The debate is over: natural immunity proven far better than the covid jab.

No one can trust the numbers that DeathSantis is putting out.

First we heard hat the virus peaked. Then we find out that 130 people died o covid last week...and THGEN it turns out the real number is 2300

That's a 9/11 every week in Florida
No one can trust the numbers that DeathSantis is putting out.

First we heard hat the virus peaked. Then we find out that 130 people died o covid last week...and THGEN it turns out the real number is 2300

That's a 9/11 every week in Florida

2300 people died of COVID last week in Florida? Or were 2300 added to the 46,000 dead since the pandemic started? Latest Florida COVID-19 numbers show cases leveling off, but virus still spreading

Sep 3, 2021

"Even with vaccines available to anyone 12 or older, COVID-19 is still ending lives.

A total of 433 lives were lost just last week. More than 46,000 dead since the pandemic started, and because of a backlog in verifying COVID-19 deaths, more than 2,300 were added to the death count since the last weekly report."
You may find this surprising, but, in general I agree with your post.

Although I would be considered in the “high risk” category because of my age, I am very conscious of my health and my immune system is extraordinary, so I am not too concerned about being infected with the virus, although I always take common sense precautions when around others.

Aside from that, there are many commonly available products which, if taken at the first signs of a virus infection, and especially a respiratory infection, which can and do prevent viruses from replicating. I have known this since the early 1990s and have yet to be incapacitated by a cold, flu, or any other respiratory infection and do not want to, without absolute certainty of its safety, introduce a laboratory cooked up concoction into my body.

And now we are seeing the “vaccine”, in general, is not as effective as natural immunity, and yet, the vaccine jabbers demand an unscientific one size fits all approach __ No Vax, No Service ___ which discriminates against those having natural immunity to the COVID virus.

NYC’s mandate__ No Vax, No Service ___ ignores the science, by actually encouraging the fully vaccinated, who are symptom free but infected and can spread the virus, to go about and enjoy public accommodations and spread the virus, while those who have natural immunity and are virus free, are discriminated against by government and prohibited from going about their daily activities. So why is natural immunity given little to no attention?

See Our COVID Overlords’ Insane Ignorance of Natural Immunity

Aug 23, 2021

"Appearing on Fox News’ “Hannity” to discuss the topic a few weeks ago, Dr. Nicole Saphier called the CDC “myopic.”

“We have ample data showing that natural immunity provides effectiveness against severe disease from SARS-CoV-2,” she said. “In fact, Israel showed that reinfection following prior infection is about seven times less likely than if you are fully vaccinated. So I find it to be very myopic that the CDC continues to discount the protection of natural immunity. They only do it for SARS-CoV-2. They acknowledge natural immunity for measles, chickenpox, and many other viruses, but they are so myopic right now in trying to encourage vaccination that they are truly actually not following the science.”

There is something very, very suspicious taking place when an important factor, natural immunity, in dealing with the Covid outbreak is given little to no attention.

BTW, did you see the following? COVID-19 survivors may possess wide-ranging resistance to the disease

July 22, 2021

”Recovered COVID-19 patients retain broad and effective longer-term immunity to the disease, suggests a recent Emory University study, which is the most comprehensive of its kind so far. The findings have implications for expanding understanding about human immune memory as well as future vaccine development for coronaviruses.”

The article goes on to point out the study suggests “. . . that patients who survived COVID-19 are likely to also possess protective immunity even against some SARS-CoV-2 variants.”

One thing for certain is, we need to pay more attention to natural immunity which is an important factor in dealing with the COVID outbreak.


The problem with natural immunity for a new virus is the death count for older people. For kids, they could let them get it and gain immunity, which will no doubt happen anyway, but kids don't vote.
More good news for DeSantis and Florida's fight against the COVID outbreak

Florida COVID hospitalizations down, per hospital association data

September 3rd 2021

"The signs continue to point to the fact that COVID-19 hospitalizations have peaked in Florida,” said Mary C. Mayhew, President and CEO, Florida Hospital Association in a statement. “While the total number of hospitalizations remain high and workforce challenges remain, it is encouraging that fewer hospitals are expecting critical staffing and oxygen shortages. As Floridians continue to get vaccinated and with expanded availability of monoclonal antibody treatments for those who test positive, it looks like the worst of this surge may finally be behind us.”


