The Dem Party needs traditional, prideful, patriotic, nationalistic Americans to die off.

We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the happenings that forged this nation to #1 worldwide ...our tradition and history....what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
What needs to die is the D party altogether. The R party too.
Actually Make America Great Again would apply now, since Trump has dragged the Constitution and the rule of law through the mud so often it needs a thorough cleaning.

He has flooded the swamp with the most reptilian of character flawed appointees, and lied so often that chaos has become the new normal.

Curious Wry Catcher

How does this affect you in any way?

You already 'got yours'.

Shameful as a former LEO you don't even know what OUR Constitution is all about.


California bred and fed until ded (yes, I spelled it the way I wanted to)

Rule of law?

Hump on your Cali lawmakers and make THEM obey the 'Rule of Law'.
Until you do that you have zero cred Mr retired LEO.
We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the happenings that forged this nation to #1 worldwide ...our tradition and history....what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
A country's greatness is measured by how its citizens live and are ranked compared to the others. You can have a big house and an expensive car but your wife cheats on you and your kids are druggies and dropouts.
That been said...
Tell me where do Americans rank in. Education, health, wealth distribution, crimes, life expectancy, ....? Prove to us that America is number one please.
Trump has dragged the the rule of law through the mud...

You didn't give a fuck about the "rule of law" when Barry was using the IRS to prevent conservatives from participating in the 2012 election, nor when Attorney General Holder was selling guns to Mexican drug cartels which were later used to MURDER Americans, nor when Hillary was transmitting classified documents through a private fucking server that probably every intelligence agency in the world read.

You're a sad, bad joke.

What law prevented the IRS from making sure a non profit met all of the requirements to be tax free?

The gun issue began under the GWB Admin. It was a fuck up, but nothing more.
1985? So that was Cold War, aids epidemic, gangs of NY era? Ok well since you are asking about progressive policy (there have been good conservative policies as well since then) but on the progressive side you have a focus on human rights. Since 1985 we have made tremendous strides for the LGBT communities. Gay marriage was passed along with many other anti discrimination efforts. Same for women’s rights. We have also grown our health support system for the elderly with Medicare, the poor through Medicaid and our Vets through the VA... all much better now than they were in the 80s

Haha...we’ve always had war, disease and gangs...try harder.
Tell us...HOW did AMERICA benefit from LGBT rights and legal fag marriages? Don’t tell us how .002% benefitted, let’s not be myopic,
Most would say that expanded LGBT rights have lead to degradation of the core American values...the very things that forged this once great nation.
Many Americans share values of acceptance inclusion and being part of a country that serves as a beacon to the world and a land of opportunity for all. So whether you are gay or have a friend who is gay or simply want to live in a just and fair world they all see progress in this area as doing the right thing and setting the right example for the world. That’s the benefit.

“Many Americans” huh?
Do you have that data...can you show us that most of America prefers more fags, rug munchers, men in dresses and wetbacks?
Sure, look look at voting history. How many Americans voted for the progressive candidate last election? 63 million... Does that stat work for you?

No, no, no...100 million barely legal wetbacks with illegal roots voted for free shit and decriminalization. You’re proud of that accomplishment aren’t you?
The fact that 1/3 of our nation is present by way of criminality and stolen citizenship....Cool huh?

There is no such thing as “barely legal.” One is in my country legally or not. One must be a legal citizen in order to vote for president. There is no “barely” about it. One is either a citizen or one is not.
Actually Make America Great Again would apply now, since Trump has dragged the Constitution and the rule of law through the mud so often it needs a thorough cleaning.

He has flooded the swamp with the most reptilian of character flawed appointees, and lied so often that chaos has become the new normal.

Curious Wry Catcher

How does this affect you in any way?

You already 'got yours'.

Shameful as a former LEO you don't even know what OUR Constitution is all about.


California bred and fed until ded (yes, I spelled it the way I wanted to)

Rule of law?

Hump on your Cali lawmakers and make THEM obey the 'Rule of Law'.
Until you do that you have zero cred Mr retired LEO.

My retirement and investments have little to do with Trump. Of course his vindictive tax fraud has F'd over the middle classes and working poor, and filled his wallet along with the plutocrats and other's who benefited from their parent or grandparents wealth.

That aside, CA lawmakers along with 8 years of Jerry Brown's Leadership have put the economy of CA back to health; the GOP which has passed legislation to require a 2/3 vote to raise taxes created a mess.

I'd explain this in detail, but someone like you are stuck in a box and unable or unwilling to listen to anything which might cause you anxiety when your biases are exposed to reality.

