The day will come when all liberals will have to submit to LGBT and "come out" as non-straight.

This video is meant as a joke to commemorate "Coming Out Day," but it reflects a growing reality: If you are a liberal, it will soon be unacceptable to be straight. You will have to "come out" as anything but straight in order find social acceptance in liberal circles.

I have noticed a growing number of celebrities "coming out" and I'm beginning to think that many of them are lying, because it's really becoming "uncool" to be straight, and soon it will be actually detrimental to an entertainer's career to be straight.

And I've noticed that a growing number of liberals on this forum are "coming out" too, and I think many of them are also lying. If you're liberal and straight, you're just not "with it" anymore.

I spoke about this last year. Liberal badges of boy scouts but mentally ill.

Being a white hetero will soon be the most shamed form of existence in the liberal club. Liberals will fake their own faggotry just to fit in.
Portlandia is one of the best comedy shows on TV. In every skit, they poke their fingers in the collective eyes of liberalism and political correctness, and it's liberals who are doing it. Their send up of the feminist-lesbian couple who run the feminist bookstore "Women and Women First" is the best part of the show. Fred Armisten's feminist character is offended by absolutely everything, and there is no pleasing her no matter how much you try.

The feminist bookstores that inspired Portlandia » MobyLives
I spoke about this last year. Liberal badges of boy scouts but mentally ill.

Being a white hetero will soon be the most shamed form of existence in the liberal club. Liberals will fake their own faggotry just to fit in.
But they won't be allowed to "fake" it. They will be pressured to have homosexual sex by their liberal peers, and this will amount to the kind of rape that happens in prisons and remote Russian military bases.
The day will come when all liberals will have to submit to LGBT and "come out" as non-straight.

This thread begs the question if it is harder for a dem or a republican to "come out"? The liberals are already half a step from out of the closet. The hypocritical GOPers make a lot of noise about morals and "WWJD" and low and behold a bunch of them have been caught Larry on Harry instead of the Carey on Mary lies they tell.

This thread epitomizes how disconnected from reality many social cons are becoming.
Just think though - if you're right, imagine how many more gay people you'll have to try your "bargain" with. Maybe you'll finally get some takers.
What's ironic is that in Castro's Cuba, homosexuals are sent to mental hospitals to be "cured," so leftism has not always been pro-LGBT. How did that happen? Because leftists and LGBT share the common goal of tearing down traditional institutions, like marriage, the family, religion, charities, anything that shields individuals from the all-powerful state.
My father was gay and I'm a married lesbian with four adopted children. It's too bad that you don't understand what people have had to do to get to this place where we have relative freedom.

To me, that's a wonderful thing that I wish my father had lived to see. Instead, he despaired and took his own life.

My life is dedicated to his memory. I loved him very much and miss him still.
Portlandia is one of the best comedy shows on TV. In every skit, they poke their fingers in the collective eyes of liberalism and political correctness, and it's liberals who are doing it. Their send up of the feminist-lesbian couple who run the feminist bookstore "Women and Women First" is the best part of the show. Fred Armisten's feminist character is offended by absolutely everything, and there is no pleasing her no matter how much you try.

The feminist bookstores that inspired Portlandia » MobyLives
Portlandia is very funny. As someone who lived in Portland for ten years it captures some of the silly aspects of poltical correctness.

It's too bad you don't understand that all the people you despise, the liberals, the gays are just like you. Human beings who want to be happy just like you do.

Good luck on your campaign to make more enemies than friends.

Too bad you can't laugh at conservative silliness. Watch some old reruns of All in the Family. You sound like Archie Bunker. Laugh at yourself as much as I laugh at Portlandia, as a liberal, lesbian feminist. All that you despise.

This video is meant as a joke to commemorate "Coming Out Day," but it reflects a growing reality: If you are a liberal, it will soon be unacceptable to be straight. You will have to "come out" as anything but straight in order find social acceptance in liberal circles.

I have noticed a growing number of celebrities "coming out" and I'm beginning to think that many of them are lying, because it's really becoming "uncool" to be straight, and soon it will be actually detrimental to an entertainer's career to be straight.

And I've noticed that a growing number of liberals on this forum are "coming out" too, and I think many of them are also lying. If you're liberal and straight, you're just not "with it" anymore.
. Liberals supporting this social justice warrior bullshit already have a identity
. They are neoQueers. So be sure to include the following when writing the following: LGBTnQ.
Jesus Christ. We may need to let these conservative nutjobs win a couple elections. They're losing their fucking minds!
We've BEEN winning elections... like kicking prog tail to the tune of making history in the last elections... or did you forget?

