The Dem Party needs traditional, prideful, patriotic, nationalistic Americans to die off.

We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
They think can be better, which it can, we all can always be better... they are pushing for progress not regression to how we once were in some abstract time period. It’s not to hard to understand their perspective
Progressivism is for fucking retards
We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
They think can be better, which it can, we all can always be better... they are pushing for progress not regression to how we once were in some abstract time period. It’s not to hard to understand their perspective
Progressivism is for fucking retards
Great, thanks for sharing
“Many Americans” huh?
Do you have that data...can you show us that most of America prefers more fags, rug munchers, men in dresses and wetbacks?

So you can’t stand the idea that you must share your country with that kind?

I fucking hate it...all good real Americans do.
A gayer browner nation is a more dangerous, less productive didn’t know that? Do you fucking weirdos prefer a more criminal, welfare dependent society?

Three out of four male prisoners are nonwhite. (see below)
  • African American men remain overrepresented in the prison population.
    At the end of 2016, 29% of the male prisoners in state prisons were African American, while only 6% of the state’s male residents are African American. The incarceration rate for African American men is 4,180 per 100,000. White men are imprisoned at a rate of 420 per 100,000, and imprisonment rates for Latino men and men of other races are 1,028 and 335, respectively.

Incarceration Rate of LGB People Three Times the General Population - Williams Institute
We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
They think can be better, which it can, we all can always be better... they are pushing for progress not regression to how we once were in some abstract time period. It’s not to hard to understand their perspective
Progressivism is for fucking retards
Great, thanks for sharing
Any time...
“Many Americans” huh?
Do you have that data...can you show us that most of America prefers more fags, rug munchers, men in dresses and wetbacks?

So you can’t stand the idea that you must share your country with that kind?

I fucking hate it...all good real Americans do.
A gayer browner nation is a more dangerous, less productive didn’t know that? Do you fucking weirdos prefer a more criminal, welfare dependent society?

Three out of four male prisoners are nonwhite. (see below)
  • African American men remain overrepresented in the prison population.
    At the end of 2016, 29% of the male prisoners in state prisons were African American, while only 6% of the state’s male residents are African American. The incarceration rate for African American men is 4,180 per 100,000. White men are imprisoned at a rate of 420 per 100,000, and imprisonment rates for Latino men and men of other races are 1,028 and 335, respectively.

Incarceration Rate of LGB People Three Times the General Population - Williams Institute
Just promoting freedom man. Live and let live. I know those are tough concepts for you. Sorry
“Many Americans” huh?
Do you have that data...can you show us that most of America prefers more fags, rug munchers, men in dresses and wetbacks?

So you can’t stand the idea that you must share your country with that kind?

I fucking hate it...all good real Americans do.
A gayer browner nation is a more dangerous, less productive didn’t know that? Do you fucking weirdos prefer a more criminal, welfare dependent society?

Three out of four male prisoners are nonwhite. (see below)
  • African American men remain overrepresented in the prison population.
    At the end of 2016, 29% of the male prisoners in state prisons were African American, while only 6% of the state’s male residents are African American. The incarceration rate for African American men is 4,180 per 100,000. White men are imprisoned at a rate of 420 per 100,000, and imprisonment rates for Latino men and men of other races are 1,028 and 335, respectively.

Incarceration Rate of LGB People Three Times the General Population - Williams Institute
Just promoting freedom man. Live and let live. I know those are tough concepts for you. Sorry

Haha...Holy shit I knew it was coming....”Live and let live” what a great catch phrase from the 1600’s...first used in 1622...boy did it apply well back then.
Back before white Christians founded and built the greatest nation on the globe, back before welfare mandates, before grown adults were forced to be responsible for other grown adults...FUCK that feels doesn’t apply at all now....REMEMBER....think PROGRESSIVE....fuck old times right?
“Many Americans” huh?
Do you have that data...can you show us that most of America prefers more fags, rug munchers, men in dresses and wetbacks?

So you can’t stand the idea that you must share your country with that kind?

I fucking hate it...all good real Americans do.
A gayer browner nation is a more dangerous, less productive didn’t know that? Do you fucking weirdos prefer a more criminal, welfare dependent society?

