The Delusional Candidate

Charleston church shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Dylann Storm Roof said nothing of Religion. You claimed Christian (yeah, you're just a bigot, but still...)

Also, that only adds up to 11 people.

Even if we view the PP attack as terrorism.

Sorry, I know you leftists need to create excuses for what your close allies did in San Bernardino, but...
No, no....not the guy giving the State of the Union, who is bringing a Syrian refugee.....
...not cognizant of the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey today...

Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?

...or the thousand Syrian refugees who were responsible for rapes and sexual assaults on women in Germany on New Years Eve...

Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers.
No, no....not the guy giving the State of the Union, who is bringing a Syrian refugee.....
...not cognizant of the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey today...

Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?

...or the thousand Syrian refugees who were responsible for rapes and sexual assaults on women in Germany on New Years Eve...

Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers.

1. "Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?"
Are you verifying that every post that referred to you as a moron was correct?

2. "Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers."

"About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved. ... The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said."
Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women - BBC News

3. So....we can stipulate that you are a representative of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance who would not be able to object to either the assaults in Germany, or the murders in Turkey....should they occur in America.
Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?

No, Barack couldn't book the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey, so had to go with a less celebrated substitute.

But the democrats hopes and dreams are with the terrorist anyway...

Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers.

These were Muslims raping in the name of Allah, Obama Akbar!

Look, women raped by Muslims need to be culturally sensitive and understand that this is accordance to party goals.

We need to put college boys in prison for not getting notarized consent forms, violent forcible rape is just a cultural expression by the good friends of the democrats. It is not to be criticized.
Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?

No, Barack couldn't book the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey, so had to go with a less celebrated substitute.

But the democrats hopes and dreams are with the terrorist anyway...

Ok. So you're delusional.

Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers.

These were Muslims raping in the name of Allah, Obama Akbar!

Look, women raped by Muslims need to be culturally sensitive and understand that this is accordance to party goals.

We need to put college boys in prison for not getting notarized consent forms, violent forcible rape is just a cultural expression by the good friends of the democrats. It is not to be criticized.

Ok. So they weren't Syrian immigrants and this whole thread is delusional :lol:
No, no....not the guy giving the State of the Union, who is bringing a Syrian refugee.....
...not cognizant of the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey today...

Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?

...or the thousand Syrian refugees who were responsible for rapes and sexual assaults on women in Germany on New Years Eve...

Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers.

1. "Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?"
Are you verifying that every post that referred to you as a moron was correct?

You seem to have a problem comprehending simple questions (did you check the "moron" box on the questionaire?")

2. "Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers."

"About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved. ... The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said."
Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women - BBC News

German authorities: 31 people identified in New Year's Eve sexual attacks, muggings

The suspects include nine Algerian nationals, eight people from Morocco, five from Iran and four from Syria, German interior ministry spokesman Tobias Plate said. Two are German citizens, while one each are from Iraq, Serbia and the United States.

By all means tell me more about the "thousands of Syrian refugees" raping germans on New Years eve (and you can leave the moron box checked).

3. So....we can stipulate that you are a representative of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance who would not be able to object to either the assaults in Germany, or the murders in Turkey....should they occur in America.

If that represents the extent of your ability to reason...well sure, who am I to put the brakes on what is obviously a stellar something......
No, no....not the guy giving the State of the Union, who is bringing a Syrian refugee.....
...not cognizant of the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey today...

...or the thousand Syrian refugees who were responsible for rapes and sexual assaults on women in Germany on New Years Eve...

.....or the fact that such refugees have made Sweden and Norway 'rape capitals,' and the 1400 British girls raped and assaulted by similar folks...

No....not that guy.

This certifiable nutcase:

Hillary: ‘White Terrorism’ And ‘Police Violence’ Are Just As Big A Threat As ISIS

.....Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton could not differentiate between ISIS and “white terrorism.” you believe that white terrorisms and extremism is as much a threat to some in this country as something like ISIS?”
Hillary’s answer only briefly addressed the question before veering off on to a talk of gun control. “I think we have all kinds of threats in our country, and I wouldn’t discount any of them. I think we have to take them all seriously. And many of those threats are fueled by the gun violence that we face every single day…,” she said.

