The Dangers of Whitewashing Black History


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
One sided historical perceptions of whites passed off as fact must end.

One sided historical perceptions of whites passed off as fact must end.

The day IM2 thinks about something other than how much he hates whitey is the day the Original Titanic will rise from the ocean floor and finish it's voyage to America without a single passenger lost. Hold your breath.
Have you, the OP, ever started a thread that wasn’t about the color of your skin? I’m just curious.

Have you ever been really good friends with a black man and spent a day walking in his shoes?

If you woke up every morning, and when you stepped out the door, you had to be alert, and had to live with fear and dread when you entered certain areas of the city, or interacted with certain businesses in certain ways, if you didn't dress or talk the right way, it would be on your mind constantly as well.

You will sort of feel like you are living in an occupied nation.

If we do not try to understand one another, one day, we could all end up feeling this same way.
One sided historical perceptions of whites passed off as fact must end.

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Rosa Parks, Civil Rights Activist.jpg

POVERTY toya graham .jpg

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*
The best thing Blacks could do is to stop judging a man by his skin color before judging his character.....

. . . and that sir, is all they really want from whites.

This may be the case with some blacks and maybe even most blacks. But, based on personal experiences and experiences relayed to me by other whites, it is not the case with all blacks.
If you woke up every morning, and when you stepped out the door, you had to be alert, and had to live with fear and dread when you entered certain areas of the city, or interacted with certain businesses in certain ways, if you didn't dress or talk the right way, it would be on your mind constantly as well.

Hello, Mister B. It seems to me you could be describing a black American citizen choosing to peacefully pursue his or her own unique vision for L, L, (Love) and Happiness...

...yet when interacting with other black Americans could be viewed as acting "too white" or engaging in so-called 'white people behaviors."

Sadly, large numbers of responsible citizens, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, live with FEAR that fellow black or African American citizens will ostracize, bully, harass, intimidate and sometimes threaten violence against peaceful citizens choosing to pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) and Happiness.

Dr. Umar Johnson Ph.D, Dr. Boyce Watkins Ph.D, Dr. Shonna Etienne.jpg


Bullied black Alabama girl, 9, commits suicide after classmates taunted her for having a white friend

Girl, 9, Takes Her Own Life After Being Relentlessly Teased By Other Melaninated Youth!

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Have you, the OP, ever started a thread that wasn’t about the color of your skin? I’m just curious.

Have you ever been really good friends with a black man and spent a day walking in his shoes?

If you woke up every morning, and when you stepped out the door, you had to be alert, and had to live with fear and dread when you entered certain areas of the city, or interacted with certain businesses in certain ways, if you didn't dress or talk the right way, it would be on your mind constantly as well.

You will sort of feel like you are living in an occupied nation.

If we do not try to understand one another, one day, we could all end up feeling this same way.
yes--I agree
blacks murder over eight other blacks every DAY
blacks murder at 4 times the rate of whites
blacks commit sexual assault and hate crimes at over twice the rate of whites
commit crime at much higher rates
I sure would fear/dread/be cautious around other blacks/blacks also
If you woke up every morning, and when you stepped out the door, you had to be alert, and had to live with fear and dread when you entered certain areas of the city, or interacted with certain businesses in certain ways, if you didn't dress or talk the right way, it would be on your mind constantly as well.

Hello, Mister B. It seems to me you could be describing a black American citizen choosing to peacefully pursue his or her own unique vision for L, L, (Love) and Happiness...

...yet when interacting with other black Americans could be viewed as acting "too white" or engaging in so-called 'white people behaviors."

Sadly, large numbers of responsible citizens, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, live with FEAR that fellow black or African American citizens will ostracize, bully, harass, intimidate and sometimes threaten violence against peaceful citizens choosing to pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) and Happiness.


Just the reverse actually.

I am describing black Americans acting how they do. Just being themselves in their communities. Then, they go into white communities and neighborhoods, not bothering to "front" or put on an ulterior demeanor to make whites feel safer.

Inevitably, this makes the authorities, or the establishment, white ladies, what have you, call the fuzz, security etc. on folks, just for being who they are.
Have you, the OP, ever started a thread that wasn’t about the color of your skin? I’m just curious.

