The Democrat Party Just Slit Their Own Wrist

So it's inaccurate the way I used it, how?

The term "Mulatto' derives from the Spanish "Little Mule". While a mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey, it is not a person. So they are not "small mules". So comparing a person whose parents loved each other but had different levels of melanin in their skins to an animal is kind of "inaccurate" don't you think?

Stop posting my quotes out of context or stop replying to post not quoting you. Now tell me how my use was inaccurate in the context of his definition. Oh, and shove your BS, I don't care where the word originated and I made no comparison of anyone to an animal.
Damn boy, you just don't pay attention, do you? Slightly more than 40% of illegals over stay visas. I've proposed a system where everyone applying for a visa must purchase a return to country bond. Anyone who fails to return as agreed will be declared a fugitive and bounty hunters will be paid, from that bond fund, to track the assholes down and take them to deportations centers where they will be sent home with only the clothes on their backs. Any assets they may have will be seized and sold to pay for their handling and return trip. The same should happen to anyone sneaking in at a port or across any border. Now tell me, how is that racist?

So essentially, your "solution' is just being a horrible person to poor people. But if some of the people you are being horrible to are white, that makes it okay?

I get a little tired of listening to conservatives show me what horrible people they are, and then still claim to be Christian.

Fuck you, like a typical regressive you move the goal post when you get your ass kicked, I have no compassion for criminals of any stripe. It's a really simple concept, if you don't want to deal with the consequences, don't do the crime.
Everyone who disagrees with you is a racist. They are everywhere....................Must suck to be you.

Uh, no, people who use the word "Mullato" to describe a person of mixed race are racists.

People who have AVIs of the President and First Lady as apes or native tribesmen are racists.

People who scream about "those illegals" taking their jobs when they'd never want to do the jobs illegals are doing are racists.

And these are the people who used to show up at Tea Party rallies and are now showing up at Trump Rallies.

Fuck you, I don't subscribe to your PC bullshit, I used an accurate term. It's you regressives that want to rewrite the language, I ain't playing your games. I guess you're one of those Jim Crow advocates that believe if a person has even one drop of black heritage, they're all black, it doesn't work like that anymore. So once again shove your hypocrisy up where the sun don't shine.

Guy, you didn't use the words "Mixed heritage". You used the word "Mulatto" a term that most dictionaries list as "offensive" and "outdated"... which probably does describe you inbreds and your views pretty well.

The fact was, racists in your part of the country (You know, the Stupid Part where you all fly the Confederate flag and think Jesus loves you) considered someone who was half black or a quarter black or even an eighth black as black under the laws you used to have to keep people separate. So please don't come back with an outdated and offensive term to describe a president you hate and then try to claim you aren't being racist.

clearly, our society doesn't see Obama as being "half white'. He has dark skin and clearly African features and that's how our society sees him.

Note to the clueless POS, there are illegals here from every country in the freaking world, so tell me dumbass, who exactly are we be racist against?

Furthermore when are you going to get it through your regressive little head that people are fed up with your and your ilks PS bullshit, you and the regressive academic elitist don't get to define our terminology any longer. And I honestly don't give a shit if mulatto is considered offensive or outdated, it's accurate regardless of whether you dear leader has milk chocolate skin or not and no he is not considered dark skinned.

It's your kind that worship at the alter of hate, I don't waste my time or energy hating anyone, especially people I don't have any respect for, which would include yourself, your mulatto messiah and all that think like you.
Mulatto is not a very good word for several reason. It 's inaccurate because it can refer to either the offspring of a white person and black person or it can mean a person with a black and white ancestry.

It's not a good idea to use the world today unless you just want to prove that you're political incorrect. Call a black girl a mulatto today and your likely to be ignored or slapped because the word is most commonly used by racist or racists context.

Historically, Mulatto is considered a racial slur because it's part of a system for classifying blacks as to their sociability or acceptable in white society.
Mulattos where half black
Quadroom were 1/4 black
Qutoroom wee 1.8 black.

Those with more white blood were consider better household servant and sex partners for plantain owners. However Qutorooms and Quadrooms were consider in general the most desirable females and often worked in brothells and became mistresses of wealthy white men.

So it's inaccurate the way I used it, how?
Mulatto means a person of black and white ancestor so it's correct. It also means you are using language typical of racists. No problem, just don't be surprised when people call you a racist;.
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Everyone who disagrees with you is a racist. They are everywhere....................Must suck to be you.

Uh, no, people who use the word "Mullato" to describe a person of mixed race are racists.

People who have AVIs of the President and First Lady as apes or native tribesmen are racists.