And in an earlier article, Sept. 2nd, we find, Mary C. Mayhew,

“credited Gov. Ron DeSantis‘ frequent promotion of monoclonal antibody treatments, and his efforts to make them widely available in Florida, as among the reasons for recent improvement and for hope that the summer surge may be waning in the Sunshine State.”

“Mayhew started out on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” show Friday noting Florida has been on the front-end of the nation’s summer surge of COVID-19, with “a dramatic increase in hospitalizations over a seven week period.”
___ LINK

August 25, 2021
More people in Florida are catching the coronavirus, being hospitalized and dying of Covid-19 now than at any previous point in the pandemic, underscoring the perils of limiting public health measures as the Delta variant rips through the state.

This week, 227 virus deaths were being reported each day in Florida, on average, as of Tuesday, a record for the state and by far the most in the United States right now. The average for new known cases reached 23,314 a day on the weekend, 30 percent higher than the state’s previous peak in January.

September 5, 2021
By mid-August the state averaged 244 deaths a day, compared to just 23 a day at the end of June and dwarfing the peak of 227 during the summer of 2020. Due to the way Florida deaths are recorded and reporting delays , the most recent figures are incomplete.

The increase in hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 worsened the crisis in Central Florida. There is no room for more corpses, so 14 portable morgues are coming soon.
August 25, 2021
More people in Florida are catching the coronavirus, being hospitalized and dying of Covid-19 now than at any previous point in the pandemic . . .
Good news! Covid deaths on the decline . . . nationwide . . . Thank you DeSantis


There is more good news. About two weeks after DeSantis took the lead in Florida and started advocating the antibody treatment, and a number of States then followed his lead, the overall deaths from COVID across the United States began to level out, and are now in the decline!




Daily confirmed COVID-19 deaths, rolling 7-day average

Of course, our mainstream media will not give Gov. DeSantis the credit for encouraging other States to start making the antibody treatment widely available to their residents . . . their aim is a 24/7 beat up on DeSantis routine, just like they did with President Trump and their phony Russian collusion crap which turned out to be a big fat lie.


None dare call the Democrat Party Leadership’s arming of the Taliban, (our enemy), with United States’ military equipment, as TREASON. Why?
Treating the COVID virus is now on par with the vaccine

It seems that common sense has finally prevailed in the COVID outbreak, and effectively treating the virus is now on par with the vaccine, as it should have been from the beginning.

FDA approves new antibody COVID-19 treatment at 6 new state-funded clinics including Missouri

Sep 1, 2021

The state of Missouri is breaking out a new weapon to keep more COVID patients out of hospitals: monoclonal antibody infusions.

The article continues:“You get the effect right away,” said Dr. Karthik Iyer, chief medical officer of Mercy Hospital Jefferson in Festus, which is hosting one of the new infusion centers.

“With vaccines, it still takes time to develop that immunity, the level of antibodies that can ward off the infection but with the monoclonal antibody infusion, the effect starts right away,” Iyer said. “

Health experts: Monoclonal antibody treatment gaining popularity, helping COVID-19 patients recover faster

September 2, 2021

“RALEIGH, N.C. — While doctors have stressed the importance of COVID-19 vaccinations, there are also coronavirus treatments helping sick patients stay out of the hospital.

Monoclonal antibody therapy is gaining popularity in North Carolina — and hospitals throughout the Triangle are seeing the increase in demand.

In June, about 100 people a week were getting monoclonal antibody therapy across the state, but last week, more than 3,000 treatments were given to patients.”

Local doctor encourages monoclonal antibody treatment against COVID-19

Sep 6, 2021

“FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (KNWA/KFTA) – A local doctor says monoclonal antibodies are our best bet against any already-diagnosed COVID-19 cases.”

The article goes continues: “There are other treatments that have been talked about that I think we’re all just learning the science and we’re all just trying to do the best we can with the information we have,” Dr. Bolding said. “But, as of today, that is the most proven method if you contract Covid.”

It’s about freaken time that common sense has finally prevailed!

Good news! Covid deaths on the decline . . . nationwide . . . Thank you DeSantis


There is more good news. About two weeks after DeSantis took the lead in Florida and started advocating the antibody treatment, and a number of States then followed his lead, the overall deaths from COVID across the United States began to level out, and are now in the decline!




See: Daily confirmed COVID-19 deaths, rolling 7-day average

Of course, our mainstream media will not give Gov. DeSantis the credit for encouraging other States to start making the antibody treatment widely available to their residents . . . their aim is a 24/7 beat up on DeSantis routine, just like they did with President Trump and their phony Russian collusion crap which turned out to be a big fat lie.


