The Delusional Candidate

Since the lie of the White House was revealed.....the bogus claim that there is a "robust vetting process," Obama pressing for more unvetted Muslim immigrants from radicalized regions has indicated that mental illness mentioned in the OP.

His constant lying is, no doubt, what makes him so attractive to you, NYLiar.

You lie.

Question: should we keep out Korean immigrants/refugees/tourists?

This was my post:
Since the lie of the White House was revealed.....the bogus claim that there is a "robust vetting process," Obama pressing for more unvetted Muslim immigrants from radicalized regions has indicated that mental illness mentioned in the OP.

His constant lying is, no doubt, what makes him so attractive to you, NYLiar.

Where is a lie?

Obama wants to stop vetting refugees and just let them step ashore and go off into America?

Stop torturing the there a
"robust vetting process," ?

Your accusation:

Obama pressing for more unvetted Muslim immigrants

What does the word 'unvetted' mean?

Is there or is there not a "robust vetting process," as claimed by the White House. the failure in the White House pressing for more of same?

Oh.....and you're free to lie.
Wallace “One of the attackers in the French slaughter was carrying a Syrian passport that seemed to indicate that he had been a refugee that had come into Europe along with the flood of migrants in October. Given that, is President Obama reconsidering the plan to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year?”

Rhodes: “No, Chris, we’re still planning to take in Syrian refugees,we have very robust vetting procedures for those refugees.” White House Doubles Down - "We're still planning to take in Syrian refugees"....

Should we let Koreans into this country? They're building nuclear bombs.

Giving up so soon????
Wallace “One of the attackers in the French slaughter was carrying a Syrian passport that seemed to indicate that he had been a refugee that had come into Europe along with the flood of migrants in October. Given that, is President Obama reconsidering the plan to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year?”

Rhodes: “No, Chris, we’re still planning to take in Syrian refugees,we have very robust vetting procedures for those refugees.” White House Doubles Down - "We're still planning to take in Syrian refugees"....

Should we let Koreans into this country? They're building nuclear bombs.

Giving up so soon????

You said the president wants to stop vetting refugees. Prove it.
You lie.

Question: should we keep out Korean immigrants/refugees/tourists?

This was my post:
Since the lie of the White House was revealed.....the bogus claim that there is a "robust vetting process," Obama pressing for more unvetted Muslim immigrants from radicalized regions has indicated that mental illness mentioned in the OP.

His constant lying is, no doubt, what makes him so attractive to you, NYLiar.

Where is a lie?

Obama wants to stop vetting refugees and just let them step ashore and go off into America?

Stop torturing the there a
"robust vetting process," ?

Your accusation:

Obama pressing for more unvetted Muslim immigrants

What does the word 'unvetted' mean?

Is there or is there not a "robust vetting process," as claimed by the White House. the failure in the White House pressing for more of same?

Oh.....and you're free to lie.

You lied when you said that president is pressing for unvetted immigrants.
No, no....not the guy giving the State of the Union, who is bringing a Syrian refugee.....
...not cognizant of the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey today...

...or the thousand Syrian refugees who were responsible for rapes and sexual assaults on women in Germany on New Years Eve...

.....or the fact that such refugees have made Sweden and Norway 'rape capitals,' and the 1400 British girls raped and assaulted by similar folks...

No....not that guy.

This certifiable nutcase:

Hillary: ‘White Terrorism’ And ‘Police Violence’ Are Just As Big A Threat As ISIS

.....Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton could not differentiate between ISIS and “white terrorism.”


Based on these must be true: Liberalism is a mental illness.

Maybe Hillary really IS an alcoholic. It would explain a lot....
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Wallace “One of the attackers in the French slaughter was carrying a Syrian passport that seemed to indicate that he had been a refugee that had come into Europe along with the flood of migrants in October. Given that, is President Obama reconsidering the plan to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year?”

Rhodes: “No, Chris, we’re still planning to take in Syrian refugees,we have very robust vetting procedures for those refugees.” White House Doubles Down - "We're still planning to take in Syrian refugees"....

Should we let Koreans into this country? They're building nuclear bombs.

Giving up so soon????

You said the president wants to stop vetting refugees. Prove it.

Let's see you quote me, liar.
This was my post:
Since the lie of the White House was revealed.....the bogus claim that there is a "robust vetting process," Obama pressing for more unvetted Muslim immigrants from radicalized regions has indicated that mental illness mentioned in the OP.

His constant lying is, no doubt, what makes him so attractive to you, NYLiar.

Where is a lie?

Obama wants to stop vetting refugees and just let them step ashore and go off into America?

Stop torturing the there a
"robust vetting process," ?

Your accusation:

Obama pressing for more unvetted Muslim immigrants

What does the word 'unvetted' mean?

Is there or is there not a "robust vetting process," as claimed by the White House. the failure in the White House pressing for more of same?

Oh.....and you're free to lie.

You lied when you said that president is pressing for unvetted immigrants.

