The DANGEROUS ESCALATION of Online Censorship

I have nothing against Jews. I am friends with plenty of them on Kikebook. :lol:

As long as you're not using GoySpace.

I had no idea the term I used was even a thing until last week. People are such assholes. lol

I don't mind people being arseholes. Most arseholes are harmless. But, I'd appreciate them more if they were clever arseholes. Kikebook isn't even a clever pastiche.
this thread, any minute now:
shut it down.jpg
Internet censorship is like the phone company cutting off your line because they didn't like a conversation you had. The government should regulate google and it's ilk as they would a public utility.

NO. Government should not "regulate" free speech.

First you say you're against censorship and then you say you want censorship.

Read the First Amendment and then get back under your rock.
NO. Government should not "regulate" free speech.

First you say you're against censorship and then you say you want censorship.

Read the First Amendment and then get back under your rock.

Idiot, the internet is a public utility like the phone service and broadcast tv and needs regulations because corporations should not have the power to repress the first amendment. If it was a bunch of conservative christians censoring your homosexual pornography you'd be crying right now.
Internet censorship is like the phone company cutting off your line because they didn't like a conversation you had. The government should regulate google and it's ilk as they would a public utility.

This goes right over the heads of libtards, they're a little to retarded to see how it effects them too.
Ass kissers think they are immune lmao just like Hitler's brown shirts and they were the first ones he took out bahahha.

Not surprising that you're in favor of government control of what you read.

And "hitler's brown shirts"? Which is it? You want a N Korea and Russia type government or not?

Do you ever THINK before you type?
Not surprising that you're in favor of government control of what you read.

And "hitler's brown shirts"? Which is it? You want a N Korea and Russia type government or not?

Do you ever THINK before you type?

You'd rather unelected corporate CEOs to make the decision for you. Broadcast tv was regulated to PROTECT free speech, not repress it. Stop being a fucking idiot.
I'm not a friggin' anti semite....geeze

Here's a direct quote from one of your posts ...

'Jewish people in general have divided loyalties when it comes to the nation of their birth and Israel, have deeply rooted animosity towards european (aka white) people, are a tiny minority in America yet exert considerable influence in our government, media and intellectual institutions in this so-called representative republic.'

But, hey! You're not an antisemite.
Where was the "anti" in that quote?
NO. Government should not "regulate" free speech.

First you say you're against censorship and then you say you want censorship.

Read the First Amendment and then get back under your rock.

Idiot, the internet is a public utility like the phone service and broadcast tv and needs regulations because corporations should not have the power to repress the first amendment. If it was a bunch of conservative christians censoring your homosexual pornography you'd be crying right now.

The Internet is a public utility and as sun is regulated for equality of access and price competition.

However, service providers such as Google, Facebook, and thousands of others are private entities that no one is forced to use and, as such, require no utility-style regulations.
The Internet is a public utility and as sun is regulated for equality of access and price competition.

However, service providers such as Google, Facebook, and thousands of others are private entities that no one is forced to use and, as such, require no utility-style regulations.

You dumb fucks didn't even watch the video, because you don't want to hear opinions you don't like, and you'd prefer nobody else could either. Unreasonable, irrational, and blatantly un-american. This sets a dangerous precedent.
The Internet is a public utility and as sun is regulated for equality of access and price competition.

However, service providers such as Google, Facebook, and thousands of others are private entities that no one is forced to use and, as such, require no utility-style regulations.

You dumb fucks didn't even watch the video, because you don't want to hear opinions you don't like, and you'd prefer nobody else could either. Unreasonable, irrational, and blatantly un-american. This sets a dangerous precedent.
Lol you braindead morons never present anything remotely resembling a coherent counter argument.
Not surprising that you're in favor of government control of what you read.

And "hitler's brown shirts"? Which is it? You want a N Korea and Russia type government or not?

Do you ever THINK before you type?

You'd rather unelected corporate CEOs to make the decision for you. Broadcast tv was regulated to PROTECT free speech, not repress it. Stop being a fucking idiot.
Virtually every aspect of our lives is legislated by CEOs.
Not surprising that you're in favor of government control of what you read.

And "hitler's brown shirts"? Which is it? You want a N Korea and Russia type government or not?

Do you ever THINK before you type?

You'd rather unelected corporate CEOs to make the decision for you. Broadcast tv was regulated to PROTECT free speech, not repress it. Stop being a fucking idiot.
Virtually every aspect of our lives is legislated by CEOs.
Now now, you can use just plain old baking soda to brush your teeth like Granny did, but no one will want to kiss you afterwards...
My bet is that ^^ also wants an end to net neutrality.

Then, a few years from now, he'll be blaming the left for censoring the InterWebs.

If the OP does not like a site, he COULD simplyt click away from it.

That's a lot for these alt right traitors to remember though.

This forum is full of cancer. Won't be sticking around here long, then you can go back to your liberal circle jerk.
It's very telling that this forum is overrun with leftist scum during working hours. Don't you think it's time you get a job and leave mommy's basement?

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