The Death of the Western Way of Life.

Have you driven though Baltimore, or Ferguson of late? probably not. Chicken shits start the trouble but never try to stop it. Just look towards someone else to come in a clean up the mess.

Those who start the trouble don't believe they have created the mess. They stroll or strut away thinking they did a public service. Instability and civil unrest serves the agenda of the loony left/anarchist cabal. Of course, those who live there must for decades deal with the mess (lack of retail, commercial and jobs) but if you want a leftist omelet one must break some eggs, eh?
Birthrate is the root of it all, and add to that the fact that western countries no longer require assimilation, and you have this slow death spiral.

Westerners have no one to blame but themselves.

western?? west of what? THE HISTORY OF WESTERN
CIV--------was required in my college------it started in Egypt ---
and moved around Europe and Asia ------never got to the Americas. My impression of the WEST based on my college course-------was THE WEST is UKRAINE ----the prof. was Ukrainian and never talked about anything else. The required reading was stuff by Ukranian and Russian writers
Have you driven though Baltimore, or Ferguson of late? probably not. Chicken shits start the trouble but never try to stop it. Just look towards someone else to come in a clean up the mess.

Those who start the trouble don't believe they have created the mess. They stroll or strut away thinking they did a public service. Instability and civil unrest serves the agenda of the loony left/anarchist cabal. Of course, those who live there must for decades deal with the mess (lack of retail, commercial and jobs) but if you want a leftist omelet one must break some eggs, eh?
Anarchist are closer to libertarians than liberals...
You clowns live in constant fear.

Actually the world indeed should be fearful of the death of the West.
Apparently you're too stupid to see it, or is it that you would you rather see the world return to the dark ages ?
How exactly is the west dying? LIBIRULS? Gays? Muslims? Beanies? Blacks? COMMIES? Asians?
It's not all white like it used to be...
Diversity kills the right, no wonder they're against it.
Peoples in weird costumes.
You clowns live in constant fear.

Actually the world indeed should be fearful of the death of the West.
Apparently you're too stupid to see it, or is it that you would you rather see the world return to the dark ages ?
How exactly is the west dying? LIBIRULS? Gays? Muslims? Beanies? Blacks? COMMIES? Asians?
It's not all white like it used to be...
Diversity kills the right, no wonder they're against it.
United we stand, divided we fall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"United we stand, divided we fall" is a phrase used in many different kinds of mottos, most often to inspire unity and collaboration.
You sir are a dumbass. Diversity is what is killing US today, why you see fires burning the streets of the inner city, all because the first 1/2 white community agitator wants to see the Fundamental Transformation of America, the redistribution of wealth where the rich are richer and the most poor in poverty since the war on poverty started. God you morons cant see the REAL ENEMY of the US citizens while the hordes of illegals go around killing young women in San Fransicko, while her father watched her die in his arms. Yep, the day is coming, and those that have Obama/Biden bumper stickers, or Vote for the Vagina bumper stickers on their prious, will be mistaken as ISIS sympathizers.
You clowns live in constant fear.

Actually the world indeed should be fearful of the death of the West.
Apparently you're too stupid to see it, or is it that you would you rather see the world return to the dark ages ?
How exactly is the west dying? LIBIRULS? Gays? Muslims? Beanies? Blacks? COMMIES? Asians?
It's not all white like it used to be...
Diversity kills the right, no wonder they're against it.
United we stand, divided we fall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"United we stand, divided we fall" is a phrase used in many different kinds of mottos, most often to inspire unity and collaboration.
You sir are a dumbass. Diversity is what is killing US today, why you see fires burning the streets of the inner city, all because the first 1/2 white community agitator wants to see the Fundamental Transformation of America, the redistribution of wealth where the rich are richer and the most poor in poverty since the war on poverty started. God you morons cant see the REAL ENEMY of the US citizens while the hordes of illegals go around killing young women in San Fransicko, while her father watched her die in his arms. Yep, the day is coming, and those that have Obama/Biden bumper stickers, or Vote for the Vagina bumper stickers on their prious, will be mistaken as ISIS sympathizers.
White people kill also, or did you forget that?
Statistically White people kill less frequently than those of color. It could be that the upbringing of a 2 parent family with moral values, while other ethnic minorities have been brought up with a single parent or no parent at all.

Youth Homicide Rates by Race in the U.S. | RealClearScience
There is also a huge disparity in the youth homicide rate (per 100,000) between races in 2010:

Blacks: 28.8
Hispanics: 7.9
Whites: 2.1
I have been going around enlightening people of color to realize who is causing them the problems that they face day to day. Why a out of control government gets stronger when everyone is divided(diversity) and not unifying against the EVIL in DC. The reason why illegals are being pandered to, is that more blacks are moving away from liberals, and the liberals need a new source of DEPENDENT voters. ESPN host asks black people to vote for GOP
“What I dream is that for one election, just one, every black person in America vote Republican,” Smith said Tuesday during an appearance at Vanderbilt University
Statistically White people kill less frequently than those of color. It could be that the upbringing of a 2 parent family with moral values, while other ethnic minorities have been brought up with a single parent or no parent at all.

Youth Homicide Rates by Race in the U.S. | RealClearScience
There is also a huge disparity in the youth homicide rate (per 100,000) between races in 2010:

Blacks: 28.8
Hispanics: 7.9
Whites: 2.1
I have been going around enlightening people of color to realize who is causing them the problems that they face day to day. Why a out of control government gets stronger when everyone is divided(diversity) and not unifying against the EVIL in DC. The reason why illegals are being pandered to, is that more blacks are moving away from liberals, and the liberals need a new source of DEPENDENT voters. ESPN host asks black people to vote for GOP
“What I dream is that for one election, just one, every black person in America vote Republican,” Smith said Tuesday during an appearance at Vanderbilt University
An overwhelming number of whites (over 80%) are killed by other whites.
Ideally you should be afraid of your neighbors but somehow I don't believe you are concerned with the avalanche of white on white crime...
You just have to laugh.....

