The Democrat Reich is trying to smear Marjorie Taylor Green.

The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.
What has she said that is "whacky?"
The Trumpsters don't see anything wrong with any of that.

It's just what good patriots do 'n stuff.
Prove she said any of that. Ilhan Omar married her brother, committed immigration fraud, diverted campaign funds to her lover, yada yada yada. Why should we take your smears against MTG seriously?
It's all out there. Easy to find. You just don't have the balls to look for it. You are a sheep.
It was a DEBATE!!! (Worked for Cameltoe).

No, it wasn't.
The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.
What has she said that is "whacky?"
The Trumpsters don't see anything wrong with any of that.

It's just what good patriots do 'n stuff.
Prove she said any of that. Ilhan Omar married her brother, committed immigration fraud, diverted campaign funds to her lover, yada yada yada. Why should we take your smears against MTG seriously?
It's all out there. Easy to find. You just don't have the balls to look for it. You are a sheep.
It was a DEBATE!!! (Worked for Cameltoe).

You believe that a plane hit the Pentagon? Where is the footage? FBI removed footage of the 80 plus cameras just like they did in Oklahoma City. You are proof positive that the old adage of "With age, comes wisdom" is a fallacy. You are so fucking programmed that if your beloved "gubermint" ran news media declared that the moon was actually made of green cheese? You would think to yourself "I wonder what a piece of that would taste like on a Ritz cracker?"
You strike me as being just that fucking stupid.

That is quite a rebuttal, Maxine......

This video makes it pretty clear that the accusations the Democrat NAZIs are making against MTG are lies. She's a perfectly reasonable woman. They are afraid of her.

Cory Bush is the one who should be expelled from Congress.

She smears herself and she is a disgrace.

How did she smear herself? It's obvious that you are just repeating Democrat Reich propaganda.

What is obvious is your stupidity.

Then it should be easy for you to demonstrate.

We're waiting.

Notice that none of you NAZI assholes have named anything she said that sounds "crazy."

To make something clear: The perverted extremist is you and no one else you accuse to be. The whole style how you - and many others in the USA - "argue" (=defame) is perfectly absurde.


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The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.
What has she said that is "whacky?"
The Trumpsters don't see anything wrong with any of that.

It's just what good patriots do 'n stuff.
Prove she said any of that. Ilhan Omar married her brother, committed immigration fraud, diverted campaign funds to her lover, yada yada yada. Why should we take your smears against MTG seriously?
It's all out there. Easy to find. You just don't have the balls to look for it. You are a sheep.
Why would I look for evidence to support your imbecile claims? You BIden NAZIs just don't understand how a debate forum works.
The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.
What has she said that is "whacky?"
The Trumpsters don't see anything wrong with any of that.

It's just what good patriots do 'n stuff.
Prove she said any of that. Ilhan Omar married her brother, committed immigration fraud, diverted campaign funds to her lover, yada yada yada. Why should we take your smears against MTG seriously?
It's all out there. Easy to find. You just don't have the balls to look for it. You are a sheep.
Why would I look for evidence to support your imbecile claims? You BIden NAZIs just don't understand how a debate forum works.
I'll bet you've even avoided the comments she made in her apology.

You silly little goose.
The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.
What has she said that is "whacky?"
Objection, hearsay.
video evidence

Pigloosi and half the minions of the Democrat Reich have called Trump and anyone who supports him a traitor.

He is an idiot. Furthermore he's an oportunist who tried to trade on his status as a victim.

How many Dims have called it a conspiracy?
If a democrat called for Trump (or any republican) to be executed, you'd be having a shit fit.
Democrats have called for him to be executed, NAZI.
She smears herself and she is a disgrace.
If this the new measuring stick for members of Congress? Because Alexandria Ocasio Smollett and her
"Squad" are no more well behaved then anything Taylor-Greene has ever done, none of it as a member of Congress I might add (something that The Squad cannot claim).
The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.
What has she said that is "whacky?"
The Trumpsters don't see anything wrong with any of that.

It's just what good patriots do 'n stuff.
Prove she said any of that. Ilhan Omar married her brother, committed immigration fraud, diverted campaign funds to her lover, yada yada yada. Why should we take your smears against MTG seriously?
It's all out there. Easy to find. You just don't have the balls to look for it. You are a sheep.
Why would I look for evidence to support your imbecile claims? You BIden NAZIs just don't understand how a debate forum works.
I'll bet you've even avoided the comments she made in her apology.

You silly little goose.
I don't "avoid" them. I simply ignore them because this whole thing bores me.
Are we now are to assume those responsible for anti semitic rhetoric, outright lying, fabrication concerning Russian collusion, Ukrainian quid pro quo, inciting, and applauding civil unrest will also be removed from their committee assignments?

Calling others " anti semitic" while defending the Jewish Space Lazer woman.....
Defend this, NAZI:

She has said “Israel has hypnotized the world” and declared her hope that Allah will “awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” She supports a boycott of Israel, a country she has compared to Nazi Germany. She accused her House colleagues who support Israel of pushing “for allegiance to a foreign country.” And she has suggested support for Israel is “all about the Benjamins.” (She later apologized for the last comment, but not all the others, before or since that one.)
The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.

The entire left is now an outlier and getting more radical each day.

The funny part is that they have been reduced to little more than bandwagon riders, with nothing of value to contribute ... :thup:

They are all dutifully regurgitating the propaganda that's been handed down to them by their party masters.
LOL how dare they use her own words against her.

That's just not playing fair you baby sacrificing, Space Lasor Lovin scum!
They are all dutifully regurgitating the propaganda that's been handed down to them by their party masters.

They still think they are smart though.

The funny part about that is how they tie it to who they voted for, and their emotional turmoil over President Trump.
They don't resemble much more than quivering piles of goo ... But completely understandable why they love the nanny-state ... :thup:

National treasure Jim Jordan did a good job of exposing the hypocrisy of the left regarding believing in conspiracy theories. He notes that they spent four years, and $40 million propelling the Russian Hoax conspiracy theory.

Jordon failed to mention it was Trumpybears own DOJ that launched the damning Mueller investigation. Nor did he mention that the Republican's controlled both houses of Congress between 2017 and 2019, rendering the Democrats powerless to investigate the Don.

Imo Greene simply represent the majority of the GOP base now.

They really don't like pizza!
There is no comparison.
I agree. Marjorie Taylor Greene is only one person who just got mugged by the Democrats as she entered Congress and doesn't even have a committee appointment.
The "Squad" is a quartet of morons who have a record of idiocy behind them to point to.

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