The Democratic Party. The Party of Riots, Looting and Stolen Elections

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
Maybe one day you will wake up and realize that Donald Trump was despised by the political class and the media (same thing really) because he wouldn’t play ball. He wasn’t in on the scheme of cutting deals and making financial commitments that didn’t benefit American citizens in exchange for getting the politicians and their families rich. He wasn’t on board, and they did all the could you demonize him. And you bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

He was despised because he was an incompetent, corrupt narcissistic human being. He cares only about himself. Past, present, future. End of Story. He is about enriching himself, his family, and his interests at the expense of everyone and everything else. The man had absolutely no interest in doing the job of being President of the United States. He like the adoration, attention, and ego boost that came from always running for it. Why do you think he likes his pep rallies so much. Fawning, adoring sheep willing to drive hundreds of miles to come hear a carnival barker riff like the last drunk at the bar at closing time. This man wouldn't know a policy position if it stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

And you and people like you helped enable him. Bought his gear, attended his pep rallies, supported him on your right wing dungeon sites. Yep, Barnum was right, there's one born every minute. And there's a crapload of you suckers. :)
Really? So being the president enriched him? Last estimate I saw his net worth decreased by a billion dollars. That will likely continue to worsen.
He liked the attention and adoration? Trump was universally liked by everyone prior to running. The media loved him, Hollywood loved him, rappers wanted to be like him, etc. the minute her ran he was demonized.
so seeing as how your first 2 assertions are clearly incorrect, what else do you got?
Why does he like his “pep rallies”? Because he gets to speak directly to the American people without the filter of the media.

The only reason Trump was liked before running for office is because nobody knew anything about him. When he threw his hat in the ring and then became the nominee, that is when they really started digging into his past. Nobody dug up much against Trump before he ran, because nobody really cared much about him and were willing to believe his bloviating bullshit.
Out of the 32 lawsuits that the Trump campaign has brought, they have lost 31. Face it, Trump lost, Biden won, and you can't change the facts.
The Trump campiagn hasn't brought 32 lawsuits, moron. You're sporting DNC talking points. They are lies.
Yeah, something with real facts and not just opinion.
Give us a clue who/what you feel is an acceptable source
He will probably suggest something like the Washington post.


Anything with real facts and not just opinion Britpat. Sorry, but anyone can twist facts when writing their opinion to make it reflect the views they are trying to get across.

Remember when big tobacco got doctors to endorse cigarettes as "healthy" back in the 50's and 60's?
Out of the 32 lawsuits that the Trump campaign has brought, they have lost 31. Face it, Trump lost, Biden won, and you can't change the facts.
The Trump campiagn hasn't brought 32 lawsuits, moron. You're sporting DNC talking points. They are lies.

Keep sticking your head in the sand and ignoring what is really going on, if that is what helps you sleep at night.
Yeah, something with real facts and not just opinion.
Give us a clue who/what you feel is an acceptable source
He will probably suggest something like the Washington post.


Anything with real facts and not just opinion Britpat. Sorry, but anyone can twist facts when writing their opinion to make it reflect the views they are trying to get across.

Remember when big tobacco got doctors to endorse cigarettes as "healthy" back in the 50's and 60's?
It's an opinion piece, you fucking moron. Nothing posted in your fake news sources is a fact.

Remember when leftwingers were half sane? Yeah, neither do I.
Yet republicans are trying to overturn elections
So you think rubber stamping a swindle is democratic?

The recounts are ending in Biden's favor; the courts are tossing out your blob's (kaz) law suits in such a way that the judges are scoring for both accuracy and distance. The only rubber stamping going on is the lame nature of all of the suits your blob's attorneys are putting together.
Recounting the same fraudulent votes isn't what Republicans are demanding, dumbass.
The blob (kaz) lawyers couldn't convince anyone that there were fraudulent votes shit brains. Get better lawyers next time.
Democrats are the party of Social Security.

Banana Republicans think Social Security is Soviet Authoritarian Socialism.