People who scream about "those illegals" taking their jobs when they'd never want to do the jobs illegals are doing are racists.

And these are the people who used to show up at Tea Party rallies and are now showing up at Trump Rallies.

Fuck you, I don't subscribe to your PC bullshit, I used an accurate term. It's you regressives that want to rewrite the language, I ain't playing your games. I guess you're one of those Jim Crow advocates that believe if a person has even one drop of black heritage, they're all black, it doesn't work like that anymore. So once again shove your hypocrisy up where the sun don't shine.

Guy, you didn't use the words "Mixed heritage". You used the word "Mulatto" a term that most dictionaries list as "offensive" and "outdated"... which probably does describe you inbreds and your views pretty well.

The fact was, racists in your part of the country (You know, the Stupid Part where you all fly the Confederate flag and think Jesus loves you) considered someone who was half black or a quarter black or even an eighth black as black under the laws you used to have to keep people separate. So please don't come back with an outdated and offensive term to describe a president you hate and then try to claim you aren't being racist.

clearly, our society doesn't see Obama as being "half white'. He has dark skin and clearly African features and that's how our society sees him.

Note to the clueless POS, there are illegals here from every country in the freaking world, so tell me dumbass, who exactly are we be racist against?

Furthermore when are you going to get it through your regressive little head that people are fed up with your and your ilks PS bullshit, you and the regressive academic elitist don't get to define our terminology any longer. And I honestly don't give a shit if mulatto is considered offensive or outdated, it's accurate regardless of whether you dear leader has milk chocolate skin or not and no he is not considered dark skinned.

It's your kind that worship at the alter of hate, I don't waste my time or energy hating anyone, especially people I don't have any respect for, which would include yourself, your mulatto messiah and all that think like you.
Mulatto is not a very good word for several reason. It 's inaccurate because it can refer to either the offspring of a white person and black person or it can mean a person with a black and white ancestry.

It's not a good idea to use the world today unless you just want to prove that you're political incorrect. Call a black girl a mulatto today and your likely to be ignored or slapped because the word is most commonly used by racist or racists context.

Historically, Mulatto is considered a racial slur because it's part of a system for classifying blacks as to their sociability or acceptable in white society.
Mulattos where half black
Quadroom were 1/4 black
Qutoroom wee 1.8 black.

Those with more white blood were consider better household servant and sex partners for plantain owners. However Qutorooms and Quadrooms were consider in general the most desirable females and often worked in brothells and became mistresses of wealthy white men.

So it's inaccurate the way I used it, how?
Mulatto means a person of black and white ancestor so it's correct. It also means you are using language typical of racists. No problem, just don't be surprised when people call you a racist;.

That label is meaningless, it's used so often inappropriately the regressives have made it just more noise in a sea of meaningless noise.
Mulatto means a person of black and white ancestor so it's correct. It also means you are using language typical of racists. No problem, just don't be surprised when people call you a racist;.
Another perfectly good set of words now banned by liberals.

I give up. I really dont give a flying fuck what liberals think about the words I use any more.

On the j ob, I will strive to not offend, but in private, fuck all the libtards in their right eye socket.
Only the mulatto was declared liar of the year. Now go away child.

Dun, der Cleetus, you know that "Mulatto" is on of those words you don't use in the 21st century, right?

But you're not racist.

A bigot claiming someone is racist. How funny.

I'm starting to feel bad for you, PG, Imust have inflicted some mighty butthurt on you to have you still whining about it.

You are a bigot, just telling the truth. You don't like being called on it? Tough shit!
Everyone who disagrees with you is a racist. They are everywhere....................Must suck to be you.

Uh, no, people who use the word "Mullato" to describe a person of mixed race are racists.

People who have AVIs of the President and First Lady as apes or native tribesmen are racists.

People who scream about "those illegals" taking their jobs when they'd never want to do the jobs illegals are doing are racists.

And these are the people who used to show up at Tea Party rallies and are now showing up at Trump Rallies.

Fuck you, I don't subscribe to your PC bullshit, I used an accurate term. It's you regressives that want to rewrite the language, I ain't playing your games. I guess you're one of those Jim Crow advocates that believe if a person has even one drop of black heritage, they're all black, it doesn't work like that anymore. So once again shove your hypocrisy up where the sun don't shine.

Guy, you didn't use the words "Mixed heritage". You used the word "Mulatto" a term that most dictionaries list as "offensive" and "outdated"... which probably does describe you inbreds and your views pretty well.

