The Democratic Party. The Party of Riots, Looting and Stolen Elections

Exactly my point,
He did it first mommy- is THE point

No, it's what they do, when they grow up to be big boys. They don't whine when they get investigated by the other side.

Andrew Jackson didn't whine when the Election he won in 1824 was stolen. Nope, he congratulated the winner the next day and started planning for 1828.
His opponent wasn't a communist, moron. when you put a communist in office you end up with Venezuela.
But please continue to whine about how the Dems treated him. It's funny.
Since you apparently quoted me, be specific about my whining- copy and paste please- it's so easy even I can do it- notice how I have just what you tried to be cute with?

Already did when I responded to you the first time, but here you go easy peasy.....

U: You fuck faces bitched for the last 4 years, suck it up, butter cup

Me: You mean like what the GOP did to Obama, bitch for 8 and investigate for 6?.

Democrats accepted the election and vowed to fight him in the political arena. They didn't choose to subvert a democratic election with a avalanche of baseless, claims fostered on their supporters via the Kangaroo Court of a compliant media. They never tried to deny the Trumpybear of his EC victory in 2016.
Obongo has one of the most corrupt administrations in modern times. There was a shit load to investigate.
As usual, nothing came of any of it.

That's one of them Oxy thingies isn't it. He was a Tiny Giant. He was so corrupt he couldn't be prosecuted

Oh Suzanna, "do you have a banjo too"?
Quit bitching, princess.
You fuck faces bitched for the last 4 years, suck it up, butter cup

You mean like what the GOP did to Obama, bitch for 8 and investigate for 6?.

Democrats accepted the election and vowed to fight him in the political arena. They didn't choose to subvert a democratic election with a avalanche of baseless, claims fostered on Trumpybear supporter via the Kangaroo Court of a compliant media. They never tried to deny the Trumpybear of his EC victory in 2016.
ROFL! YEah, that's why we had the Russia! Russia! Russia! hoax, the impeachment and all the other Dim generated faux scandals.

"Democrats accepted the election and vowed to fight him in the political arena. "

Trumpybears own DOJ appointed Mueller in 2017. They never attempted to use all the ties Trumpybear had to Russia or the way he used the e-mails Russia stole and released, to stop him from becoming the 45th President. His Impeachment came more than two years after he was president.

But please continue to whine about how the Dems treated him. It's funny.
No one is swallowing the "Mueller is a Republican" line of crap. He is Republican in name only. Trump didn't appoint him. That sleazy douchebag Rosenstein did.

Nice sidestep.

I never said a thing about his political affiliation (he's a life long Republican). The Republican controlled DOJ appointed him after Tumpybear was president. The investigation into Trumpuybears ties with Russia was not use as a pretext to deny him the office.

Nice Try.
I won't go into the fiasco that lead to Mueller. It all started with the spineless twit Jeff Sessions. The bottom line is that Mueller was out to get Trump, not learn the truth.

And Trey Goudy wasn't out to try and get Obama?
Trey Goudy never had the authority to indict anyone, moron.

That's cause he had no evidence to do so. But he saw fit to waste taxpayer money with seven Congressional investigations that went nowhere.
Gowdy is a twit.
Quit bitching, princess.
You fuck faces bitched for the last 4 years, suck it up, butter cup

You mean like what the GOP did to Obama, bitch for 8 and investigate for 6?.

Democrats accepted the election and vowed to fight him in the political arena. They didn't choose to subvert a democratic election with a avalanche of baseless, claims fostered on Trumpybear supporter via the Kangaroo Court of a compliant media. They never tried to deny the Trumpybear of his EC victory in 2016.
ROFL! YEah, that's why we had the Russia! Russia! Russia! hoax, the impeachment and all the other Dim generated faux scandals.

"Democrats accepted the election and vowed to fight him in the political arena. "

Trumpybears own DOJ appointed Mueller in 2017. They never attempted to use all the ties Trumpybear had to Russia or the way he used the e-mails Russia stole and released, to stop him from becoming the 45th President. His Impeachment came more than two years after he was president.

But please continue to whine about how the Dems treated him. It's funny.
No one is swallowing the "Mueller is a Republican" line of crap. He is Republican in name only. Trump didn't appoint him. That sleazy douchebag Rosenstein did.

