The daunting challenge for Dems is they are facing........


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
..........relentless efforts by Repubs to suppress the votes of likely Dem voters by a variety of means, an EC that is disproportionately representative of small, conservative rural states, America’s democracy is failing. Here’s why.

and a Trumpian constituency immune to the ignorance, immorality, criminality, corruption, and epic dishonesty of their Dear Leader.

I mean, how do you convince someone of be kind let's say inappropriate..........inappropriate it was for Don to say what he said on the Zelensky call when a large % of The Following still sees nothing wrong with it? Even after about 1/2 dozen Repub senators essentially admitted publicly (more privately) the House managers proved their case. Lamar Alexander says House proved Trump withheld aid to pressure Ukraine - Axios

How do you convince them, when empirical data isn't enough, that the Trump economy...........achieved by taking a 2ish % GDP growth economy.........and temporarily juicing it with a tax cut that has greatly increased the not an economic miracle, it's Keynesian policy with no regard for debt? Mulvaney Admits GOP Doesn't Care About Bloated Deficit Under Millionaire-Friendly Trump

How do you convince them that repealing the ACA without a replacement is both reckless and irresponsible.........not to mention harmful to a portion of the public's well being..............when they've been fed lies about the ACA since its inception? 3 years in, no sign of Trump's replacement for Obamacare

Or that while the prez has the constitutional authority to get involved in the criminal case of a friend it is antithetical to how our system of justice is designed to work? Bill Barr Must Resign

Or that the reason the Liar-in-Chief uses Twitter isn't as much to get his unfiltered message out as it is to avoid the scrutiny of the press who would surely call him out on the hundreds of lies he tells when he tweets? How many impeachment lies can you find in this Trump tweet?
The daunting challenge for Dems is they want to RULE OVER the "commoners" they despise.

They call us deplorable, racist, bigot, homophobe, islamiphobe, xenophobe and claim to "REPRESENT" us.

They not only call us the "fly over" states...but that's what they actually believe us to be!

They wish to be the ruling elite and would do away with all elections if it wasn't for the second amendment!
..........relentless efforts by Repubs to suppress the votes of likely Dem voters by a variety of means, an EC that is disproportionately representative of small, conservative rural states, America’s democracy is failing. Here’s why.

and a Trumpian constituency immune to the ignorance, immorality, criminality, corruption, and epic dishonesty of their Dear Leader.

I mean, how do you convince someone of be kind let's say inappropriate..........inappropriate it was for Don to say what he said on the Zelensky call when a large % of The Following still sees nothing wrong with it? Even after about 1/2 dozen Repub senators essentially admitted publicly (more privately) the House managers proved their case. Lamar Alexander says House proved Trump withheld aid to pressure Ukraine - Axios

How do you convince them, when empirical data isn't enough, that the Trump economy...........achieved by taking a 2ish % GDP growth economy.........and temporarily juicing it with a tax cut that has greatly increased the not an economic miracle, it's Keynesian policy with no regard for debt? Mulvaney Admits GOP Doesn't Care About Bloated Deficit Under Millionaire-Friendly Trump

How do you convince them that repealing the ACA without a replacement is both reckless and irresponsible.........not to mention harmful to a portion of the public's well being..............when they've been fed lies about the ACA since its inception? 3 years in, no sign of Trump's replacement for Obamacare

Or that while the prez has the constitutional authority to get involved in the criminal case of a friend it is antithetical to how our system of justice is designed to work? Bill Barr Must Resign

Or that the reason the Liar-in-Chief uses Twitter isn't as much to get his unfiltered message out as it is to avoid the scrutiny of the press who would surely call him out on the hundreds of lies he tells when he tweets? How many impeachment lies can you find in this Trump tweet?
The daunting challenge for Dems is they want to RULE OVER the "commoners" they despise.

They call us deplorable, racist, bigot, homophobe, islamiphobe, xenophobe and claim to "REPRESENT" us.

They not only call us the "fly over" states...but that's what they actually believe us to be!

They wish to be the ruling elite and would do away with all elections if it wasn't for the second amendment!
Oh poor you!

Mulvaney Admits GOP Doesn’t Care About Bloated Deficit Under Millionaire-Friendly Trump
Mulvaney Admits GOP Doesn't Care About Bloated Deficit Under Millionaire-Friendly Trump

Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said the quiet part out loud on Wednesday night.

Mulvaney reportedly admitted during a speech at an Oxford Union event in Britain that today’s Republican Party doesn’t honestly care about curtailing the now-staggering deficit when it comes to their preferred policies, according to an audio tape obtained by the Washington Post.

“My party is very interested in deficits when there is a Democrat in the White House,” the acting chief of staff said. “The worst thing in the whole world is deficits when Barack Obama was the President.”

“Then Donald Trump became president, and we’re a lot less interested as a party,” he continued.
..........relentless efforts by Repubs to suppress the votes of likely Dem voters by a variety of means, an EC that is disproportionately representative of small, conservative rural states, America’s democracy is failing. Here’s why.

and a Trumpian constituency immune to the ignorance, immorality, criminality, corruption, and epic dishonesty of their Dear Leader.