The fact was, racists in your part of the country (You know, the Stupid Part where you all fly the Confederate flag and think Jesus loves you) considered someone who was half black or a quarter black or even an eighth black as black under the laws you used to have to keep people separate. So please don't come back with an outdated and offensive term to describe a president you hate and then try to claim you aren't being racist.

clearly, our society doesn't see Obama as being "half white'. He has dark skin and clearly African features and that's how our society sees him.

Note to the clueless POS, there are illegals here from every country in the freaking world, so tell me dumbass, who exactly are we be racist against?

Furthermore when are you going to get it through your regressive little head that people are fed up with your and your ilks PS bullshit, you and the regressive academic elitist don't get to define our terminology any longer. And I honestly don't give a shit if mulatto is considered offensive or outdated, it's accurate regardless of whether you dear leader has milk chocolate skin or not and no he is not considered dark skinned.

It's your kind that worship at the alter of hate, I don't waste my time or energy hating anyone, especially people I don't have any respect for, which would include yourself, your mulatto messiah and all that think like you.
Mulatto is not a very good word for several reason. It 's inaccurate because it can refer to either the offspring of a white person and black person or it can mean a person with a black and white ancestry.

It's not a good idea to use the world today unless you just want to prove that you're political incorrect. Call a black girl a mulatto today and your likely to be ignored or slapped because the word is most commonly used by racist or racists context.

Historically, Mulatto is considered a racial slur because it's part of a system for classifying blacks as to their sociability or acceptable in white society.
Mulattos where half black
Quadroom were 1/4 black
Qutoroom wee 1.8 black.

Those with more white blood were consider better household servant and sex partners for plantain owners. However Qutorooms and Quadrooms were consider in general the most desirable females and often worked in brothells and became mistresses of wealthy white men.

So it's inaccurate the way I used it, how?
Mulatto means a person of black and white ancestor so it's correct. It also means you are using language typical of racists. No problem, just don't be surprised when people call you a racist;.

A lefty losing an argument calling someone a racist, that is the norm.
Turnout's actually been high for the dems, but I think that's because Bernie is sort of having the same effect as Trump on the GOP, though fortunately not with the incivility and violence.

So far, turnout in this year’s primaries rivals 2008 record

But yeah I think that's the question. IF it's Donald v. Hillary it would seem the eventual winner will be whomever gets the vote out. The dems historically have the better ground game because of blacks and they've invested in building vote drive machines with latinos. Reed got out the vote in Nev and that doomed Bernie's chances. Older women will turn out for Hillary, but aside from them, Hillary has no real constituency and is dependent on the party and negative views of the gop.

I suspect Hillary will have to have Bernie on the ticket

Democratic turnout is less than Republican turnout.

Yes. But dem turnout is still higher than it has been, except for the novelty of Obama. It's not like the dems aren't voting. But I suspect the turnout is largely because of Bernie. There are similarities and dissimilarities in the primaries. The people who are voting for Bernie share the same ideology of those who voted for Obama 8 years ago. But the people who want "four more years" of Obama are voting for Hillary. The people who feel Obama let them down and "is a republican" are voting for Bernie. Hillary's challenge is to get them without seeming a socialist. They seem mad because Obama turned out NOT to be a muslim Kenyan socialist Marxist. LOL

The Donald's turnout is a little bit similar. He's getting people who feel betrayed by the gop establishment. I too voted against the establishment candidates, because I'm sick of supply side tax cuts that do nothing but fuel deficits and make the very wealthy very very very wealthy. But I don't see the Donald's path to unifying the gop.

Interesting theory. Trump is not a unifier, however neither is Clinton.

We have two very bad candidates.

Had Biden decided to run....?

If you can't vote for a liar, a divider or a person of low character, I can't see you voting for either Clinton or Trump. These are the worst two candidates in my life time.

If Bernie gets the nomination, I'll be voting for him. But, if Hillary gets the nomination, I intend to vote for whoever is running against Hillary. If it's Trump, I'll vote for him. If Cruz, I'll vote for him.
Democratic turnout is less than Republican turnout.

Yes. But dem turnout is still higher than it has been, except for the novelty of Obama. It's not like the dems aren't voting. But I suspect the turnout is largely because of Bernie. There are similarities and dissimilarities in the primaries. The people who are voting for Bernie share the same ideology of those who voted for Obama 8 years ago. But the people who want "four more years" of Obama are voting for Hillary. The people who feel Obama let them down and "is a republican" are voting for Bernie. Hillary's challenge is to get them without seeming a socialist. They seem mad because Obama turned out NOT to be a muslim Kenyan socialist Marxist. LOL

The Donald's turnout is a little bit similar. He's getting people who feel betrayed by the gop establishment. I too voted against the establishment candidates, because I'm sick of supply side tax cuts that do nothing but fuel deficits and make the very wealthy very very very wealthy. But I don't see the Donald's path to unifying the gop.

