The Dem Position on the Debate.


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
Let me first say I didn't start this thread to debate who won the debate.

I started it because all day long I have heard various Dem Officials say Biden had 2 goals,

First to stop the Bleeding. Which I grant them he did accomplish.

Second to Excite the base. Which Again I grant them he surely did.

But what seems to be lost on them, and what I only heard a couple people ask them today is this.

What does it mean as an incumbent Running for re-election. If 3 weeks out you are still needing to excite the base?

Should not your Goal at this stage be to win the Support of Undecideds?

I think it is an important question. What played great with the Base, did not go over nearly as well with others. Exciting the base is important, but is it worth alienating the Middle?
The Dems can't be feeling all that good right now...
Obama is probably shocked that he now has to actually work at getting elected again.
What does it mean as an incumbent Running for re-election. If 3 weeks out you are still needing to excite the base?

Should not your Goal at this stage be to win the Support of Undecideds?

He needed to RE-excite the base, which got pretty demoralized after a crappy first debate performance.
I don't think, they think they alienated anyone or lost prospective voters, now you and I may think so.........but, I am not sure there was anyone I think who was convinced one way or another BUT I bet there are more than a few that thought that biden was over the top and were turned off, but heck, no one I know votes for or against a prez. based on a veep debate.
What does it mean as an incumbent Running for re-election. If 3 weeks out you are still needing to excite the base?

Should not your Goal at this stage be to win the Support of Undecideds?

He needed to RE-excite the base, which got pretty demoralized after a crappy first debate performance.

I understand that, he basically had no choice. I am just wondering why they are so excited when it's gotten so low that 3 weeks out they had to focus on getting the Base interested again, when they need to be winning the Undecided Vote.

I just do see how you move the needle so to speak, very much at this stage by exciting the base, especially when the way do it, May have actually hurt you with Independents.

Who knows, it was a VP debate and they normally don't mean much. However coming after the last debate, It got more attention than usual.
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I have read that Biden didn't get much appreciation for his attitude from some women on Twitter last night and I found the following posted at American Thinker a little while ago.

Lee DeCovnick

Quite a few of my fellow passengers were watching the Great Delaware Boor last night as we cruised at 34,000 feet above the Great Plains on a non-stop from Newark to San Francisco. Here are some totally unscientific observations from the fight.

A very We were seated in the back of of the plane and when I stood up I could see all the little TV's on the seat backs all the way up to the first class curtain. It cost $7.95 to activate the TV for the non-stop flight, so there was a price to see the debates. There were 57 TV's active when the debate started. 39 were watching the debate. After 15 minutes there were 27 watching the debate, and after 30 minutes only 16 were watching. At one hour, only 11 were watching. I overheard several women repeat the words condescending, rude, and impolite in their conversations. If the Democrats had planned to alienate "women," Biden's demeanor was the perfect instrument.

Read more: Blog: A captive audience watching Biden's boorishness
For all of you republicans, I think you need to step back try to take off your republicans glasses, and assess if Bidens performance was as off putting as you felt it was.

Was he over the top? Yes. Were there points where I was turned off? Yes. However overall I thought he held his own, and hammered home the Obama message.
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I find it odd that to excite his base he had to go on television and act like a demented hyena.

If Obama were able to run on his record, this might have gone differently. As it is, he made a lots of trips to different states, Iowa being one of them, to continue his effort to sway voters. An incumbent with a good record just wouldn't have to go through all that.
For all of you republicans, I think you need to step back try to take off your republicans glasses, and assess if Bidens performance was as off putting as you felt it was.

Was he over the top? Yes. Were there points where I was turned off? Yes. However overall I thought he held his own, and hammered home the Obama message.
Yep. Pounded home the obamaturd message of "I am lying my ass off." Has anyone counbted all the lies biden stated yet?
Let me first say I didn't start this thread to debate who won the debate.

I started it because all day long I have heard various Dem Officials say Biden had 2 goals,

First to stop the Bleeding. Which I grant them he did accomplish.

Second to Excite the base. Which Again I grant them he surely did.

But what seems to be lost on them, and what I only heard a couple people ask them today is this.

What does it mean as an incumbent Running for re-election. If 3 weeks out you are still needing to excite the base?