In short, the don't tax and spend Republican's put our economy in bad shape.
70’s 80’s 90’s Democrats flooded America with Latin and Afro immigrants and now realize this low iq base is the only bad they need combined with White guilt democrats. All anti American
Haha...we’ve always had war, disease and gangs...try harder.
Tell us...HOW did AMERICA benefit from LGBT rights and legal fag marriages? Don’t tell us how .002% benefitted, let’s not be myopic,
Most would say that expanded LGBT rights have lead to degradation of the core American values...the very things that forged this once great nation.
Many Americans share values of acceptance inclusion and being part of a country that serves as a beacon to the world and a land of opportunity for all. So whether you are gay or have a friend who is gay or simply want to live in a just and fair world they all see progress in this area as doing the right thing and setting the right example for the world. That’s the benefit.

“Many Americans” huh?
Do you have that data...can you show us that most of America prefers more fags, rug munchers, men in dresses and wetbacks?
Sure, look look at voting history. How many Americans voted for the progressive candidate last election? 63 million... Does that stat work for you?

No, no, no...100 million barely legal wetbacks with illegal roots voted for free shit and decriminalization. You’re proud of that accomplishment aren’t you?
The fact that 1/3 of our nation is present by way of criminality and stolen citizenship....Cool huh?

There is no such thing as “barely legal.” One is in my country legally or not. One must be a legal citizen in order to vote for president. There is no “barely” about it. One is either a citizen or one is not.
Not true ,, a few bureaucrats don’t not represent me, WE WANT A VOTE FOR ALL THESE NEW IMMIGRANTS!
And kick out the ones that refuse to assimilate.. get they out !
We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the happenings that forged this nation to #1 worldwide ...our tradition and history....what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
A country's greatness is measured by how its citizens live and are ranked compared to the others. You can have a big house and an expensive car but your wife cheats on you and your kids are druggies and dropouts.
That been said...
Tell me where do Americans rank in. Education, health, wealth distribution, crimes, life expectancy, ....? Prove to us that America is number one please.

Oh make no mistake about it, this nation is definitely not #1 anymore. No nation can rank #1 with one third of the total population being comprised of thirdworld, low iQ, criminal minded, welfare dependent wetbacks.
Whitey was able to carry Blacks for all those years...the load with blacks and wetbacks is just too heavy for whitey these days...we can’t carry it’s just too much filth.
Haha...we’ve always had war, disease and gangs...try harder.
Tell us...HOW did AMERICA benefit from LGBT rights and legal fag marriages? Don’t tell us how .002% benefitted, let’s not be myopic,
Most would say that expanded LGBT rights have lead to degradation of the core American values...the very things that forged this once great nation.
Many Americans share values of acceptance inclusion and being part of a country that serves as a beacon to the world and a land of opportunity for all. So whether you are gay or have a friend who is gay or simply want to live in a just and fair world they all see progress in this area as doing the right thing and setting the right example for the world. That’s the benefit.

“Many Americans” huh?
Do you have that data...can you show us that most of America prefers more fags, rug munchers, men in dresses and wetbacks?
Sure, look look at voting history. How many Americans voted for the progressive candidate last election? 63 million... Does that stat work for you?

No, no, no...100 million barely legal wetbacks with illegal roots voted for free shit and decriminalization. You’re proud of that accomplishment aren’t you?
The fact that 1/3 of our nation is present by way of criminality and stolen citizenship....Cool huh?

There is no such thing as “barely legal.” One is in my country legally or not. One must be a legal citizen in order to vote for president. There is no “barely” about it. One is either a citizen or one is not.

Sorry bud...that’s the way it is. Good, real Americans see beaners born to illegal parents as barely legals...they’re here without an invite...against the will and desire of the people. Their citizenship was stolen from the American people...They are second class citizens to anyone decent.
We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the happenings that forged this nation to #1 worldwide ...our tradition and history....what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
They want things their way.
We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the happenings that forged this nation to #1 worldwide ...our tradition and history....what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
A country's greatness is measured by how its citizens live and are ranked compared to the others. You can have a big house and an expensive car but your wife cheats on you and your kids are druggies and dropouts.
That been said...
Tell me where do Americans rank in. Education, health, wealth distribution, crimes, life expectancy, ....? Prove to us that America is number one please.

Oh make no mistake about it, this nation is definitely not #1 anymore. No nation can rank #1 with one third of the total population being comprised of thirdworld, low iQ, criminal minded, welfare dependent wetbacks.
Whitey was able to carry Blacks for all those years...the load with blacks and wetbacks is just too heavy for whitey these days...we can’t carry it’s just too much filth.
I just came from outside every single homeless/beggar/ drug addict I saw was white ina it full of mixed races why? What happened to the white superiority ?
We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the happenings that forged this nation to #1 worldwide ...our tradition and history....what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
They are so short sighted....when we become a minority its not gonna be pretty. EVENTUALLY the white race will regain its Viking berserkr roots and go on the offensive. We may not have hundreds of millions left but we will have enough to win the war that's coming and what do the dummiecrats think is going to happen when nonwhites ARE the majority? They seriously think all the nonwhites are going to accept WHITE heads of the different democrap groups? HA! Hell no...they will be next on their anti white hate list...the people you are describing are just first on their list.
We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the happenings that forged this nation to #1 worldwide ...our tradition and history....what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
A country's greatness is measured by how its citizens live and are ranked compared to the others. You can have a big house and an expensive car but your wife cheats on you and your kids are druggies and dropouts.
That been said...
Tell me where do Americans rank in. Education, health, wealth distribution, crimes, life expectancy, ....? Prove to us that America is number one please.

