The day will come when all liberals will have to submit to LGBT and "come out" as non-straight.

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And you hate Christians, everyone gets that.
You've got such a negative view of anyone different from you. It's sad.
That is obvious bullshit; he just has problems with fags and degenerates.
LOL, and you don't.
Nah, I dont have any problem with them at all, I just know them for the twisted perverted unnatural degenerates that they in truth are.

Liar, bigot, hypocrite.

This video is meant as a joke to commemorate "Coming Out Day," but it reflects a growing reality: If you are a liberal, it will soon be unacceptable to be straight. You will have to "come out" as anything but straight in order find social acceptance in liberal circles.

I have noticed a growing number of celebrities "coming out" and I'm beginning to think that many of them are lying, because it's really becoming "uncool" to be straight, and soon it will be actually detrimental to an entertainer's career to be straight.

And I've noticed that a growing number of liberals on this forum are "coming out" too, and I think many of them are also lying. If you're liberal and straight, you're just not "with it" anymore.

Pity you haven’t noticed that the thread premise is delusional idiocy.

All humor has an element of truth, or it wouldn't be funny. The liberals who write and produce Portlandia are more in tune with what's going on in liberal circles than I am. What they are saying in this skit is that young liberals are being pressured to find some sort of alternative to being straight. Note that they try really hard to talk the straight guy out of declaring himself to be straight, but he is a big guy and too slow to understand that being straight makes him "uncool" in their eyes.

Your obsession with ‘liberals’ is as wrong and as idiotic as your obsession with gays.

You see ‘enemies’ and ‘threats’ everywhere, when in fact neither exists.

It’s just the same tedious, boring, unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty common to most on the right, the social right in particular.

Tell us this bullshit when "leftwingwatch" sites pop up.

The paranoia and vitriol from the Democrats today is unparalleled, and you are finally starting to pay for it.
What's ironic is that in Castro's Cuba, homosexuals are sent to mental hospitals to be "cured," so leftism has not always been pro-LGBT. How did that happen? Because leftists and LGBT share the common goal of tearing down traditional institutions, like marriage, the family, religion, charities, anything that shields individuals from the all-powerful state.

One of the hall mark of totalitarian societies is that they attack homosexuals.

So Cuba's government has much in common with our Christian attacks on homosexuals.
Let the record reflect that I offered peace to Dhara and her LGBT friends, and she spurned my offer and threw in back in my face. Dhara, if anyone is a "hater" it is you.
liberals are deceitful back-stabbing, bloodsucking vampires. Don't trust them. They cannot peacefully coexist in a free society.k. And like the light defeats vampires, the light of Truth will defeat liberals.
Dhara, homosexuals are not celebrating their new found freedom, they are using it to get revenge on Christians. I offered a hand of peace from a Christian, and you spitefully slapped it away, telling me you're going to work for the day when heterosexual men are put in prison for getting their wives and girlfriends pregnant. I have no doubt you intend to fight for that, and once you revealed that to me, I realized that the LGBT agenda is approximately ten times as evil as I originally thought.

Today, there was a story in Vanity Fair complaining that Captain America is a "virile, heterosexual" man, as if that's a bad thing. So you people have already started the campaign to delegitimize heterosexual maleness. Since I am a heterosexual man myself, I have no choice but to fight you.

It appears to me the hand you were offering was the one you were using while you were slapping homosexuals in the face.

Here is what Dhara said-

Portlandia is very funny. As someone who lived in Portland for ten years it captures some of the silly aspects of poltical correctness.

It's too bad you don't understand that all the people you despise, the liberals, the gays are just like you. Human beings who want to be happy just like you do.

Good luck on your campaign to make more enemies than friends.


While it would make sense if homosexuals were looking for revenge against Christians, after hundreds of years of Christian persecution, the reality is of course- that your claims are idiotic.

There are some gays that are indeed anti-Christian. There are far more that are Christian.
And there are some Christians that are indeed anti-gay.

The LGBT agenda has always been about equality and fair treatment. A small Christian minority, such as yourself, equate that to 'revenge'
The thing is, I always see things coming from over the horizon before anyone else does. The attack on Captain America's "virile heterosexuality" was an attack on the notion that any man should be straight, and "flaunt" it.

Note, this is the same exact argument that heterosexuals have traditionally used on homosexuals, that they were ok with what they do in the bedroom, but they shouldn't "flaunt" it.

So this is payback, plain and simple. Which means, the LGBT movement is not declaring victory and making peace with its former enemies. What it is doing is planning a war to conquer new territory, to actually invade the world of heterosexuality and force them into the same defensive position that homosexuals were in for so many years. They want to make straights afraid of admitting they're straight, and afraid to show they're straight in public, and afraid of doing things that straights normally do, like kissing in public, or holding hands in the park.

So my offer of peace was doomed from the start. The LGBT radicals don't ever want peace with straights and Christians, they want sweet, sweet revenge, that they can serve cold like a Klingon.
Klingons and Captain America?

If you want peace, be peaceful.
I did want peace, but that day has come and gone..

About 30 years ago.
Since you are fond of Star Trek references, excuse me but I experience your "peace offering" as conditional on me being "assimilated". We are borg.

While he was trying to slap you, he kept screaming that he was offering you the hand of peace.
Since you are fond of Star Trek references, excuse me but I experience your "peace offering" as conditional on me being "assimilated". We are borg.

While he was trying to slap you, he kept screaming that he was offering you the hand of peace.
Yeah, I know. What I'm trying to catch in myself is the one who thinks that how you get your needs met is to rage at people who tick you off. It doesn't work.

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