Get used to it... people are sick of liberal bull shit and out of control political correctness. We all just want to tell ass fuck leftists like you to STFU and get to the back of bus.
Yeah you guys elected a bunch of conservative heroes. So what have you have to show for it? :rofl:

And now you nuts elected Trump... and are basically gift-wrapping the Presidency, Senate, and possibly House to the Democrats. 2008 all over again? Not quite... because you losers couldn't possibly fuck up that badly again... but close. :thup:

God help us if we get another Congress and president like the one that forced ObamaCare on America. It will be this country's death nail.
Jesus Christ. We may need to let these conservative nutjobs win a couple elections. They're losing their fucking minds!
We've BEEN winning elections... like kicking prog tail to the tune of making history in the last elections... or did you forget?

Get used to it... people are sick of liberal bull shit and out of control political correctness. We all just want to tell ass fuck leftists like you to STFU and get to the back of bus.
Yeah you guys elected a bunch of conservative heroes. So what have you have to show for it? :rofl:

And now you nuts elected Trump... and are basically gift-wrapping the Presidency, Senate, and possibly House to the Democrats. 2008 all over again? Not quite... because you losers couldn't possibly fuck up that badly again... but close. :thup:

God help us if we get another Congress and president like the one that forced ObamaCare on America. It will be this country's death nail.
Death knell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dhara, homosexuals are not celebrating their new found freedom, they are using it to get revenge on Christians. I offered a hand of peace from a Christian, and you spitefully slapped it away, telling me you're going to work for the day when heterosexual men are put in prison for getting their wives and girlfriends pregnant. I have no doubt you intend to fight for that, and once you revealed that to me, I realized that the LGBT agenda is approximately ten times as evil as I originally thought.

Today, there was a story in Vanity Fair complaining that Captain America is a "virile, heterosexual" man, as if that's a bad thing. So you people have already started the campaign to delegitimize heterosexual maleness. Since I am a heterosexual man myself, I have no choice but to fight you.
I spoke about this last year. Liberal badges of boy scouts but mentally ill.

Being a white hetero will soon be the most shamed form of existence in the liberal club. Liberals will fake their own faggotry just to fit in.
Good! more women for the rational guys.
Jesus Christ. We may need to let these conservative nutjobs win a couple elections. They're losing their fucking minds!
We've BEEN winning elections... like kicking prog tail to the tune of making history in the last elections... or did you forget?

Get used to it... people are sick of liberal bull shit and out of control political correctness. We all just want to tell ass fuck leftists like you to STFU and get to the back of bus.
Yeah you guys elected a bunch of conservative heroes. So what have you have to show for it? :rofl:

And now you nuts elected Trump... and are basically gift-wrapping the Presidency, Senate, and possibly House to the Democrats. 2008 all over again? Not quite... because you losers couldn't possibly fuck up that badly again... but close. :thup:

God help us if we get another Congress and president like the one that forced ObamaCare on America. It will be this country's death nail.
Death knell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thank you spelling police. Your witty response has totally debunked my point of view.

Jesus Christ. We may need to let these conservative nutjobs win a couple elections. They're losing their fucking minds!
We've BEEN winning elections... like kicking prog tail to the tune of making history in the last elections... or did you forget?

Get used to it... people are sick of liberal bull shit and out of control political correctness. We all just want to tell ass fuck leftists like you to STFU and get to the back of bus.
Yeah you guys elected a bunch of conservative heroes. So what have you have to show for it? :rofl:

And now you nuts elected Trump... and are basically gift-wrapping the Presidency, Senate, and possibly House to the Democrats. 2008 all over again? Not quite... because you losers couldn't possibly fuck up that badly again... but close. :thup:

God help us if we get another Congress and president like the one that forced ObamaCare on America. It will be this country's death nail.
Death knell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thank you spelling police.
Spelling police? Do you want me to point out all of the other grammatical errors in your ignorant post?
St. Paul writes in Letter to the Romans that those who reject the truth are cursed to turn themselves over to unnatural passions. And that is what is happening with the liberals. Rejection of truth means rejection of objective reality, including the reality that some people are men, and some people are women, and you can't just wish that away.
What's ironic is that in Castro's Cuba, homosexuals are sent to mental hospitals to be "cured," so leftism has not always been pro-LGBT. How did that happen? Because leftists and LGBT share the common goal of tearing down traditional institutions, like marriage, the family, religion, charities, anything that shields individuals from the all-powerful state.
You have an unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans – everyone gets that.
And you hate Christians, everyone gets that.
You've got such a negative view of anyone different from you. It's sad.
I think he's worried that one day he might be bitten by a radioactive gay person...which will give him the superpower of being able to co-ordinate the soft furnishings in any room in seconds.
How did you get to be so retarded?

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