The Darkest Day of the Year.


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Have you been able to put 9/11 in the past?

I struggle to get through the day on September 11..I dread it's arrival weeks in advance.

It seems like everyone I know has been able to put the emotional toll of 9-11-2001 in a box and lock it away.

I haven't watched the 9-11 footage since 9-11, but it replays on a loop in my minds eye, especially today.

I feel the incredulity again, the surrealism...adjectives fail me, but I think most of you understand that tragedy isn't a strong enough word, that no word in any language can sum up what we all felt...

I suppose what I'm trying to say is...I remember...

We remember today...


Share your 9/11 stories here if you wish...
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Have you been able to put 9/11 in the past?

I struggle to get through the day on September 11..I dread it's arrival weeks in advance.

It seems like everyone I know has been able to put the emotional toll of 9-11-2001 in a box and lock it away.

I haven't watched the 9-11 footage since 9-11, but it replays on a loop in my minds eye, especially today.

I feel the incredulity again, the surrealism...adjectives fail me, but I think most of you understand that tragedy isn't a strong enough word, that no word in any language can sum up what we all felt...

I suppose what I'm trying to say is...I remember...

We remember today...


Share your 9/11 stories here if you wish...

one of the odd things that i remember is the skies being

devoid of any aircraft
I remember the carpet guys laying the new carpet and I was sitting on the stairs looking at the tv that was on over in the corner on the tile floor out of the way when the first broadcast came on. The confusion of the reporters, the second plane, the shock. The carpet guys stopped laying the carpet and we all sat on the floor and watched..gasping.

No, I will never forget. Ever. And I won't "move on" either.
I remember the carpet guys laying the new carpet and I was sitting on the stairs looking at the tv that was on over in the corner on the tile floor out of the way when the first broadcast came on. The confusion of the reporters, the second plane, the shock. The carpet guys stopped laying the carpet and we all sat on the floor and watched..gasping.

No, I will never forget. Ever. And I won't "move on" either.

i was delivering a trailer of pallets i stepped inside the office to drop off my invoice

and the gal at the counter said a plane just hit the world trade center

she had a tv on and about that time a 2nd plane hit

the owner of the business

came out of his office we all watched in dis belief
Have you been able to put 9/11 in the past?

I struggle to get through the day on September 11..I dread it's arrival weeks in advance.

It seems like everyone I know has been able to put the emotional toll of 9-11-2001 in a box and lock it away.

I haven't watched the 9-11 footage since 9-11, but it replays on a loop in my minds eye, especially today.

I feel the incredulity again, the surrealism...adjectives fail me, but I think most of you understand that tragedy isn't a strong enough word, that no word in any language can sum up what we all felt...

I suppose what I'm trying to say is...I remember...

We remember today...


Share your 9/11 stories here if you wish...

one of the odd things that i remember is the skies being

devoid of any aircraft

I remember the Fighter Jets patrolling the shies over my home. I remember the smell of death when the wind carried it in my direction. I remember when the Police Precincts barricaded the streets around the Precincts themselves. I remember twice in my life when NYC was locked down, this was the first time.
I remember the Funerals.
FDNY Online Memorial
it was a day like and sunny....i was painting some boards to keep them from checking when hubby called...he told me a plane has hit the wtc...laughing...i ask how fucking stupid does a pilot have to be to hit the biggest building in nyc....i was thinking it was an accident....he told me to go inside and watch tv....they think its terrorist...the rest of the day is a blur of planes and buildings and the terror of nyc...we all went to johnson city to give blood and were turned away....there were already hundreds in line

i remember the overwhelming need to account for all my loved ones...not just to hear their voices but to touch them.....
I got up early that morning and drove to the sales office of my local cable company because I wanted to change my service.

As I walked into the store, I noticed that every one of the big screen TV's lining the walls were on the same channel, and everyone in the store was fixated on the picture of a burning skyscraper.

So I stopped and joined the growing crowd of viewers and heard the newscaster say that a jetliner had flown into the World Trade Center in NY.

After a few minutes I got bored with watching a building burn and started to walk away.

When.......Bam!!! .... a second jetliner smashed into the other tower; and there was an audible gasp from the large crowd of onlookers.