Should not your Goal at this stage be to win the Support of Undecideds?

I think it is an important question. What played great with the Base, did not go over nearly as well with others. Exciting the base is important, but is it worth alienating the Middle?

I don't think Biden stopped the bleeding, I think he made the wound worse and opened up some old wounds as well, but the debate did energize the Dem. base though, I'll give you that. I think Biden gave Romney a bunch of ammunition for the coming debate and I don't think the President will be able to recover from it.
For all of you republicans, I think you need to step back try to take off your republicans glasses, and assess if Bidens performance was as off putting as you felt it was.

Was he over the top? Yes. Were there points where I was turned off? Yes. However overall I thought he held his own, and hammered home the Obama message.
I agree, Only I think he only Hammered it home Effectively to his Base, and Judging by some of the Polls that have come out, and Twitter Feed back. He may have Turned of some in the Middle and some Woman with the way he did it.
Let me first say I didn't start this thread to debate who won the debate.

I started it because all day long I have heard various Dem Officials say Biden had 2 goals,

First to stop the Bleeding. Which I grant them he did accomplish.

Second to Excite the base. Which Again I grant them he surely did.

But what seems to be lost on them, and what I only heard a couple people ask them today is this.

What does it mean as an incumbent Running for re-election. If 3 weeks out you are still needing to excite the base?

Should not your Goal at this stage be to win the Support of Undecideds?

I think it is an important question. What played great with the Base, did not go over nearly as well with others. Exciting the base is important, but is it worth alienating the Middle?

I don't think Biden stopped the bleeding, I think he made the wound worse and opened up some old wounds as well, but the debate did energize the Dem. base though, I'll give you that. I think Biden gave Romney a bunch of ammunition for the coming debate and I don't think the President will be able to recover from it.

Just like hope not being a strategy, neither is disdain (except for energizing those who worship at the disingenious altar of condescendance).
I expect Obama to be very, very disdainful in the upcoming debate.
For all of you republicans, I think you need to step back try to take off your republicans glasses, and assess if Bidens performance was as off putting as you felt it was.

Was he over the top? Yes. Were there points where I was turned off? Yes. However overall I thought he held his own, and hammered home the Obama message.
I agree, Only I think he only Hammered it home Effectively to his Base, and Judging by some of the Polls that have come out, and Twitter Feed back. He may have Turned of some in the Middle and some Woman with the way he did it.

It will be interesting to see if it has any effect on the polls...

My guess is the Romney/Obama numbers will look the same after, as they did before the debate.
For all of you republicans, I think you need to step back try to take off your republicans glasses, and assess if Bidens performance was as off putting as you felt it was.

Was he over the top? Yes. Were there points where I was turned off? Yes. However overall I thought he held his own, and hammered home the Obama message.
I agree, Only I think he only Hammered it home Effectively to his Base, and Judging by some of the Polls that have come out, and Twitter Feed back. He may have Turned of some in the Middle and some Woman with the way he did it.

It will be interesting to see if it has any effect on the polls...

My guess is the Romney/Obama numbers will look the same after, as they did before the debate.

I would agree, Like I said last night the only way this Debate was going to change anything is if one or the other Fell flat on their face. That didn't happen.

The General consensus seems to be they Both did what they had to do.
Let me first say I didn't start this thread to debate who won the debate.

I started it because all day long I have heard various Dem Officials say Biden had 2 goals,

First to stop the Bleeding. Which I grant them he did accomplish.

Second to Excite the base. Which Again I grant them he surely did.

But what seems to be lost on them, and what I only heard a couple people ask them today is this.

What does it mean as an incumbent Running for re-election. If 3 weeks out you are still needing to excite the base?

Should not your Goal at this stage be to win the Support of Undecideds?

I think it is an important question. What played great with the Base, did not go over nearly as well with others. Exciting the base is important, but is it worth alienating the Middle?

I don't think Biden stopped the bleeding, I think he made the wound worse and opened up some old wounds as well, but the debate did energize the Dem. base though, I'll give you that. I think Biden gave Romney a bunch of ammunition for the coming debate and I don't think the President will be able to recover from it.

What's Mittens gonna do? Complain to the President what a meanie his Veep was to his running mate?

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