....when you have police violence that terrorizes communities, that doesn’t show the respect that you’re supposed to have from protecting people in your authority,” Hillary answered. “That can feel, also, terrorizing. "
Hillary: ‘White Terrorism’ And ‘Police Violence’ Are Just As Big A Threat As ISIS [VIDEO][/PLAIN][/FONT]

Based on these must be true: Liberalism is a mental illness.

the thread should be "the deluded cut and paster"
You seem to have a problem comprehending simple questions (did you check the "moron" box on the questionaire?")

Why would she check your box?

The suspects include nine Algerian nationals, eight people from Morocco, five from Iran and four from Syria, German interior ministry spokesman Tobias Plate said. Two are German citizens, while one each are from Iraq, Serbia and the United States.

By all means tell me more about the "thousands of Syrian refugees" raping germans on New Years eve (and you can leave the moron box checked).

So, you were lying when you said there were no Syrians. No surprise. Those who support rape aren't going to shy away from lying.

If that represents the extent of your ability to reason...well sure, who am I to put the brakes on what is obviously a stellar something......

The democratic - socialist party, supporters of violent rape, but you'll put frat boys in prison for decades for not getting a court order prior to consensual sex.

Yeah, you're fucked up, but mostly you're just evil.
No, no....not the guy giving the State of the Union, who is bringing a Syrian refugee.....
...not cognizant of the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey today...

Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?

...or the thousand Syrian refugees who were responsible for rapes and sexual assaults on women in Germany on New Years Eve...

Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers.

1. "Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?"
Are you verifying that every post that referred to you as a moron was correct?

You seem to have a problem comprehending simple questions (did you check the "moron" box on the questionaire?")

2. "Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers."

"About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved. ... The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said."
Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women - BBC News

German authorities: 31 people identified in New Year's Eve sexual attacks, muggings

The suspects include nine Algerian nationals, eight people from Morocco, five from Iran and four from Syria, German interior ministry spokesman Tobias Plate said. Two are German citizens, while one each are from Iraq, Serbia and the United States.

By all means tell me more about the "thousands of Syrian refugees" raping germans on New Years eve (and you can leave the moron box checked).

3. So....we can stipulate that you are a representative of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance who would not be able to object to either the assaults in Germany, or the murders in Turkey....should they occur in America.

If that represents the extent of your ability to reason...well sure, who am I to put the brakes on what is obviously a stellar something......

"By all means tell me more about the "thousands of Syrian refugees" raping...."

1. "Sweden's population grew from 9 million to 9.5 million in the years 2004-2012, mainly due to immigration from "countries like Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia". 16 percent of all newborns have mothers born in non-Western countries. Employment rate among immigrants: 54 percent.

Sweden now has the second
highest number of rapes in the world, after South Africa, which at 53.2 per 100,000 is six times higher than the United States. Statistics now suggest that1 out of every 4 Swedish womenwill be raped.

... Muslims represented in as many as 77 percent of the rape cases and a major increase in rape cases paralleling a major increase in Muslim immigration, the wages of Muslim immigration are proving to be a sexual assault epidemic by a misogynistic ideology." 1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500%

a. "It is the country credited with saving Protestant Northern Europe during the 30 years war. Today Sweden is deemed “The Rape Capital of Europe” because there is virtually no punishment for Muslim immigrants who commit rape. "

2. "Rape jihad in Denmark: More than half of all convicted rapists have immigrant backgrounds. Iraqis, Iranians, Turks and Somalis dramatically overrepresented…
...100 percent of convicted rapists in Oslo have non-Western background. According to the Oslo police, non-Western immigrants rape because they are brought up with a view of women that makes them more likely to become rapists. It would be more precise to say that they just follow their religion, which allows them to rape non-Muslim women."
Rape jihad in Denmark: More than half of all convicted rapists have immigrant backgrounds. Iraqis, Iranians, Turks and Somalis dramatically overrepresented…

Want to see that again?

"... immigrants rape because they are brought up with a view of women that makes them more likely to become rapists. It would be more precise to say that they just follow their religion, which allows them to rape non-Muslim women."

3. "Muslim immigrants and rape
Because they come from a culture in which many forms of rape are acceptable, there are many Muslim clerics in the West who justify rape. There is also some evidence thatMuslim immigrants are over-represented in rape statistics.