Have you ever been really good friends with a black man and spent a day walking in his shoes?

If you woke up every morning, and when you stepped out the door, you had to be alert, and had to live with fear and dread when you entered certain areas of the city, or interacted with certain businesses in certain ways, if you didn't dress or talk the right way, it would be on your mind constantly as well.

You will sort of feel like you are living in an occupied nation.

If we do not try to understand one another, one day, we could all end up feeling this same way.
yes--I agree
blacks murder over eight other blacks every DAY
blacks murder at 4 times the rate of whites
blacks commit sexual assault and hate crimes at over twice the rate of whites
commit crime at much higher rates
I sure would fear/dread/be cautious around other blacks/blacks also

Yeah, I know.

Shit is unreal.

Whites would probably have similar statistics if the taxes they paid to cops weren't used for policing either.

Cops disproportionately police white communities and neglect poor communities.

The free market then determines that folks need to band together to form protection against criminals. GANGS. There you have your result.

You ever make friends with gang members? I have. Nice folks. You don't want to fuck with them though.

That has nothing to do with race silly. If you think it does, YOU are the racist. It has to do with poverty and the establishment giving preferential treatment to the upper and middle class neighborhoods.

Tell me, which demographic has the most economic disadvantages?

However, THAT is not what I am talking about. What I am talking about is the irrational fear that the white establishment stereo types the black man with, persecutes him, and then suffers no consequence after the innocent is persecuted.

#BankingWhileBlack: Bank Calls Cops on Man Because His Paycheck Was Too High

". . . . One black man tried to go into a bank and conduct a legitimate transaction. He went through all the steps required by the bank. And not only would they not cash his check, but they also called the police, leading one to safely assume they thought Paul was a criminal. That is the only answer. The po-lice. The law. The “authorities.”

When the police arrived, with McCowns handcuffed in the back of the patrol car, cops were able to reach his employer. The employer then verified that the check was for the correct amount, the Brooklyn Police Department confirmed.

“My employer said, ‘Yes, he works for me, he just started and, yes, my payroll company does pay him that much,’” McCowns said.

McCowns said he was able to cash the check the next day at another location. Meanwhile, Huntington Branch has apologized for their error.

We sincerely apologize to Mr. McCowns for this extremely unfortunate event. We accept responsibility for contacting the police as well as our own interactions with Mr. McCowns. Anyone who walks into a Huntington branch should feel welcomed. Regrettably, that did not occur in this instance and we are very sorry. We hold ourselves accountable to the highest ethical standards in how we operate, hire and train colleagues, and interact with the communities we have the privilege of serving.

Now, to the most important part of this story. It is obvious that since Paul gave them two forms of identification and offered his fingerprints, that the bank wasn’t questioning his identity. First of all, who carries two forms of identification? Unless I’m traveling outside of the country, I don’t even have two forms of ID unless you count the picture on the back of my Costco card, and that shit is so grainy because they still use dot-matrix printers.

They also couldn’t have been questioning the legitimacy of the check because they were obviously able to pull up the account on the computer screen and had the employer’s number.

Therefore, if they could confirm McCowns’ identity and the check, then they could only have been questioning the amount of the check. So guess how much this big check was that almost bankrupted the Huntington Bank branch? Guess how much this evil supergenius tried to scam Huntington Bank into opening the vaults and throwing all of the money into a duffel bag? Guess how much Paul’s check was written for?

A little more than $1,000.

“It was highly embarrassing,” said McCown. “Highly embarrassing.”

If you think they would have called the police on a white man, you’re lying to yourself. If you think they do this to every customer, you are crazy. . . . "

I've had black friends in a conservative white community. This type of shit happens all the time. If you are white, you just don't get it.
Have you, the OP, ever started a thread that wasn’t about the color of your skin? I’m just curious.

Have you ever been really good friends with a black man and spent a day walking in his shoes?

If you woke up every morning, and when you stepped out the door, you had to be alert, and had to live with fear and dread when you entered certain areas of the city, or interacted with certain businesses in certain ways, if you didn't dress or talk the right way, it would be on your mind constantly as well.

