The Delusional Candidate

You seem to have a problem comprehending simple questions (did you check the "moron" box on the questionaire?")

Why would she check your box?

The suspects include nine Algerian nationals, eight people from Morocco, five from Iran and four from Syria, German interior ministry spokesman Tobias Plate said. Two are German citizens, while one each are from Iraq, Serbia and the United States.

By all means tell me more about the "thousands of Syrian refugees" raping germans on New Years eve (and you can leave the moron box checked).

So, you were lying when you said there were no Syrians. No surprise. Those who support rape aren't going to shy away from lying.

If that represents the extent of your ability to reason...well sure, who am I to put the brakes on what is obviously a stellar something......

The democratic - socialist party, supporters of violent rape, but you'll put frat boys in prison for decades for not getting a court order prior to consensual sex.

Yeah, you're fucked up, but mostly you're just evil.

Tell me more about these "thousand Syrian refugees" involved in rapes in Germany :lol:
Is this more delusional riffing?

Dunno. Tell you what, sober up for 12 hours, read it again, and see if it makes more sense to you....

Oh BTW, is your support of rape not "delusional?"

Really now? "I" support rape? That is rich. I'd like to see a quote where I support rape.

I think you support rape. I mean, if you say so it's true right? :dunno:
Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?

No, Barack couldn't book the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey, so had to go with a less celebrated substitute.

But the democrats hopes and dreams are with the terrorist anyway...

Ok. So you're delusional.

Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers.

These were Muslims raping in the name of Allah, Obama Akbar!

Look, women raped by Muslims need to be culturally sensitive and understand that this is accordance to party goals.

We need to put college boys in prison for not getting notarized consent forms, violent forcible rape is just a cultural expression by the good friends of the democrats. It is not to be criticized.

Ok. So they weren't Syrian immigrants and this whole thread is delusional :lol:

Oh....and here's more you won't like:

Savagery: Nothing New

Nice diversion. So you admit the OP was a lie?

Remember when I noted that you are a moron?

What more proof wound be needed that I never lie.
No, no....not the guy giving the State of the Union, who is bringing a Syrian refugee.....
...not cognizant of the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey today...

Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?

...or the thousand Syrian refugees who were responsible for rapes and sexual assaults on women in Germany on New Years Eve...

Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers.

1. "Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?"
Are you verifying that every post that referred to you as a moron was correct?

You seem to have a problem comprehending simple questions (did you check the "moron" box on the questionaire?")

2. "Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers."

"About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved. ... The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said."
Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women - BBC News

German authorities: 31 people identified in New Year's Eve sexual attacks, muggings

The suspects include nine Algerian nationals, eight people from Morocco, five from Iran and four from Syria, German interior ministry spokesman Tobias Plate said. Two are German citizens, while one each are from Iraq, Serbia and the United States.

By all means tell me more about the "thousands of Syrian refugees" raping germans on New Years eve (and you can leave the moron box checked).

3. So....we can stipulate that you are a representative of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance who would not be able to object to either the assaults in Germany, or the murders in Turkey....should they occur in America.

If that represents the extent of your ability to reason...well sure, who am I to put the brakes on what is obviously a stellar something......

"By all means tell me more about the "thousands of Syrian refugees" raping...."

1. "Sweden's population grew from 9 million to 9.5 million in the years 2004-2012, mainly due to immigration from "countries like Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia". 16 percent of all newborns have mothers born in non-Western countries. Employment rate among immigrants: 54 percent.

Sweden now has the second
highest number of rapes in the world, after South Africa, which at 53.2 per 100,000 is six times higher than the United States. Statistics now suggest that1 out of every 4 Swedish womenwill be raped.

... Muslims represented in as many as 77 percent of the rape cases and a major increase in rape cases paralleling a major increase in Muslim immigration, the wages of Muslim immigration are proving to be a sexual assault epidemic by a misogynistic ideology." 1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500%

Source: 1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500%
...a well known hate site....

None of your links above go anywhere.

a. "It is the country credited with saving Protestant Northern Europe during the 30 years war. Today Sweden is deemed “The Rape Capital of Europe” because there is virtually no punishment for Muslim immigrants who commit rape. "

Source: CBN: Sweden is on the fast tract to become a 3rd world country
Opinion piece.

2. "Rape jihad in Denmark: More than half of all convicted rapists have immigrant backgrounds. Iraqis, Iranians, Turks and Somalis dramatically overrepresented…
...100 percent of convicted rapists in Oslo have non-Western background. According to the Oslo police, non-Western immigrants rape because they are brought up with a view of women that makes them more likely to become rapists. It would be more precise to say that they just follow their religion, which allows them to rape non-Muslim women."

