The Democratic panic over ObamaCare has officially begun


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Jon Terbush

Democrats weathered the government shutdown by standing united. And even as ObamaCare stumbled through a rocky rollout, Democratic lawmakers remained largely in sync with the administration even as they expressed disappointment about the flawed health exchange website. Yet ObamaCare's flaws have proven to be far more serious than a few poorly written lines of software code. Lingering problems with the site, combined with fresh concerns about rising premiums and Americans being pushed off their existing health care plans, have further eroded the law's political standing, prompting congressional Democrats to begin putting more daylight between themselves and the White House.
To be sure, some congressional Democrats have been calling for changes to the law for a full month. When's glitches threatened to prevent millions of uninsured Americans from obtaining coverage in time to avoid the individual mandate's penalty, squishy Democrats suggested punting the deadline, a concession the White House ultimately made.


Read more:
The Democratic panic over ObamaCare has officially begun - The Week

Even they are pointing to the lack of credibility that Obama has because of his shown incompetence in foreign policy and now his apparent lack of leadership on Obamacare.
A good chunk of these idiots that voted for OCare...are seeing their last days in office. What Obama did today changes nothing. They ALL own it.
What a difference a month has made.
The shutdown was not popular with Americans and the GOP paid the price for it. If the election had been a month ago, the Dims would own the House and Senate coming this Jan.

Now that Obamacare has been a major disaster, Obama's lie, the trainwreck website, the cancelations, etc, Dims would lose everything if the election were today.

They may easily be okay by next November though. Problem for them is though the fallout problems with Obamacare are likely to go well into next year.
What a difference a month has made.
The shutdown was not popular with Americans and the GOP paid the price for it. If the election had been a month ago, the Dims would own the House and Senate coming this Jan.

Now that Obamacare has been a major disaster, Obama's lie, the trainwreck website, the cancelations, etc, Dims would lose everything if the election were today.

They may easily be okay by next November though. Problem for them is though the fallout problems with Obamacare are likely to go well into next year.
The residual fallout is and will continue to be enormous. The Democrats, Obama cannot escape this.
I love how conservatives think that the ACA's success or failure will change our mind about the inevitability of some universal health insurance program for all Americans.

I remember when the GOP Congress defeated Clinton's plan to add pharmaceuticals to Medicare. A few years later, Medicare D was created, courtesy of the 'Party of small government and individual responsibility' :lol:
I love how conservatives think that the ACA's success or failure will change our mind about the inevitability of some universal health insurance program for all Americans.

I remember when the GOP Congress defeated Clinton's plan to add pharmaceuticals to Medicare. A few years later, Medicare D was created, courtesy of the 'Party of small government and individual responsibility' :lol:

No, I'm Libertarian not conservative but I don't think adult minds ever really change. Younger minds do change some. What I do believe is that this bill has done more damage to the D brand than the meltdown did to the R brand.
anyone say to Obama,,, yah, easy for you to say, now who is gonna do all of that paperwork to re-instate 67 million policies? someone has to pay all of these people to go back on line and redo all of these policies, will Obama volunteer a few weeks of his time to assist Blue-Cross?
A good chunk of these idiots that voted for OCare...are seeing their last days in office. What Obama did today changes nothing. They ALL own it.

ObamaCare Fix Won’t Stop the Bleeding

His [Obama's ] solution—an administrative fix of the law that would allow insurance companies to renew plans that had been canceled by ObamaCare—is intended to head off legislation authored by scared Democrats that would essentially undo a key provision of ObamaCare. But this fix effectively punts the ball to insurance companies and state regulators to implement it.

That does give the president some new scapegoats to blame for the problem. But it’s far from clear that at this point he can put the genie back in the bottle. ObamaCare is a complicated scheme that even its authors don’t fully comprehend. By further diminishing the numbers of people who will be forced into the pool of ObamaCare customers, it’s entirely possible that this will begin to unravel the whole thing.

Though the president kept returning to his gripes about “the darned website” not working—as if that were the only real obstacle to the law’s success—his main problem is the growing conviction that the plan is hurting as many if not more people than it is intended to help and that the government isn’t capable of running it. Today’s flat and rambling presidential remarks won’t alter that impression. Nor will it likely stop congressional Democrats and Republicans from passing legislation that will likely change the law in an even more far-reaching manner. more:

ObamaCare Fix Won?t Stop the Bleeding « Commentary Magazine
Now Obama has told Americans that they can keep their inferior plans, and the healthcare companies must tell them that they can do better on the exchanges.
I love how conservatives think that the ACA's success or failure will change our mind about the inevitability of some universal health insurance program for all Americans.

I remember when the GOP Congress defeated Clinton's plan to add pharmaceuticals to Medicare. A few years later, Medicare D was created, courtesy of the 'Party of small government and individual responsibility' :lol:

No, I'm Libertarian not conservative but I don't think adult minds ever really change. Younger minds do change some. What I do believe is that this bill has done more damage to the D brand than the meltdown did to the R brand.

For now it has hurt the D brand. But so what? It's a price worth paying for more insured people in the long run.

If the ACA were to be scrapped by a GOP President and GOP Congress, the problems of the uninsured, and their stories of medical and financial suffering, will always give Democrats a cudgel to use against the GOP, and use without mercy. The conservative concerns about "fairness", "freedom" and "efficiency" of the free market are of no concern to liberals when it comes to medical services.

As long as we have no universal healthcare system, the fight will continue till we get one.

And time, and demographics, are on the liberals' side.
Panic! Death of the presidency!

lol, the shrill chorus on the Right is taking shrill to a new level.
As it turns out, the government shutdown is turning into a major republican plus. The reason for the shutdown was obamacare. obamacare was so important that democrats refused to fund any spending that did not include obamacare. Republicans did all they could to stop this from happening.
As it turns out, the government shutdown is turning into a major republican plus. The reason for the shutdown was obamacare. obamacare was so important that democrats refused to fund any spending that did not include obamacare. Republicans did all they could to stop this from happening.
And for those Repubs that chastised Cruz and the others for doing it? Don't they look quite the FOOL now? As that was going on I stated it was waking the people up...and they are...McCain...McConnell? The other poseurs? They're TOAST and NOT to be trusted. Party opportunists with NO thought of their constituents...ONLY the party line.
In 16/17 days 275 Million Americans (give or take a thousand) will be laughing at the Democrats when they all knew the exchange wouldn't be ready, despite the assurances from Stoopelious and Barry.
In 16/17 days 275 Million Americans (give or take a thousand) will be laughing at the Democrats when they all knew the exchange wouldn't be ready, despite the assurances from Stoopelious and Barry.
They've been sold an ill bill of goods...and they knew it...DEMOCRATS pressed on anyway...the DEMOCRATS are about to reap their reward...and that is the WRATH of the voter.

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