Yes, you have an individual right to own a pistol or handgun. But the State can require you to get special licensing to own, possess or carry the handgun even in your home. You may have to meet certain requirements. Or the state can just say that it's your right to have a handgun in your home without special licensing like most do, but not all. In DC, you have to have a special license to have a fully functional handgun in your home and meet certain requirements. This is what came out of Heller V DC.

And those will be challenged as unConstituitonal....since Poll Taxes on the Right to vote were unConstitutional, and in Murdock v Pennsylvania, any tax on the Exercise of a Right is unConstitutional so any tax or fee on the exercise of your 2nd Amendment Rights is unConstitutional...

Heller V DC already upheld the special license to have a fully operational handgun in your home. It's already been contested and failed. It's deemed constitutional. You can scream "Unconstitutional" till your head explodes but the state has that right. And, in case you don't know, in case of levels, the Government of DC is equal to a State in most ways.

There you go again. Equaling gun rights to the first amendment rights and a few other amendment rights which none of them are contained in the 2nd amendment. When are you going to learn. They day that the Government accepts that the Gun is a Higher Being, this might be true. And in your mind, you might think so. But it just ain't going to happen. The rules for Religion and Voting are completely different than gun rights. I guess you think enough time has passed that you think that we will have forgotten the discussion we already have had over and over again. Hope you got that ass velcroed since I am just about ready to hand it back to you once again.

No, it hasn't. The state doesn't have that Right, ask the democrats if they had the Right to require a Poll Tax on voting. The rules for religion and voting are not different from owning a gun, they are all Rights, and not to be blocked by states or the Feds.

You don't know what you are talking about.

Poll taxes are illegal, sure. But they are different than gun regulations. For instance, I support the requirement of showing a picture ID to vote as long as access to those IDs are made freely to all citizens of the community who can present proper birth certificates. The problem with the way your side wants to do the Picture ID is that there is a charge on the service and various county clerks can play whacka-a-mole with the services to inhibit those that they don't like. That is also a poll tax and worse.

But it's not the same as common sense gun regulations.

No...Poll Taxes are not different from taxes on guns..... they are both meant to inhibit the exercise of a Right.

Name common sense gun regulation which would be differnent from the 300 or so gun laws already on the books.

We have all the gun laws we need, with the primary gun can't shoot people except for self defense. There, done, Drop the Mic.....

And you dropped it on your foot. Hope it hurt real bad. Here is your ass back. You need to send it to the cleaners, it smells up the room.

And what are the primary gun laws? Who determines what those primary gun laws are supposed to be? Who enforces those primary gun laws? You brought it up. Let's dig into it. Get a good grip on your ass though.
It's already been infringed.
And women have already been raped. By your "logic" we should just accept it and legalize rape.

Men have also been raped. What's your point here?
My “point” exposed your complete and total lack of logic. Which is why you had absolutely no response to my statement. It’s funny how when I own you, you attempt to pretend like I’m the one digging when it’s you.

Your argument was “it’s already been infringed”. Well, women have already been raped. So by your “logic”, we should accept rape and legalize it.

Game over. Buh-bye.
But the Local Governments can outright ban a fully automatic weapon on their own. Some do, some don't. Another case of Due Process of the Law and States Rights.
It's already been infringed.
And women have already been raped. By your "logic" we should just accept it and legalize rape.

Men have also been raped. What's your point here?
My “point” exposed your complete and total lack of logic. Which is why you had absolutely no response to my statement. It’s funny how when I own you, you attempt to pretend like I’m the one digging when it’s you.

Your argument was “it’s already been infringed”. Well, women have already been raped. So by your “logic”, we should accept rape and legalize it.

Game over. Buh-bye.

Only in your twisted little mind. You are the enemy of the American People.
But the Local Governments can outright ban a fully automatic weapon on their own. Some do, some don't. Another case of Due Process of the Law and States Rights.
Holy shit...I’ve seen some profoundly ignorant posts on USMB but this is by far and away the most ignorant.

