The Deafening Silence

I kinda think that it's funny that Republicans actually think that companies are going to take the savings in tax reductions and reinvest the money in creating more jobs and paying their workers better.

Hate to say it, but they won't. There are several corporations who have said that they will take the tax savings and use it to bump up the price of their stock. The only people who are going to benefit are the owners and stockholders, not the average worker.

Who owns the stocks? Who are paid the dividends?

They will invest in more jobs, more jobs means more competition for employees, means companies must pay more to get employees.


They won't invest in jobs

If the market were there for more production, they would already be filling that market. More money to spend due to lower taxes will just be kept....same as it always is
Both party's want to run every thing,& are feeding what sells to get votes. for most the goal is to gain or keep personal power or money.
We continue to be self serving wanting only what works best for our self's, no willingness to think beyond our personal need/ want.
they do the same. we have set the example, our leaders just follow our lead.
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.

Moron....Trump hasn't even passed his first budget yet....

Trump's $4.1 trillion budget proposal increases spending $100 Billion per year.

Everyone know's you pay off debt during good economic times, except Repubtards who increase debt at all times!

So Obama had 8 consecutive lean years?
I kinda think that it's funny that Republicans actually think that companies are going to take the savings in tax reductions and reinvest the money in creating more jobs and paying their workers better.

Hate to say it, but they won't. There are several corporations who have said that they will take the tax savings and use it to bump up the price of their stock. The only people who are going to benefit are the owners and stockholders, not the average worker.

Who owns the stocks?
50 percent of all stocks are owned by the one percent.
In terms of types of financial wealth, in 2013 the top one percent of households had 49.8% of all privately held stock, 54.7% of financial securities, and 62.8% of business equity. The top ten percent had 84% to 94% of stocks, bonds, trust funds, and business equity, and almost 80% of non-home real estate.

Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power
Newt had the US great again in 1998.

Since 1998, it has been all downhill, led by W and a "Republican" Congress outspending, outporking, and outsocializing LBJ...
Both party's want to run every thing,& are feeding what sells to get votes. for most the goal is to gain or keep personal power or money.
We continue to be self serving wanting only what works best for our self's, no willingness to think beyond our personal need/ want.
they do the same. we have set the example, our leaders just follow our lead.
That's right. Our leaders only do what we tell them to do.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

All the rest is bullshit. Hypocritical bullshit.
Both parties are hopeless.

They really are. McConnell and Ryan prove it. The GOP and the Dems are one and the same - no patriotism to the US allowed.

I kinda think that it's funny that Republicans actually think that companies are going to take the savings in tax reductions and reinvest the money in creating more jobs and paying their workers better.

Hate to say it, but they won't. There are several corporations who have said that they will take the tax savings and use it to bump up the price of their stock. The only people who are going to benefit are the owners and stockholders, not the average worker.

Who owns the stocks? Who are paid the dividends?

They will invest in more jobs, more jobs means more competition for employees, means companies must pay more to get employees.


They won't invest in jobs

If the market were there for more production, they would already be filling that market. More money to spend due to lower taxes will just be kept....same as it always is

Southwest Airlines and Fed Ex have already said they would.

FedEx says new tax cuts could boost annual profits by $1.3 billion

And it’s not even signed yet.
I kinda think that it's funny that Republicans actually think that companies are going to take the savings in tax reductions and reinvest the money in creating more jobs and paying their workers better.

Hate to say it, but they won't. There are several corporations who have said that they will take the tax savings and use it to bump up the price of their stock. The only people who are going to benefit are the owners and stockholders, not the average worker.

Who owns the stocks?
50 percent of all stocks are owned by the one percent.

And the other 50%?

I’m loving it!
I kinda think that it's funny that Republicans actually think that companies are going to take the savings in tax reductions and reinvest the money in creating more jobs and paying their workers better.

Hate to say it, but they won't. There are several corporations who have said that they will take the tax savings and use it to bump up the price of their stock. The only people who are going to benefit are the owners and stockholders, not the average worker.

Who owns the stocks? Who are paid the dividends?

They will invest in more jobs, more jobs means more competition for employees, means companies must pay more to get employees.


They won't invest in jobs

If the market were there for more production, they would already be filling that market. More money to spend due to lower taxes will just be kept....same as it always is

Southwest Airlines and Fed Ex have already said they would.

FedEx says new tax cuts could boost annual profits by $1.3 billion

And it’s not even signed yet.

Both depend on a market share to expand
If the market was there for Southwest to hire more people, they already would have done it

I'll believe it when I see it
I kinda think that it's funny that Republicans actually think that companies are going to take the savings in tax reductions and reinvest the money in creating more jobs and paying their workers better.

