The Democrat Reich is trying to smear Marjorie Taylor Green.

The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
Like what ? Let's hear it . Not just your ignorance, a link. Morons.
It’s all over this thread. Videos of her admitting to saying stupid shit that got her booted off congressional committees. Why do you align yourself and defend people people like this?!
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If you’re not here to debate and use logic then don’t lecture others about how to debate. You are here to troll so don’t be a hypocrite and press others to explain themselves or to use facts. Go to the flame zone and play nanny nanny boo boo with the other trolls who can’t carry a conversation
It's his m.o.
If he could make an argument, he would actually win a debate, instead he just opens new troll opportunities.
I acknowledge that I'm not here to use logic on leftwingers. That's an exercise in futility.
You are also not here to talk about your own OP.
He asked for examples, a poster gave examples, he asked for proof that the examples were real, the poster linked a video of her saying those things herself... he responds that he is bored and is going to ignore those things. And now he won’t talk about MGT anymore he just wants to bash Democrats. The dudes a joke and this thread should be moved to the taunting area along with all his other OPs.
The dudes a joke and this thread should be moved to the taunting area along with all his other OPs.

He left here 20 minutes ago, to reply to other threads about Mitt Romney and Kelli Ward.
He was schooled hours ago. Spent a few pages avoiding the subject and trying to attack Dems and then personally attack me. As you said it’s his MO. This thread is pretty much done. These people who defend people like MGT are pretty sad
The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
Like what ? Let's hear it . Not just your ignorance, a link. Morons.
It’s all over this thread. Videos of her admitting to saying stupid shit that got her booted off congressional committees. Why do you align yourself and defend people people like this?!
Your a moron. So no link?
Read the thread dude. I ain’t doing the work again just for you
Your a moron. So no link?

She stated 9/11 was a government conspiracy.
The Sandy Hook school shooting were fake
She wanted Democrats to be executed.
That Clinton killed Kennedy Jr to run for the NY Senate seat.
The Las Vegas shootings were false
The California wildfires were started by a laser beam from space
Ruth Bader Ginsburg was replaced by a body double

That is just a sample.
She stated 9/11 was a government conspiracy.

The Sandy Hook school shooting were fake

She wanted Democrats to be executed.

That Clinton killed Kennedy Jr to run for the NY Senate seat.

The Las Vegas shootings were false

The California wildfires were started by a laser beam from space

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was replaced by a body double

That is just a sample.

Full on batshit insane.

IOW just a normal Republican these days.

If one doesn't believe me, she raised more money in the first quarter than any other Republican House members. And it was ALL small donors.
Like what ? Let's hear it . Not just your ignorance, a link. Morons.

I posted links, I posted lists of her rants.

I suppose if you were honest you would read them and respond. But I suspect you've run away to hide. Since the last thing you did was ask for a link, and then you disappeared before they could be posted.
If you’re not here to debate and use logic then don’t lecture others about how to debate. You are here to troll so don’t be a hypocrite and press others to explain themselves or to use facts. Go to the flame zone and play nanny nanny boo boo with the other trolls who can’t carry a conversation
It's his m.o.
If he could make an argument, he would actually win a debate, instead he just opens new troll opportunities.
No one ever wins a debate in here, shit for brains. No one ever admits they are wrong.
The dudes a joke and this thread should be moved to the taunting area along with all his other OPs.

He left here 20 minutes ago, to reply to other threads about Mitt Romney and Kelli Ward.
He was schooled hours ago. Spent a few pages avoiding the subject and trying to attack Dems and then personally attack me. As you said it’s his MO. This thread is pretty much done. These people who defend people like MGT are pretty sad
I love the way you pretend you "schooled" me. That is so charming!
bripat9643 said:
She's a perfectly reasonable woman.

MTG, in her gob-smacking reasonability, denounced Hitler for his equivalent of requiring masks be worn by the unvaccinated to protect vulnerable people against contracting a deadly disease in a crowded, indoor setting.

What a bastard! That Adolf was not nice, even though his present-day nazi admirers in America hail Trump as their "God Emperor"!

The Q-ball who plays a legislator but does not actually legislate raved on the Christian Broadcasting Network,

Screen Shot 2021-05-24 at 5.12.21 PM.png

"You know, we can look back at a time in history where people were told
to wear a gold star, and they were definitely treated like second class citizens,
so much so that they were put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany.
And this is exactly the type of abuse that Nancy Pelosi is talking about!"

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House GOP Whip Steve Scalise and House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik refuse to comment in public on Greene's remarks.

Screen Shot 2021-05-24 at 5.24.37 PM.png

"Speaker Pelosi requires that the unvaccinated wear masks in the House Chamber!"
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