Banana Republicans have become undemocratic authoritarians.

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
It was neither free nor fair, douchebag. It was a swindle, and hopefully a lot if Dims will be going to prison as a result.

Evidence of the Swindle coming in 3....2....1.....Never.

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
Maybe one day you will wake up and realize that Donald Trump was despised by the political class and the media (same thing really) because he wouldn’t play ball. He wasn’t in on the scheme of cutting deals and making financial commitments that didn’t benefit American citizens in exchange for getting the politicians and their families rich. He wasn’t on board, and they did all the could you demonize him. And you bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

He was despised because he was an incompetent, corrupt narcissistic human being. He cares only about himself. Past, present, future. End of Story. He is about enriching himself, his family, and his interests at the expense of everyone and everything else. The man had absolutely no interest in doing the job of being President of the United States. He like the adoration, attention, and ego boost that came from always running for it. Why do you think he likes his pep rallies so much. Fawning, adoring sheep willing to drive hundreds of miles to come hear a carnival barker riff like the last drunk at the bar at closing time. This man wouldn't know a policy position if it stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

And you and people like you helped enable him. Bought his gear, attended his pep rallies, supported him on your right wing dungeon sites. Yep, Barnum was right, there's one born every minute. And there's a crapload of you suckers. :)
Thanks for sharing your idiot delusions based on pure hatred and nothing more.

No delusions. I know how these generations think. I saw it happen in my own family. I rejected it and resolved not to carry it forward in bringing up my own children. People of color, immigrants, disabled, gay, lesbian, trans, bi, hell..even liberals. Anyone who isn't white, hetero, who doesn't own a gun, and doesn't believe in God is automatically hated and demonized. I've talked to many Trump supporters over the last five years and inevitably, it always comes back to this. You may as well own it at this point. The damage has been done.
Who the fuck are you speaking to. I don’t hate gays, blacks, immigrants, trannies, etc.
What I hate is the constant whining about being victims that comes from your party. I hate the constant demonizing of whites, Christians, etc.
Gays? I could give a shit what people do. Fuck dudes in the ass, go scissor each other, I don’t care. But stop shoving your lifestyle down our throats. If you watched tv you’d swear 25% of the population is gay. Indoctrinating kids in school with constant gay shit, transgender shit, etc. Telling people “oh, you called that person a guy? Didn’t you know he identifies as a woman? You’re evil”. No, I’m not insane and I’m not going to play make believe.
Stop calling everyone racist, blaming every shirt coming on racism and systemic racism and all the rest. Take some personal responsibility. Your “culture” is a train wreck. On the whole (obviously not everyone, but way to large of a percentage) you don’t seem to value education. You commit a shitload of crime and idolize criminals and drug dealers. Stop knocking up random sluts and raise a family. Get your own house in order, or at least try. Stop demanding constant concessions, special advantages (affirmative action and such), and get to work improving your own lot in lives.
As for liberals... again, I don’t give a shit what you believe. Just leave the rest of us alone. The problem i have is that by and large, liberals constantly want to force their views on others. And then there is also that slight issue regarding liberal policies are generally a disaster, and historically you can look at their glaring failures. Hell, just look at liberal run cities and states and look what happens. It plays out right in front of us, yet you insist on doubling down on it. To add insult to injury, once you liberals destroy your city/state you flee the results of your destructive policies and move to red states where you continue voting the same way, until you wreck them as well. Your like locusts.

