The debilitating disease of climate alarmism!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
w0w.....what an eye opener and makes a lot of sense...................

"In their own preliminary research, Searle and Gow (2009) found that most of the people they studied "conceptualized climate change as being related to unexpected environmental events such as natural disasters; changes in climate such as extreme weather patterns; and changes to lifestyle such as living with water restrictions," which changes "were generally viewed as leading to greater social problems in the future such as mass migration, increased food prices, war over natural resources, as well as more extreme and catastrophic climatic events," which are the very things out of which climate alarmism is constructed and maintained by people such as Al Gore, James Hansen, Michael Mann and a host of their cohorts. So great is "the perceived threat to a community's mental health," in fact, that Searle and Gow report that health professionals have called for "the development of strategies to assist individuals to deal with their concerns."

The Debilitating Disease of Climate Alarmism

Been saying for a long time these people have mental issues. Most people aren't aware but OCD falls under the umbrella of depression. Frequently, it can be only treated with pharmacological aids. As such, clinically, it is considered a mental disorder. In my line of work for the past 30 years, I deal daily with people with severe OCD. It is exceedingly debilitating..........cyclical thinking.....the problem being, there is a fuck up at the site of neurotransmitter synapses......serotonin issues. These people are often consumed with thoughts that they just cant get past. To them, the fears are very real...........they are frequently in a state of perpetual worry that we're waiting too long to complete our emergency ark builds. And Im serious here!!!

Dollar to a thousand stale donuts, if you polled these people, they have a family member on either Mom or Dad's side ( or both ) that have dealt with depression in their lives.

And to the point the authors make above.........note how any time there is a weather anomaly, these people freak out!!! Watch in the coming months. Frankly, it is no different than the guy with OCD who cant go to work without washing his hands 25 times. Same dynamic occurring.
ps.......accordingly, I never use terms in describing these people, such as "idiot"........"moron" or "retard". That would be wildly incorrect. Those terms are necessarily related to intelligence levels. These people are not stupid at all......most are far smarter than me. Depression leads to thought processing issues..............mental issues...........there is a HUGE difference!!!
As companies are downsized and or go out of business it results in the depression of those formerly employed. Those about to be unemployed get PRE- syndrome..
As companies are downsized and or go out of business it results in the depression of those formerly employed. Those about to be unemployed get PRE- syndrome..

Yeah but these people suffer from OCD Billy......many mental disorders fall under the depression banner: bipolar disorder, mood disorder, ADHD, anxiety disorder etc..........doesn't mean they are depressed. Almost invariably though, there is a genetic link.

Its all in the DSM IV-R.......
Get a room, you two.

Does it bother you two bedwetters that after so many years of obsessive crying and lying, you've accomplished nothing? The whole planet correctly defines you as limp-wristed wusses and pathological cult liars. All those years of obsessively hating and embarrassing yourselves, totally wasted.

What's the plan to overcome that? Whine more? Be even bigger little bitches? Flap your limp wrists even more limply?

Enjoy life in your cult, ladies. I hope the satisfaction you get from the mutual stroking is worth the lifetime of humiliation you get as a result.
Didn't think this thread would get a lot of feedback!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

And of course, then you get the nutter rants like the one above.........completely incoherent and utterly miserable!! One will notice that with depression.........perpetual misery.:oops-28:

For the climate crusader k00ks, this thread cant leave the face page of the forum fast enough s0ns!!:coffee:
Get a room, you two.

Does it bother you two bedwetters that after so many years of obsessive crying and lying, you've accomplished nothing? The whole planet correctly defines you as limp-wristed wusses and pathological cult liars. All those years of obsessively hating and embarrassing yourselves, totally wasted.

What's the plan to overcome that? Whine more? Be even bigger little bitches? Flap your limp wrists even more limply?

Enjoy life in your cult, ladies. I hope the satisfaction you get from the mutual stroking is worth the lifetime of humiliation you get as a result.
Climate change god, grant me the serenityTo accept the things I cannot change,Courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference

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