Three out of four male prisoners are nonwhite. (see below)
  • African American men remain overrepresented in the prison population.
    At the end of 2016, 29% of the male prisoners in state prisons were African American, while only 6% of the state’s male residents are African American. The incarceration rate for African American men is 4,180 per 100,000. White men are imprisoned at a rate of 420 per 100,000, and imprisonment rates for Latino men and men of other races are 1,028 and 335, respectively.

Incarceration Rate of LGB People Three Times the General Population - Williams Institute
Just promoting freedom man. Live and let live. I know those are tough concepts for you. Sorry

Haha...Holy shit I knew it was coming....”Live and let live” what a great catch phrase from the 1600’s...first used in 1622...boy did it apply well back then.
Back before white Christians founded and built the greatest nation on the globe, back before welfare mandates, before grown adults were forced to be responsible for other grown adults...FUCK that feels doesn’t apply at all now....REMEMBER....think PROGRESSIVE....fuck old times right?
It’s just a phrase dude. Don’t freak out.
Haha...we’ve always had war, disease and gangs...try harder.
Tell us...HOW did AMERICA benefit from LGBT rights and legal fag marriages? Don’t tell us how .002% benefitted, let’s not be myopic,
Most would say that expanded LGBT rights have lead to degradation of the core American values...the very things that forged this once great nation.
Many Americans share values of acceptance inclusion and being part of a country that serves as a beacon to the world and a land of opportunity for all. So whether you are gay or have a friend who is gay or simply want to live in a just and fair world they all see progress in this area as doing the right thing and setting the right example for the world. That’s the benefit.

“Many Americans” huh?
Do you have that data...can you show us that most of America prefers more fags, rug munchers, men in dresses and wetbacks?
Sure, look look at voting history. How many Americans voted for the progressive candidate last election? 63 million... Does that stat work for you?

No, no, no...100 million barely legal wetbacks with illegal roots voted for free shit and decriminalization. You’re proud of that accomplishment aren’t you?
The fact that 1/3 of our nation is present by way of criminality and stolen citizenship....Cool huh?
There’s the strawman again. If you need to make shit up to win an argument then that’s pretty pathetic. I’m not gonna waste my time
Addressing that phony crap. Want to try again?

What’s phony about my assertion. What percentage of Hispanics are here with legal many are here with approval from The People?
Prove me wrong...don’t be scared.
Many Americans share values of acceptance inclusion and being part of a country that serves as a beacon to the world and a land of opportunity for all. So whether you are gay or have a friend who is gay or simply want to live in a just and fair world they all see progress in this area as doing the right thing and setting the right example for the world. That’s the benefit.

“Many Americans” huh?
Do you have that data...can you show us that most of America prefers more fags, rug munchers, men in dresses and wetbacks?
Sure, look look at voting history. How many Americans voted for the progressive candidate last election? 63 million... Does that stat work for you?

No, no, no...100 million barely legal wetbacks with illegal roots voted for free shit and decriminalization. You’re proud of that accomplishment aren’t you?
The fact that 1/3 of our nation is present by way of criminality and stolen citizenship....Cool huh?
There’s the strawman again. If you need to make shit up to win an argument then that’s pretty pathetic. I’m not gonna waste my time
Addressing that phony crap. Want to try again?

What’s phony about my assertion. What percentage of Hispanics are here with legal many are here with approval from The People?
Prove me wrong...don’t be scared.
Easy, you said 100 million illegals with illegal roots voted yet Clinton got 63 million votes and there were only 120 million votes total last election. Go back to bed
“Many Americans” huh?
Do you have that data...can you show us that most of America prefers more fags, rug munchers, men in dresses and wetbacks?
Sure, look look at voting history. How many Americans voted for the progressive candidate last election? 63 million... Does that stat work for you?

No, no, no...100 million barely legal wetbacks with illegal roots voted for free shit and decriminalization. You’re proud of that accomplishment aren’t you?
The fact that 1/3 of our nation is present by way of criminality and stolen citizenship....Cool huh?
There’s the strawman again. If you need to make shit up to win an argument then that’s pretty pathetic. I’m not gonna waste my time
Addressing that phony crap. Want to try again?