Interesting theory. Trump is not a unifier, however neither is Clinton.

We have two very bad candidates.

Had Biden decided to run....?

If you can't vote for a liar, a divider or a person of low character, I can't see you voting for either Clinton or Trump. These are the worst two candidates in my life time.

If Bernie gets the nomination, I'll be voting for him. But, if Hillary gets the nomination, I intend to vote for whoever is running against Hillary. If it's Trump, I'll vote for him. If Cruz, I'll vote for him.

Doesn't really matter. Phrump will either be given the nomination or he will run third party. In either case, he CANNOT win the General election. But you please vote for the lunatic. Even the most dedicated conservatives say they will never vote for Phrump.
Stop posting my quotes out of context or stop replying to post not quoting you. Now tell me how my use was inaccurate in the context of his definition. Oh, and shove your BS, I don't care where the word originated and I made no comparison of anyone to an animal.

GUy, there isn't a context where using that word isn't racist. I am sorry no one explained this to you at any point. But since you aren't going around calling co-workers "Mullatos" at work or calling Obama one where people can hear you, even your pea brain realizes it's wrong.

But you can feel all brave saying this stuff on a message board. Unfortunately, that message board is Stormfront, so I'm not sure why you are coming here where people can challenge you.

Another perfectly good set of words now banned by liberals.

I give up. I really dont give a flying fuck what liberals think about the words I use any more.

On the j ob, I will strive to not offend, but in private, fuck all the libtards in their right eye socket.

But that begs the question. If there is nothing wrong with the word to begin with, why would you be guarded about what you say?

No, the only reason to be guarded about saying "Mulatto" or the N-word is because they are offensive.

Fuck you, like a typical regressive you move the goal post when you get your ass kicked, I have no compassion for criminals of any stripe. It's a really simple concept, if you don't want to deal with the consequences, don't do the crime.

So you'd be okay with cops shooting second amendment enthusiasts who show up at the Bundy ranch waiving their guns around? Or is this whole "consequences" thing only for people of color?
You see, the best way to discourage illegal immigration would be to go after the white people who are hiring them to start with.
Stop posting my quotes out of context or stop replying to post not quoting you. Now tell me how my use was inaccurate in the context of his definition. Oh, and shove your BS, I don't care where the word originated and I made no comparison of anyone to an animal.

GUy, there isn't a context where using that word isn't racist. I am sorry no one explained this to you at any point. But since you aren't going around calling co-workers "Mullatos" at work or calling Obama one where people can hear you, even your pea brain realizes it's wrong.

But you can feel all brave saying this stuff on a message board. Unfortunately, that message board is Stormfront, so I'm not sure why you are coming here where people can challenge you.

Another perfectly good set of words now banned by liberals.

I give up. I really dont give a flying fuck what liberals think about the words I use any more.

On the j ob, I will strive to not offend, but in private, fuck all the libtards in their right eye socket.

But that begs the question. If there is nothing wrong with the word to begin with, why would you be guarded about what you say?

No, the only reason to be guarded about saying "Mulatto" or the N-word is because they are offensive.

Fuck you, like a typical regressive you move the goal post when you get your ass kicked, I have no compassion for criminals of any stripe. It's a really simple concept, if you don't want to deal with the consequences, don't do the crime.

So you'd be okay with cops shooting second amendment enthusiasts who show up at the Bundy ranch waiving their guns around? Or is this whole "consequences" thing only for people of color?
You see, the best way to discourage illegal immigration would be to go after the white people who are hiring them to start with.

Do you need a quarter so you can call someone who might actually give some weight to your opinions? That said, I have no problem jailing people who knowingly hire illegals, never have opposed it, never will. But once again this just proves how little you pay attention. So run along child, I'm not going to keep dancing where you change the subject every time I kick your ass, you're dismissed.
Yes. But dem turnout is still higher than it has been, except for the novelty of Obama. It's not like the dems aren't voting. But I suspect the turnout is largely because of Bernie. There are similarities and dissimilarities in the primaries. The people who are voting for Bernie share the same ideology of those who voted for Obama 8 years ago. But the people who want "four more years" of Obama are voting for Hillary. The people who feel Obama let them down and "is a republican" are voting for Bernie. Hillary's challenge is to get them without seeming a socialist. They seem mad because Obama turned out NOT to be a muslim Kenyan socialist Marxist. LOL

The Donald's turnout is a little bit similar. He's getting people who feel betrayed by the gop establishment. I too voted against the establishment candidates, because I'm sick of supply side tax cuts that do nothing but fuel deficits and make the very wealthy very very very wealthy. But I don't see the Donald's path to unifying the gop.