Snowflake, the Supremacy Clauses establishes the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land. It trumps any and all state and local law. By your idiotic claim, your city could strip you of you’re freedom of speech. After all, it’s their “State’s Rights” to strip you of freedom of speech. And freedom of religion.

At this point, I have to believe that you are simply trolling. I can’t imagine any American could actually be as profoundly ignorant as you are being.
They can require you to have to acquire a special license to buy, own and store it.
Um...actually...they can’t. The U.S. Constitution grants them no such authority. God you are dumb.

In DC, you have to have a special license to have a fully functional handgun in your home. And that was upheld by Heller V DC. Once again, the crayon is melting on your FFL license.
You aren't a licensed FFL.
I’ve already proven on dozens of occasions in this thread that you have no clue what an FFL even is. You Googled it during our argument and attempted to pass it off as if you knew something. I literally proved that already.

So just stop already, snowflake. You’re the laughing stock of USMB right now.
But the Local Governments can outright ban a fully automatic weapon on their own. Some do, some don't. Another case of Due Process of the Law and States Rights.
Holy shit...I’ve seen some profoundly ignorant posts on USMB but this is by far and away the most ignorant.

Snowflake, the Supremacy Clauses establishes the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land. It trumps any and all state and local law. By your idiotic claim, your city could strip you of you’re freedom of speech. After all, it’s their “State’s Rights” to strip you of freedom of speech. And freedom of religion.

At this point, I have to believe that you are simply trolling. I can’t imagine any American could actually be as profoundly ignorant as you are being.

What's the matter, cupcake, your shorts in a bind again? The locals certainly can and many do outright ban fully automatic weapons from their borders. You can't just outright go out and buy any fully auto weapon and waltz it home. Check with the local laws first. Now, get back into that cave.
They can require you to have to acquire a special license to buy, own and store it.
Um...actually...they can’t. The U.S. Constitution grants them no such authority. God you are dumb.

In DC, you have to have a special license to have a fully functional handgun in your home. And that was upheld by Heller V DC. Once again, the crayon is melting on your FFL license. astoundingly stupid tool...just because something happened doesn’t mean it is “constitutional”. Women are raped every day - even though rape isn’t legal. What D.C. is doing is violating the U.S. Constitution. They were violating it even worse before the Supreme Court put them in their place in D.C. vs. Heller.
You aren't a licensed FFL.
I’ve already proven on dozens of occasions in this thread that you have no clue what an FFL even is. You Googled it during our argument and attempted to pass it off as if you knew something. I literally proved that already.

So just stop already, snowflake. You’re the laughing stock of USMB right now.

Then rebutt what I say instead of this childish insulting. I got time. Of course, I already know you can't since I am quoting law and you are quoting BS out your ass. But I will admit my FFL ran out about 20 years ago and I never bothered to renew it. But things haven't changed all that much. And mine was printed by the Treasury Department while yours was printed by the Kindergarden Class in CRayon.
They can require you to have to acquire a special license to buy, own and store it.
Um...actually...they can’t. The U.S. Constitution grants them no such authority. God you are dumb.

In DC, you have to have a special license to have a fully functional handgun in your home. And that was upheld by Heller V DC. Once again, the crayon is melting on your FFL license. astoundingly stupid tool...just because something happened doesn’t mean it is “constitutional”. Women are raped every day - even though rape isn’t legal. What D.C. is doing is violating the U.S. Constitution. They were violating it even worse before the Supreme Court put them in their place in D.C. vs. Heller.

Under the Constitution, it's legal. IT's called States Rights and Due Process. All Heller V DC did was confirm that it WAS constitutional. You can scream "It's Unconstitutional" till your head explodes (Oh please, do it soon) but it won't change a thing.
But the Local Governments can outright ban a fully automatic weapon on their own. Some do, some don't. Another case of Due Process of the Law and States Rights.
Holy shit...I’ve seen some profoundly ignorant posts on USMB but this is by far and away the most ignorant.