None dare call the Democrat Party Leadership’s arming of the Taliban, (our enemy), with United States’ military equipment, as TREASON. Why?
Sure it did.

Aug. 30, 2021 -- Florida is setting new records for COVID-19, even exceeding numbers reported during pre-vaccination days.

On Friday, the state reported 27,584 new COVID-19 cases -- the most in a 24-hour period for the state since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in early 2020. That number tops the previous record of around 26,000 new cases set the day before, according to CDC data.

For the week Aug. 20-26, the state recorded 151,749 new cases, the third straight week more than 150,000 new cases were recorded, according to state department of health data.

Overall, the state has recorded 3.2 million COVID cases during the pandemic, more than any other state other than Texas and California. Florida is now accounting for about 15% of new cases in the nation.

"Of course, our mainstream media will not give Gov. DeSantis the credit for encouraging other States to start making the antibody treatment widely available to their residents".

Of course not, it's experimental, not FDA approved, remember?

The treatment, known as monoclonal antibodies, if taken immediately after COVID symptoms surface, can stop the virus from worsening. So far, more than 45,000 Floridians have received Regeneron’s treatment at the clinics.

Until these pop-ups opened, hospitals across the state had been giving monoclonal antibodies as an early treatment, but only with a doctor’s referral. Now, anyone at high risk with COVID symptoms or newly exposed can get the therapy without a doctor’s notice at the state’s pop-up clinics, because the Florida Surgeon General issued an order waiving the referral requirement.

Monoclonal antibodies are expensive.

September 4, 2021
With high demand and more monoclonal antibody treatment sites popping up across Florida, more people have been receiving the treatment at sites run by the state and hospital systems.

When it comes to combating COVID-19, both vaccines and the monoclonal antibody treatment are free with no upfront costs to consumers for the medications.

However, since the federal government is footing the bill, taxpayers are still paying indirectly.

A spokesperson from Regeneron, the company behind the monoclonal antibody treatment, said the treatment can cost between $1,500 and $2,100 a dose, whereas the vaccines are much cheaper. A dose of the Pfizer vaccine costs about $20. When it comes to taxpayer money, the vaccine could be a cheaper option.

So, much for Trumptards claiming to be "conservative".

Then of course there are the mini-grifter's, kickbacks.

August 20, 2021
DeSantis, touting a COVID-19 antibody treatment in which a top donor’s company has invested millions of dollars.

DeSantis has been promoting the effectiveness of Regeneron, a monoclonal antibody treatment.

Filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission show Citadel, a Chicago-based hedge fund, has $15.9 million in shares of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals as well as options to buy its stock.

Citadel CEO Ken Griffin has donated $10.75 million to a political committee that supports DeSantis.
Apparently so, since they clearly trust the corrupt powers that be and big Pharma. And they seem completely oblivious to what's going on in the world. :dunno:
Sure, as right wing nut jobs advocate taking the horse de-wormer made by Merk of Germany.
As they promote Regeneron made by Regeneron pharmaceuticals.
As they promote hydroxychloroquine made by Sanofi of France.

Yeah, democrats are oblivious.
Sure it did.

Aug. 30, 2021 -- Florida is setting new records for COVID-19, even exceeding numbers reported during pre-vaccination days.

The number of COVID cases is irrelevant. What is relevant are the number of deaths due to COVID.

Sure, as right wing nut jobs advocate taking the horse de-wormer made by Merk of Germany.
As they promote Regeneron made by Regeneron pharmaceuticals.
As they promote hydroxychloroquine made by Sanofi of France.

Yeah, democrats are oblivious.

New Yorkers: do you enjoy sucking up to COVID vaccine passports?

Natural immunity may offer better protection against COVID

Harvard Epidemiologist Says the Case for COVID Vaccine Passports Was Just Demolished
New research found that natural immunity offers exponentially more protection than COVID-19 vaccines.

Monday, August 30, 2021

"A newly published medical study found that infection from COVID-19 confers considerably longer-lasting and stronger protection against the Delta variant of the virus than vaccines."

The article goes on to point out . . . “Put another way, vaccinated individuals were 27 times more likely to get a symptomatic COVID infection than those with natural immunity from COVID.”