You will sort of feel like you are living in an occupied nation.

If we do not try to understand one another, one day, we could all end up feeling this same way.
yes--I agree
blacks murder over eight other blacks every DAY
blacks murder at 4 times the rate of whites
blacks commit sexual assault and hate crimes at over twice the rate of whites
commit crime at much higher rates
I sure would fear/dread/be cautious around other blacks/blacks also

Yeah, I know.

Shit is unreal.

Whites would probably have similar statistics if the taxes they paid to cops weren't used for policing either.

Cops disproportionately police white communities and neglect poor communities.

The free market then determines that folks need to band together to form protection against criminals. GANGS. There you have your result.

You ever make friends with gang members? I have. Nice folks. You don't want to fuck with them though.

That has nothing to do with race silly. If you think it does, YOU are the racist. It has to do with poverty and the establishment giving preferential treatment to the upper and middle class neighborhoods.

Tell me, which demographic has the most economic disadvantages?

However, THAT is not what I am talking about. What I am talking about is the irrational fear that the white establishment stereo types the black man with, persecutes him, and then suffers no consequence after the innocent is persecuted.

#BankingWhileBlack: Bank Calls Cops on Man Because His Paycheck Was Too High

". . . . One black man tried to go into a bank and conduct a legitimate transaction. He went through all the steps required by the bank. And not only would they not cash his check, but they also called the police, leading one to safely assume they thought Paul was a criminal. That is the only answer. The po-lice. The law. The “authorities.”

When the police arrived, with McCowns handcuffed in the back of the patrol car, cops were able to reach his employer. The employer then verified that the check was for the correct amount, the Brooklyn Police Department confirmed.

“My employer said, ‘Yes, he works for me, he just started and, yes, my payroll company does pay him that much,’” McCowns said.

McCowns said he was able to cash the check the next day at another location. Meanwhile, Huntington Branch has apologized for their error.

We sincerely apologize to Mr. McCowns for this extremely unfortunate event. We accept responsibility for contacting the police as well as our own interactions with Mr. McCowns. Anyone who walks into a Huntington branch should feel welcomed. Regrettably, that did not occur in this instance and we are very sorry. We hold ourselves accountable to the highest ethical standards in how we operate, hire and train colleagues, and interact with the communities we have the privilege of serving.

Now, to the most important part of this story. It is obvious that since Paul gave them two forms of identification and offered his fingerprints, that the bank wasn’t questioning his identity. First of all, who carries two forms of identification? Unless I’m traveling outside of the country, I don’t even have two forms of ID unless you count the picture on the back of my Costco card, and that shit is so grainy because they still use dot-matrix printers.

They also couldn’t have been questioning the legitimacy of the check because they were obviously able to pull up the account on the computer screen and had the employer’s number.

Therefore, if they could confirm McCowns’ identity and the check, then they could only have been questioning the amount of the check. So guess how much this big check was that almost bankrupted the Huntington Bank branch? Guess how much this evil supergenius tried to scam Huntington Bank into opening the vaults and throwing all of the money into a duffel bag? Guess how much Paul’s check was written for?

A little more than $1,000.

“It was highly embarrassing,” said McCown. “Highly embarrassing.”

If you think they would have called the police on a white man, you’re lying to yourself. If you think they do this to every customer, you are crazy. . . . "

I've had black friends in a conservative white community. This type of shit happens all the time. If you are white, you just don't get it.
but blacks commit violent crime at higher rates
more of the violent crime is committed by blacks
so the cops should go where the crime rate is lower??

Whites would probably have similar statistics if the taxes they paid to cops weren't used for policing either.
...where I live, the majority of the crime and murders are in the black area--this is backed up by the statistics/facts
...and what crime is in the white areas, the blacks commit a disproportionate amount of that..we just had some jackass black shoot at a clerk and this was a white area

establishment giving preferential treatment to the upper and middle class neighborhoods.
ALL whites make $100,000,000 per year...........
ALL whites don't have to work
ALL whites get ANY job they want
Have you, the OP, ever started a thread that wasn’t about the color of your skin? I’m just curious.

Have you ever been really good friends with a black man and spent a day walking in his shoes?

