. Maybe that's okay some places, but I'm glad that hosting company booted Stormfront off and I hope they don't find another to host them. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
I agree, the internet is in serious danger of being censored from all angles; it was bad enough when it was just hosting companies restricting free speech. Now we have domain name registrars restricting free speech as well (yea I am talking about stormfront) Down side is it's already too late.

At some point you lefty fools are going to be burned, your going to say something off the cuff (and I've been here long enough to see some of the horrid things you folks say) and boom you'll be shut down, your favorite site will be removed, your social media posts edited or deleted, accounts closed, etc. You don't care now because you think the censors are on "your side," but what's "okay" and "censorable" will change over time, it always does. Laugh it up while it's still funny to you because once it starts going away, it's going to disappear really fast and before you know it we might as well live in North Korea or Russia where there is no freedom of speech on the internet and only "approved" information is allowed out for public consumption.

You can already see the devastating effects this kind of shit has; stop visiting any other information site on the web, get all your news from the MSM and then come back here to this site (which actually does pretty good at giving news from all fronts) and realize what you've missed. I get that you want to hate President Trump, so all the MSM's bullshit with him is "okay" in your book because it feeds your dislike of him, but at some point you folks will open your eyes and realize that letting the media pick your president for you isn't very smart at all - and yes, that is exactly what is going on, and why we suddenly have a rash of right side view points being scoured from the internet (because President Trump proved without a doubt that the internet could get around the media's stranglehold on public opinion.)

I feel damned sorry for you "wool blinded" sheep who cannot see the slaughterhouse on the other side of the pasture. On the other hand, you won't even know whats happening until it's too late and you find your muzzles taped up so you can't complain about it being your turn. ~shrug~
No, you folks who use your privilege of free speech to spread hate for fellow Americans are the ones who blew your chance, fouled your own nest. No one is going to take away a reasonable person's freedom of speech. You have no right to broadcast your views internationally because they denigrate and demean whole groups of people unfairly. Maybe that's okay some places, but I'm glad that hosting company booted Stormfront off and I hope they don't find another to host them. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Wait, you mean like the way 'you folks' spread your hate for the President of the United States? Or Trump supporters? Or the alt-right? Or religious folks?

Trust me the tables will turn at some point and you won't like being on the receiving end of it any more than us right lean's do. Its okay though little sheep, chew your cud some more...
I have nothing against Jews. I am friends with plenty of them on Kikebook. :lol:

As long as you're not using GoySpace.

I had no idea the term I used was even a thing until last week. People are such assholes. lol

I don't mind people being arseholes. Most arseholes are harmless. But, I'd appreciate them more if they were clever arseholes. Kikebook isn't even a clever pastiche.

Instead of doing your usual Trolling threads to personally attack people with the aim to derail threads, how about you stick to the topic of the OP?

The censorship on both Facebook and Twitter is a disgrace.

EG. On Facebook and Twitter someone can comment "Please someone shoot Trump" and this is considered okay, but if someone comments "Fuck Islam" that's not considered okay and it's censored.

Now instead of being a One Trick Pony respond to this, either that or take your buttocks back to the Israel/Palestine section and gibber your One Trick Pony gibberish there.
this thread, any minute now:
View attachment 147034

You only joined the other day, the majority of members give new people a chance and most people would agree that Facebook and Twitter etc are a disgrace with their Anti-Free Speech and Anti-Free Thought positions.

Also when confronted with a Troll it's best to ignore, don't Troll the Troll, just ignore it.
I agree, the internet is in serious danger of being censored from all angles; it was bad enough when it was just hosting companies restricting free speech. Now we have domain name registrars restricting free speech as well (yea I am talking about stormfront) Down side is it's already too late.

At some point you lefty fools are going to be burned, your going to say something off the cuff (and I've been here long enough to see some of the horrid things you folks say) and boom you'll be shut down, your favorite site will be removed, your social media posts edited or deleted, accounts closed, etc. You don't care now because you think the censors are on "your side," but what's "okay" and "censorable" will change over time, it always does. Laugh it up while it's still funny to you because once it starts going away, it's going to disappear really fast and before you know it we might as well live in North Korea or Russia where there is no freedom of speech on the internet and only "approved" information is allowed out for public consumption.

You can already see the devastating effects this kind of shit has; stop visiting any other information site on the web, get all your news from the MSM and then come back here to this site (which actually does pretty good at giving news from all fronts) and realize what you've missed. I get that you want to hate President Trump, so all the MSM's bullshit with him is "okay" in your book because it feeds your dislike of him, but at some point you folks will open your eyes and realize that letting the media pick your president for you isn't very smart at all - and yes, that is exactly what is going on, and why we suddenly have a rash of right side view points being scoured from the internet (because President Trump proved without a doubt that the internet could get around the media's stranglehold on public opinion.)