Oh make no mistake about it, this nation is definitely not #1 anymore. No nation can rank #1 with one third of the total population being comprised of thirdworld, low iQ, criminal minded, welfare dependent wetbacks.
Whitey was able to carry Blacks for all those years...the load with blacks and wetbacks is just too heavy for whitey these days...we can’t carry it’s just too much filth.
I just came from outside every single homeless/beggar/ drug addict I saw was white ina it full of mixed races why? What happened to the white superiority ?

How many times are we going to do this?
Stop lying to your ignorant self...your fabricated opinion doesn’t matter...I’ve shown you the data over and over again. You can’t will your opinion to be true. Sorry.
Face it, your beloved brown pet humans are fucking shit up..BIG TIME

Race/Ethnicity of Homeless
Point-in-Time Count, January 2018 & 2019

Race/Ethnic Group City of Los Angeles All County of Los Angeles*
2018 2019 2018
American Indian/Alaska Native 530 (1%) 324 (1%) 972 (1%) 565 (1%)
Asian 297 (1%) 352 (1%) 453 (1%) 545 (1%)
Black/African American 13,719 (38%) 12,235 (39%) 18,756 (38%) 17,825 (34%)
Hispanic/Latino 12,442 (36%) 10,813 (35%) 20,504 (341%) 17,540 (33%)
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 102 (1%) 77 (0.2%) 313 (0.3%) 221 (0.4%)
White 8,228 (25%) 6,978 (22%) 13,860 (23%) 12,538 (24%)
Multi-Racial/Other 982 (2%) 506 (2%) 1,399 (3%) 721 (1%)
Homeless in Los Angeles County, California

We have all heard many of them imply or say exactly that...right? They’re extremely and openly offended by the phrase “Make America Great Again”.
Think about this...what are they saying about the happenings that forged this nation to #1 worldwide ...our tradition and history....what are they saying about the Democrat Party and the direction they intend to head?
A country's greatness is measured by how its citizens live and are ranked compared to the others. You can have a big house and an expensive car but your wife cheats on you and your kids are druggies and dropouts.
That been said...
Tell me where do Americans rank in. Education, health, wealth distribution, crimes, life expectancy, ....? Prove to us that America is number one please.

Oh make no mistake about it, this nation is definitely not #1 anymore. No nation can rank #1 with one third of the total population being comprised of thirdworld, low iQ, criminal minded, welfare dependent wetbacks.
Whitey was able to carry Blacks for all those years...the load with blacks and wetbacks is just too heavy for whitey these days...we can’t carry it’s just too much filth.
I just came from outside every single homeless/beggar/ drug addict I saw was white in a full of mixed races why? What happened to the white superiority ?

How many times are we going to do this?
Stop lying to your ignorant self...your fabricated opinion doesn’t matter...I’ve shown you the data over and over again. You can’t will your opinion to be true. Sorry.
Face it, your beloved brown pet humans are fucking shit up..BIG TIME

Race/Ethnicity of Homeless
Point-in-Time Count, January 2018 & 2019

Race/Ethnic Group City of Los Angeles All County of Los Angeles*
2018 2019 2018
American Indian/Alaska Native 530 (1%) 324 (1%) 972 (1%) 565 (1%)
Asian 297 (1%) 352 (1%) 453 (1%) 545 (1%)
Black/African American 13,719 (38%) 12,235 (39%) 18,756 (38%) 17,825 (34%)
Hispanic/Latino 12,442 (36%) 10,813 (35%) 20,504 (341%) 17,540 (33%)
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 102 (1%) 77 (0.2%) 313 (0.3%) 221 (0.4%)
White 8,228 (25%) 6,978 (22%) 13,860 (23%) 12,538 (24%)
Multi-Racial/Other 982 (2%) 506 (2%) 1,399 (3%) 721 (1%)
Homeless in Los Angeles County, California
I beleive what I see..I have lived 20 years here most of the homeless are white....(West LA) you can check it for yourself. Never ever I saw a latino here. Mostly whites and blacks comes second....most if the working force (landscaping, clerks, plumbers, electricians, te technicians, nurses,....) are Latinos, step out most beggars and homeless are white. Prove me wrong and come here che k it yourself.

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