I never lie, NYLiar.

"....causing the President to give a recent speech there in favor of expansive immigration."

"Immigraton To Swell Muslim Population to 6.2 Million
According to U.S. Census Data, the United States admits roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year, representing the fastest growing block of immigration into the United States. Tennessee, in fact, is home to one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in the country, causing the President to give a recent speech there in favor of expansive immigration.

This demographic change is entirely the product of legal admissions–that is, it is a formal policy of the federal government adopted by Congress.

Another major source of Middle Eastern immigration into the United States is done through our nation’s refugee program. Every year the United Stated admits 70,000 asylees and refugees.Arabic is the most common language spoken by refugees, and91.4 percent of refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps.

The importation of Middle Eastern immigrants through the nation’s refugee program hasled to the development of pockets of radicalized communities throughout the United States." Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart
"REVEALED: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year’s Eve"

REVEALED: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year's Eve

Turns out you're the liar, huh?

democrats don't think rape is a bad thing. If the rapist is a Muslims and raping to please Allah, then women must be tolerant and not judge.

If the rapist is Bill Clinton, that's kewl too.

Now if you are at a frat party and get shit faced, then find out the guy you slept with is ugly in the morning - THAT is an outrage... that is the ONLY rape that matters to democrats,

Violent and forcible rape by Muslims? It's good for you, just ask Rati.
"REVEALED: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year’s Eve"

REVEALED: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year's Eve

Turns out you're the liar, huh?

democrats don't think rape is a bad thing. If the rapist is a Muslims and raping to please Allah, then women must be tolerant and not judge.

If the rapist is Bill Clinton, that's kewl too.

Now if you are at a frat party and get shit faced, then find out the guy you slept with is ugly in the morning - THAT is an outrage... that is the ONLY rape that matters to democrats,

Violent and forcible rape by Muslims? It's good for you, just ask Rati.

Rumor has it they're changing "The Religion of Peace"


"The Religion of Rape."
Number of Americans killed in US by Christian terrorists in 2015: 18

Number of Americans killed in US by Muslim terrorists in 2015: 19

Neck and neck!

Number of Americans killed in US by lightning in 2015: 83.

Number of Americans killed by Americans in 2015: >16,000

But you go ahead and shit your pants over Obama's guest, PoliticalChickenshit.

Document these "Christian terrorists," comrade jake?
"REVEALED: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year’s Eve"

REVEALED: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year's Eve

Turns out you're the liar, huh?

democrats don't think rape is a bad thing. If the rapist is a Muslims and raping to please Allah, then women must be tolerant and not judge.

If the rapist is Bill Clinton, that's kewl too.

Now if you are at a frat party and get shit faced, then find out the guy you slept with is ugly in the morning - THAT is an outrage... that is the ONLY rape that matters to democrats,

Violent and forcible rape by Muslims? It's good for you, just ask Rati.

Rumor has it they're changing "The Religion of Peace"


"The Religion of Rape."

No change needed for that.

Rape was a reward Muhammad personally bestowed to his troops. Any land conquered, the Muslim invaders were free to rape the women, murder the men, and pillage the spoils. To the Muslims in Germany, they have conquered the land, so rape is their rightful reward.

No doubt Hillary supports them in their quest.
OP, you're distorting Hillary's words, as expected of a partisan hack.
“I think we have all kinds of threats in our country, and I wouldn’t discount any of them. I think we have to take them all seriously.
This is all that Hillary said, and she is right. Are you telling me because she said we should take all threats seriously she is delusional? Maybe you're the delusional one.

Importing terrorist is insane.
Are you sure that's what you read?

Why else would you be denigrating a Syrian refugee? this an admission that you lied when you posted this?

"The president is bringing a Syrian refugee to the SOTU who killed 10 today?"

It was your usual pretense, wasn't it.

I asked you. You wouldn't answer. Your OP implies he's bringing a Syrian who killed 10 people.

You are either saying a Syrian murderer is coming to the SOTUS, or you are saying Syrian refugee who had nothing to do with the murders is coming.

Which is it.

You can't help lying, huh?
That must be why you're called the NYLiar.

This is what the OP said:

"No, no....not the guy giving the State of the Union, who is bringing a Syrian refugee.....
...not cognizant of the Syrian refugee who killed 10 in Turkey today..."

What's wrong with a Syrian refugee coming to the SOTUS?

We dont like it when the so called president panders to muslims....
thousand Syrian refugees who were responsible for rapes and sexual assaults on women in Germany on New Years Eve
This is literally false. You're a liar.

"REVEALED: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year’s Eve"

REVEALED: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year's Eve

Turns out you're the liar, huh?
You link me a breitpart page "supposedly" talking about MIGRANTS. You need to understand the difference between Migrants and syrian refugees, you partisan loon. Your link doesn't give any information on where it gets its 1000 number either. Just a random number to stir up fear.

Who are those 'migrants'?
What do you mean? Do you want me to say their muslim? Want me to show you horrid actions done by christians? Oh, I forgot, you will not apply your same standard, you hack. this an admission that you lied when you posted this?