Source: You are being redirected...
Another well known hate site who's distorted information has been debunked in other threads.

Want to see that again?

"... immigrants rape because they are brought up with a view of women that makes them more likely to become rapists. It would be more precise to say that they just follow their religion, which allows them to rape non-Muslim women."

Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it any more true, but don't let that stop you :)

3. "Muslim immigrants and rape
Because they come from a culture in which many forms of rape are acceptable, there are many Muslim clerics in the West who justify rape. There is also some evidence thatMuslim immigrants are over-represented in rape statistics.

Source: Islam in the West
(this is one pretty whacked out site)

Interestingly....if Sweden is the "rape capital" of the world because of these immigrants you would think that countries like Morocco or Algiers would be the rape capital. Maybe (god forbid we apply some critical thinking to a slab of cut'n'paste) Sweden has such high statistics because of the way it's laws define and count rape. Sweden's legal definition of rape is very broad, it's one of the few, but growing numbers of countries that recognize spousal rape as a crime. If a woman is gang raped by 20 men, it's counted not as one incident but as 20. Meanwhile countries like Egypt or Saudi Arabia have extremely restricted definitions of rape, place the burden on the victim to prove it, and have such a social stigma that a woman is essentially ruined for even reporting it - I suspect their reported rape numbers are "low" - it all goes to show though, that comparing crime across countries is misleading. But you aren't going to get much indepth analysis from your sources.

Do you normally serve such a messy slab of poorly cooked cut'n'paste without an accompanying side of sources?

Good lord. All of that out of context cut and paste just to distract us from the false premise of your OP. Of course it doesn't take much work to cut and paste does it? I'm not going to waste any more time on it (since it probably took more time to reply than it did for you to regurgitate).

Don't use terms you don't 'context.'

Muslims who adhere to the Q'ran believe it is their right to rape any who are not equally adherent.

You, members of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance, attempt to deny it....using taqiyya......lies.

I'm simply not going to allow you to.
Is this more delusional riffing?

Dunno. Tell you what, sober up for 12 hours, read it again, and see if it makes more sense to you....

Oh BTW, is your support of rape not "delusional?"

Really now? "I" support rape? That is rich. I'd like to see a quote where I support rape.

I think you support rape. I mean, if you say so it's true right? :dunno:

It would be more accurate to state that you attempt to hide, minimize, and make excuses for the rapes by Muslims.

...that's what the Alliance does.

You admit that, don't you?
Last edited:
No, no....not the guy giving the State of the Union, who is bringing a Syrian refugee.....
...not cognizant of the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey today...

Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?

...or the thousand Syrian refugees who were responsible for rapes and sexual assaults on women in Germany on New Years Eve...

Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers.

1. "Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?"
Are you verifying that every post that referred to you as a moron was correct?

You seem to have a problem comprehending simple questions (did you check the "moron" box on the questionaire?")

2. "Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers."

"About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved. ... The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said."
Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women - BBC News

German authorities: 31 people identified in New Year's Eve sexual attacks, muggings

The suspects include nine Algerian nationals, eight people from Morocco, five from Iran and four from Syria, German interior ministry spokesman Tobias Plate said. Two are German citizens, while one each are from Iraq, Serbia and the United States.

By all means tell me more about the "thousands of Syrian refugees" raping germans on New Years eve (and you can leave the moron box checked).

3. So....we can stipulate that you are a representative of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance who would not be able to object to either the assaults in Germany, or the murders in Turkey....should they occur in America.

If that represents the extent of your ability to reason...well sure, who am I to put the brakes on what is obviously a stellar something......

"By all means tell me more about the "thousands of Syrian refugees" raping...."

1. "Sweden's population grew from 9 million to 9.5 million in the years 2004-2012, mainly due to immigration from "countries like Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia". 16 percent of all newborns have mothers born in non-Western countries. Employment rate among immigrants: 54 percent.

Sweden now has the second
highest number of rapes in the world, after South Africa, which at 53.2 per 100,000 is six times higher than the United States. Statistics now suggest that1 out of every 4 Swedish womenwill be raped.

... Muslims represented in as many as 77 percent of the rape cases and a major increase in rape cases paralleling a major increase in Muslim immigration, the wages of Muslim immigration are proving to be a sexual assault epidemic by a misogynistic ideology." 1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500%

Source: 1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500%
...a well known hate site....

