The day will come when all liberals will have to submit to LGBT and "come out" as non-straight.

Your offer of peace was contrived and conditional. I am at peace with straights and Christians, many of whom are RL friends. We find common ground in family, religion, and simple enjoyments of life.

After you told your story, I completely calmed down and saw you more clearly.

We could have a more enjoyable connection. How about a fresh start?

I was sad that you thought my avie of a laughing child was evil, Rook. I hope you see kindness and compassion in this avie. It's of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, a great Buddhist master
The thing is, I always see things coming from over the horizon before anyone else does. The attack on Captain America's "virile heterosexuality" was an attack on the notion that any man should be straight, and "flaunt" it.

Note, this is the same exact argument that heterosexuals have traditionally used on homosexuals, that they were ok with what they do in the bedroom, but they shouldn't "flaunt" it.

So this is payback, plain and simple. Which means, the LGBT movement is not declaring victory and making peace with its former enemies. What it is doing is planning a war to conquer new territory, to actually invade the world of heterosexuality and force them into the same defensive position that homosexuals were in for so many years. They want to make straights afraid of admitting they're straight, and afraid to show they're straight in public, and afraid of doing things that straights normally do, like kissing in public, or holding hands in the park.

So my offer of peace was doomed from the start. The LGBT radicals don't ever want peace with straights and Christians, they want sweet, sweet revenge, that they can serve cold like a Klingon.
Klingons and Captain America?

If you want peace, be peaceful.
That's a lie, and a stupid one at that.

I'm not attacking you for being male, Rook. I'm challenging your arrogance as a male, and you don't like it.

I talked about something that I think ALL decent men would be concerned about, and that's domestic violence and reproductive coercion.
By saying "your arrogance as a male" you reveal your true feelings. You hate men and consider us arrogant, and you want to take us down a few notches.

Abortion is one way to take men down, by the threat of killing his baby, a woman can extract all sorts of concessions from a man who loves his child. I realize that a cold, uncaring man could not be blackmailed in this way, but that is not the kind of man you hate. The kind of man you hate is a loving man, who wants to get married, and have children, and be a good father. You absolutely despise that kind of man, which is why you hate me.
That's a lie, and a stupid one at that.

I'm not attacking you for being male, Rook. I'm challenging your arrogance as a male, and you don't like it.

I talked about something that I think ALL decent men would be concerned about, and that's domestic violence and reproductive coercion.
By saying "your arrogance as a male" you reveal your true feelings. You hate men and consider us arrogant, and you want to take us down a few notches.

Abortion is one way to take men down, by the threat of killing his baby, a woman can extract all sorts of concessions from a man who loves his child. I realize that a cold, uncaring man could not be blackmailed in this way, but that is not the kind of man you hate. The kind of man you hate is a loving man, who wants to get married, and have children, and be a good father. You absolutely despise that kind of man, which is why you hate me.
Abortion isn't a way to take men down. It's a way for women to be self-determining regarding their reproduction.

I don't hate you, I don't hate men. I've offered you peace and a new beginning. AND the point you still don't understand is that women from DV relationships are sometimes abused by men who sabotage their contraception to bind the women to them.

I oppose that, and any man in his right mind would oppose that as well.
Reproductive and sexual coercion involves behavior intended to maintain power and control in a relationship related to reproductive health by someone who is, was, or wishes to be involved in an intimate or dating relationship with an adult or adolescent. This behavior includes explicit attempts to impregnate a partner against her will, control outcomes of a pregnancy, coerce a partner to have unprotected sex, and interfere with contraceptive methods. Obstetrician–gynecologists are in a unique position to address reproductive and sexual coercion and provide screening and clinical interventions to improve health outcomes. Because of the known link between reproductive health and violence, health care providers should screen women and adolescent girls for intimate partner violence and reproductive and sexual coercion at periodic intervals such as annual examinations, new patient visits, and during obstetric care (at the first prenatal visit, at least once per trimester, and at the postpartum checkup). Interventions include education on the effect of reproductive and sexual coercion and intimate partner violence on patients’ health and choices, counseling on harm-reduction strategies, and prevention of unintended pregnancies by offering long-acting methods of contraception that are less detectable to partners.

