The democrat party and their tax policies....Chicago.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The democrat party is emptying out the city of Chicago. Their tax policies alone are driving out people who create jobs.......and this is intentional. They drive out the wealthy, and then only the people who will vote for democrats remain....yes, it is short sighted and stupid...but the democrat party would rather rule over bones and ashes than be out of power....

During the past decade, Chicago’s commercial property taxes have jumped 93 percent. The city taxes commercial properties at 3.78 percent of their value each year—the nation’s second-highest effective tax rate and more than double the average for the largest cities in each state. By comparison, San Francisco has an effective rate of 1.18 percent.
Consider the plight of the Marinos family, owners of Bel Mar Wire Products in Bucktown. Their journey embodies the American Dream—immigrants who built a stable, family-owned manufacturing firm. But in December 2022, they were ambushed by a nearly 400 percent property-tax hike. Their massive tax bill forced them to let half of their dedicated workforce go.

“We just went through COVID. Closures, price increases, surges of gas, of food, insurance, costs, short labor supplies,” said Aliki Marinos. “We feel like you’re kicking us out, like you don’t want us here, like you want us to fail? That’s what it seems like.”

Marinos’s frustration mirrors that of other businesses in the area, big and small, struggling under crushing tax burdens. Cook County business owners in the north and northwest suburbs saw a 134 percent increase in property tax hikes in the past 20 years, from $12,282 to $28,710. Commercial property tax hikes in the south and southwest suburbs were not far behind.

The famed Willis Tower saw its property taxes rise by 29 percent in 2022, resulting in an $11 million hike in a single year. That brings the tower’s property tax bill to more than $50 million annually. Prudential Plaza and its 64 stories saw a similar 24 percent increase, bringing its bill to over $27 million last year. These hikes will likely get passed on to tenants in the form of rent increases.

If the devil exists....the democrat party belongs to him....
The democrat party is emptying out the city of Chicago. Their tax policies alone are driving out people who create jobs.......and this is intentional. They drive out the wealthy, and then only the people who will vote for democrats remain....yes, it is short sighted and stupid...but the democrat party would rather rule over bones and ashes than be out of power....

During the past decade, Chicago’s commercial property taxes have jumped 93 percent. The city taxes commercial properties at 3.78 percent of their value each year—the nation’s second-highest effective tax rate and more than double the average for the largest cities in each state. By comparison, San Francisco has an effective rate of 1.18 percent.
Consider the plight of the Marinos family, owners of Bel Mar Wire Products in Bucktown. Their journey embodies the American Dream—immigrants who built a stable, family-owned manufacturing firm. But in December 2022, they were ambushed by a nearly 400 percent property-tax hike. Their massive tax bill forced them to let half of their dedicated workforce go.

“We just went through COVID. Closures, price increases, surges of gas, of food, insurance, costs, short labor supplies,” said Aliki Marinos. “We feel like you’re kicking us out, like you don’t want us here, like you want us to fail? That’s what it seems like.”

Marinos’s frustration mirrors that of other businesses in the area, big and small, struggling under crushing tax burdens. Cook County business owners in the north and northwest suburbs saw a 134 percent increase in property tax hikes in the past 20 years, from $12,282 to $28,710. Commercial property tax hikes in the south and southwest suburbs were not far behind.

The famed Willis Tower saw its property taxes rise by 29 percent in 2022, resulting in an $11 million hike in a single year. That brings the tower’s property tax bill to more than $50 million annually. Prudential Plaza and its 64 stories saw a similar 24 percent increase, bringing its bill to over $27 million last year. These hikes will likely get passed on to tenants in the form of rent increases.

If the devil exists....the democrat party belongs to him....
What about you, 2aguy? You make a good point. I don't know if you are a business owner or not, by how long are you going to stay? Life got you permanently rooted, no matter how much it sucks? I have been reading of that city for years. It is not going to change, at least, not for the better.
The people voted for this, didn't they?
Yep, but for normal people and businesses in Chitgago, it does suck. I don't even like landing and taking off there.
Yep, but for normal people and businesses in Chitgago, it does suck. I don't even like landing and taking off there.

The point is these policies don't set themselves and the people who vote them into being don't install themselves in office. The population elects them. If the population is too ignorant to know what they're voting for then who's problem is that?