None of your links above go anywhere.

a. "It is the country credited with saving Protestant Northern Europe during the 30 years war. Today Sweden is deemed “The Rape Capital of Europe” because there is virtually no punishment for Muslim immigrants who commit rape. "

Source: CBN: Sweden is on the fast tract to become a 3rd world country
Opinion piece.

2. "Rape jihad in Denmark: More than half of all convicted rapists have immigrant backgrounds. Iraqis, Iranians, Turks and Somalis dramatically overrepresented…
...100 percent of convicted rapists in Oslo have non-Western background. According to the Oslo police, non-Western immigrants rape because they are brought up with a view of women that makes them more likely to become rapists. It would be more precise to say that they just follow their religion, which allows them to rape non-Muslim women."

Source: You are being redirected...
Another well known hate site who's distorted information has been debunked in other threads.

Want to see that again?

"... immigrants rape because they are brought up with a view of women that makes them more likely to become rapists. It would be more precise to say that they just follow their religion, which allows them to rape non-Muslim women."

Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it any more true, but don't let that stop you :)

3. "Muslim immigrants and rape
Because they come from a culture in which many forms of rape are acceptable, there are many Muslim clerics in the West who justify rape. There is also some evidence thatMuslim immigrants are over-represented in rape statistics.

Source: Islam in the West
(this is one pretty whacked out site)

Interestingly....if Sweden is the "rape capital" of the world because of these immigrants you would think that countries like Morocco or Algiers would be the rape capital. Maybe (god forbid we apply some critical thinking to a slab of cut'n'paste) Sweden has such high statistics because of the way it's laws define and count rape. Sweden's legal definition of rape is very broad, it's one of the few, but growing numbers of countries that recognize spousal rape as a crime. If a woman is gang raped by 20 men, it's counted not as one incident but as 20. Meanwhile countries like Egypt or Saudi Arabia have extremely restricted definitions of rape, place the burden on the victim to prove it, and have such a social stigma that a woman is essentially ruined for even reporting it - I suspect their reported rape numbers are "low" - it all goes to show though, that comparing crime across countries is misleading. But you aren't going to get much indepth analysis from your sources.

Do you normally serve such a messy slab of poorly cooked cut'n'paste without an accompanying side of sources?

Good lord. All of that out of context cut and paste just to distract us from the false premise of your OP. Of course it doesn't take much work to cut and paste does it? I'm not going to waste any more time on it (since it probably took more time to reply than it did for you to regurgitate).

"....if Sweden is the "rape capital" of the world because of these immigrants you would think that countries like Morocco or Algiers would be the rape capital."

And what a perfect example of what I just said!!

" attempt to hide, minimize, and make excused for the rapes by Muslims.

...the Alliance."

The concept is that Islamists feel that the Q'ran gives then sexual rights to infidel rapes take place not in Muslim nations, but.....

.....exactly as I have posted, in Germany, Sweden, Norway, Britain.....

...and, with Obama's a neighborhood near you.

You put your foot in your mouth again, huh?
Is this more delusional riffing?

Dunno. Tell you what, sober up for 12 hours, read it again, and see if it makes more sense to you....

Oh BTW, is your support of rape not "delusional?"

Really now? "I" support rape? That is rich. I'd like to see a quote where I support rape.

I think you support rape. I mean, if you say so it's true right? :dunno:

It would be more accurate to state that you attempt to hide, minimize, and make excuses for the rapes by Muslims.

...that's what the Alliance does.

You admit that, don't you?

That she hides, minimizes, and make excuses for the rapes by Muslims. IS support of rape.

democrats, the pro-rape party.
Is this more delusional riffing?

Dunno. Tell you what, sober up for 12 hours, read it again, and see if it makes more sense to you....

Oh BTW, is your support of rape not "delusional?"

Really now? "I" support rape? That is rich. I'd like to see a quote where I support rape.

I think you support rape. I mean, if you say so it's true right? :dunno:

It would be more accurate to state that you attempt to hide, minimize, and make excuses for the rapes by Muslims.

...that's what the Alliance does.

You admit that, don't you?

That she hides, minimizes, and make excuses for the rapes by Muslims. IS support of rape.

democrats, the pro-rape party.

There is no logic, no truth, on their side of the aisle.

We learned this truth long ago:
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Orwell
Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?

No, Barack couldn't book the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey, so had to go with a less celebrated substitute.

But the democrats hopes and dreams are with the terrorist anyway...

Ok. So you're delusional.

Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers.

These were Muslims raping in the name of Allah, Obama Akbar!

Look, women raped by Muslims need to be culturally sensitive and understand that this is accordance to party goals.

