The Deafening Silence Of The Anti-war Left


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
They went off to humping Obama's leg is where they went

posted at 12:01 pm on September 24, 2014 by Noah Rothman

The tragic lamentations howled by the septuagenarians who make up the remnants of Code Pink may never fully dissipate, but the majority of the once ascendant anti-war left seems to have dissolved.
And why wouldn’t they? Theirs was a movement which once bestrode the political and media complex with unmatched influence. The movement culminated in the toppling of Hillary Clinton as the likely Democratic nominee and the election of Barack Obama, the anti-war candidate, to the White House in 2008.

Just six short years later, it is Barack Obama who is deploying the American war machine in a preemptive engagement against Islamist threats in the Middle East. A president who twice campaigned on policies disengagement and retrenchment from the Middle East has utterly abandoned his own stated policy preferences. The sense of hopelessness among anti-war liberals is palpable.

The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank recently made the trek to a rather sad anti-war protest outside the White House that was attended by a meager 22 true believers.
“It was the latest display of how Obama has neutralized the left,” Milbank observed.
This inconsistency on the part of the supposedly principled left is all too much for The Federalist’s David Harsanyi to bear.

“It should be noted, of course, that there are voices on the Left expressing apprehension about the legality and aims of the mission,” he wrote. “The problem is that most often these are the same voices – from The New York Times editorial board to Joan Walsh – that have been justifying every unilateral executive action this administration takes or threatens to take. Their sudden reverence for process and constitutionality is about as credible as John Boehner’s lawsuit to stop executive abuse.”

Dovishness is embedded in the DNA of the American left, and they can ignore their instincts for only so long. Often reliable leading indicators of public opinion, America’s elected representatives are beginning to show the familiar contours of debates over the use of force are returning to the forefront.

A story in the Associated Press published Wednesday detailed how Republican candidates are running on the threats to national security which a Democratic president is addressing though military force. Democrats, meanwhile, are dismissing national security as an election year issue despite the fact that a president of their party is waging what polls suggest is a popular military campaign.
Something is wrong here.

ALL of it here:
The deafening silence of the anti-war left Hot Air
As long as the Magic Negroid is in the oral office leftist scum will support anything the incompetent buffoon's limited ganglia can envision right down to genocide if necessary.
How much do you suppose it would cost to mail back that Nobel Peace Prize?

Probably not so much that we couldn't collect enough pledges just within this thread to enable.....
HEre's some context

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