When has any dem administration EVER enforced or held accountable any foreign nation not abiding by its agreements ?
When Iran totally disregards this agreement dems will kowtow over and over again and call it "peace"... Right up until the time they make excuses to why Nuclear armed moors are a great idea...
You just have to laugh.....

When has any dem administration EVER enforced or held accountable any foreign nation not abiding by its agreements ?
When Iran totally disregards this agreement dems will kowtow over and over again and call it "peace"... Right up until the time they make excuses to why Nuclear armed moors are a great idea...

for a MYRIAD of reasons------NEVER!!! I say NEVAH!!!! refer to an Iranian as a "MOOR"---------moor implies two issues utterly ABHORRENT -----to Iranians. -------it implies
"arab" ----and it kinda implies ----<gasp> dark skin color.
It does not simply mean "muslim" I know this stuff from personal experience ----ie----from knowing muslim Iranians.
and their specific hatreds-------ANYTHING "arab"-----from the language to the music to the cuisine and most of all "arab"
persons. No KKK person would so utterly reject proximity
of his person to that of a "black" person to the extent that an Iranian does so------or even to persons of slightly dusky complexion. be very careful-------Iranians are touchy on these issues. ------keep them as far away from blacks and arabs as possible. Always supply beer
For many years, the liberals have been slowing destroying the western way of life. They have been bullying us into submission. Bullying - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict.[1] Behaviors used to assert such domination can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion, and such acts may be directed repeatedly towards particular targets. Rationalizations for such behavior sometimes include differences of social class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, behavior, body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size or ability.[2][3] If bullying is done by a group, it is called mobbing
For if they don't SUBJEGATE the American citizens , there will always be pockets of resistance to go against their will. So now with the Nuclear Iran Deal, a liberal , who is stepping down from HER senate seat, has now allowed the deal to go through. Obama's Iran Deal Will Survive As 34th Senator Announces Support
On Wednesday, Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) announced that she would support the agreement, becoming the 34th member of the Senate to do so.
The chicken shit Barb, who hates people, has now allowed IRAN to develop the bomb, and I can only hope that when it is used, Obama, Kerry and Barb, are all under it as it goes off.

View attachment 49107
Unfounded idiocy.

The Western way of life is alive and well.
Have you driven though Baltimore, or Ferguson of late? probably not. Chicken shits start the trouble but never try to stop it. Just look towards someone else to come in a clean up the mess.

Have you driven through Watts in 1968? Probably not.

Driven through anywhere else in the United States of late? Doing pretty well.

Chicken shits/littles like you are always predicting the sky is falling.

Meanwhile, the United States is still the best.

Too bad you don't see it.
I have been going around enlightening people of color[/QUOTE]

And I am certain that 'people of color' love it when you 'enlighten' them- always great to have some old white guy stopping by to tell everyone he knows more than they do- people love to hear that.
I have been going around enlightening people of color

And I am certain that 'people of color' love it when you 'enlighten' them- always great to have some old white guy stopping by to tell everyone he knows more than they do- people love to hear that.[/QUOTE]

oh-----he is providing INFORMATION -----for a moment there I thought he was selling cosmetics for WOMEN OF COLOR
Statistically White people kill less frequently than those of color. It could be that the upbringing of a 2 parent family with moral values, while other ethnic minorities have been brought up with a single parent or no parent at all.

Youth Homicide Rates by Race in the U.S. | RealClearScience
There is also a huge disparity in the youth homicide rate (per 100,000) between races in 2010:

Blacks: 28.8
Hispanics: 7.9
Whites: 2.1
I have been going around enlightening people of color to realize who is causing them the problems that they face day to day. Why a out of control government gets stronger when everyone is divided(diversity) and not unifying against the EVIL in DC. The reason why illegals are being pandered to, is that more blacks are moving away from liberals, and the liberals need a new source of DEPENDENT voters. ESPN host asks black people to vote for GOP
“What I dream is that for one election, just one, every black person in America vote Republican,” Smith said Tuesday during an appearance at Vanderbilt University
An overwhelming number of whites (over 80%) are killed by other whites.
Ideally you should be afraid of your neighbors but somehow I don't believe you are concerned with the avalanche of white on white crime...

well its those WHITE HUSBANDS --------they are a deadly bunch
You clowns live in constant fear.

Actually the world indeed should be fearful of the death of the West.
Apparently you're too stupid to see it, or is it that you would you rather see the world return to the dark ages ?
How exactly is the west dying? LIBIRULS? Gays? Muslims? Beanies? Blacks? COMMIES? Asians?
It's not all white like it used to be...
Diversity kills the right, no wonder they're against it.
God you morons cant see the REAL ENEMY of the US citizens while the hordes of illegals go around killing young women in San Fransicko, while her father watched her die in his arms. Yep, the day is coming, and those that have Obama/Biden bumper stickers, or Vote for the Vagina bumper stickers on their prious, will be mistaken as ISIS sympathizers.

Oh the day will come when chicken shit idiots like yourself will be laughed out of polite society.

Oh wait that day has already come.

It was not 'hordes of illegals' that killed a young woman in San Francisco- it was one illegal thug. Terrible thing to have happen.

But its a terrible thing whenever any one is killed- whenever the daughter or son of anyone is killed- regardless of the status the killer.

This has got to be one of the most stupid threads ever in USMB- 'death of Western way of life' somehow related to a nuclear deal with Iran.

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