We need to put college boys in prison for not getting notarized consent forms, violent forcible rape is just a cultural expression by the good friends of the democrats. It is not to be criticized.

Ok. So they weren't Syrian immigrants and this whole thread is delusional :lol:

Oh....and here's more you won't like:

Savagery: Nothing New

Nice diversion. So you admit the OP was a lie?

Remember when I noted that you are a moron?

What more proof wound be needed that I never lie.

:lol: you just spam the boards with seemingly clever cut and paste and plagiarize without even applying a rudimentary capacity for critical thinking. There were no "thousands of Syrians" raping in Germany on New Years Day and the Syrian refugee who attended the SOU address had nothing to do with any of that.

Good day, you are too funny for words. The only truth you've spouted in this thread is "delusional" ;)
No, Barack couldn't book the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey, so had to go with a less celebrated substitute.

But the democrats hopes and dreams are with the terrorist anyway...

Ok. So you're delusional.

These were Muslims raping in the name of Allah, Obama Akbar!

Look, women raped by Muslims need to be culturally sensitive and understand that this is accordance to party goals.

We need to put college boys in prison for not getting notarized consent forms, violent forcible rape is just a cultural expression by the good friends of the democrats. It is not to be criticized.

Ok. So they weren't Syrian immigrants and this whole thread is delusional :lol:

Oh....and here's more you won't like:

Savagery: Nothing New

Nice diversion. So you admit the OP was a lie?

Remember when I noted that you are a moron?

What more proof wound be needed that I never lie.

:lol: you just spam the boards with seemingly clever cut and paste and plagiarize without even applying a rudimentary capacity for critical thinking. There were no "thousands of Syrians" raping in Germany on New Years Day and the Syrian refugee who attended the SOU address had nothing to do with any of that.

Good day, you are too funny for words. The only truth you've spouted in this thread is "delusional" ;)

Let's get this straight, and, at the same time, reveal yet another of your lies.

1. I never plagiarize: I always link and source quotes I use to construct an unchallengeable you've found.

2. You, and every Liberal, plagiarize in every post.
You quote Obama, MSNBC, the NYTimes, the DNC.....all of the talking points never giving credit to the source of the propaganda.

3. I asked this earlier:
"It would be more accurate to state that you attempt to hide, minimize, and make excuses for the rapes by Muslims.

...that's what the Progressive-Islamist Alliance does.

You admit that, don't you?"

Why so afraid to answer?

We both know why, don't we.
"The Syrians were legally free to live anywhere in Germany but now had to find apartments, which would be tough in prosperous Landshut, the district said in its statement.
Merkel has been praised for opening Germany's doors to those fleeing war and misery, but has also weathered harsh criticism, especially from Bavaria state, the main gateway for arriving refugees and migrants.

The mood in Germany has darkened further since New Year's Eve when hundreds of women were groped and robbed in a throng of mostly Arab and North African men outside the main railway station in Cologne.

Two weeks after the attacks, the number of criminal complaints reached 652 by Thursday, including 331 sex-related crimes, Cologne prosecutors said.
The number of mostly-female victims stood at 739. In some cases several victims had filed a single criminal complaint between them.

Dreier said that "more and more people have lost confidence, even before the events at New Year's Eve in Cologne, in their state and its institutions' ability to cope".
"If we don't finally take the concerns and needs of our citizens very seriously, the social peace in our country is at risk."

]Syrian refugee bus heads across Germany to Merkel's office

Note to Liberals:
"If we don't finally take the concerns and needs of our citizens very seriously, the social peace in our country is at risk."

Hmmmm......might just apply here, as well.
Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?

No, Barack couldn't book the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey, so had to go with a less celebrated substitute.

But the democrats hopes and dreams are with the terrorist anyway...

Ok. So you're delusional.

Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers.

These were Muslims raping in the name of Allah, Obama Akbar!

Look, women raped by Muslims need to be culturally sensitive and understand that this is accordance to party goals.

We need to put college boys in prison for not getting notarized consent forms, violent forcible rape is just a cultural expression by the good friends of the democrats. It is not to be criticized.

Ok. So they weren't Syrian immigrants and this whole thread is delusional :lol:

Oh....and here's more you won't like:

Savagery: Nothing New

Nice diversion. So you admit the OP was a lie?

"REPORT: Christians, Gays, Women Fleeing Asylum Centres Due To Persecution By Muslim Men"
REPORT: Christians, Gays, Women Fleeing Asylum Centres Due To Persecution By Muslim Men - Breitbart

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