Interesting theory. Trump is not a unifier, however neither is Clinton.

We have two very bad candidates.

Had Biden decided to run....?

If you can't vote for a liar, a divider or a person of low character, I can't see you voting for either Clinton or Trump. These are the worst two candidates in my life time.

If Bernie gets the nomination, I'll be voting for him. But, if Hillary gets the nomination, I intend to vote for whoever is running against Hillary. If it's Trump, I'll vote for him. If Cruz, I'll vote for him.

Doesn't really matter. Phrump will either be given the nomination or he will run third party. In either case, he CANNOT win the General election. But you please vote for the lunatic. Even the most dedicated conservatives say they will never vote for Phrump.

I'll vote for Raul Castro before I'd vote for Hillary.
Mulatto means a person of black and white ancestor so it's correct. It also means you are using language typical of racists. No problem, just don't be surprised when people call you a racist;.
Another perfectly good set of words now banned by liberals.

I give up. I really dont give a flying fuck what liberals think about the words I use any more.

On the j ob, I will strive to not offend, but in private, fuck all the libtards in their right eye socket.

Political correctness can certain go too far so as to stifle freedom of speech. I think this is happening to some extent now which is creating a huge backlash in which people are going out of their way to unleash insults and hurtful language just to prove they aren't politically correct.

The idea of "political correctness' is to chose our words carefully so we get our point across without being insulting and offensive. Insults and offensive language rarely accomplish anything constructive.
Political correctness can certain go too far so as to stifle freedom of speech. I think this is happening to some extent now which is creating a huge backlash in which people are going out of their way to unleash insults and hurtful language just to prove they aren't politically correct.

The idea of "political correctness' is to chose our words carefully so we get our point across without being insulting and offensive. Insults and offensive language rarely accomplish anything constructive.

People offended by someone yelling 'YOU FUCKING N1GGER!' is one thing, people telling me I am categorized alongside Nazi Death Camp guards because I uttered the word 'Quadroon' is totally something else.

My 'Give a Shit' is busted now.
Political correctness can certain go too far so as to stifle freedom of speech. I think this is happening to some extent now which is creating a huge backlash in which people are going out of their way to unleash insults and hurtful language just to prove they aren't politically correct.

The idea of "political correctness' is to chose our words carefully so we get our point across without being insulting and offensive. Insults and offensive language rarely accomplish anything constructive.

People offended by someone yelling 'YOU FUCKING N1GGER!' is one thing, people telling me I am categorized alongside Nazi Death Camp guards because I uttered the word 'Quadroon' is totally something else.

My 'Give a Shit' is busted now.
Using insulting and racially charged language will almost always get the same thing in return with no meaningful discourse which seems to be what a lot of people are looking for on this board.
Using insulting and racially charged language will almost always get the same thing in return with no meaningful discourse which seems to be what a lot of people are looking for on this board.

So if you and I were discussing the history of slavery in the South, and I said something that used the word Quadroon in a proper context, you would think I am racist, feel insulted and then lose all meaningful discourse with me?

I dont mean to offend you, but that is fucking stupid.
Using insulting and racially charged language will almost always get the same thing in return with no meaningful discourse which seems to be what a lot of people are looking for on this board.

So if you and I were discussing the history of slavery in the South, and I said something that used the word Quadroon in a proper context, you would think I am racist, feel insulted and then lose all meaningful discourse with me?

I don't mean to offend you, but that is fucking stupid.
It depends on context. There are no political correct or incorrect words. In my post I said language, not words. Using the word Quadroon in discussing the history of slavery is not likely to offend anyone. However, it you are from a white southern family and I say your mother looks like a Quadroon, you would probably take offense.
Sell your snake oil somewhere else....................Your side does this all the time........and you do it to RAMP UP RACISM hoping for a bigger turnout................It's just what you do............It's normal for you fucks to do that.

So you aren't racist when you say "Mullato" and post a picture of the President and his wife as apes, as some of your buddies do here, but our side is "ramping up racism" by pointing out, oh, I don't know, that they shouldn't have shot that black 12 year old in the middle of a park.

Blah blah blah.........Your side does this shit every election.........The BLM and Obama have set back race relations 2 decades............and they do it for the votes................Nothing new here.........I don't give a fuck about the Mullato..............I'm all out of Mullatos................It doesn't change the tactics your side uses every election.

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