Snowflake, the Supremacy Clauses establishes the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land. It trumps any and all state and local law. By your idiotic claim, your city could strip you of you’re freedom of speech. After all, it’s their “State’s Rights” to strip you of freedom of speech. And freedom of religion.

At this point, I have to believe that you are simply trolling. I can’t imagine any American could actually be as profoundly ignorant as you are being.

What's the matter, cupcake, your shorts in a bind again?
No. But your ignorance has your brain in one hell of a bind. Why is it when I own you, you run away from the subject matter like a little bitch? :eusa_doh:

Can your city strip you of your freedom of speech or freedom or religion? Yes or No, ignorant one?
But the Local Governments can outright ban a fully automatic weapon on their own. Some do, some don't. Another case of Due Process of the Law and States Rights.
Holy shit...I’ve seen some profoundly ignorant posts on USMB but this is by far and away the most ignorant.

Snowflake, the Supremacy Clauses establishes the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land. It trumps any and all state and local law. By your idiotic claim, your city could strip you of you’re freedom of speech. After all, it’s their “State’s Rights” to strip you of freedom of speech. And freedom of religion.

At this point, I have to believe that you are simply trolling. I can’t imagine any American could actually be as profoundly ignorant as you are being.

What's the matter, cupcake, your shorts in a bind again?
No. But your ignorance has your brain in one hell of a bind. Why is it when I own you, you run away from the subject matter like a little bitch? :eusa_doh:

Can your city strip you of your freedom of speech or freedom or religion? Yes or No, ignorant one?

My freedom of speech and religion is doing just fine. It seems you feel yours might be in jeopardy. You really need to get that looked at. IF you want, I can refer you to some local people to discuss that with you.
Under the Constitution, it's legal. IT's called States Rights and Due Process.
I literally cannot stop laughing at how stupid you are. You don’t even understand what “due process” means. :lmao:

Snowflake, “due process” means your right to the legal process spelled out in the U.S. Constitution for being charged and prosecuted. It doesn’t have anything to do with a state trampling on the U.S. Constitution.
Can your city strip you of your freedom of speech or freedom or religion? Yes or No, ignorant one?
My freedom of speech and religion is doing just fine.
Nobody asked that, stupid. Once again you run from the subject matter like a bitch. It’s a simple yes or no question. Why can’t you answer it?

Can your city strip you of your freedom of speech or freedom or religion? Yes or No?
Under the Constitution, it's legal. IT's called States Rights and Due Process.
I literally cannot stop laughing at how stupid you are. You don’t even understand what “due process” means. :lmao:

Snowflake, “due process” means your right to the legal process spelled out in the U.S. Constitution for being charged and prosecuted. It doesn’t have anything to do with a state trampling on the U.S. Constitution.

You do know that you already lost this one, don't you. You are just trying to rewrite the law to suit your own desires. I suggest you run for office, get all your buddies across the US to do the same, get elected into the House and Senate, get one of yours into the Presidents Chair and slowly replace all the US Justices. That's the only way you are going to do it. Good luck with that.
Then rebutt what I say instead of this childish insulting.
I already did!!! Doezens of times. Right here in this very thread. One does not need to be a firearms dealer to own a fully automatic firearm. One only needs an NFA Stamp from the ATF. I have friends that own “machine guns”. I have fired them many, many times. None of us are firearms dealers. Idiot.
Under the Constitution, it's legal. IT's called States Rights and Due Process.
I literally cannot stop laughing at how stupid you are. You don’t even understand what “due process” means. :lmao:

Snowflake, “due process” means your right to the legal process spelled out in the U.S. Constitution for being charged and prosecuted. It doesn’t have anything to do with a state trampling on the U.S. Constitution.
You do know that you already lost this one, don't you.
Spoken like an immature leftist who just had their ass handed to them. :laugh:

I just can’t get over how dumb you are. It’s amazing. You Googled the FFL, and misused it in your arguments. Then you misused “due process” (which is fucking incredible). You don’t know how or where to apply these terms because you are so profoundly ignorant of them. Incredible.

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