I mean, how do you convince someone of be kind let's say inappropriate..........inappropriate it was for Don to say what he said on the Zelensky call when a large % of The Following still sees nothing wrong with it? Even after about 1/2 dozen Repub senators essentially admitted publicly (more privately) the House managers proved their case. Lamar Alexander says House proved Trump withheld aid to pressure Ukraine - Axios

How do you convince them, when empirical data isn't enough, that the Trump economy...........achieved by taking a 2ish % GDP growth economy.........and temporarily juicing it with a tax cut that has greatly increased the not an economic miracle, it's Keynesian policy with no regard for debt? Mulvaney Admits GOP Doesn't Care About Bloated Deficit Under Millionaire-Friendly Trump

How do you convince them that repealing the ACA without a replacement is both reckless and irresponsible.........not to mention harmful to a portion of the public's well being..............when they've been fed lies about the ACA since its inception? 3 years in, no sign of Trump's replacement for Obamacare

Or that while the prez has the constitutional authority to get involved in the criminal case of a friend it is antithetical to how our system of justice is designed to work? Bill Barr Must Resign

Or that the reason the Liar-in-Chief uses Twitter isn't as much to get his unfiltered message out as it is to avoid the scrutiny of the press who would surely call him out on the hundreds of lies he tells when he tweets? How many impeachment lies can you find in this Trump tweet?
The only group that the Republicans are trying to prevent from voting are illegals, Felons, and dead people
How Many Impeachment Lies Can You Find in This Trump Tweet?
How many impeachment lies can you find in this Trump tweet?

After setting a personal record for most tweets in a single day, President Donald Trump was back on his favorite social media platform Thursday morning, tearing into Democrats, the impeachment trial, and billionaire presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg.

But one tweet stood out, because it was packed with so many brazen lies:

Donald J. Trump


The Democrat House would not give us lawyers, or not one witness, but now demand that the Republican Senate produce the witnesses that the House never sought, or even asked for? They had their chance, but pretended to rush. Most unfair & corrupt hearing in Congressional history!
Let’s break these down one-by-one.

  1. Trump lie: Democrats are now demanding “witnesses that the House never sought.” Earlier this week, Senate Democrats attempted to subpoena four Trump administration officials, including former national security adviser John Bolton and White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney. Senate Republicans blocked those efforts on party-line votes. House Democrats had requested testimony from all four of those officials during last year’s impeachment hearings, and all four refused to comply after the White House ordered them not to cooperate.
  2. Trump lie: House Democrats wouldn’t give us witnesses. The House called four witnesses that Republicans lawmakers—who were working in close coordination with the White House—requested: Kurt Volker, Tim Morrison, David Hale, and Jonathan Turley.
  3. Trump lie: House Democrats “would not give us lawyers.” In fact, the House Judiciary Committee invited both Trump and his legal defense team to participate in the proceedings but, surprise, they rejected the offer. “House Democrats have wasted enough of America’s time with this charade. You should end this inquiry now and not waste even more time with additional hearings,” White House counsel Pat Cipollone wrote in a December letter declining the invitation.
Trump’s Thursday morning tweet isn’t exactly a surprise. After all, his lawyers rattled off a host of lies during their appearances on the first day of the Senate impeachment trial. But it demonstrates the misinformation echo chamber both Trump and his allies are relying on to help them survive this historic trial.
Mulvaney Admits GOP Doesn’t Care About Bloated Deficit Under Millionaire-Friendly Trump
Mulvaney Admits GOP Doesn't Care About Bloated Deficit Under Millionaire-Friendly Trump

Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said the quiet part out loud on Wednesday night.

Mulvaney reportedly admitted during a speech at an Oxford Union event in Britain that today’s Republican Party doesn’t honestly care about curtailing the now-staggering deficit when it comes to their preferred policies, according to an audio tape obtained by the Washington Post.

“My party is very interested in deficits when there is a Democrat in the White House,” the acting chief of staff said. “The worst thing in the whole world is deficits when Barack Obama was the President.”

“Then Donald Trump became president, and we’re a lot less interested as a party,” he continued.
and what does your fake news report have to do with voter suppression?
Mulvaney Admits GOP Doesn’t Care About Bloated Deficit Under Millionaire-Friendly Trump
Mulvaney Admits GOP Doesn't Care About Bloated Deficit Under Millionaire-Friendly Trump

Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said the quiet part out loud on Wednesday night.

Mulvaney reportedly admitted during a speech at an Oxford Union event in Britain that today’s Republican Party doesn’t honestly care about curtailing the now-staggering deficit when it comes to their preferred policies, according to an audio tape obtained by the Washington Post.

“My party is very interested in deficits when there is a Democrat in the White House,” the acting chief of staff said. “The worst thing in the whole world is deficits when Barack Obama was the President.”

“Then Donald Trump became president, and we’re a lot less interested as a party,” he continued.
Dirty little secret: they never cared, and neither have the democrats.