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
Maybe one day you will wake up and realize that Donald Trump was despised by the political class and the media (same thing really) because he wouldn’t play ball. He wasn’t in on the scheme of cutting deals and making financial commitments that didn’t benefit American citizens in exchange for getting the politicians and their families rich. He wasn’t on board, and they did all the could you demonize him. And you bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

He was despised because he was an incompetent, corrupt narcissistic human being. He cares only about himself. Past, present, future. End of Story. He is about enriching himself, his family, and his interests at the expense of everyone and everything else. The man had absolutely no interest in doing the job of being President of the United States. He like the adoration, attention, and ego boost that came from always running for it. Why do you think he likes his pep rallies so much. Fawning, adoring sheep willing to drive hundreds of miles to come hear a carnival barker riff like the last drunk at the bar at closing time. This man wouldn't know a policy position if it stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

And you and people like you helped enable him. Bought his gear, attended his pep rallies, supported him on your right wing dungeon sites. Yep, Barnum was right, there's one born every minute. And there's a crapload of you suckers. :)
Really? So being the president enriched him? Last estimate I saw his net worth decreased by a billion dollars. That will likely continue to worsen.
He liked the attention and adoration? Trump was universally liked by everyone prior to running. The media loved him, Hollywood loved him, rappers wanted to be like him, etc. the minute her ran he was demonized.
so seeing as how your first 2 assertions are clearly incorrect, what else do you got?
Why does he like his “pep rallies”? Because he gets to speak directly to the American people without the filter of the media.

The only reason Trump was liked before running for office is because nobody knew anything about him. When he threw his hat in the ring and then became the nominee, that is when they really started digging into his past. Nobody dug up much against Trump before he ran, because nobody really cared much about him and were willing to believe his bloviating bullshit.
Yeah. His 40-50 years in the public eye, countless articles written about him, interviews, etc... he was a total enigma.
Perhaps you’re mistaking him for barrack Obama.
Yet republicans are trying to overturn elections
So you think rubber stamping a swindle is democratic?

The recounts are ending in Biden's favor; the courts are tossing out your blob's (kaz) law suits in such a way that the judges are scoring for both accuracy and distance. The only rubber stamping going on is the lame nature of all of the suits your blob's attorneys are putting together.

Trump is winning in showing how corrupt the system is, blob.

He's clearly establishing why no one should trust elections in this country.

You're blobbing again, blobber
Keep sticking your head in the sand and ignoring what is really going on

Practice what you preach

Jewish billionaires with close ties to Israel have been courted by the two major parties, both to come up with contributions and to urge their friends in the oligarch club and media to also respond favorably. The Democrats’ largest single donor is entertainment mogul Haim Saban while the Republicans rely on casino multi-billionaire Sheldon Adelson. It is estimated that 60% of the political contributions for the Democrats comes from Jewish sources and Saban is the single largest contributor. He is also an Israeli holding dual citizenship. Adelson, who may also hold dual citizenship and is married to an Israeli, is the major supporter of the Republicans, having coughed up more than $100 million in recent elections.

Both Saban and Adelson have not been shy about supporting Israel as their first priority. Saban is on record as supporting Joe Biden “because of his track record on supporting Israel and its alliance with the United States.” Adelson, who was drafted into the U.S. Army in the 1950s, has said that he would much rather have served in the Israel Defense Force. Saban and Adelson are joined in their love fest with Israel by a number of Israel-firsters in Congress and the Administration, all eager to shower unlimited political support, money and weapons on the Jewish state.

Israel Wins U.S. Election


Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
Maybe one day you will wake up and realize that Donald Trump was despised by the political class and the media (same thing really) because he wouldn’t play ball. He wasn’t in on the scheme of cutting deals and making financial commitments that didn’t benefit American citizens in exchange for getting the politicians and their families rich. He wasn’t on board, and they did all the could you demonize him. And you bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

He was despised because he was an incompetent, corrupt narcissistic human being. He cares only about himself. Past, present, future. End of Story. He is about enriching himself, his family, and his interests at the expense of everyone and everything else. The man had absolutely no interest in doing the job of being President of the United States. He like the adoration, attention, and ego boost that came from always running for it. Why do you think he likes his pep rallies so much. Fawning, adoring sheep willing to drive hundreds of miles to come hear a carnival barker riff like the last drunk at the bar at closing time. This man wouldn't know a policy position if it stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

And you and people like you helped enable him. Bought his gear, attended his pep rallies, supported him on your right wing dungeon sites. Yep, Barnum was right, there's one born every minute. And there's a crapload of you suckers. :)
Thanks for sharing your idiot delusions based on pure hatred and nothing more.

