The deficit is unlikely to shrink again, according to the Wall Street Journal,

People have been saying this for decades, but, "Something has to give."

You can't continue spending this much more than you take in, even if you have the ability to (in effect) print money.

At some point in the not-too-distant future, the debt service will overwhelm discretionary spending, and Congress will have to start saying to the American people, "WE CAN'T CONTINUE FUNDING THIS STUFF!"

But as I say, people like me have been saying this since Newt Gingrich balanced the budget during the CLinton Administration, and "we" were projecting when the national debt would be paid off.

This cannot continue. But one thing is certain, when the shit hits the fan, it will be with a Republican Congress, and the Democrats will blame the Republicans for mismanagement when it happens. Some things never change.
newtered gingrinch didn't balance anything. He continued reagan's untax the rich and balloon the deficit approach to government. Then blame government for not working.
It doesn't have to shrink in order for America to be prosperous, because the US has a sovereign fiat currency, issued exclusively by its federal government or banks that have an official US congress approved charter. The FED is essentially the central bank of the United States, under the authority of congress to "print" i.e. create dollars.

The so-called "national debt" is just a ledger showing how much money has been printed and put into the economy. The government's red ink (deficit) is the people's black ink (surplus). Whenever the US federal government balances its budget, it leads to a recession within three years. You can look at the stats. Balanced budget = recession. Why? Because you're taking money out of the economy, the private sector, and your average working-class person. Just examine the record. Every time the federal government has balanced its budget and gotten out of the red, the private sector is in the red within three years.

The budgetary constraints of the US federal government are set by the GDP, the nation's production capacity. Right now the US GDP stands at 23 trillion and the federal budget is a small fraction of that. The US federal government could very easily double, even triple its budget without causing inflation. Especially if it allocates those funds to developing the nation's infrastructure. If that money is injected into infrastructure development, it will expand the GDP. Make America even more prosperous.
I dunno Ray, the repubs in the Senate might be helping the dems pass a huge omnibus spending bill before Christmas. I will say though that a GOP House probably won't allow as much spending as a Pelosi-led House would. And it won't take many House RINOs to spend more in the next 2 years than they should. Fiscal sanity appears to be close to non-existent in DC, even among some repubs.

I ceased my donations to the Repubs after the red wave ended up being low tide.
You keep at it.... Germany is out performing US in fiscally...

You believe the future for US is have them less educated while the wealthiest countries in the world are about having the most educated workforce possible. Just because you can't see outside the country is down to your blinkered view... You are banking on keeping people dumb as rocks and having them all voting Republican... More educated people generally vote Democrat...

Again, use the old ignorance route to Climate... The actual people that are educated and study climate have shown how we have influenced the climate and how we can stop it and then reverse it. But this is too much for you and the GOP... IF you listen to science, how are you going to make them believe is hocus pocus... On top of that there is a whole new industry in renewables which good paying jobs,

Doesn't matter cause this makes you wrong and you can't admit you were wrong...

And the there is IRS agents... To not have enough IRS agents is to say that you support Tax Cheats... Tell us why you support Tax Cheats... Why do you support people paying more for the country and others cheating the amount democratically elected people have stated they must pay. Is this another anti democracy thing ye are going for?

Sorry but some of us don't support tax cheats.

If it had anything to do with tax cheats, yes. But this is all about politics and the Communists trying to create new voters anyway possible. With that amount of new people they will be calling in people making under 30K looking for reasons to harass them because they'll have nothing better to do. Who wants to take a day off of work to drive downtown and argue over nickle dime deductions all the time?

WTF do you get this idea if taxpayers don't foot the bill for college, people won't get educated? Again, vote buying. We have plenty of people in college as it is. Trust me. I'm a retired truck driver, and I've come across many drivers that had a college degree that was useless. They got into trucking because the money was better than any job they could have gotten with their degree. It's just a cheap excuse for government to have more control over the people. While you cradle-to-grave people support more government dependency, we on the right don't.

So tell me genius, what do we do when the people have no money because we're paying for all this climate salvation, while India and China are polluting the planet ten times more than we are now? How are you going to stop them? Don't you people realize you are being made idiots out of? The people leading the charge and getting rich from this climate change BS are flying around in private planes like Kerry and Gore, or buying mansions on the ocean like DumBama. And they're all laughing at your gullibility. Dementia is trying to get other countries to supply us with oil when it's the US that produces oil cleaner than any other country on the planet.

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