The Deafening Silence

On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.

You were silent for the past 8 years.

Why the sudden change in tune?

For the record, Trump has much lower deficit than Obama, Obama the debt overlord must be the worst president ever then.
Debt means much more when economic growth is stagnant. Much less in a thriving economy.

Which would you rather own?

A house with a mortgage of $20K on a house you can sell for 100k

Or a house with a 25k mortgage you can sell for $125k?

I’ll take door #2

Actually, with the Government, you want the opposite

You want the Government to invest in a struggling economy
With a thriving economy there is little need for Government involvement
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.

You were silent for the past 8 years.

Why the sudden change in tune?

I have no problem with assuming an additional $1.5 trillion debt if the money went for infrastructure improvements, medical research, education, healthcare

But to borrow $1.5 trillion to give tax cuts to billionaires during a thriving economy is idiotic
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.

You were silent for the past 8 years.

You pulled that lie out of your ass, fuckwad.

Thanks for proving once again you are fucking hypocrites who have no inhibitions about making shit up.
Debt means much more when economic growth is stagnant. Much less in a thriving economy.

Which would you rather own?

A house with a mortgage of $20K on a house you can sell for 100k

Or a house with a 25k mortgage you can sell for $125k?

I’ll take door #2

Actually, with the Government, you want the opposite

You want the Government to invest in a struggling economy
With a thriving economy there is little need for Government involvement

Yep, and the tax cuts will make the economy thrive. That IS GOVERNMENTS role.

Can’t believe the way progs actually think.

Kill the economy so the government gets a bigger role!

You cannot make this shit up.
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.
Are you finally catching on, or are you still a partisan dupe?
I decided eight days ago to de-register as a Republican. I am going to register as an Independent.

I held out hope for far too long that the GOP could come back to the conservative reservation, but I have now lost all hope that will ever happen.
Sure, Jake. You were a real Republican
That's right. I am a conservative. I believe in telling the truth, not running up debt, small government, and morality.

You and the GOP no longer believe in any of those things.
I voted for the pot smoker. I actually liked Weld. He said libertarian on social issues, conservative on fiscal, and lean toward non-intervention in wars
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.

You were silent for the past 8 years.

You pulled that lie out of your ass, fuckwad.

Thanks for proving once again you are fucking hypocrites who have no inhibitions about making shit up.

You, the leftists, were silent. Many were cheering. I remember the whole "deficits are awesome" anti-reality movement, that you had going on. The big austerity scare...

Anyway, no one can take this talk about debt seriously when it comes from the spending masters themselves. It's like getting advice on how to drink from an alcoholic.
The hypocritical pseudocons can only jeer and laugh nervously when confronted with the harsh light of truth.

Their souls are dead.

It's the only way they can utter what they know to be lies. It's the only way they can parrot the manufactured hypocritical outrage over the debt and rising health care costs and moral turpitude. It's the only way they can vote for a big spending, lying, incredibly sinful and corrupt deceiver.

You were silent for the past 8 years.
I love bitch slapping asshole liars like you around.

Ban tax expenditures. Presto, you go from a half trillion deficit to a half trillion surplus.

How do you want to spend that? I say use some to cut the tax rates for everyone, and use the rest to pay down the debt. Once the debt is paid off, lower tax rates even more.

That's right. Cut the $1.4 trillion in tax expenditure spending and you can cut tax rates for everyone and pay down the debt.

By the way BluesLegendInYourOwnMind, I am not in favor of raising tax rates. On anyone.

In fact, I am for eliminating most (if not all) tax expenditures so we can LOWER tax rates for EVERYONE. And we'd still be able to pay down the debt.

Just by eliminating tax expenditures.

Unfortunately, people scream like hippies when you try to take away their government gifts. Which is why I say look in the mirror for the person responsible for our debt.

One of the chief reasons our debt is so high is because of the tax expenditures, retard. It only makes sense to even the books.


We can lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt which was caused by this theft, at the same time. Once the debt was paid down, then we can lower tax rates even more, for EVERYONE.

I have been very consistent about this, asshole. And you know it.

You've been an ignorant, innumerate liar all this time.

Try to catch up.