If this study’s conclusion is accurate, then those who have been vaccinated and now enjoy NYC’s public accommodations after showing proof of vaccination, the study indicates they are 27 times more likely to be spreading the COVID virus under NYC’s one size fits all No Vax, No Service Mandate, than those having developed natural immunity to the virus and are forbidden to enjoy NYC’s public accommodations.

Leave it the New York City’s nitwitted leadership to use the iron fist of government to screw over their residents.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.
Treating the COVID virus is now on par with the vaccine

It seems that common sense has finally prevailed in the COVID outbreak, and effectively treating the virus is now on par with the vaccine, as it should have been from the beginning.

FDA approves new antibody COVID-19 treatment at 6 new state-funded clinics including Missouri

Sep 1, 2021

The state of Missouri is breaking out a new weapon to keep more COVID patients out of hospitals: monoclonal antibody infusions.

The article continues:“You get the effect right away,” said Dr. Karthik Iyer, chief medical officer of Mercy Hospital Jefferson in Festus, which is hosting one of the new infusion centers.

“With vaccines, it still takes time to develop that immunity, the level of antibodies that can ward off the infection but with the monoclonal antibody infusion, the effect starts right away,” Iyer said. “

Health experts: Monoclonal antibody treatment gaining popularity, helping COVID-19 patients recover faster

September 2, 2021

“RALEIGH, N.C. — While doctors have stressed the importance of COVID-19 vaccinations, there are also coronavirus treatments helping sick patients stay out of the hospital.

Monoclonal antibody therapy is gaining popularity in North Carolina — and hospitals throughout the Triangle are seeing the increase in demand.

In June, about 100 people a week were getting monoclonal antibody therapy across the state, but last week, more than 3,000 treatments were given to patients.”

Local doctor encourages monoclonal antibody treatment against COVID-19

Sep 6, 2021

“FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (KNWA/KFTA) – A local doctor says monoclonal antibodies are our best bet against any already-diagnosed COVID-19 cases.”

The article goes continues: “There are other treatments that have been talked about that I think we’re all just learning the science and we’re all just trying to do the best we can with the information we have,” Dr. Bolding said. “But, as of today, that is the most proven method if you contract Covid.”

It’s about freaken time that common sense has finally prevailed!


Anyone against the vaccines because they're experimental should definitely not use this, it's experimental. What are the long term effects? No one knows. The only solution is ivermectin. Problem solved.
The number of COVID cases is irrelevant. What is relevant are the number of deaths due to COVID.

Yes, I'm sure, you will have another "irrelevancy" when the death count catches up to the case count.

Covid cases ARE relevant to hospitals and their employees, moron.

September 5, 2021
The U.S. health care system is again buckling under the weight of a COVID-19 surge that has filled more than 100,000 hospital beds nationwide and forced some states to consider enacting "crisis standards of care" — a last resort plan for rationing medical care during a catastrophic event.

In recent weeks, more than 10 states have reached their highest hospital admissions for COVID-19 of the pandemic, from the Southeast to the Pacific Northwest. And the U.S. continues to average more than 160,000 new coronavirus cases a day.

For example, certain patients deemed less likely to survive may not get a bed in the intensive care unit. Nurses may be asked to treat many more patients than is normally considered safe. Patients may have to be discharged from the hospital before they would normally go home, and some patients who would usually be admitted for hospital care might have to be denied.

The republican "death panels" they blamed democrats for when Obama was president.
New Yorkers: do you enjoy sucking up to COVID vaccine passports?

Natural immunity may offer better protection against COVID

Harvard Epidemiologist Says the Case for COVID Vaccine Passports Was Just Demolished
New research found that natural immunity offers exponentially more protection than COVID-19 vaccines.

Monday, August 30, 2021

"A newly published medical study found that infection from COVID-19 confers considerably longer-lasting and stronger protection against the Delta variant of the virus than vaccines."

The article goes on to point out . . . “Put another way, vaccinated individuals were 27 times more likely to get a symptomatic COVID infection than those with natural immunity from COVID.”

If this study’s conclusion is accurate, then those who have been vaccinated and now enjoy NYC’s public accommodations after showing proof of vaccination, the study indicates they are 27 times more likely to be spreading the COVID virus under NYC’s one size fits all No Vax, No Service Mandate, than those having developed natural immunity to the virus and are forbidden to enjoy NYC’s public accommodations.

Leave it the New York City’s nitwitted leadership to use the iron fist of government to screw over their residents.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.
Trumptards are not only oblivious, they're not very good at diversion, either.

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