Then one man broke the stunned silence and said, "They have done it again!!".

I immediately knew what "They" he was referring to.

And that things in my community were going to get crazy really fast. .. :cool:
We had a habit of listening to Howard Stern in our office......we were glued to the speakers like it was the 1940's. That guy was masterful that morning. Some things I remember saying that day:

"Those mother fuckers!"
"This shit stops NOW!"
"Go get em' George!" "No Mercy"

Late that night.....sitting outside with my kids after watching that fucking video loop so many times that is was seared into my memory.....I cried trying to explain what was going on....I was so angry. That was the first time any of them had seen me shed tears. I remember thinking how glad I was to be there with them....they were scared.

Three weeks later I resigned my position as national sales manger so I could spend more time at home and with them. Life changing.
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My wife was flying to Washington (though NYC) that morning.

I did not know until about 2PM if she was involved in the disaster.
My wife was flying to Washington (though NYC) that morning.

I did not know until about 2PM if she was involved in the disaster.

That must have been horrible. We had a friend who was a Navy Intell Officer at the Pentagon. We did not find out for about 4 days that she survived. But several of her enlisted personnel did not.
Lying in bed, sound asleep, awakening to a long-distance phone call from my soon-to-be hubby, telling me to get up QUICK and turn on the TV. I did and felt the surrealistic horror the rest of America did, on that fateful day. I thought at first it HAD to be a movie.

The next few days I worked with a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach.

And today, I think about that day, 12 years ago, and one year ago, on this date, Benghazi and the unanswered questions America is still waiting upon.
My husband was in Florida visiting his mother. We had no idea when he would be able to come home. All flights were cancelled. He was supposed to come back on the 12th.

What I remember most is my middle eastern clients all stopping by to personally deliver condolences. Then they called back, to report on one another that no one meant it and they all reported that not them, but the others were secretly happy.
I had just settled back from getting my oldest off to kindergarten that husband had the tv on and that's when we heard of the first plane had hit one of the twin towers...we sat there in complete disbelief when we witnessed live, the second plane hitting...

the silence of that day from having everything grounded had an eeriness to it I could not, and still can not, explain.

I think it was the days, and weeks following that I remember most though...the unity, the humbleness of strangers, the show of true American Spirit...the love.

And, now...look at us.
I came in earlier than normal to perform a survey.

I remember walking thru the cafeteria where they have TV's etc. on the way to the FAB when I heard a blurb about a plane hitting, at the time I didn't think a lot of it, friggin huge pilot error etc....

So I went on up, got my team together, we were gowning up to go into the cleanroom when a guy who had just left came in saying a plane had hit the second Twin Tower...I was like, 1 each? no way, thats not an accident...but what? a few others had just rolled into work and didn't even know there had been a first plane.....we went on in started our survey .

After an hour and a half or so, we noticed it was just us in the cleanroom, I could not find any process techs, vendor techs., shift supervisor one, I grabbed a radio and called for an emergency response team member, asked for a radio check, a guy comes back at me, "dude, we're all in the cafeteria, wtf are you doing up there? the shits hit the fan"...we gowned out , went to the cafeteria, it was about 10:30, 10:45 Eastern by that time ...and, it was on......
I was at work when my boss started yelling.

Of course we all headed to his office where his TV was on. I couldn't believe what the fuck I was seeing.

At first we thought it was an accident but then the second plane hit and we all knew it was terrorism.

I started off with just a feeling horror at what I was seeing which morfed into absolute rage. That rage against those jihadist dirtbags has never and will never leave.

I will never forget 9-11.
Have you been able to put 9/11 in the past?

I struggle to get through the day on September 11..I dread it's arrival weeks in advance.

It seems like everyone I know has been able to put the emotional toll of 9-11-2001 in a box and lock it away.

I haven't watched the 9-11 footage since 9-11, but it replays on a loop in my minds eye, especially today.

I feel the incredulity again, the surrealism...adjectives fail me, but I think most of you understand that tragedy isn't a strong enough word, that no word in any language can sum up what we all felt...

I suppose what I'm trying to say is...I remember...

We remember today...


Share your 9/11 stories here if you wish...

one of the odd things that i remember is the skies being

devoid of any aircraft

This video still blows my mind...

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