I'm done blaming politicians for the stupidity of the voters.
I didn't realize Chicago was a dictatorship. When did that happen?
You do not realize much, do you.

Raising taxes is not put on the ballot to be voted on. When is the last time you saw tax rates on the ballot?

Of course, Chicago is a Democrat city, so to answer your dictatorship question, as long as Democrats have been in power.
The point is these policies don't set themselves and the people who vote them into being don't install themselves in office. The population elects them. If the population is too ignorant to know what they're voting for then who's problem is that?

I'm done blaming politicians for the stupidity of the voters.
where was this tax rate increase on the ballot? you make assumptions based on your opinion which is based on pure ignorance
The point is these policies don't set themselves and the people who vote them into being don't install themselves in office. The population elects them. If the population is too ignorant to know what they're voting for then who's problem is that?

I'm done blaming politicians for the stupidity of the voters.
True, but it is sad for the people that can get stuck in these places for family or business reason. I say local politics should be local, but that does not seem to be how the voter vote. It appears party politics overrules enlightened self-interest and good governance, in support of the national party agenda, but that is just me, and my small town view. Glad it's not me and my town.
Democrats are parasites. They sink in their fangs and suck the life out of businesses. No they don't care if this destroys the business, they just jack up the taxes on the remaining business.
GE fought back. After decades of getting vampire sucked by the local Dems GE said you know what, F you. They had employed 70,000 at this NY location. They packed up and moved almost all of it to NC and other business friendly states. They demolished their buildings then sued the city for over assessment of property taxes and won. The city went bankrupt in the process.

Yes Dems will kill the goose that laid the golden egg, they are so greedy in the moment they don't care if the business packs up and moves and they wind up with no tax revenue.
They should do something about it, then. But they won't.
Did you know that in many Dem regime states, the people are NOT permitted to put initiatives on the ballot. Dems have these states completely RIGGED. The elections are a farce, the people's choice is the hand picked Dem shill candidate or nothing. Districts are RIGGED that way.

So with no avenue for the people to put initiatives on the ballot, and the elections rigged yeah there's nothing really the people can do.

In one RIGGED Dem state a billionaire ran, outspent the Dems and won. Dems reaction...they passed a law that said if a billionaire ever runs again, taxpayers will match whatever the billionaire is spending on the campaign. :oops:
I'll be spending part of the holiday weekend there, sad they tax the shit out of companies so badly they have to leave the city, because downtown Chicago is a wonderful place, along with north side neighborhoods, to say nothing of the Gold Coast.

The corporate taxes are not only obscene in Chicago, the surrounding suburbs, anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes away, are also crushing people with taxes, and all of that filters downstate, which also is not immune. Police and firefighter unions are very well funded, and tax dollars have to pay for these pensions. Throw in all the elected officials who also get Cadillac pensions, with substantial raises that see many go over six figures annually, and you get yourself in a mess, and have to keep raising taxes.
Did you know that in many Dem regime states, the people are NOT permitted to put initiatives on the ballot. Dems have these states completely RIGGED. The elections are a farce, the people's choice is the hand picked Dem shill candidate or nothing. Districts are RIGGED that way.

So with no avenue for the people to put initiatives on the ballot, and the elections rigged yeah there's nothing really the people can do.

In one RIGGED Dem state a billionaire ran, outspent the Dems and won. Dems reaction...they passed a law that said if a billionaire ever runs again, taxpayers will match whatever the billionaire is spending on the campaign. :oops:

Yes, I lived in California. Everything was done by fiat by the state legislature. Most of it was never even put on a ballot, and if it was, and it lost, they would just do it anyway.

That's what one-party rule looks like.
There are reasons that businesses have liked doing business in downtown Chicago or nearby, living in ultra-wealthy enclaves like Deerfield, Lake Forest, Winnetka, and other suburbs, but a business is about the bottom line, and they can easily relocate their HQ to another city, two major employers in my part of the state have either done that already, and the other is considering it. It's damn hard to blame them.


What about you, 2aguy? You make a good point. I don't know if you are a business owner or not, by how long are you going to stay? Life got you permanently rooted, no matter how much it sucks? I have been reading of that city for years. It is not going to change, at least, not for the better.

Making plans to get out.......uprooting over 50 years isn't always easy....

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