The day will come when all liberals will have to submit to LGBT and "come out" as non-straight.

Dhara, homosexuals are not celebrating their new found freedom, they are using it to get revenge on Christians. I offered a hand of peace from a Christian, and you spitefully slapped it away, telling me you're going to work for the day when heterosexual men are put in prison for getting their wives and girlfriends pregnant. I have no doubt you intend to fight for that, and once you revealed that to me, I realized that the LGBT agenda is approximately ten times as evil as I originally thought.

Today, there was a story in Vanity Fair complaining that Captain America is a "virile, heterosexual" man, as if that's a bad thing. So you people have already started the campaign to delegitimize heterosexual maleness. Since I am a heterosexual man myself, I have no choice but to fight you.

You're EXACTLY right.

The entire foundation of current left wing ideology is "payback".

They have absolutely no interest in peace, bipartisanship, cooperation, American success, equality, or basically anything......except PAYBACK.
I spoke about this last year. Liberal badges of boy scouts but mentally ill.

Being a white hetero will soon be the most shamed form of existence in the liberal club. Liberals will fake their own faggotry just to fit in.
They already do, but in declining numbers, obviously.

Most white liberal males love being pegged and keep around a lot of fag friends to accommodate them with that.
Dhara, homosexuals are not celebrating their new found freedom, they are using it to get revenge on Christians. I offered a hand of peace from a Christian, and you spitefully slapped it away, telling me you're going to work for the day when heterosexual men are put in prison for getting their wives and girlfriends pregnant. I have no doubt you intend to fight for that, and once you revealed that to me, I realized that the LGBT agenda is approximately ten times as evil as I originally thought.

Today, there was a story in Vanity Fair complaining that Captain America is a "virile, heterosexual" man, as if that's a bad thing. So you people have already started the campaign to delegitimize heterosexual maleness. Since I am a heterosexual man myself, I have no choice but to fight you.
There is no peace with these fags unless they are wanting to set you up for an ambush.

To hell with every god damned one of them.
Let the record reflect that I offered peace to Dhara and her LGBT friends, and she spurned my offer and threw in back in my face. Dhara, if anyone is a "hater" it is you.
Let the record reflect that I offered peace to Dhara and her LGBT friends, and she spurned my offer and threw in back in my face. Dhara, if anyone is a "hater" it is you.
Just because I won't "join" you anti-abortion fanaticism. Do you see hate in the face of my avatar? Just wondering since you projected evil toward me for an avie of a laughing child.

This video is meant as a joke to commemorate "Coming Out Day," but it reflects a growing reality: If you are a liberal, it will soon be unacceptable to be straight. You will have to "come out" as anything but straight in order find social acceptance in liberal circles.

I have noticed a growing number of celebrities "coming out" and I'm beginning to think that many of them are lying, because it's really becoming "uncool" to be straight, and soon it will be actually detrimental to an entertainer's career to be straight.

And I've noticed that a growing number of liberals on this forum are "coming out" too, and I think many of them are also lying. If you're liberal and straight, you're just not "with it" anymore.

you are on a roll.
I got very angry with you, Rook. I wanted you to look at what I think is a more important issue regarding reproductive freedom, and that is reproductive coercion, which you deny happens EVER.
And you hate Christians, everyone gets that.
You've got such a negative view of anyone different from you. It's sad.
That is obvious bullshit; he just has problems with fags and degenerates.
LOL, and you don't.
Nah, I dont have any problem with them at all, I just know them for the twisted perverted unnatural degenerates that they in truth are.
And we have just as much interest in being happy as you do.
Let the record reflect that I offered peace to Dhara and her LGBT friends, and she spurned my offer and threw in back in my face. Dhara, if anyone is a "hater" it is you.


Yeah, that's not what happened.

The thread's right here, for all to see: A message to LGBT: Your alliance with the abortion lobby is no longer useful to you, dump it
I was attacked, and I got angry. But that was because my offer of peace was so hatefully rejected. I didn't expect instant acceptance, but the overwhelming hatred and vitriol caught me off guard, and I reacted badly. I apologized for that, and you know it. But the first thing that happened was my peace offering.

Now the offer is withdrawn, because Dhara has put me on notice that the next item on the LGBT is to attack heterosexual maleness, and delegitimize it. This effort has already begun with Vanity Fair's attack on the "virile heterosexuality" of Captain America, who flaunted his politically incorrect straight self by kissing a woman on the lips. What he should have done, according to Vanity Fair, is flirted with his pal Bucky, so we could "fantasize" that he was really gay. I am totally serious that this article was published by a major magazine, but more articles like this are in the works. Soon, straight men will be forced into a permanently defensive position, just for the hate crime of being straight. Dhara is working on this right now as we speak.
That's a lie, and a stupid one at that.

I'm not attacking you for being male, Rook. I'm challenging your arrogance as a male, and you don't like it.

I talked about something that I think ALL decent men would be concerned about, and that's domestic violence and reproductive coercion.
My position about abortion is that I'm personally opposed to getting an abortion, AND I'm in favor of keeping abortion a safe and legal procedure available to women who need it.
The thing is, I always see things coming from over the horizon before anyone else does. The attack on Captain America's "virile heterosexuality" was an attack on the notion that any man should be straight, and "flaunt" it.

Note, this is the same exact argument that heterosexuals have traditionally used on homosexuals, that they were ok with what they do in the bedroom, but they shouldn't "flaunt" it.

So this is payback, plain and simple. Which means, the LGBT movement is not declaring victory and making peace with its former enemies. What it is doing is planning a war to conquer new territory, to actually invade the world of heterosexuality and force them into the same defensive position that homosexuals were in for so many years. They want to make straights afraid of admitting they're straight, and afraid to show they're straight in public, and afraid of doing things that straights normally do, like kissing in public, or holding hands in the park.

So my offer of peace was doomed from the start. The LGBT radicals don't ever want peace with straights and Christians, they want sweet, sweet revenge, that they can serve cold like a Klingon.

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