Reproductive and Sexual Coercion - ACOG
The thing is, I always see things coming from over the horizon before anyone else does. The attack on Captain America's "virile heterosexuality" was an attack on the notion that any man should be straight, and "flaunt" it.

Note, this is the same exact argument that heterosexuals have traditionally used on homosexuals, that they were ok with what they do in the bedroom, but they shouldn't "flaunt" it.

So this is payback, plain and simple. Which means, the LGBT movement is not declaring victory and making peace with its former enemies. What it is doing is planning a war to conquer new territory, to actually invade the world of heterosexuality and force them into the same defensive position that homosexuals were in for so many years. They want to make straights afraid of admitting they're straight, and afraid to show they're straight in public, and afraid of doing things that straights normally do, like kissing in public, or holding hands in the park.

So my offer of peace was doomed from the start. The LGBT radicals don't ever want peace with straights and Christians, they want sweet, sweet revenge, that they can serve cold like a Klingon.
Klingons and Captain America?

If you want peace, be peaceful.
I did want peace, but that day has come and gone.

You have put me on notice that the LGBT movement is far more dangerous than I ever suspected, with your stated desire to prosecute men who get their wives and girlfriends pregnant, on their self-serving testimony that they didn't want a baby but was "pressured" to have one. I am an attorney, and I fully understand just how dangerous your idea is, and how totally destructive it would be to men, women, children and families. Love and compassion between couples would be replaced by fear and distrust, since a woman with a child could at any time have her husband/boyfriend put in prison for "pressuring" her to have it.

Another item on the LGBT agenda is to shame heterosexual men into hiding their straightness, to actually force them into the same closet that homosexuals just left. This can be seen by the Captain America article in Vanity Fair, complaining that Captain America represents "virile heterosexuality" which should no longer be portrayed in movies.

The Portlandia video has made me realize that our young people are being subjected to peer pressure to "come out" as any gender identity or sexual orientation besides straight. I have already seen among my son's friends one young man coming out as "asexual" even though I've known he had sex in the past, and his girlfriend is "polyamorous" which means she has another boyfriend who she actually has sex with. And it's only going to get crazier.

Dhara, this is the crazy world you are fighting for, and I have no choice but to fight you every step of the way. Perhaps my fight is doomed, and you are the "wave of the future." But I remember fighting Communism on the college campus, even though Communism was the "wave of the future." Until it wasn't, and then everyone pretended they were against Communism all along, but I knew who was lying, because I had fought against them until the Berlin Wall came down in 1989.
I'm sorry that you've rejected my offer to start over. Take care, Rook.
Dhara, the fact is this. If a woman does not want a man to be the father of her children, she has no business having sex with him. There is no need for all sorts of intervention by doctors and lawyers. All women need to do is walk away from the relationship.

Or do you believe that women are weaklings who are incapable of walking away from a relationship?
Dhara, the fact is this. If a woman does not want a man to be the father of her children, she has no business having sex with him. There is no need for all sorts of intervention by doctors and lawyers. All women need to do is walk away from the relationship.

Or do you believe that women are weaklings who are incapable of walking away from a relationship?
I'm not sure you understand domestic violence. It's not always easy or safe for a woman to walk away from an abusive relationship. Of course, it's a whole separate topic in and of itself. Domestic violence, that is.

For women in abusive relationships, some men do try and control the woman by keeping her pregnant. It may not be a topic you are familiar with.

I just see the issue in broad terms, and I will always choose to support the woman's right to a safe termination of her pregnancy if that is the ONLY choice that makes sense to the woman herself.
Fast Facts on Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44 in the United States, more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined. ("Violence Against Women, A Majority Staff Report," Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 102nd Congress, October 1992, p.3.)

There are 1,500 shelters for battered women in the United States. There are 3,800 animal shelters. (Schneider, 1990).

Three to four million women in the United States are beaten in their homes each year by their husbands, ex-husbands, or male lovers. ("Women and Violence," Hearings before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, August 29 and December 11, 1990, Senate Hearing 101-939, pt. 1, p. 12.)

One woman is beaten by her husband or partner every 15 seconds in the United States. (Uniform Crime Reports, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1991).