If you woke up every morning, and when you stepped out the door, you had to be alert, and had to live with fear and dread when you entered certain areas of the city, or interacted with certain businesses in certain ways, if you didn't dress or talk the right way, it would be on your mind constantly as well.

You will sort of feel like you are living in an occupied nation.

If we do not try to understand one another, one day, we could all end up feeling this same way.
yes--I agree
blacks murder over eight other blacks every DAY
blacks murder at 4 times the rate of whites
blacks commit sexual assault and hate crimes at over twice the rate of whites
commit crime at much higher rates
I sure would fear/dread/be cautious around other blacks/blacks also

Yeah, I know.

Shit is unreal.

Whites would probably have similar statistics if the taxes they paid to cops weren't used for policing either.

Cops disproportionately police white communities and neglect poor communities.

The free market then determines that folks need to band together to form protection against criminals. GANGS. There you have your result.

You ever make friends with gang members? I have. Nice folks. You don't want to fuck with them though.

That has nothing to do with race silly. If you think it does, YOU are the racist. It has to do with poverty and the establishment giving preferential treatment to the upper and middle class neighborhoods.

Tell me, which demographic has the most economic disadvantages?

However, THAT is not what I am talking about. What I am talking about is the irrational fear that the white establishment stereo types the black man with, persecutes him, and then suffers no consequence after the innocent is persecuted.

#BankingWhileBlack: Bank Calls Cops on Man Because His Paycheck Was Too High

". . . . One black man tried to go into a bank and conduct a legitimate transaction. He went through all the steps required by the bank. And not only would they not cash his check, but they also called the police, leading one to safely assume they thought Paul was a criminal. That is the only answer. The po-lice. The law. The “authorities.”

When the police arrived, with McCowns handcuffed in the back of the patrol car, cops were able to reach his employer. The employer then verified that the check was for the correct amount, the Brooklyn Police Department confirmed.

“My employer said, ‘Yes, he works for me, he just started and, yes, my payroll company does pay him that much,’” McCowns said.

McCowns said he was able to cash the check the next day at another location. Meanwhile, Huntington Branch has apologized for their error.

We sincerely apologize to Mr. McCowns for this extremely unfortunate event. We accept responsibility for contacting the police as well as our own interactions with Mr. McCowns. Anyone who walks into a Huntington branch should feel welcomed. Regrettably, that did not occur in this instance and we are very sorry. We hold ourselves accountable to the highest ethical standards in how we operate, hire and train colleagues, and interact with the communities we have the privilege of serving.

Now, to the most important part of this story. It is obvious that since Paul gave them two forms of identification and offered his fingerprints, that the bank wasn’t questioning his identity. First of all, who carries two forms of identification? Unless I’m traveling outside of the country, I don’t even have two forms of ID unless you count the picture on the back of my Costco card, and that shit is so grainy because they still use dot-matrix printers.

They also couldn’t have been questioning the legitimacy of the check because they were obviously able to pull up the account on the computer screen and had the employer’s number.

Therefore, if they could confirm McCowns’ identity and the check, then they could only have been questioning the amount of the check. So guess how much this big check was that almost bankrupted the Huntington Bank branch? Guess how much this evil supergenius tried to scam Huntington Bank into opening the vaults and throwing all of the money into a duffel bag? Guess how much Paul’s check was written for?

A little more than $1,000.

“It was highly embarrassing,” said McCown. “Highly embarrassing.”

If you think they would have called the police on a white man, you’re lying to yourself. If you think they do this to every customer, you are crazy. . . . "

I've had black friends in a conservative white community. This type of shit happens all the time. If you are white, you just don't get it.
Tracking Chicago homicide victims
Sally Kohn: 'White men account for 69 percent of those arrested for violent crimes'
Have you, the OP, ever started a thread that wasn’t about the color of your skin? I’m just curious.

Have you ever been really good friends with a black man and spent a day walking in his shoes?

If you woke up every morning, and when you stepped out the door, you had to be alert, and had to live with fear and dread when you entered certain areas of the city, or interacted with certain businesses in certain ways, if you didn't dress or talk the right way, it would be on your mind constantly as well.