"Although Muslim immigrants have been responsible for many if not most recent cases of forcible rape in Sweden,...."

Source: Misleading Murder and Rape Maps, and the Sweden Rape Puzzle

4. "1,400 English Girls Raped by Multiculturalism

.... between 1997 and 2013, at least 1,400 girls, as young as eleven years old, in just one relatively small English city (Rotherham, population 275,000), had been repeatedly and systematically raped by gangs of men over the past decade.

The primary reason was political correctness. It turns out that the perpetrators were all, or nearly all, of “Pakistani heritage” and the girls were all, or nearly all, white.

Virtually everyone, including media and politicians on the British left, acknowledge that this is the reason.

What neither they nor the American Left have acknowledged is that political correctness was created and is sustained by the Left."

1,400 English Girls Raped by Multiculturalism | National Review Online

"...the perpetrators were all, or nearly all, of “Pakistani heritage” and the girls were all, or nearly all, white."

5. "Islam and rape in Australia
Australiain particular seems to have a problem with Muslim immigrants committing and defending rape. There have been a number of high profile cases.

  • Australian Islamofascist Feiz Mohammad
    • "Every minute in the world a woman is raped, and she has no one to blame but herself, for she has displayed her beauty to the whole world. Strapless, backless, sleeveless - they are nothing but satanical. Mini-skirts, tight jeans - all this to tease men and to appeal to (their) carnal nature."- Feiz Muhammad.
    • "Jews are pigs that will be killed at the end of the world"- Feiz Muhammad.
    • This enemy preacher was born in Australia to a Lebanese immigrant family. He moved to Lebanon in 2005, from where he spews his hatred on YouTube.
    • This freak is now back in Australia.
  • Australian IslamofascistTaj El-Din Hilaly
    • This ranting Islamist preacher was born in Egypt, yet shamefully he was allowed into Australia, despite the fact that he hates western values and wants to destroy them.
    • Australia's most senior Muslim cleric blames women for rape(because of their immodest dress), 2006. He said:"In his literature, writer al-Rafee says, if I came across a rape crime,I would discipline the man and order that the woman be jailed for life.Why would you do this, Rafee? He said because if she had not left the meat uncovered, the cat wouldn't have snatched it. ... If you take uncovered meat and put it on the street, on the pavement, in a garden, in a park, or in the backyard, without a cover and the cats eat it, then whose fault will it be, the cats, or the uncovered meat's? The uncovered meat is the disaster. If the meat was covered the cats wouldn't roam around it. If the meat is inside the fridge, they won't get it. If the woman is in her boudoir, in her house and if she's wearing the veil and if she shows modesty, disasters don't happen."
    • A 23-year-old Syrian-born immigrant to New Zealand defends the cleric:"The argument that men should control themselves is ludicrous. It is just like saying thieves should not rob houses whose doors and windows are left wide open."I would deport this young man without hesitation. Such an immigrant should not be allowed into any western country. Letting him in was clearly a mistake.
    • I would deport the cleric too. Letting him in was also clearly a mistake. If you don't believe in western values, you shouldn't be allowed in." Islam in the West

"If you don't believe in western values, you shouldn't be allowed in."
No, no....not the guy giving the State of the Union, who is bringing a Syrian refugee.....
...not cognizant of the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey today...

...or the thousand Syrian refugees who were responsible for rapes and sexual assaults on women in Germany on New Years Eve...

.....or the fact that such refugees have made Sweden and Norway 'rape capitals,' and the 1400 British girls raped and assaulted by similar folks...

No....not that guy.

This certifiable nutcase:

Hillary: ‘White Terrorism’ And ‘Police Violence’ Are Just As Big A Threat As ISIS

.....Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton could not differentiate between ISIS and “white terrorism.” you believe that white terrorisms and extremism is as much a threat to some in this country as something like ISIS?”
Hillary’s answer only briefly addressed the question before veering off on to a talk of gun control. “I think we have all kinds of threats in our country, and I wouldn’t discount any of them. I think we have to take them all seriously. And many of those threats are fueled by the gun violence that we face every single day…,” she said.