One in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. (Tjaden, Patricia & Thoennes, Nancy. National Institute of Justice and the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, “Extent, Nature and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence: Findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey,” 2000; Sara Glazer, "Violence, Against Women" CO Researcher, Congressional Quarterly, Inc., Volume 3, Number 8, February, 1993, p. 171; The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and The National Institute of Justice, Extent, Nature, and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence, July 2000; The Commonwealth Fund, Health Concerns Across a Woman’s Lifespan: 1998 Survey of Women’s Health, 1999).

In 1992, the American Medical Association reported that as many as 1 in 3 women will be assaulted by a domestic partner in her lifetime -- 4 million in any given year. ("When Violence Hits Home." Time. June 4, 1994).

An estimated 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year. (Costs of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in the United States. 2003. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Centers for Injury Prevention and Control. Atlanta, GA.)

85% of domestic violence victims are women. (Bureau of Justice Statistics Crime Data Brief, Intimate Partner Violence, 1993-2001, February 2003)
Domestic Violence: Fast Facts on Domestic Violence
Reproductive coercion is a pattern of deliberate, coercive, and/or forceful behaviors by one partner to control and interfere with the other's sexual and reproductive health. It is another strategy some abusers use as a way to gain and maintain power and control in relationships. This type of abuse includes pregnancy coercion (pressuring someone into getting pregnant) and birth control sabotage.

Are you experiencing reproductive coercion? This can include, but is not limited to:

Verbally pressuring you to get pregnant or not use birth control
Harming or threatening to harm you if you don't get pregnant
Purposefully giving you a sexually transmitted disease or infection
Forcing you to have sex without birth control
Trying to make you have a miscarriage
Hiding, removing, or otherwise sabotaging your birth control (pills, ring, patch, etc)
Forcing you to use birth control
Preventing you from getting an abortion, or pressuring or forcing you to get an abortion

Refusing to withdraw ("pull out") when that was the agreed upon method of birth control or refusing to participate in any birth control method previously agreed upon
Facts and Statistics:
Forty percent of pregnant women who have been exposed to abuse report that their pregnancy was unintended, compared to just eight percent of non-abused women.(Futures Without Violence)
According to various studies, adolescent girls in physically abusive relationships were 3.5 to 6 times more likely to become pregnant than non-abused girls. (Futures Without Violence 1)
Women who reported physical violence were also nearly three times more likely to experience a sexually transmitted infection than women who have not reported any physical abuse. (Futures Without Violence )
In one study of clients at a family planning clinic in CA, one in five young women said they experienced pregnancy coercion and one in seven said they experienced active interference with contraception. (Miller)
Reproductive coercion
Too bad you can't laugh at conservative silliness. Watch some old reruns of All in the Family. You sound like Archie Bunker. Laugh at yourself as much as I laugh at Portlandia, as a liberal, lesbian feminist. All that you despise.
Excessively earnest people from any part of the political spectrum are ripe for lampooning.
Too bad you can't laugh at conservative silliness. Watch some old reruns of All in the Family. You sound like Archie Bunker. Laugh at yourself as much as I laugh at Portlandia, as a liberal, lesbian feminist. All that you despise.
Excessively earnest people from any part of the political spectrum are ripe for lampooning.
Sure they are. We need to laugh more. At ourselves, at our opponents, at our own self-importanc.
I'm sorry that you've rejected my offer to start over. Take care, Rook.
I didn't see an offer to start over. You have not made even one step in my direction on abortion, and that's the essence of my offer.
I'm sorry that you've rejected my offer to start over. Take care, Rook.
I didn't see an offer to start over. You have not made even one step in my direction on abortion, and that's the essence of my offer.
Yep, you expect to control me. That's why we are at a standpoint. Peace to me means I am who I am and I have the position on abortion I have due to my life experiences and values. We could agree to be at peace with each other even though we disagree on women's reproductive freedom.

My offer stands.
A step in your direction on abortion? You missed every single step I made including my description of how my Buddhist teacher handled the abortion issue with a sangha member.
Since you are fond of Star Trek references, excuse me but I experience your "peace offering" as conditional on me being "assimilated". We are borg.

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