You will sort of feel like you are living in an occupied nation.

If we do not try to understand one another, one day, we could all end up feeling this same way.
yes--I agree
blacks murder over eight other blacks every DAY
blacks murder at 4 times the rate of whites
blacks commit sexual assault and hate crimes at over twice the rate of whites
commit crime at much higher rates
I sure would fear/dread/be cautious around other blacks/blacks also

Yeah, I know.

Shit is unreal.

Whites would probably have similar statistics if the taxes they paid to cops weren't used for policing either.

Cops disproportionately police white communities and neglect poor communities.

The free market then determines that folks need to band together to form protection against criminals. GANGS. There you have your result.

You ever make friends with gang members? I have. Nice folks. You don't want to fuck with them though.

That has nothing to do with race silly. If you think it does, YOU are the racist. It has to do with poverty and the establishment giving preferential treatment to the upper and middle class neighborhoods.

Tell me, which demographic has the most economic disadvantages?

However, THAT is not what I am talking about. What I am talking about is the irrational fear that the white establishment stereo types the black man with, persecutes him, and then suffers no consequence after the innocent is persecuted.

#BankingWhileBlack: Bank Calls Cops on Man Because His Paycheck Was Too High

". . . . One black man tried to go into a bank and conduct a legitimate transaction. He went through all the steps required by the bank. And not only would they not cash his check, but they also called the police, leading one to safely assume they thought Paul was a criminal. That is the only answer. The po-lice. The law. The “authorities.”

When the police arrived, with McCowns handcuffed in the back of the patrol car, cops were able to reach his employer. The employer then verified that the check was for the correct amount, the Brooklyn Police Department confirmed.

“My employer said, ‘Yes, he works for me, he just started and, yes, my payroll company does pay him that much,’” McCowns said.

McCowns said he was able to cash the check the next day at another location. Meanwhile, Huntington Branch has apologized for their error.

We sincerely apologize to Mr. McCowns for this extremely unfortunate event. We accept responsibility for contacting the police as well as our own interactions with Mr. McCowns. Anyone who walks into a Huntington branch should feel welcomed. Regrettably, that did not occur in this instance and we are very sorry. We hold ourselves accountable to the highest ethical standards in how we operate, hire and train colleagues, and interact with the communities we have the privilege of serving.

Now, to the most important part of this story. It is obvious that since Paul gave them two forms of identification and offered his fingerprints, that the bank wasn’t questioning his identity. First of all, who carries two forms of identification? Unless I’m traveling outside of the country, I don’t even have two forms of ID unless you count the picture on the back of my Costco card, and that shit is so grainy because they still use dot-matrix printers.

They also couldn’t have been questioning the legitimacy of the check because they were obviously able to pull up the account on the computer screen and had the employer’s number.

Therefore, if they could confirm McCowns’ identity and the check, then they could only have been questioning the amount of the check. So guess how much this big check was that almost bankrupted the Huntington Bank branch? Guess how much this evil supergenius tried to scam Huntington Bank into opening the vaults and throwing all of the money into a duffel bag? Guess how much Paul’s check was written for?

A little more than $1,000.

“It was highly embarrassing,” said McCown. “Highly embarrassing.”

If you think they would have called the police on a white man, you’re lying to yourself. If you think they do this to every customer, you are crazy. . . . "

I've had black friends in a conservative white community. This type of shit happens all the time. If you are white, you just don't get it.
I was stopped THREE times by cops--I am white
while I was biking home from work, which I did almost every day
biking to work which I did almost everyday
WALKING to work
yes, stopped by a cop for WALKING to work
WHITE mother shot while holding a baby/WHITE boy shot by cops:
Ruby Ridge - Wikipedia
WHITES FALSELY accused and arrested:
Duke lacrosse case - Wikipedia

...the BLACKS commit more crime at much higher rates and you whine because they get treated unfairly at HIGHER rates?????!!!!
you people did NOT graduate from 4th grade math
Have you, the OP, ever started a thread that wasn’t about the color of your skin? I’m just curious.

Have you ever been really good friends with a black man and spent a day walking in his shoes?

