The death of a FAIRYTALE

The gravy train is over in Europe. There's no money, only smoke and mirrors. Its about over here in the US also.

This election is about the failed policies, horrid economy, high unemployment, no energy plan, inflation, numerous scandals of Obama. Of course he's squirming. I would be too if I had left such a shitpile in my wake.

Don't forget the failed foreign policy. Obama can't run on his record, his policies have failed! North Korea signs a no missile for food with the United States and broke it later in the month and are threatening more, all Obama can come up with is Panetta threatening war.
The gravy train is over in Europe. There's no money, only smoke and mirrors. Its about over here in the US also.

This election is about the failed policies, horrid economy, high unemployment, no energy plan, inflation, numerous scandals of Obama. Of course he's squirming. I would be too if I had left such a shitpile in my wake.

Don't forget the failed foreign policy. Obama can't run on his record, his policies have failed! North Korea signs a no missile for food with the United States and broke it later in the month and are threatening more, all Obama can come up with is Panetta threatening war.

So much for Obama's Peace Prize:eusa_whistle:
You seem to be confused, TM (so what else is new?). Nobody ever promised that "austerity", which is another way of saying living within your means, was going to be as easy as spending money you don't have.

If your household were tens of thousands in the red, then if you had any intelligence at all you'd most likely cut up your credit cards, budget yourself and start paying off your debt. Would it suck? Well of course it would. Being on a budget means you don't get some things you'd like to have. That's part of being an adult. You have to live within your means or you get yourself into trouble.

What I find amusing about your repeated threads about how austerity has "failed" is that you fail to comprehend that NOT taking steps to cut spending leads to an even more catastrophic failure.
The Fairytale is that Socialism ever last long term; it has a 100% Fail Rate

Also that Keynesian economics ever worked, Obama took it down to the bottom with his worst ever Presidency
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Look, you fucking moron... there is no 'European Economy'.... they are separate countries with separate economies.

Thatcher has now been proven brilliant in not allowing Britain to become part of the Euro currency.

She was so wise because she realized you couldn't have individual economies with whacko lefties like Greece who would one day devalue a Euro monetary system.

And this is what has happened. Germany's hanging in as well as Sweden. But if Greece or Spain (big trouble now with their socialist government/ 25% unemployment) go under yowzah!!!! It won't be good.

Italy is in that mix as well.

The EURO was a bad Socialist idea.

Can the same be said of the 'New World Order' with the UN in charge?

They're still at their "global tax" bs. With the UN in charge of the world fund of course. YIKES.
Thatcher has now been proven brilliant in not allowing Britain to become part of the Euro currency.

She was so wise because she realized you couldn't have individual economies with whacko lefties like Greece who would one day devalue a Euro monetary system.

And this is what has happened. Germany's hanging in as well as Sweden. But if Greece or Spain (big trouble now with their socialist government/ 25% unemployment) go under yowzah!!!! It won't be good.

Italy is in that mix as well.

The EURO was a bad Socialist idea.

Can the same be said of the 'New World Order' with the UN in charge?

They're still at their "global tax" bs. With the UN in charge of the world fund of course. YIKES.

Yikes indeed. Obama and the Hildebeast are selling us out to them as well.
You can't kill fairy tales with facts. As this thread clearly shows, the believers will close their eyes, ears and minds and regurgitate a litany of other fairy tales to support their house of cards belief system.
Nice try, though.

Gobly gook talk.

We're doing just fine up here. First reason is we didn't go hells bells full steam ahead throwing money around willy nilly.

You guys are so far in debt, I fear you are FUBAR.

We have a Prime Minister who has a Masters in Economics and has had a day job in his life.

We have a finance minister who freaking knows what he's doing.

These things help a country instead of academics running an administration who don't have a clue what they are doing.

then get rid of your healthcare if you think government is so bad

We won't be able to, that freedom the government is trying to take away from us.
You can't kill fairy tales with facts. As this thread clearly shows, the believers will close their eyes, ears and minds and regurgitate a litany of other fairy tales to support their house of cards belief system.
Nice try, though.

Gobly gook talk.

We're doing just fine up here. First reason is we didn't go hells bells full steam ahead throwing money around willy nilly.

You guys are so far in debt, I fear you are FUBAR.

We have a Prime Minister who has a Masters in Economics and has had a day job in his life.

We have a finance minister who freaking knows what he's doing.

These things help a country instead of academics running an administration who don't have a clue what they are doing.

then get rid of your healthcare if you think government is so bad
After YOU give up all your freedoms and come back and tell us how wonderful it all is...:eusa_shhh::lol:
Do you people have any idea jsut how fucking sstupid you look backing ideas that have repetedly failed throughout history and including RIGHT as we speak?

How do you suggest Romeny back miserable failure all over europe as a good reason to go forward with you economic plans?

shut up and take another hit......and then pass it on....

wow you are jsut going to try and keep pretending your failed ideas work.

You are one miserable hack.

Your just going to get sader the rest of your life too.

This world is about to take a huge lean left
and your what?.....a happy hack?....:lol:
All around Europe’s periphery, from Spain to Latvia, austerity policies have produced Depression-level slumps and Depression-level unemployment; the confidence fairy is nowhere to be seen, not even in Britain, whose turn to austerity two years ago was greeted with loud hosannas by policy elites on both sides of the Atlantic.

The reason it failed was they didn't cut spending nearly enough....

Hey Libs how do you like my Paul Krugman impersonation....? :eusa_whistle:
you can try to pretend the words mean something other than the dictionary definitions but that didnt work for you in your attempt to malign the word democracy either.

No wonder your party is dying

you say this.....yet you can care less if you spell the word wrong,which may change its meaning.....your so full of shit your starting to stink the place up....
You will have to explain why countries in Europe who followed a more conservative plan have tanked their economies.

No amount of calling names will make these facts disapear.

FACT: They didn't tank their economies. They are going through contractions....big deal.

Are you really this stupid or is being a zealot require you to look that way ?

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