What’s phony about my assertion. What percentage of Hispanics are here with legal many are here with approval from The People?
Prove me wrong...don’t be scared.
Easy, you said 100 million illegals with illegal roots voted yet Clinton got 63 million votes and there were only 120 million votes total last election. Go back to bed

Haha.. moving to hairsplitting semantics now huh?
I’m pretty sure even the most ignorant of fools knew exactly what I meant… You didn’t?
Sure, look look at voting history. How many Americans voted for the progressive candidate last election? 63 million... Does that stat work for you?

No, no, no...100 million barely legal wetbacks with illegal roots voted for free shit and decriminalization. You’re proud of that accomplishment aren’t you?
The fact that 1/3 of our nation is present by way of criminality and stolen citizenship....Cool huh?
There’s the strawman again. If you need to make shit up to win an argument then that’s pretty pathetic. I’m not gonna waste my time
Addressing that phony crap. Want to try again?

What’s phony about my assertion. What percentage of Hispanics are here with legal many are here with approval from The People?
Prove me wrong...don’t be scared.
Easy, you said 100 million illegals with illegal roots voted yet Clinton got 63 million votes and there were only 120 million votes total last election. Go back to bed

Haha.. moving to hairsplitting semantics now huh?
I’m pretty sure even the most ignorant of fools knew exactly what I meant… You didn’t?
Funny, you ask what’s phony, I point it out, and your response is that I’m hairsplitting and I should have known what you meant. Ok buddy.
We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
They think can be better, which it can, we all can always be better... they are pushing for progress not regression to how we once were in some abstract time period. It’s not to hard to understand their perspective

Tell us how terrible 1985 was for Americans
Tell us how we’ve become better since
Tell us which “PROGRESSIVE” policies have been the catalyst to betterment
1985? So that was Cold War, aids epidemic, gangs of NY era? Ok well since you are asking about progressive policy (there have been good conservative policies as well since then) but on the progressive side you have a focus on human rights. Since 1985 we have made tremendous strides for the LGBT communities. Gay marriage was passed along with many other anti discrimination efforts. Same for women’s rights. We have also grown our health support system for the elderly with Medicare, the poor through Medicaid and our Vets through the VA... all much better now than they were in the 80s

Haha...we’ve always had war, disease and gangs...try harder.
Tell us...HOW did AMERICA benefit from LGBT rights and legal fag marriages? Don’t tell us how .002% benefitted, let’s not be myopic,
Most would say that expanded LGBT rights have lead to degradation of the core American values...the very things that forged this once great nation.
Where's the virtue in limiting freedom to those with whom you personally agree? Where's the virtue in bigotry?

Nobody is free if everyone cannot be free.
We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the happenings that forged this nation to #1 worldwide ...our tradition and history....what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
Meth and obesity are handling you trash quite nicely
We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
They think can be better, which it can, we all can always be better... they are pushing for progress not regression to how we once were in some abstract time period. It’s not to hard to understand their perspective

The Dems are pushing an amoral culture.
Amoral cultures are miserable and the always self destruct.
On economics that are pushing socialism.
Left wing economics doesn't lift the poor, it enslaves the middle class.
Socialism is a form of slavery.
The Democrat politicians practice identity politics that purposely divides Americans by race, religion, gender, region, class......because they know that in reality Liberal Voters are tribalistic bigots who respond well to hatemongering.
How is that progress?
We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
They think can be better, which it can, we all can always be better... they are pushing for progress not regression to how we once were in some abstract time period. It’s not to hard to understand their perspective

The Dems are pushing an amoral culture.
Amoral cultures are miserable and the always self destruct.
On economics that are pushing socialism.
Left wing economics doesn't lift the poor, it enslaves the middle class.
Socialism is a form of slavery.
The Democrat politicians practice identity politics that purposely divides Americans by race, religion, gender, region, class......because they know that in reality Liberal Voters are tribalistic bigots who respond well to hatemongering.
How is that progress?
Amoral is a matter of opinion. My morals are based on the golden rule, yours might be based on a 2000 year old book and the rules they wrote back then for their society or maybe something else... IdK

