The Deafening Silence

On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.

Moron....Trump hasn't even passed his first budget yet....

Right . All we can go on is that god awful tax bill and his campaign promises . All of which blow up the debt .
I'm trying to find a Hannity or Limbaugh clip where they scream their moral outrage over this excessive spending for the Tard Herd to parrot.

Can't seem to find one.


Currently it's all Obama spending, moron.
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.
Are you finally catching on, or are you still a partisan dupe?
I decided eight days ago to de-register as a Republican. I am going to register as an Independent.

I held out hope for far too long that the GOP could come back to the conservative reservation, but I have now lost all hope that will ever happen.

Why don't you register as a communist? That's the party where you belong.
I'm trying to find a Hannity or Limbaugh clip where they scream their moral outrage over this excessive spending for the Tard Herd to parrot.

Can't seem to find one.


Currently it's all Obama spending, moron.

Obama locked up the budget three years ago and the GOP lost the combination! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.
I don't recall you whining about the debt when Obama and the Dims were running it up.
You participated in SEVERAL conversations with me about tax expenditures and how I wanted to eliminate them to lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt.

You know what's going to happen, don't ya? This bill will blow a 1.5 TRILLION dollar hole in the budget.

When that happens, expect the temporary tax cuts to go away, while the corporations hold on to theirs.
This is what happens when you let, 'economic nationalists' take over your party via a reality TV personality.

Pandering to angry, old white people has screwed the Republicans for a generation.

They could have learned from California, no wonder Ryan wants out of this car crash.....
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.
I don't recall you whining about the debt when Obama and the Dims were running it up.
You participated in SEVERAL conversations with me about tax expenditures and how I wanted to eliminate them to lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt.

Yeah. You admitted you wanted to increase taxes. You also weren't crying about Obama causing the deficit. You never have.
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.

Since President Obama took office, the national debt has increased by $7.4 trillion. On January 20, 2009, it stood at $10.6 trillion; on Monday, it was at $18 trillion.Jan 7, 2015
I'm trying to find a Hannity or Limbaugh clip where they scream their moral outrage over this excessive spending for the Tard Herd to parrot.

Can't seem to find one.


Currently it's all Obama spending, moron.

And Obama’s booming economy, right ?
Obama's economy has been anemic. Our deficit would be a lot lower of the eonomy had grown at a normal healthy pace.
This is what happens when you let, 'economic nationalists' take over your party via a reality TV personality.

Pandering to angry, old white people has screwed the Republicans for a generation.

They could have learned from California, no wonder Ryan wants out of this cat crash.....
After Trump won the election, I said Ryan was in the catbird seat. Ryan had the real power, since a complete boob was going to occupy the White House.

Ryan controls what legislation gets voted upon. He had a golden opportunity to put all the grand plans on his wish list into action. Then Trump would just sign where he was told to sign, and life would be golden.

It turns out Ryan was hoaxing the rubes all along. All those repeals the Republicans passed while Obama occupied the White House were theater for the rubes.

All that whining about the federal debt, more theater for the rubes.

All that crowing about what great healthcare we were all going to have, at a tiny fraction of the cost, even more theater for the rubes.

Of course, anyone could have seen this coming just by looking at what happened the last time the GOP controlled all three branches of government. Skyrocketing debt, three wars, massive government expansion...
I'm trying to find a Hannity or Limbaugh clip where they scream their moral outrage over this excessive spending for the Tard Herd to parrot.

Can't seem to find one.


Currently it's all Obama spending, moron.

And Obama’s booming economy, right ?
Obama's economy has been anemic. Our deficit would be a lot lower of the eonomy had grown at a normal healthy pace.
Trump's job growth is slower than the last four years of Obama's regime.

Trump needs to get his shit together. Fast.

I looked for any of you members of the pseudocon Tard Herd complaining about Trump's lackadaisical job growth.

Couldn't find any.


In fact, some of you have been actually BRAGGING about Trump's job growth, and yet none of those same people bragged when it was higher under Obama!

You know, on VICE News on Friday, they interviewed some people who are part of the 500 being laid off by Carrier.

When Trump was campaigning and said that he got them to stay in the US, a lot of people thought he would make good on his promise.

Now? There are a lot of Trump supporters that are second guessing their decision.
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.

Since President Obama took office, the national debt has increased by $7.4 trillion. On January 20, 2009, it stood at $10.6 trillion; on Monday, it was at $18 trillion.Jan 7, 2015
I'm confident Trump will do his level best to top Obama's record of debt.

Trump HATES being number two!
You know, on VICE News on Friday, they interviewed some people who are part of the 500 being laid off by Carrier.

When Trump was campaigning and said that he got them to stay in the US, a lot of people thought he would make good on his promise.

Now? There are a lot of Trump supporters that are second guessing their decision.
gosh. and you're objective and shit.

this makes me rethink everything.
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.

Since President Obama took office, the national debt has increased by $7.4 trillion. On January 20, 2009, it stood at $10.6 trillion; on Monday, it was at $18 trillion.Jan 7, 2015
I'm confident Trump will do his level best to top Obama's record.
heh - at this rate i'd not doubt it. just spend it on something else not needed.

we're so lost in the weeds it's not even funny. we need to fix our grid, educational system, and deal with a lot of at home problems but as long as we hate each other, who really cares what we're spending the $ on.

makes you wonder if it's intentional, encouraging this hate...
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.

Since President Obama took office, the national debt has increased by $7.4 trillion. On January 20, 2009, it stood at $10.6 trillion; on Monday, it was at $18 trillion.Jan 7, 2015
I'm confident Trump will do his level best to top Obama's record.
heh - at this rate i'd not doubt it. just spend it on something else not needed.

we're so lost in the weeds it's not even funny. we need to fix our grid, educational system, and deal with a lot of at home problems but as long as we hate each other, who really cares what we're spending the $ on.

makes you wonder if it's intentional, encouraging this hate...
Oh, it's intentional. Very deliberate. It keeps the tards from noticing what hypocrites their own side is.

It also keeps the tards from noticing they are being robbed by the very assholes they are defending.

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