The Democratic Party. The Party of Riots, Looting and Stolen Elections

our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.

Really? You're getting your "facts" from a website that publishes essays and commentaries? You can find people at OAN and other far right wing sites that will say the same thing. Doesn't mean they are right. How about posting something from a real news source instead of someplace that is commentary?
"Real news source" like what, CNN?


Really? You're getting your "facts" from a website that publishes essays and commentaries? You can find people at OAN and other far right wing sites that will say the same thing. Doesn't mean they are right. How about posting something from a real news source instead of someplace that is commentary?
"Real news source" like what, CNN?


Something other than an opinion site. Might as well link to some of the Trump supporter posts here on USMB for all the accuracy you're gonna get.
The Democratic Party. The Party of Riots, Looting and Stolen Elections

Too bad they aren't the party they used to be, Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion.

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
Maybe one day you will wake up and realize that Donald Trump was despised by the political class and the media (same thing really) because he wouldn’t play ball. He wasn’t in on the scheme of cutting deals and making financial commitments that didn’t benefit American citizens in exchange for getting the politicians and their families rich. He wasn’t on board, and they did all the could you demonize him. And you bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

He was despised because he was an incompetent, corrupt narcissistic human being. He cares only about himself. Past, present, future. End of Story. He is about enriching himself, his family, and his interests at the expense of everyone and everything else. The man had absolutely no interest in doing the job of being President of the United States. He like the adoration, attention, and ego boost that came from always running for it. Why do you think he likes his pep rallies so much. Fawning, adoring sheep willing to drive hundreds of miles to come hear a carnival barker riff like the last drunk at the bar at closing time. This man wouldn't know a policy position if it stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

And you and people like you helped enable him. Bought his gear, attended his pep rallies, supported him on your right wing dungeon sites. Yep, Barnum was right, there's one born every minute. And there's a crapload of you suckers. :)
Thanks for sharing your idiot delusions based on pure hatred and nothing more.

No delusions. I know how these generations think. I saw it happen in my own family. I rejected it and resolved not to carry it forward in bringing up my own children. People of color, immigrants, disabled, gay, lesbian, trans, bi, hell..even liberals. Anyone who isn't white, hetero, who doesn't own a gun, and doesn't believe in God is automatically hated and demonized. I've talked to many Trump supporters over the last five years and inevitably, it always comes back to this. You may as well own it at this point. The damage has been done.

Really? You're getting your "facts" from a website that publishes essays and commentaries? You can find people at OAN and other far right wing sites that will say the same thing. Doesn't mean they are right. How about posting something from a real news source instead of someplace that is commentary?
"Real news source" like what, CNN?


Something other than an opinion site. Might as well link to some of the Trump supporter posts here on USMB for all the accuracy you're gonna get.
Did the OP ever claim it was fact and not opinion, moron?

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
Maybe one day you will wake up and realize that Donald Trump was despised by the political class and the media (same thing really) because he wouldn’t play ball. He wasn’t in on the scheme of cutting deals and making financial commitments that didn’t benefit American citizens in exchange for getting the politicians and their families rich. He wasn’t on board, and they did all the could you demonize him. And you bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

He was despised because he was an incompetent, corrupt narcissistic human being. He cares only about himself. Past, present, future. End of Story. He is about enriching himself, his family, and his interests at the expense of everyone and everything else. The man had absolutely no interest in doing the job of being President of the United States. He like the adoration, attention, and ego boost that came from always running for it. Why do you think he likes his pep rallies so much. Fawning, adoring sheep willing to drive hundreds of miles to come hear a carnival barker riff like the last drunk at the bar at closing time. This man wouldn't know a policy position if it stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

And you and people like you helped enable him. Bought his gear, attended his pep rallies, supported him on your right wing dungeon sites. Yep, Barnum was right, there's one born every minute. And there's a crapload of you suckers. :)
Thanks for sharing your idiot delusions based on pure hatred and nothing more.

No delusions. I know how these generations think. I saw it happen in my own family. I rejected it and resolved not to carry it forward in bringing up my own children. People of color, immigrants, disabled, gay, lesbian, trans, bi, hell..even liberals. Anyone who isn't white, hetero, who doesn't own a gun, and doesn't believe in God is automatically hated and demonized. I've talked to many Trump supporters over the last five years and inevitably, it always comes back to this. You may as well own it at this point. The damage has been done.
You dont' know jack shit about how any conservative thinks, asshole. You spew Dim talking points, and that's all.
Yet republicans are trying to overturn elections
So you think rubber stamping a swindle is democratic?

The recounts are ending in Biden's favor; the courts are tossing out your blob's (kaz) law suits in such a way that the judges are scoring for both accuracy and distance. The only rubber stamping going on is the lame nature of all of the suits your blob's attorneys are putting together.
Out of the 32 lawsuits that the Trump campaign has brought, they have lost 31. Face it, Trump lost, Biden won, and you can't change the facts.

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
Maybe one day you will wake up and realize that Donald Trump was despised by the political class and the media (same thing really) because he wouldn’t play ball. He wasn’t in on the scheme of cutting deals and making financial commitments that didn’t benefit American citizens in exchange for getting the politicians and their families rich. He wasn’t on board, and they did all the could you demonize him. And you bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

He was despised because he was an incompetent, corrupt narcissistic human being. He cares only about himself. Past, present, future. End of Story. He is about enriching himself, his family, and his interests at the expense of everyone and everything else. The man had absolutely no interest in doing the job of being President of the United States. He like the adoration, attention, and ego boost that came from always running for it. Why do you think he likes his pep rallies so much. Fawning, adoring sheep willing to drive hundreds of miles to come hear a carnival barker riff like the last drunk at the bar at closing time. This man wouldn't know a policy position if it stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

And you and people like you helped enable him. Bought his gear, attended his pep rallies, supported him on your right wing dungeon sites. Yep, Barnum was right, there's one born every minute. And there's a crapload of you suckers. :)
Really? So being the president enriched him? Last estimate I saw his net worth decreased by a billion dollars. That will likely continue to worsen.
He liked the attention and adoration? Trump was universally liked by everyone prior to running. The media loved him, Hollywood loved him, rappers wanted to be like him, etc. the minute her ran he was demonized.
so seeing as how your first 2 assertions are clearly incorrect, what else do you got?
Why does he like his “pep rallies”? Because he gets to speak directly to the American people without the filter of the media.
Yet republicans are trying to overturn elections
So you think rubber stamping a swindle is democratic?

The recounts are ending in Biden's favor; the courts are tossing out your blob's (kaz) law suits in such a way that the judges are scoring for both accuracy and distance. The only rubber stamping going on is the lame nature of all of the suits your blob's attorneys are putting together.
Recounting the same fraudulent votes isn't what Republicans are demanding, dumbass.

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