I feel damned sorry for you "wool blinded" sheep who cannot see the slaughterhouse on the other side of the pasture. On the other hand, you won't even know whats happening until it's too late and you find your muzzles taped up so you can't complain about it being your turn. ~shrug~
No, you folks who use your privilege of free speech to spread hate for fellow Americans are the ones who blew your chance, fouled your own nest. No one is going to take away a reasonable person's freedom of speech. You have no right to broadcast your views internationally because they denigrate and demean whole groups of people unfairly. Maybe that's okay some places, but I'm glad that hosting company booted Stormfront off and I hope they don't find another to host them. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Wait, you mean like the way 'you folks' spread your hate for the President of the United States? Or Trump supporters? Or the alt-right? Or religious folks?

Trust me the tables will turn at some point and you won't like being on the receiving end of it any more than us right lean's do. Its okay though little sheep, chew your cud some more...

It proves how stupid these weirdos are that they can't envision a downside to all of this. They're in for a rude awakening. Normal Americans who aren't particularly invested in politics and don't post on message boards outnumber them by a huge margin and are slowly realizing their rights are under assault and they won't stand for it.
this thread, any minute now:
View attachment 147034

You only joined the other day, the majority of members give new people a chance and most people would agree that Facebook and Twitter etc are a disgrace with their Anti-Free Speech and Anti-Free Thought positions.

Also when confronted with a Troll it's best to ignore, don't Troll the Troll, just ignore it.

I forgot that you could block people on message boards, it's been years since I used one. I've already set a few of these degenerates to ignore.
I agree, the internet is in serious danger of being censored from all angles; it was bad enough when it was just hosting companies restricting free speech. Now we have domain name registrars restricting free speech as well (yea I am talking about stormfront) Down side is it's already too late.

At some point you lefty fools are going to be burned, your going to say something off the cuff (and I've been here long enough to see some of the horrid things you folks say) and boom you'll be shut down, your favorite site will be removed, your social media posts edited or deleted, accounts closed, etc. You don't care now because you think the censors are on "your side," but what's "okay" and "censorable" will change over time, it always does. Laugh it up while it's still funny to you because once it starts going away, it's going to disappear really fast and before you know it we might as well live in North Korea or Russia where there is no freedom of speech on the internet and only "approved" information is allowed out for public consumption.

You can already see the devastating effects this kind of shit has; stop visiting any other information site on the web, get all your news from the MSM and then come back here to this site (which actually does pretty good at giving news from all fronts) and realize what you've missed. I get that you want to hate President Trump, so all the MSM's bullshit with him is "okay" in your book because it feeds your dislike of him, but at some point you folks will open your eyes and realize that letting the media pick your president for you isn't very smart at all - and yes, that is exactly what is going on, and why we suddenly have a rash of right side view points being scoured from the internet (because President Trump proved without a doubt that the internet could get around the media's stranglehold on public opinion.)

I feel damned sorry for you "wool blinded" sheep who cannot see the slaughterhouse on the other side of the pasture. On the other hand, you won't even know whats happening until it's too late and you find your muzzles taped up so you can't complain about it being your turn. ~shrug~
No, you folks who use your privilege of free speech to spread hate for fellow Americans are the ones who blew your chance, fouled your own nest. No one is going to take away a reasonable person's freedom of speech. You have no right to broadcast your views internationally because they denigrate and demean whole groups of people unfairly. Maybe that's okay some places, but I'm glad that hosting company booted Stormfront off and I hope they don't find another to host them. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Wait, you mean like the way 'you folks' spread your hate for the President of the United States? Or Trump supporters? Or the alt-right? Or religious folks?

Trust me the tables will turn at some point and you won't like being on the receiving end of it any more than us right lean's do. Its okay though little sheep, chew your cud some more...
Political arguments are not the same as racial and religious bigotry. Disagreeing over abortion or how the President conducts himself does not equal "hate speech." It can get pretty ugly, I agree, though.
I agree, the internet is in serious danger of being censored from all angles; it was bad enough when it was just hosting companies restricting free speech. Now we have domain name registrars restricting free speech as well (yea I am talking about stormfront) Down side is it's already too late.

At some point you lefty fools are going to be burned, your going to say something off the cuff (and I've been here long enough to see some of the horrid things you folks say) and boom you'll be shut down, your favorite site will be removed, your social media posts edited or deleted, accounts closed, etc. You don't care now because you think the censors are on "your side," but what's "okay" and "censorable" will change over time, it always does. Laugh it up while it's still funny to you because once it starts going away, it's going to disappear really fast and before you know it we might as well live in North Korea or Russia where there is no freedom of speech on the internet and only "approved" information is allowed out for public consumption.