....when you have police violence that terrorizes communities, that doesn’t show the respect that you’re supposed to have from protecting people in your authority,” Hillary answered. “That can feel, also, terrorizing. "
Hillary: ‘White Terrorism’ And ‘Police Violence’ Are Just As Big A Threat As ISIS [VIDEO][/PLAIN][/FONT]

Based on these must be true: Liberalism is a mental illness.

the thread should be "the deluded cut and paster"

I notice you haven't denied anything in the post......

Was this because you could find nothing to disagree with....
...or was your A.D.D. kicking in?
Seems we need define what a conservative is.
As were the Founders of this nation, conservatives, classical liberals, are those whose beliefs are based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional governance.

None of those are 'plagues' on the country.

The opposite is totalitarian, unlimited government.
And that is why the Progressive-Islamist Alliance exists.....both demand 'submission.'

And you are an acolyte of same.
None of those are 'plagues' on the country.
The current social conservative movement is a plague on this country. Threatening education, women's rights..
Seems we need define what a conservative is.
As were the Founders of this nation, conservatives, classical liberals, are those whose beliefs are based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional governance.

None of those are 'plagues' on the country.

The opposite is totalitarian, unlimited government.
And that is why the Progressive-Islamist Alliance exists.....both demand 'submission.'

And you are an acolyte of same.
None of those are 'plagues' on the country.
The current social conservative movement is a plague on this country. Threatening education, women's rights..

"Threatening education, women's rights."

There are no such threats to either.
You're telling me social conservatives aren't trying to discredit evolution and brainwash children with religious garbage in public schools? You're telling me social conservatives aren't trying to restrict abortion/access to birth control? What planet are you on?

I'd have to post far too much to teach you about the fallacy of Darwinian Evolution...but for abortion....

...tell me why an individual has any right to put a separate, unique individual to death?

You do know that the unborn human being has its own DNA, fingerprints, organs, among other differences.

What possible argument could you come up with that wouldn't also give a woman the right to slay a 5-6 month old that she was breast feeding?
Would you be in favor of that, too?

You can try.
You do know that the unborn human being has its own DNA, fingerprints, organs, among other differences.
Yes, a fetus does have DNA and organs. What's your point?

You have DNA and much a human being as that unborn baby.

Does anyone have the moral right to slaughter you....simply because you're stupid?
Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?

No, Barack couldn't book the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey, so had to go with a less celebrated substitute.

But the democrats hopes and dreams are with the terrorist anyway...

Ok. So you're delusional.

Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers.

These were Muslims raping in the name of Allah, Obama Akbar!

Look, women raped by Muslims need to be culturally sensitive and understand that this is accordance to party goals.

We need to put college boys in prison for not getting notarized consent forms, violent forcible rape is just a cultural expression by the good friends of the democrats. It is not to be criticized.

Ok. So they weren't Syrian immigrants and this whole thread is delusional :lol:

Oh....and here's more you won't like:

Savagery: Nothing New
Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?

No, Barack couldn't book the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey, so had to go with a less celebrated substitute.

But the democrats hopes and dreams are with the terrorist anyway...

Ok. So you're delusional.

Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers.

These were Muslims raping in the name of Allah, Obama Akbar!

Look, women raped by Muslims need to be culturally sensitive and understand that this is accordance to party goals.

We need to put college boys in prison for not getting notarized consent forms, violent forcible rape is just a cultural expression by the good friends of the democrats. It is not to be criticized.

Ok. So they weren't Syrian immigrants and this whole thread is delusional :lol:

Oh....and here's more you won't like:

Savagery: Nothing New

Nice diversion. So you admit the OP was a lie?
You have DNA and much a human being as that unborn baby.

Does anyone have the moral right to slaughter you....simply because you're stupid?

Well, he thinks he is a dovakiin, the dragon born from Skyrim.

Like most leftists, he can't separate fantasy from reality.
If all you have is a ridiculous personal attack against my FORUM NAME, I pity you.
No, no....not the guy giving the State of the Union, who is bringing a Syrian refugee.....
...not cognizant of the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey today...

Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?

...or the thousand Syrian refugees who were responsible for rapes and sexual assaults on women in Germany on New Years Eve...

Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers.

1. "Are you saying that Syrian refugee guest at the State of the Union address killed anyone?"
Are you verifying that every post that referred to you as a moron was correct?