If you woke up every morning, and when you stepped out the door, you had to be alert, and had to live with fear and dread when you entered certain areas of the city, or interacted with certain businesses in certain ways, if you didn't dress or talk the right way, it would be on your mind constantly as well.

You will sort of feel like you are living in an occupied nation.

If we do not try to understand one another, one day, we could all end up feeling this same way.
yes--I agree
blacks murder over eight other blacks every DAY
blacks murder at 4 times the rate of whites
blacks commit sexual assault and hate crimes at over twice the rate of whites
commit crime at much higher rates
I sure would fear/dread/be cautious around other blacks/blacks also

Yeah, I know.

Shit is unreal.

Whites would probably have similar statistics if the taxes they paid to cops weren't used for policing either.

Cops disproportionately police white communities and neglect poor communities.

The free market then determines that folks need to band together to form protection against criminals. GANGS. There you have your result.

You ever make friends with gang members? I have. Nice folks. You don't want to fuck with them though.

That has nothing to do with race silly. If you think it does, YOU are the racist. It has to do with poverty and the establishment giving preferential treatment to the upper and middle class neighborhoods.

Tell me, which demographic has the most economic disadvantages?

However, THAT is not what I am talking about. What I am talking about is the irrational fear that the white establishment stereo types the black man with, persecutes him, and then suffers no consequence after the innocent is persecuted.

#BankingWhileBlack: Bank Calls Cops on Man Because His Paycheck Was Too High

". . . . One black man tried to go into a bank and conduct a legitimate transaction. He went through all the steps required by the bank. And not only would they not cash his check, but they also called the police, leading one to safely assume they thought Paul was a criminal. That is the only answer. The po-lice. The law. The “authorities.”

When the police arrived, with McCowns handcuffed in the back of the patrol car, cops were able to reach his employer. The employer then verified that the check was for the correct amount, the Brooklyn Police Department confirmed.

“My employer said, ‘Yes, he works for me, he just started and, yes, my payroll company does pay him that much,’” McCowns said.

McCowns said he was able to cash the check the next day at another location. Meanwhile, Huntington Branch has apologized for their error.

We sincerely apologize to Mr. McCowns for this extremely unfortunate event. We accept responsibility for contacting the police as well as our own interactions with Mr. McCowns. Anyone who walks into a Huntington branch should feel welcomed. Regrettably, that did not occur in this instance and we are very sorry. We hold ourselves accountable to the highest ethical standards in how we operate, hire and train colleagues, and interact with the communities we have the privilege of serving.

Now, to the most important part of this story. It is obvious that since Paul gave them two forms of identification and offered his fingerprints, that the bank wasn’t questioning his identity. First of all, who carries two forms of identification? Unless I’m traveling outside of the country, I don’t even have two forms of ID unless you count the picture on the back of my Costco card, and that shit is so grainy because they still use dot-matrix printers.

They also couldn’t have been questioning the legitimacy of the check because they were obviously able to pull up the account on the computer screen and had the employer’s number.

Therefore, if they could confirm McCowns’ identity and the check, then they could only have been questioning the amount of the check. So guess how much this big check was that almost bankrupted the Huntington Bank branch? Guess how much this evil supergenius tried to scam Huntington Bank into opening the vaults and throwing all of the money into a duffel bag? Guess how much Paul’s check was written for?

A little more than $1,000.

“It was highly embarrassing,” said McCown. “Highly embarrassing.”

If you think they would have called the police on a white man, you’re lying to yourself. If you think they do this to every customer, you are crazy. . . . "

I've had black friends in a conservative white community. This type of shit happens all the time. If you are white, you just don't get it.
and my brother-in-law with friends were going fishing one time so they met at his work
....the cops gave them trouble, even though he had a passcard for the building they were meeting by --they were just WAITING there!!!
don't give me shit about whites not getting harassed by cops
MisterBeale replied to Avery, "I am describing black Americans acting how they do. Just being themselves in their communities.

Then, they go into white communities and neighborhoods, not bothering to "front" or put on an ulterior demeanor to make whites feel safer".

Mister. B., could you be more specific, briefly describing typical black American behaviors that are acceptable in black American communities....yet may cause non-black Americans to experience concerns for their SAFETY?


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