You can already see the devastating effects this kind of shit has; stop visiting any other information site on the web, get all your news from the MSM and then come back here to this site (which actually does pretty good at giving news from all fronts) and realize what you've missed. I get that you want to hate President Trump, so all the MSM's bullshit with him is "okay" in your book because it feeds your dislike of him, but at some point you folks will open your eyes and realize that letting the media pick your president for you isn't very smart at all - and yes, that is exactly what is going on, and why we suddenly have a rash of right side view points being scoured from the internet (because President Trump proved without a doubt that the internet could get around the media's stranglehold on public opinion.)

I feel damned sorry for you "wool blinded" sheep who cannot see the slaughterhouse on the other side of the pasture. On the other hand, you won't even know whats happening until it's too late and you find your muzzles taped up so you can't complain about it being your turn. ~shrug~
No, you folks who use your privilege of free speech to spread hate for fellow Americans are the ones who blew your chance, fouled your own nest. No one is going to take away a reasonable person's freedom of speech. You have no right to broadcast your views internationally because they denigrate and demean whole groups of people unfairly. Maybe that's okay some places, but I'm glad that hosting company booted Stormfront off and I hope they don't find another to host them. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Wait, you mean like the way 'you folks' spread your hate for the President of the United States? Or Trump supporters? Or the alt-right? Or religious folks?

Trust me the tables will turn at some point and you won't like being on the receiving end of it any more than us right lean's do. Its okay though little sheep, chew your cud some more...
Political arguments are not the same as racial and religious bigotry. Disagreeing over abortion or how the President conducts himself does not equal "hate speech." It can get pretty ugly, I agree, though.

"Political arguments are not the same as racial and religious bigotry."

BLM supporters can state "Kill All White People", "Death to Whitey", "The only good White person is a dead one"

The God Haters can post "Fuck Jesus", "Death to Christians"

This is acceptable it does not get censorsed, actually it's actively encouraged. The above is Hate Speech.
this thread, any minute now:
View attachment 147034

You only joined the other day, the majority of members give new people a chance and most people would agree that Facebook and Twitter etc are a disgrace with their Anti-Free Speech and Anti-Free Thought positions.

Also when confronted with a Troll it's best to ignore, don't Troll the Troll, just ignore it.

I forgot that you could block people on message boards, it's been years since I used one. I've already set a few of these degenerates to ignore.
Why did you give yourself such a name?
I don't agree that giving the heave ho to Stormfront will in some way damage my right of free speech. Every individual who used that website is still free to speak his/her mind and they can publish a newsletter or mag same as they used to and they can individually go on sites like this one and speak their mind freely. They can hold conferences and rallies (I suggest not outside for a bit) same as they've always done. I think it's lovely that only their members are going to hear their poison, not disturbed or vulnerable folks who could be "recruited" from anywhere to this absolutely disgusting organization.
I agree, the internet is in serious danger of being censored from all angles; it was bad enough when it was just hosting companies restricting free speech. Now we have domain name registrars restricting free speech as well (yea I am talking about stormfront) Down side is it's already too late.

At some point you lefty fools are going to be burned, your going to say something off the cuff (and I've been here long enough to see some of the horrid things you folks say) and boom you'll be shut down, your favorite site will be removed, your social media posts edited or deleted, accounts closed, etc. You don't care now because you think the censors are on "your side," but what's "okay" and "censorable" will change over time, it always does. Laugh it up while it's still funny to you because once it starts going away, it's going to disappear really fast and before you know it we might as well live in North Korea or Russia where there is no freedom of speech on the internet and only "approved" information is allowed out for public consumption.

You can already see the devastating effects this kind of shit has; stop visiting any other information site on the web, get all your news from the MSM and then come back here to this site (which actually does pretty good at giving news from all fronts) and realize what you've missed. I get that you want to hate President Trump, so all the MSM's bullshit with him is "okay" in your book because it feeds your dislike of him, but at some point you folks will open your eyes and realize that letting the media pick your president for you isn't very smart at all - and yes, that is exactly what is going on, and why we suddenly have a rash of right side view points being scoured from the internet (because President Trump proved without a doubt that the internet could get around the media's stranglehold on public opinion.)

