The days of a majority-white United States are coming to an end

Coming from a pretty much Technicolor extended family myself, I'll just point out that people like guno are an insult to many people who are not white or all white.

His pink-skinned, faux-maternal, white guilt-soaked "caring" is a fraud. He hates himself and is trying to assuage his self-esteem issues and make himself "feel" better by pretending to be an advocate for the poor, pathetic, feeble, down-trodden non-white population.

guno, we don't need you.
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Deny it all you want, but many studies predict that whites will be in the minority within a very few years. It's not a question of approving or's a fact that we blase' and privileged whites/caucasians will have to live with. I've been lucky to live among many different ethnic groups and the idea doesn't frighten me, but it will a lot of people.
When a black thug sucker punches you as youre walking down your diversified neighborhood sidewalk, maybe you'll rethink your stance.
I have three half-Filipino nieces and a half-Arab nephew. This is really not an issue guno. Stop being a racist.
It is certainly being presented here, and has been else where as a change for the good.

Yet, celebrating the decline of a whole race as a good thing, how is that not racist?

And could you also tell US why you think it is a good thing?
I never said it was a change for good OR bad. I said it will be a change. How can you read into that something racist?

Your words.

".it's a fact that we blase' and privileged whites/caucasians will have to live with. I've been lucky to live among many different ethnic groups and the idea doesn't frighten me, but it will a lot of people."

YOu refer to whites in negative terms and state that WE may be frightened, but we have to live with it.

Your slant is obvious.

So, as I asked,

1. How is that not racist?

2. Why do you think it is a good thing?
Don't ask these morons to explain their racism. They don't see it as a bad thing. You're playing into their hands by displaying a desire to be liked by these people. Fuck 'em. Enjoy your white privileges.
Now we know why the howling, pants shitting, freaking out and total panic has set in

The data is there: This country is increasingly becoming more of color, more immigrant, more LGBT, more diverse, less Anglo-white. And we need historic change in our country. It's going to change us forever,

Why Maria Hinojosa Is 'Less Afraid' Of How The U.S. Will Deal With Demographic Change

No...the problem is that all of those groups support socialism in one form or another....and that will just end in mass graves....
I see Bucs 90 has a put a good self image and that Correll cannot explain why Title VII is 'racist.'
No...the problem is that all of those groups support socialism in one form or another....and that will just end in mass graves....
You can't even define socialism. You have no idea what it means. You are simply yammering what your file leaders tell you to yammer. You are a useful tool nothing more.

You Trumpeteers: the Donald is a centrist Progressive. He believes is social market democracy.

Electing him is not going to change anything economically or financially for you.
Mac1958 is using a self picture below:

No...the problem is that all of those groups support socialism in one form or another....and that will just end in mass graves....
You can't even define socialism. You have no idea what it means. You are simply yammering what your file leaders tell you to yammer. You are a useful tool nothing more.

You Trumpeteers: the Donald is a centrist Progressive. He believes is social market democracy.

Electing him is not going to change anything economically or financially for you.

Twit...socialism is the government controlling the means of production.....

And all of these groups want the politicians taking from one group to give to them.......
Study: For First Time, US Not a White Protestant Majority Nation

The America envisioned by its Founders — a country of a majority of white Protestants — no longer exists.

For the first time in its history, an American Values Atlas study by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) has revealed, America is no longer a majority white Protestant country,

Study: For First Time, US Not a White Protestant Majority Nation
So just what is the secret of immortality????

I would LOVE to live for another 500 years!!!
Did you ever play softball for the leagues at Lemon Park south of the tracks, Harry?
i have no idea where that is jake....
Go up Lemon from Anaheim into Fullerton, and I am talking about the old softball and little league fields on the left before you reach the Santa Fe tracks a couple blocks north.
oh way up i hardly ever went into that area,if i went into Fullerton it was usually along Harbor Blvd into downtown in the court house area or the collage area....some good restaurants along that area too....Fullerton is an old looking city but it has a lot of nice areas...
It is certainly being presented here, and has been else where as a change for the good.

Yet, celebrating the decline of a whole race as a good thing, how is that not racist?

And could you also tell US why you think it is a good thing?
I never said it was a change for good OR bad. I said it will be a change. How can you read into that something racist?

Your words.

".it's a fact that we blase' and privileged whites/caucasians will have to live with. I've been lucky to live among many different ethnic groups and the idea doesn't frighten me, but it will a lot of people."

YOu refer to whites in negative terms and state that WE may be frightened, but we have to live with it.

Your slant is obvious.
So, as I asked,

1. How is that not racist?

2. Why do you think it is a good thing?
It is certainly being presented here, and has been else where as a change for the good.

Yet, celebrating the decline of a whole race as a good thing, how is that not racist?

And could you also tell US why you think it is a good thing?
I never said it was a change for good OR bad. I said it will be a change. How can you read into that something racist?

Your words.

".it's a fact that we blase' and privileged whites/caucasians will have to live with. I've been lucky to live among many different ethnic groups and the idea doesn't frighten me, but it will a lot of people."

YOu refer to whites in negative terms and state that WE may be frightened, but we have to live with it.

Your slant is obvious.

So, as I asked,

1. How is that not racist?

2. Why do you think it is a good thing?
Have we not been the privileged group? Have we not been blase' about how other ethnic groups cope with being discriminated against? Show me where I think it's a "good thing".
Did you ever play softball for the leagues at Lemon Park south of the tracks, Harry?
i have no idea where that is jake....
Go up Lemon from Anaheim into Fullerton, and I am talking about the old softball and little league fields on the left before you reach the Santa Fe tracks a couple blocks north.
oh way up i hardly ever went into that area,if i went into Fullerton it was usually along Harbor Blvd into downtown in the court house area or the collage area....some good restaurants along that area too....Fullerton is an old looking city but it has a lot of nice areas...
Once upon a time with the orange groves to the east and no CSUF and that wonderful small down town on Harbor and blow Hillcrest Park: what a fun, fun place.

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