"The president is bringing a Syrian refugee to the SOTU who killed 10 today?"

It was your usual pretense, wasn't it.

Why object to a refugee coming to the SOTUS? Do you blame all Syrians for the crimes of one?
Of course he/she does. From what I've read of her posts..

She views Muslims the way Hitler viewed the Jews.
The far right is a danger to this country. The far left is also a danger, but I rarely see the far left these days.

There is no "far right" in this country.

Here....I can help lead out of your ignorance.

The terms far right and far left are relative to some understood center.

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.

For example, traditional marriage, a man and a woman, versus homosexual marriage....which is the radical position?
Hence, far left.

Or....suing public schools if the students choose to engage in voluntary prayer: which is radical....Americans praying, or government punishing prayer.
Hence, far left.

See if you can come up with a radical position by conservatives, the right wing.
Uh.. there is very much a "far right" in this country. Support for same sex marriage continues to increase...
thousand Syrian refugees who were responsible for rapes and sexual assaults on women in Germany on New Years Eve
This is literally false. You're a liar.

"REVEALED: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year’s Eve"

REVEALED: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year's Eve

Turns out you're the liar, huh?
You link me a breitpart page "supposedly" talking about MIGRANTS. You need to understand the difference between Migrants and syrian refugees, you partisan loon. Your link doesn't give any information on where it gets its 1000 number either. Just a random number to stir up fear.

Who are those 'migrants'?
What do you mean? Do you want me to say their muslim? Want me to show you horrid actions done by christians? Oh, I forgot, you will not apply your same standard, you hack.

"What do you mean? Do you want me to say their (sic) muslim? "

That would be a good start.

Then you can explain why terrorism around the world is at the least primarily,and, for the most part, entirely, a function of this particular group.

Then we can move on to this question: what sort of religion is associated with Pederasty, child brides, honor killings, clitorectomies, stonings, wife beatings and blowing up every innocent they can find ..."???

And when you explain that.....
....then explain why we should throw open the doors of America to that sort of individual.

How's that for an agenda?
Number of Americans killed in US by Christian terrorists in 2015: 18

Number of Americans killed in US by Muslim terrorists in 2015: 19

Neck and neck!

Number of Americans killed in US by lightning in 2015: 83.

Number of Americans killed by Americans in 2015: >16,000

But you go ahead and shit your pants over Obama's guest, PoliticalChickenshit.

Document these "Christian terrorists," comrade jake?
Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anti-abortion violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why object to a refugee coming to the SOTUS? Do you blame all Syrians for the crimes of one?
Of course he/she does. From what I've read of her posts..

She views Muslims the way Hitler viewed the Jews.
The far right is a danger to this country. The far left is also a danger, but I rarely see the far left these days.

There is no "far right" in this country.

Here....I can help lead out of your ignorance.

The terms far right and far left are relative to some understood center.

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.

For example, traditional marriage, a man and a woman, versus homosexual marriage....which is the radical position?
Hence, far left.

Or....suing public schools if the students choose to engage in voluntary prayer: which is radical....Americans praying, or government punishing prayer.
Hence, far left.

See if you can come up with a radical position by conservatives, the right wing.
Uh.. there is very much a "far right" in this country. Support for same sex marriage continues to increase...

So....your response is 'is tooooooo!"?'

As I said.
There is no "far right" in this country.

Here....I can help lead out of your ignorance.

The terms far right and far left are relative to some understood center.

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.

For example, traditional marriage, a man and a woman, versus homosexual marriage....which is the radical position?
Hence, far left.

Or....suing public schools if the students choose to engage in voluntary prayer: which is radical....Americans praying, or government punishing prayer.
Hence, far left.

See if you can come up with a radical position by conservatives, the right wing.
This is literally false. You're a liar.

"REVEALED: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year’s Eve"

REVEALED: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year's Eve

Turns out you're the liar, huh?
You link me a breitpart page "supposedly" talking about MIGRANTS. You need to understand the difference between Migrants and syrian refugees, you partisan loon. Your link doesn't give any information on where it gets its 1000 number either. Just a random number to stir up fear.

Who are those 'migrants'?
What do you mean? Do you want me to say their muslim? Want me to show you horrid actions done by christians? Oh, I forgot, you will not apply your same standard, you hack.

"What do you mean? Do you want me to say their (sic) muslim? "

That would be a good start.

Then you can explain why terrorism around the world is at the least primarily,and, for the most part, entirely, a function of this particular group.

Then we can move on to this question: what sort of religion is associated with Pederasty, child brides, honor killings, clitorectomies, stonings, wife beatings and blowing up every innocent they can find ..."???

And when you explain that.....
....then explain why we should throw open the doors of America to that sort of individual.

How's that for an agenda?
Ah, now I understand. You believe in vilifying all muslims due to the actions of a few. Good to know you're a delusional, paranoid nutcase.

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