No delusions. I know how these generations think. I saw it happen in my own family. I rejected it and resolved not to carry it forward in bringing up my own children. People of color, immigrants, disabled, gay, lesbian, trans, bi, hell..even liberals. Anyone who isn't white, hetero, who doesn't own a gun, and doesn't believe in God is automatically hated and demonized. I've talked to many Trump supporters over the last five years and inevitably, it always comes back to this. You may as well own it at this point. The damage has been done.
Who the fuck are you speaking to. I don’t hate gays, blacks, immigrants, trannies, etc.
What I hate is the constant whining about being victims that comes from your party. I hate the constant demonizing of whites, Christians, etc.
Gays? I could give a shit what people do. Fuck dudes in the ass, go scissor each other, I don’t care. But stop shoving your lifestyle down our throats. If you watched tv you’d swear 25% of the population is gay. Indoctrinating kids in school with constant gay shit, transgender shit, etc. Telling people “oh, you called that person a guy? Didn’t you know he identifies as a woman? You’re evil”. No, I’m not insane and I’m not going to play make believe.
Stop calling everyone racist, blaming every shirt coming on racism and systemic racism and all the rest. Take some personal responsibility. Your “culture” is a train wreck. On the whole (obviously not everyone, but way to large of a percentage) you don’t seem to value education. You commit a shitload of crime and idolize criminals and drug dealers. Stop knocking up random sluts and raise a family. Get your own house in order, or at least try. Stop demanding constant concessions, special advantages (affirmative action and such), and get to work improving your own lot in lives.
As for liberals... again, I don’t give a shit what you believe. Just leave the rest of us alone. The problem i have is that by and large, liberals constantly want to force their views on others. And then there is also that slight issue regarding liberal policies are generally a disaster, and historically you can look at their glaring failures. Hell, just look at liberal run cities and states and look what happens. It plays out right in front of us, yet you insist on doubling down on it. To add insult to injury, once you liberals destroy your city/state you flee the results of your destructive policies and move to red states where you continue voting the same way, until you wreck them as well. Your like locusts.

Yet you took the time to spew this invective. And I have a newsflash for you, Republicans and conservatives have been trying to force their "values" on the majority for decades through the courts and legislation. Conservatism has no policy success stories for the last four decades. Just a litany of failure.
Yet republicans are trying to overturn elections
So you think rubber stamping a swindle is democratic?

The recounts are ending in Biden's favor; the courts are tossing out your blob's (kaz) law suits in such a way that the judges are scoring for both accuracy and distance. The only rubber stamping going on is the lame nature of all of the suits your blob's attorneys are putting together.
Recounting the same fraudulent votes isn't what Republicans are demanding, dumbass.
The blob (kaz) lawyers couldn't convince anyone that there were fraudulent votes shit brains. Get better lawyers next time.

Well blob, it's a blob system blob Democrats have. That's what's so insidious about it. We cannot believe election results, particularly any close election won by a Democrat.

This is why blobs like you and the blob Democrats dehumanize Republicans, it justifies then whatever you do to them. No one should trust elections in this country. Democrats cheating is rampant. And you know that, which is why you blobs passed all the blob chaos voting rules going into the election

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
Maybe one day you will wake up and realize that Donald Trump was despised by the political class and the media (same thing really) because he wouldn’t play ball. He wasn’t in on the scheme of cutting deals and making financial commitments that didn’t benefit American citizens in exchange for getting the politicians and their families rich. He wasn’t on board, and they did all the could you demonize him. And you bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

He was despised because he was an incompetent, corrupt narcissistic human being. He cares only about himself. Past, present, future. End of Story. He is about enriching himself, his family, and his interests at the expense of everyone and everything else. The man had absolutely no interest in doing the job of being President of the United States. He like the adoration, attention, and ego boost that came from always running for it. Why do you think he likes his pep rallies so much. Fawning, adoring sheep willing to drive hundreds of miles to come hear a carnival barker riff like the last drunk at the bar at closing time. This man wouldn't know a policy position if it stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

And you and people like you helped enable him. Bought his gear, attended his pep rallies, supported him on your right wing dungeon sites. Yep, Barnum was right, there's one born every minute. And there's a crapload of you suckers. :)
Thanks for sharing your idiot delusions based on pure hatred and nothing more.

