The death knell of the Democratic Party: They just aren't cool.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
All the nanny state, PC, pro illegal, pro foreigner, anti success Democrats are driving people away. And not because of politics.

The simple fact is: DEMOCRATS JUST AREN'T COOL.

Just ask yourself who is cooler? Elizabeth Warren who is the ultimate obnoxious Librarian glaring at you hissing "SHHHHHH!" Or Donald Trump who tells his own Party "I'll Tweet any damn thing I want to!" Is it dignified? No. Is it anti-establishment? Yep. Is it cool? HELL YEAH!

Even though Uncle Bernie is about 90 and a full on Socialist, he's kinda cool. He totally believes in his bullshit. I don't have to tell you what a huge following he had among young people. Same with Ron Paul. Totally cool old dude also with big support from young people. On the flip side who can forget the Queen of uncool, Hillary. When she admitted during the campaign " I am not a natural politician" what she was really saying was "Sorry, I'm just not cool".
And defunding science, watching infrastructure fall into rivers and wanting to live in the 18th century is cooler?

Lets be serious!
Or take a more recent case Schumer could have shut down the government to force a phase in of the deduction caps and at least pump up his party's legal voting base for at least trying to have their back.
Racists are way more cool.

Look how exciting racists are when they march. Torches and everything:

Dims Are Near Broke

They claim they'll have a Blue Wave in November. Problem is; they don't have enough loot to run campaigns. And the GOP is raking in $$$$$.

What our fear is, is that no matter how high this wave is in 2018, that we won’t have the ability to take advantage of that and win governors races, congressional races, and state legislative races that would normally be out of reach but could be competitive,” Ray Buckley, the chair of the New Hampshire Democratic Party, who ran for DNC chairman against Perez last year, told VICE News.

From The Democratic Party Has A Serious Cash Flow Problem
Another problem is that Trump is putting money from GDP growth in taxpayers' pockets. Wage push inflation will push the majority of the middleclass into the nominal wealthy rates with nominal and real wage and wealth increases.
It sure looks like the Dems care a lot more about illegal immigrants than the do American citizens. Doesn't feel like they care about the rule of law, it's like if they don't like it they believe they should be able to ignore it. And if you are a caucasian Christian they really don't like you. Or in the military or the police dept. Or an unborn baby. It's like your rights don't count for much unless you vote for them, and sometimes not even then.

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