I feel damned sorry for you "wool blinded" sheep who cannot see the slaughterhouse on the other side of the pasture. On the other hand, you won't even know whats happening until it's too late and you find your muzzles taped up so you can't complain about it being your turn. ~shrug~
No, you folks who use your privilege of free speech to spread hate for fellow Americans are the ones who blew your chance, fouled your own nest. No one is going to take away a reasonable person's freedom of speech. You have no right to broadcast your views internationally because they denigrate and demean whole groups of people unfairly. Maybe that's okay some places, but I'm glad that hosting company booted Stormfront off and I hope they don't find another to host them. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Till its your turn... And someone decides to silence the liberal filth, that you,and your ilk issue forth... Then you'll be singing a different tune. And no one will hear it.
No, you folks who use your privilege of free speech to spread hate for fellow Americans are the ones who blew your chance, fouled your own nest. No one is going to take away a reasonable person's freedom of speech. You have no right to broadcast your views internationally because they denigrate and demean whole groups of people unfairly. Maybe that's okay some places, but I'm glad that hosting company booted Stormfront off and I hope they don't find another to host them. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

You don't seem to reek quite as pungently as some of the others so I'll keep you unblocked for now. But you're still wrong. You don't even know what sort of content is being censored. Black Pigeon on youtube is the furthest thing from a hatemonger, his commentary is insightful, nuanced and well-researched. You're missing out by refusing to open your mind to alternative viewpoints. It's sad, really.
I agree, the internet is in serious danger of being censored from all angles; it was bad enough when it was just hosting companies restricting free speech. Now we have domain name registrars restricting free speech as well (yea I am talking about stormfront) Down side is it's already too late.

At some point you lefty fools are going to be burned, your going to say something off the cuff (and I've been here long enough to see some of the horrid things you folks say) and boom you'll be shut down, your favorite site will be removed, your social media posts edited or deleted, accounts closed, etc. You don't care now because you think the censors are on "your side," but what's "okay" and "censorable" will change over time, it always does. Laugh it up while it's still funny to you because once it starts going away, it's going to disappear really fast and before you know it we might as well live in North Korea or Russia where there is no freedom of speech on the internet and only "approved" information is allowed out for public consumption.

You can already see the devastating effects this kind of shit has; stop visiting any other information site on the web, get all your news from the MSM and then come back here to this site (which actually does pretty good at giving news from all fronts) and realize what you've missed. I get that you want to hate President Trump, so all the MSM's bullshit with him is "okay" in your book because it feeds your dislike of him, but at some point you folks will open your eyes and realize that letting the media pick your president for you isn't very smart at all - and yes, that is exactly what is going on, and why we suddenly have a rash of right side view points being scoured from the internet (because President Trump proved without a doubt that the internet could get around the media's stranglehold on public opinion.)

I feel damned sorry for you "wool blinded" sheep who cannot see the slaughterhouse on the other side of the pasture. On the other hand, you won't even know whats happening until it's too late and you find your muzzles taped up so you can't complain about it being your turn. ~shrug~
No, you folks who use your privilege of free speech to spread hate for fellow Americans are the ones who blew your chance, fouled your own nest. No one is going to take away a reasonable person's freedom of speech. You have no right to broadcast your views internationally because they denigrate and demean whole groups of people unfairly. Maybe that's okay some places, but I'm glad that hosting company booted Stormfront off and I hope they don't find another to host them. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Till its your turn... And someone decides to silence the liberal filth, that you,and your ilk issue forth... Then you'll be singing a different tune. And no one will hear it.

Exactly that is their ultimate objective to shut EVERYONE down, this is taken right from the playbook of how the Soviet Union under Stalin and Lavrentiy Beria operated, it's also how North Korea operates.
this thread, any minute now:
View attachment 147034

You only joined the other day, the majority of members give new people a chance and most people would agree that Facebook and Twitter etc are a disgrace with their Anti-Free Speech and Anti-Free Thought positions.

Also when confronted with a Troll it's best to ignore, don't Troll the Troll, just ignore it.

I forgot that you could block people on message boards, it's been years since I used one. I've already set a few of these degenerates to ignore.
Why did you give yourself such a name?
I don't agree that giving the heave ho to Stormfront will in some way damage my right of free speech. Every individual who used that website is still free to speak his/her mind and they can publish a newsletter or mag same as they used to and they can individually go on sites like this one and speak their mind freely. They can hold conferences and rallies (I suggest not outside for a bit) same as they've always done. I think it's lovely that only their members are going to hear their poison, not disturbed or vulnerable folks who could be "recruited" from anywhere to this absolutely disgusting organization.
Replace Stormfront with liberals; and many would agree with you. That's the point you pretend not to get. But you will... The pendulum swings both ways after all. Then we'll see how indifferent you are to the silencing of opinions.

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