No delusions. I know how these generations think. I saw it happen in my own family. I rejected it and resolved not to carry it forward in bringing up my own children. People of color, immigrants, disabled, gay, lesbian, trans, bi, hell..even liberals. Anyone who isn't white, hetero, who doesn't own a gun, and doesn't believe in God is automatically hated and demonized. I've talked to many Trump supporters over the last five years and inevitably, it always comes back to this. You may as well own it at this point. The damage has been done.
Who the fuck are you speaking to. I don’t hate gays, blacks, immigrants, trannies, etc.
What I hate is the constant whining about being victims that comes from your party. I hate the constant demonizing of whites, Christians, etc.
Gays? I could give a shit what people do. Fuck dudes in the ass, go scissor each other, I don’t care. But stop shoving your lifestyle down our throats. If you watched tv you’d swear 25% of the population is gay. Indoctrinating kids in school with constant gay shit, transgender shit, etc. Telling people “oh, you called that person a guy? Didn’t you know he identifies as a woman? You’re evil”. No, I’m not insane and I’m not going to play make believe.
Stop calling everyone racist, blaming every shirt coming on racism and systemic racism and all the rest. Take some personal responsibility. Your “culture” is a train wreck. On the whole (obviously not everyone, but way to large of a percentage) you don’t seem to value education. You commit a shitload of crime and idolize criminals and drug dealers. Stop knocking up random sluts and raise a family. Get your own house in order, or at least try. Stop demanding constant concessions, special advantages (affirmative action and such), and get to work improving your own lot in lives.
As for liberals... again, I don’t give a shit what you believe. Just leave the rest of us alone. The problem i have is that by and large, liberals constantly want to force their views on others. And then there is also that slight issue regarding liberal policies are generally a disaster, and historically you can look at their glaring failures. Hell, just look at liberal run cities and states and look what happens. It plays out right in front of us, yet you insist on doubling down on it. To add insult to injury, once you liberals destroy your city/state you flee the results of your destructive policies and move to red states where you continue voting the same way, until you wreck them as well. Your like locusts.

Yet you took the time to spew this invective. And I have a newsflash for you, Republicans and conservatives have been trying to force their "values" on the majority for decades through the courts and legislation. Conservatism has no policy success stories for the last four decades. Just a litany of failure.
Ok. So you’re delusional. Got it.
Conservatism has no policy success stories for the last four decades.
Neither side of the Duopoly Party has done a thing (policy wise or other wise) to secure our Liberty- ALL laws restrict liberty it doesn't matter what source generated them-

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Quit bitching, princess.
You fuck faces bitched for the last 4 years, suck it up, butter cup

You mean like what the GOP did to Obama, bitch for 8 and investigate for 6?.

Democrats accepted the election and vowed to fight him in the political arena. They didn't choose to subvert a democratic election with a avalanche of baseless, claims fostered on Trumpybear supporter via the Kangaroo Court of a compliant media. They never tried to deny the Trumpybear of his EC victory in 2016.
Quit bitching, princess.
You fuck faces bitched for the last 4 years, suck it up, butter cup

You mean like what the GOP did to Obama, bitch for 8 and investigate for 6?.

Democrats accepted the election and vowed to fight him in the political arena. They didn't choose to subvert a democratic election with a avalanche of baseless, claims fostered on Trumpybear supporter via the Kangaroo Court of a compliant media. They never tried to deny the Trumpybear of his EC victory in 2016.
ROFL! YEah, that's why we had the Russia! Russia! Russia! hoax, the impeachment and all the other Dim generated faux scandals.

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