Hate to say it, but they won't. There are several corporations who have said that they will take the tax savings and use it to bump up the price of their stock. The only people who are going to benefit are the owners and stockholders, not the average worker.

Who owns the stocks? Who are paid the dividends?

They will invest in more jobs, more jobs means more competition for employees, means companies must pay more to get employees.


They won't invest in jobs

If the market were there for more production, they would already be filling that market. More money to spend due to lower taxes will just be kept....same as it always is

Southwest Airlines and Fed Ex have already said they would.

FedEx says new tax cuts could boost annual profits by $1.3 billion

And it’s not even signed yet.

Both depend on a market share to expand
If the market was there for Southwest to hire more people, they already would have done it

I'll believe it when I see it

Lol, buying new equipment is not market dependent. It can also be replacing old equipment. Those building the new equipmement. JOBS JOBS JOBS.

Get used to it.
I kinda think that it's funny that Republicans actually think that companies are going to take the savings in tax reductions and reinvest the money in creating more jobs and paying their workers better.

Hate to say it, but they won't. There are several corporations who have said that they will take the tax savings and use it to bump up the price of their stock. The only people who are going to benefit are the owners and stockholders, not the average worker.

Who owns the stocks? Who are paid the dividends?

They will invest in more jobs, more jobs means more competition for employees, means companies must pay more to get employees.


They won't invest in jobs

If the market were there for more production, they would already be filling that market. More money to spend due to lower taxes will just be kept....same as it always is

Southwest Airlines and Fed Ex have already said they would.

FedEx says new tax cuts could boost annual profits by $1.3 billion

And it’s not even signed yet.

Both depend on a market share to expand
If the market was there for Southwest to hire more people, they already would have done it

I'll believe it when I see it

Lol, buying new equipment is not market dependent. It can also be replacing old equipment. Those building the new equipmement. JOBS JOBS JOBS.

Get used to it.

It is not taxable either

Those companies can invest in new equipment any time they want and write it off. They do not need to wait for a tax cut to buy it
Who owns the stocks? Who are paid the dividends?

They will invest in more jobs, more jobs means more competition for employees, means companies must pay more to get employees.


They won't invest in jobs

If the market were there for more production, they would already be filling that market. More money to spend due to lower taxes will just be kept....same as it always is

Southwest Airlines and Fed Ex have already said they would.

FedEx says new tax cuts could boost annual profits by $1.3 billion

And it’s not even signed yet.

Both depend on a market share to expand
If the market was there for Southwest to hire more people, they already would have done it

I'll believe it when I see it

Lol, buying new equipment is not market dependent. It can also be replacing old equipment. Those building the new equipmement. JOBS JOBS JOBS.

Get used to it.

It is not taxable either

Those companies can invest in new equipment any time they want and write it off. They do not need to wait for a tax cut to buy it

More great news for employees:

Ouch, that’s gonna hurt at the polls in 2018
I kinda think that it's funny that Republicans actually think that companies are going to take the savings in tax reductions and reinvest the money in creating more jobs and paying their workers better.

Hate to say it, but they won't. There are several corporations who have said that they will take the tax savings and use it to bump up the price of their stock. The only people who are going to benefit are the owners and stockholders, not the average worker.

Who owns the stocks?
50 percent of all stocks are owned by the one percent.

And the other 50%?

I’m loving it!
The top ten percent own 91 percent. The bottom 90 percent only own 9 percent.

You should have read my next two posts, retard.

I'm loving it!
I kinda think that it's funny that Republicans actually think that companies are going to take the savings in tax reductions and reinvest the money in creating more jobs and paying their workers better.

Hate to say it, but they won't. There are several corporations who have said that they will take the tax savings and use it to bump up the price of their stock. The only people who are going to benefit are the owners and stockholders, not the average worker.

Who owns the stocks?
50 percent of all stocks are owned by the one percent.

And the other 50%?

I’m loving it!
The top ten percent own 91 percent. The bottom 90 percent only own 9 percent.

You should have read my next two posts, retard.

I'm loving it!

My 401k is doing just fine and will do even better now!

Oh, did you read this:

AT&T plans to give $1,000 bonuses to 200,000 employees because of tax reform

Gotta love it!
There is no such thing as a Tax Cut without Cutting SPENDING. The money don't just rain from the sky! We are now going to pay far more through INFLATION & other taxes!
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.

The answer is simple, we need to stimulate the economy and put as many people to work as we can. Once the economy is rolling, the government will get its cut and we can pay off the debt. Fixing the Obama disaster has to happen first.
I've no problem with the tax cut but financing it on the hope of jam tomorrow is like a measure from the Italian budgets of the 1980s.

The social security and military budgets must be slashed to bring some semblance of sanity to the US finances.

However that would mean taking on special interest groups and an electoral hit, so hey lets just pass the Grandchildren the debt like always.

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