The Deafening Silence

Yeah, it's also a gut-buster that snowflakes are now horrified with the size if the national debt after 8 years of Obama tax and spending. Go figure.
The real gut buster is the Right backing the GOP's perpetual BORROW and spend policies.
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.
/----/ Funny how you Libtards like to point out we were still on Obozo's budget when it suits you.
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.
I don't recall you whining about the debt when Obama and the Dims were running it up.
Nor do I recall you whining when Reagan, Bush I and Bush II sent the national debt into orbit!!!
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.
/----/ Funny how you Libtards like to point out we were still on Obozo's budget when it suits you.
Obama's budget ended 9/30/2017 and in the first 3 months of Tramp's budget the debt increased a quarter of a trillion dollars without the added debt of his tax cuts.
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.

Trumpanzees wanna' b'leve, remember? When they see that extra $50 in their February paychecks they will raise Trump to deity status. That's all it will take.
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.
/----/ Funny how you Libtards like to point out we were still on Obozo's budget when it suits you.

Well, since you brought up Obama’s budget.

Looking at that time that Trump has been president..

In the 252 days that we were still under the Obama budget we added 1,180,934,368 to the debt each day.

In the 88 days under the Trump budget we have added 2,818,714,387 to the debt each day.

So, under the Trump budget the debt is growing at more than twice the rate.

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Since President Obama took office, the national debt has increased by $7.4 trillion. On January 20, 2009, it stood at $10.6 trillion; on Monday, it was at $18 trillion.Jan 7, 2015
The fiscal year ends Sept 30, so on Sept 30, 2009 the GOP National Debt was 12 trillion. On Sept 30, 2017 it was 20.2 trillion. An increase of about 1 trillion per year, Tramp is on a pace to exceed that already.
If there was a deafening silence it was among democrats when the debit rose 5 trillion during the Obama administration. What did we get for the 5 trillion? The DOW remained stagnant and food stamp applications rose steadily. Under just one year of the Trump administration the DOW hit record territory at least 80 times and unemployment dropped. Thank you President Trump and keep up the good work.
Since President Obama took office, the national debt has increased by $7.4 trillion. On January 20, 2009, it stood at $10.6 trillion; on Monday, it was at $18 trillion.Jan 7, 2015
The fiscal year ends Sept 30, so on Sept 30, 2009 the GOP National Debt was 12 trillion. On Sept 30, 2017 it was 20.2 trillion. An increase of about 1 trillion per year, Tramp is on a pace to exceed that already.
/----/ Notice how the President's buget slashes everything except national defense: 2018 United States federal budget - Wikipedia
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.
I don't recall you whining about the debt when Obama and the Dims were running it up.
Nor do I recall you whining when Reagan, Bush I and Bush II sent the national debt into orbit!!!
How would you? I've only been a member of this forum since 2011.
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.
I don't recall you whining about the debt when Obama and the Dims were running it up.
Nor do I recall you whining when Reagan, Bush I and Bush II sent the national debt into orbit!!!

No....the democrats made a deal with Reagan and then lied and went back on the deal......Bush and Bush 2 are establishment republicans......they are close tobeing democrats on spending...
Most of the REPOS are as horrible as Pelosi and Reid. I wish McCain and Graham and Ryan and all of their ILK were out of office.
If there was a deafening silence it was among democrats when the debit rose 5 trillion during the Obama administration. What did we get for the 5 trillion? The DOW remained stagnant and food stamp applications rose steadily. Under just one year of the Trump administration the DOW hit record territory at least 80 times and unemployment dropped. Thank you President Trump and keep up the good work.

Wow, so much bull shit in such a small space, well done.

Even if you ignore the fact the DJI ws dropping like a rock when he took office, the DJI was close to 8000 when Obama took office and when he left it was over 19,000. That is not stagnant by any measure. For Trump to have the same level of success the DJI will have to break 60,000.

Food stamp recipients topped out in mid-2013 and has been dropping ever since.

Unemployment dropped from 10% to 4.7% during the Obama admin. Somehow I do not think Trump will see a 5% decrease! :banana:
Inflation is already picking up due to Trumptards money printing! House prices just jumped 6.2%. How big was your raise? LOL
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.
I don't recall you whining about the debt when Obama and the Dims were running it up.
Nor do I recall you whining when Reagan, Bush I and Bush II sent the national debt into orbit!!!

No....the democrats made a deal with Reagan and then lied and went back on the deal......Bush and Bush 2 are establishment republicans......they are close tobeing democrats on spending...

Repubs are such an excuse factory. Repubs control the government and the debt grows. You are out of excuses.
If there was a deafening silence it was among democrats when the debit rose 5 trillion during the Obama administration. What did we get for the 5 trillion? The DOW remained stagnant and food stamp applications rose steadily. Under just one year of the Trump administration the DOW hit record territory at least 80 times and unemployment dropped. Thank you President Trump and keep up the good work.

The Dow remained stagnant under Obama? You do know what stagnant means don't you? Let me help you out....................


[stag-nuh nt]

See more synonyms on
1.not flowing or running, as water, air, etc.
2.stale or foul from standing, as a pool of water.
3.characterized by lack of development, advancement, or progressive movement:a stagnant economy.
4.inactive, sluggish, or dull.

When Obama took office on January 20th, 2009, the stock market was at 7,949. When Obama left office on January 20th, 2017, the stock market was at 19,827. That is a rise of over 11,000, which means that under Obama, the stock market doubled, which is the opposite of "stagnant".

And.................the Dow hit many record highs under Obama as well.
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.
I don't recall you whining about the debt when Obama and the Dims were running it up.
Nor do I recall you whining when Reagan, Bush I and Bush II sent the national debt into orbit!!!
How would you? I've only been a member of this forum since 2011.
You whine about Carter and he was president before 2011. DUH!
the democrats made a deal with Reagan and then lied and went back on the deal
And that is just another typical GOP lie!!!
Reagan welshed on the deal worked out between Republican Senate majority leader Dole and Democratic Congressional leader O'Neill because it cut the pork barrel spending on St Ronnie's Star Wars boondoggle.
But you knew that when you posted your lie.
the democrats made a deal with Reagan and then lied and went back on the deal
And that is just another typical GOP lie!!!
Reagan welshed on the deal worked out between Republican Senate majority leader Dole and Democratic Congressional leader O'Neill because it cut the pork barrel spending on St Ronnie's Star Wars boondoggle.
But you knew that when you posted your lie.

The only deal I'm aware of was for the Dims to cut spending by $2.00 for for every $1.00 tax increase Reagain agreed to sign. The Dims welshed on that, of course.
the democrats made a deal with Reagan and then lied and went back on the deal
And that is just another typical GOP lie!!!
Reagan welshed on the deal worked out between Republican Senate majority leader Dole and Democratic Congressional leader O'Neill because it cut the pork barrel spending on St Ronnie's Star Wars boondoggle.
But you knew that when you posted your lie.

The only deal I'm aware of was for the Dims to cut spending by $2.00 for for every $1.00 tax increase Reagain agreed to sign. The Dims welshed on that, of course.
Further proof that the Right lie in packs even when exposed to the truth.
Reagan welshed on the deal when the spending cuts were to Star Wars, of course, and St Ronnie is NOT a Dim!!!!!

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