I can’t justify progress in the warped scenario you just laid out. If you can show that you have an objective understanding of the issues and each sides position then we can reengage but I’m not interested in arguing hyperbolic rhetoric
We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
They think can be better, which it can, we all can always be better... they are pushing for progress not regression to how we once were in some abstract time period. It’s not to hard to understand their perspective

The Dems are pushing an amoral culture.
Amoral cultures are miserable and the always self destruct.
On economics that are pushing socialism.
Left wing economics doesn't lift the poor, it enslaves the middle class.
Socialism is a form of slavery.
The Democrat politicians practice identity politics that purposely divides Americans by race, religion, gender, region, class......because they know that in reality Liberal Voters are tribalistic bigots who respond well to hatemongering.
How is that progress?
Amoral is a matter of opinion. My morals are based on the golden rule, yours might be based on a 2000 year old book and the rules they wrote back then for their society or maybe something else... IdK

I can’t justify progress in the warped scenario you just laid out. If you can show that you have an objective understanding of the issues and each sides position then we can reengage but I’m not interested in arguing hyperbolic rhetoric
the stark reality about the Dems is shocking
Like it or not humans are not infallible, they put their wants & needs likes and dislikes above what may be best for the greater good. that's why we have laws rules. guide lines, checks & balances its always a bit of a mess .pretty much stay ignorant about what's going on in the gay community as am not gay. because of the anniversary of some thing that happened in a night club in new York years ago details regarding gay people that I had never heard came out, stuff akin to the sort of things we have done too blacks & Indians over the years. so in true American fashion gays are flaunting freedom, just like I would if I was locked out for no good reason.
We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
They think can be better, which it can, we all can always be better... they are pushing for progress not regression to how we once were in some abstract time period. It’s not to hard to understand their perspective

The Dems are pushing an amoral culture.
Amoral cultures are miserable and the always self destruct.
On economics that are pushing socialism.
Left wing economics doesn't lift the poor, it enslaves the middle class.
Socialism is a form of slavery.
The Democrat politicians practice identity politics that purposely divides Americans by race, religion, gender, region, class......because they know that in reality Liberal Voters are tribalistic bigots who respond well to hatemongering.
How is that progress?
Amoral is a matter of opinion. My morals are based on the golden rule, yours might be based on a 2000 year old book and the rules they wrote back then for their society or maybe something else... IdK

I can’t justify progress in the warped scenario you just laid out. If you can show that you have an objective understanding of the issues and each sides position then we can reengage but I’m not interested in arguing hyperbolic rhetoric
the stark reality about the Dems is shocking
When it comes to making substantive points you get and F. Comments like you last one mean absolutely nothing... Do better
We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
They think can be better, which it can, we all can always be better... they are pushing for progress not regression to how we once were in some abstract time period. It’s not to hard to understand their perspective

Tell us how terrible 1985 was for Americans
Tell us how we’ve become better since
Tell us which “PROGRESSIVE” policies have been the catalyst to betterment
1985? So that was Cold War, aids epidemic, gangs of NY era? Ok well since you are asking about progressive policy (there have been good conservative policies as well since then) but on the progressive side you have a focus on human rights. Since 1985 we have made tremendous strides for the LGBT communities. Gay marriage was passed along with many other anti discrimination efforts. Same for women’s rights. We have also grown our health support system for the elderly with Medicare, the poor through Medicaid and our Vets through the VA... all much better now than they were in the 80s

Haha...we’ve always had war, disease and gangs...try harder.
Tell us...HOW did AMERICA benefit from LGBT rights and legal fag marriages? Don’t tell us how .002% benefitted, let’s not be myopic,
Most would say that expanded LGBT rights have lead to degradation of the core American values...the very things that forged this once great nation.
Where's the virtue in limiting freedom to those with whom you personally agree? Where's the virtue in bigotry?

Nobody is free if everyone cannot be free.

Yep, “free” the guy who wants to bang his Labrador and “free” the guy who wants to jack-off in public.
Not one single progressive policy that has been inplimented has been beneficial for the majority of Americans....not fucking one.

I agree with some of the sentiments that you have expressed in this thread, however, this isn't one of your better points. One great thing about America is the protection of individual rights, regardless of whether it "benefits the majority".

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