Nothing should be deductible. Someone else has to pay for those government gifts.

If there were no deductibles, we could easily lower everyone's tax rates. Your desire to give certain people government gifts is the cause of everyone having to pay high tax rates, and the cause of our $17 trillion debt.

Need more, fuckwad? Because if there is one thing I have NOT been about the debt, it's SILENT.
Dumb fuck made shit up. He just got his ass handed to him. :lol:

That's what happens to hypocrites who project.

How can premiums for 2018 go up now? I thought premiums for this coming year were locked in prior to the enrollment period.

How can premiums for 2018 go up now? I thought premiums for this coming year were locked in prior to the enrollment period.

You must be thinking of the premiums for the healthcare exchanges. That's not the only way people get their health insurance.

Most Americans get their insurance through an employer.
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.

You were silent for the past 8 years.

You pulled that lie out of your ass, fuckwad.

Thanks for proving once again you are fucking hypocrites who have no inhibitions about making shit up.

You, the leftists, were silent. Many were cheering. I remember the whole "deficits are awesome" anti-reality movement, that you had going on. The big austerity scare...

Anyway, no one can take this talk about debt seriously when it comes from the spending masters themselves. It's like getting advice on how to drink from an alcoholic.

WTF. Were you asleep for PAYGO and this little gem? It gets good around the 2 minute mark. LOL

On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.
Are you finally catching on, or are you still a partisan dupe?
I decided eight days ago to de-register as a Republican. I am going to register as an Independent.

I held out hope for far too long that the GOP could come back to the conservative reservation, but I have now lost all hope that will ever happen.
Sure, Jake. You were a real Republican
That's right. I am a conservative. I believe in telling the truth, not running up debt, small government, and morality.

You and the GOP no longer believe in any of those things.

I haven't been "GOP" in 4 decades. Want to try again?

How can premiums for 2018 go up now? I thought premiums for this coming year were locked in prior to the enrollment period.

You're correct, they are; The projected increases cited in those articles are based on current law with (I suspect) some insurer risk assessment regarding the possibility that the individual mandate might be repealed tossed in (i.e. the articles were written prior to the current enrollment period).
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.

Moron....Trump hasn't even passed his first budget yet....

Trump's $4.1 trillion budget proposal increases spending $100 Billion per year.

Everyone know's you pay off debt during good economic times, except Repubtards who increase debt at all times!
Debt means much more when economic growth is stagnant. Much less in a thriving economy.

Which would you rather own?

A house with a mortgage of $20K on a house you can sell for 100k

Or a house with a 25k mortgage you can sell for $125k?

I’ll take door #2

Actually, with the Government, you want the opposite

You want the Government to invest in a struggling economy
With a thriving economy there is little need for Government involvement

Yep, and the tax cuts will make the economy thrive. That IS GOVERNMENTS role.

Can’t believe the way progs actually think.

Kill the economy so the government gets a bigger role!

You cannot make this shit up.

You are old enough to have witnessed the Reagan and Bush tax cuts
Any economic stimulus was short lived while the tax cuts remained for decades and debt went through the roof

Be honest with me.....Do you believe Republicans are actually concerned with debt?
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.

Moron....Trump hasn't even passed his first budget yet....

Trump's $4.1 trillion budget proposal increases spending $100 Billion per year.

Everyone know's you pay off debt during good economic times, except Repubtards who increase debt at all times!
Just like Ds do, but then you don't know that.
I kinda think that it's funny that Republicans actually think that companies are going to take the savings in tax reductions and reinvest the money in creating more jobs and paying their workers better.

Hate to say it, but they won't. There are several corporations who have said that they will take the tax savings and use it to bump up the price of their stock. The only people who are going to benefit are the owners and stockholders, not the average worker.
I kinda think that it's funny that Republicans actually think that companies are going to take the savings in tax reductions and reinvest the money in creating more jobs and paying their workers better.

Hate to say it, but they won't. There are several corporations who have said that they will take the tax savings and use it to bump up the price of their stock. The only people who are going to benefit are the owners and stockholders, not the average worker.

Who owns the stocks? Who are paid the dividends?

They will invest in more jobs, more jobs means more competition for employees, means companies must pay more to get employees.


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