You seem to have a problem comprehending simple questions (did you check the "moron" box on the questionaire?")

2. "Except...there was no "thousand Syrian refugees" responsible.

Police identified them as primarily North African migrants from Morocco, Tunesia and Algiers."

"About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved. ... The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said."
Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women - BBC News

German authorities: 31 people identified in New Year's Eve sexual attacks, muggings

The suspects include nine Algerian nationals, eight people from Morocco, five from Iran and four from Syria, German interior ministry spokesman Tobias Plate said. Two are German citizens, while one each are from Iraq, Serbia and the United States.

By all means tell me more about the "thousands of Syrian refugees" raping germans on New Years eve (and you can leave the moron box checked).

3. So....we can stipulate that you are a representative of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance who would not be able to object to either the assaults in Germany, or the murders in Turkey....should they occur in America.

If that represents the extent of your ability to reason...well sure, who am I to put the brakes on what is obviously a stellar something......

"By all means tell me more about the "thousands of Syrian refugees" raping...."

1. "Sweden's population grew from 9 million to 9.5 million in the years 2004-2012, mainly due to immigration from "countries like Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia". 16 percent of all newborns have mothers born in non-Western countries. Employment rate among immigrants: 54 percent.

Sweden now has the second
highest number of rapes in the world, after South Africa, which at 53.2 per 100,000 is six times higher than the United States. Statistics now suggest that1 out of every 4 Swedish womenwill be raped.

... Muslims represented in as many as 77 percent of the rape cases and a major increase in rape cases paralleling a major increase in Muslim immigration, the wages of Muslim immigration are proving to be a sexual assault epidemic by a misogynistic ideology." 1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500%

Source: 1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500%
...a well known hate site....

None of your links above go anywhere.

a. "It is the country credited with saving Protestant Northern Europe during the 30 years war. Today Sweden is deemed “The Rape Capital of Europe” because there is virtually no punishment for Muslim immigrants who commit rape. "

Source: CBN: Sweden is on the fast tract to become a 3rd world country
Opinion piece.

2. "Rape jihad in Denmark: More than half of all convicted rapists have immigrant backgrounds. Iraqis, Iranians, Turks and Somalis dramatically overrepresented…
...100 percent of convicted rapists in Oslo have non-Western background. According to the Oslo police, non-Western immigrants rape because they are brought up with a view of women that makes them more likely to become rapists. It would be more precise to say that they just follow their religion, which allows them to rape non-Muslim women."

Source: You are being redirected...
Another well known hate site who's distorted information has been debunked in other threads.

Want to see that again?

"... immigrants rape because they are brought up with a view of women that makes them more likely to become rapists. It would be more precise to say that they just follow their religion, which allows them to rape non-Muslim women."

Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it any more true, but don't let that stop you :)

3. "Muslim immigrants and rape
Because they come from a culture in which many forms of rape are acceptable, there are many Muslim clerics in the West who justify rape. There is also some evidence thatMuslim immigrants are over-represented in rape statistics.

Source: Islam in the West
(this is one pretty whacked out site)

Interestingly....if Sweden is the "rape capital" of the world because of these immigrants you would think that countries like Morocco or Algiers would be the rape capital. Maybe (god forbid we apply some critical thinking to a slab of cut'n'paste) Sweden has such high statistics because of the way it's laws define and count rape. Sweden's legal definition of rape is very broad, it's one of the few, but growing numbers of countries that recognize spousal rape as a crime. If a woman is gang raped by 20 men, it's counted not as one incident but as 20. Meanwhile countries like Egypt or Saudi Arabia have extremely restricted definitions of rape, place the burden on the victim to prove it, and have such a social stigma that a woman is essentially ruined for even reporting it - I suspect their reported rape numbers are "low" - it all goes to show though, that comparing crime across countries is misleading. But you aren't going to get much indepth analysis from your sources.

Do you normally serve such a messy slab of poorly cooked cut'n'paste without an accompanying side of sources?

Good lord. All of that out of context cut and paste just to distract us from the false premise of your OP. Of course it doesn't take much work to cut and paste does it? I'm not going to waste any more time on it (since it probably took more time to reply than it did for you to regurgitate).

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