But up whose asses do you have your head shoved?
How Many Impeachment Lies Can You Find in This Trump Tweet?
How many impeachment lies can you find in this Trump tweet?

After setting a personal record for most tweets in a single day, President Donald Trump was back on his favorite social media platform Thursday morning, tearing into Democrats, the impeachment trial, and billionaire presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg.

But one tweet stood out, because it was packed with so many brazen lies:

Donald J. Trump


The Democrat House would not give us lawyers, or not one witness, but now demand that the Republican Senate produce the witnesses that the House never sought, or even asked for? They had their chance, but pretended to rush. Most unfair & corrupt hearing in Congressional history!
Let’s break these down one-by-one.

  1. Trump lie: Democrats are now demanding “witnesses that the House never sought.” Earlier this week, Senate Democrats attempted to subpoena four Trump administration officials, including former national security adviser John Bolton and White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney. Senate Republicans blocked those efforts on party-line votes. House Democrats had requested testimony from all four of those officials during last year’s impeachment hearings, and all four refused to comply after the White House ordered them not to cooperate.
  2. Trump lie: House Democrats wouldn’t give us witnesses. The House called four witnesses that Republicans lawmakers—who were working in close coordination with the White House—requested: Kurt Volker, Tim Morrison, David Hale, and Jonathan Turley.
  3. Trump lie: House Democrats “would not give us lawyers.” In fact, the House Judiciary Committee invited both Trump and his legal defense team to participate in the proceedings but, surprise, they rejected the offer. “House Democrats have wasted enough of America’s time with this charade. You should end this inquiry now and not waste even more time with additional hearings,” White House counsel Pat Cipollone wrote in a December letter declining the invitation.
Trump’s Thursday morning tweet isn’t exactly a surprise. After all, his lawyers rattled off a host of lies during their appearances on the first day of the Senate impeachment trial. But it demonstrates the misinformation echo chamber both Trump and his allies are relying on to help them survive this historic trial.
when you come with lies no one has a need, to be honest to you asshole.
The left has already begun spinning the excuses for losing the 2020 elections. :auiqs.jpg:
Why are you Trumpette's so shy about addressing the facts laid out in the OP? Never mind, I already know, cuz they're facts that make you uncomfortable to admit.
The left has already begun spinning the excuses for losing the 2020 elections. :auiqs.jpg:
Why are you Trumpette's so shy about addressing the facts laid out in the OP? Never mind, I already know, cuz they're facts that make you uncomfortable to admit.
Why do they allow TDS influenced people access to computers in the nut ward?
How Many Impeachment Lies Can You Find in This Trump Tweet?
How many impeachment lies can you find in this Trump tweet?

After setting a personal record for most tweets in a single day, President Donald Trump was back on his favorite social media platform Thursday morning, tearing into Democrats, the impeachment trial, and billionaire presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg.

But one tweet stood out, because it was packed with so many brazen lies:

Donald J. Trump


The Democrat House would not give us lawyers, or not one witness, but now demand that the Republican Senate produce the witnesses that the House never sought, or even asked for? They had their chance, but pretended to rush. Most unfair & corrupt hearing in Congressional history!
Let’s break these down one-by-one.

  1. Trump lie: Democrats are now demanding “witnesses that the House never sought.” Earlier this week, Senate Democrats attempted to subpoena four Trump administration officials, including former national security adviser John Bolton and White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney. Senate Republicans blocked those efforts on party-line votes. House Democrats had requested testimony from all four of those officials during last year’s impeachment hearings, and all four refused to comply after the White House ordered them not to cooperate.
  2. Trump lie: House Democrats wouldn’t give us witnesses. The House called four witnesses that Republicans lawmakers—who were working in close coordination with the White House—requested: Kurt Volker, Tim Morrison, David Hale, and Jonathan Turley.
  3. Trump lie: House Democrats “would not give us lawyers.” In fact, the House Judiciary Committee invited both Trump and his legal defense team to participate in the proceedings but, surprise, they rejected the offer. “House Democrats have wasted enough of America’s time with this charade. You should end this inquiry now and not waste even more time with additional hearings,” White House counsel Pat Cipollone wrote in a December letter declining the invitation.
Trump’s Thursday morning tweet isn’t exactly a surprise. After all, his lawyers rattled off a host of lies during their appearances on the first day of the Senate impeachment trial. But it demonstrates the misinformation echo chamber both Trump and his allies are relying on to help them survive this historic trial.
when you come with lies no one has a need, to be honest to you asshole.
I'd ask if you'd like to try to prove your accusation but I suspect you are too much of a coward for that.
The left has already begun spinning the excuses for losing the 2020 elections. :auiqs.jpg:
Why are you Trumpette's so shy about addressing the facts laid out in the OP? Never mind, I already know, cuz they're facts that make you uncomfortable to admit.

With liberal control of 90% of print, cable, and televised media you people must REALLY suck at making a convincing argument. Or we just hate your guts and ignore anything you say, my money is on the latter.

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