Nice sidestep.

I never said a thing about his political affiliation (he's a life long Republican). The Republican controlled DOJ appointed him after Tumpybear was president. The investigation into Trumpuybears ties with Russia was not use as a pretext to deny him the office.

Nice Try.
I won't go into the fiasco that lead to Mueller. It all started with the spineless twit Jeff Sessions. The bottom line is that Mueller was out to get Trump, not learn the truth.

And Trey Goudy wasn't out to try and get Obama?
Trey Goudy never had the authority to indict anyone, moron.

That's cause he had no evidence to do so. But he saw fit to waste taxpayer money with seven Congressional investigations that went nowhere.
Gowdy is a twit.
Wrong, shit for brains, he had no legal authority to indict anyone. Obergruppenfuhrer Mueller did.

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
The only thing adult about Biden is his diaper size.

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
The only thing adult about Biden is his diaper size.

Like I said:

Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.

Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.

A totalitarian socialist state of mobs is what the Democrats offer, and liberty and freedom and jobs-not-mobs is what Trump offers.

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
Maybe one day you will wake up and realize that Donald Trump was despised by the political class and the media (same thing really) because he wouldn’t play ball. He wasn’t in on the scheme of cutting deals and making financial commitments that didn’t benefit American citizens in exchange for getting the politicians and their families rich. He wasn’t on board, and they did all the could you demonize him. And you bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

He was despised because he was an incompetent, corrupt narcissistic human being. He cares only about himself. Past, present, future. End of Story. He is about enriching himself, his family, and his interests at the expense of everyone and everything else. The man had absolutely no interest in doing the job of being President of the United States. He like the adoration, attention, and ego boost that came from always running for it. Why do you think he likes his pep rallies so much. Fawning, adoring sheep willing to drive hundreds of miles to come hear a carnival barker riff like the last drunk at the bar at closing time. This man wouldn't know a policy position if it stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

And you and people like you helped enable him. Bought his gear, attended his pep rallies, supported him on your right wing dungeon sites. Yep, Barnum was right, there's one born every minute. And there's a crapload of you suckers. :)
Really? So being the president enriched him? Last estimate I saw his net worth decreased by a billion dollars. That will likely continue to worsen.
He liked the attention and adoration? Trump was universally liked by everyone prior to running. The media loved him, Hollywood loved him, rappers wanted to be like him, etc. the minute her ran he was demonized.
so seeing as how your first 2 assertions are clearly incorrect, what else do you got?
Why does he like his “pep rallies”? Because he gets to speak directly to the American people without the filter of the media.

The only reason Trump was liked before running for office is because nobody knew anything about him. When he threw his hat in the ring and then became the nominee, that is when they really started digging into his past. Nobody dug up much against Trump before he ran, because nobody really cared much about him and were willing to believe his bloviating bullshit.
Yeah. His 40-50 years in the public eye, countless articles written about him, interviews, etc... he was a total enigma.
Perhaps you’re mistaking him for barrack Obama.

Guess you missed where Trump was his own mouthpiece, calling and pretending to be his public relations manager during that time.


Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
Maybe one day you will wake up and realize that Donald Trump was despised by the political class and the media (same thing really) because he wouldn’t play ball. He wasn’t in on the scheme of cutting deals and making financial commitments that didn’t benefit American citizens in exchange for getting the politicians and their families rich. He wasn’t on board, and they did all the could you demonize him. And you bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

He was despised because he was an incompetent, corrupt narcissistic human being. He cares only about himself. Past, present, future. End of Story. He is about enriching himself, his family, and his interests at the expense of everyone and everything else. The man had absolutely no interest in doing the job of being President of the United States. He like the adoration, attention, and ego boost that came from always running for it. Why do you think he likes his pep rallies so much. Fawning, adoring sheep willing to drive hundreds of miles to come hear a carnival barker riff like the last drunk at the bar at closing time. This man wouldn't know a policy position if it stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

And you and people like you helped enable him. Bought his gear, attended his pep rallies, supported him on your right wing dungeon sites. Yep, Barnum was right, there's one born every minute. And there's a crapload of you suckers. :)
Really? So being the president enriched him? Last estimate I saw his net worth decreased by a billion dollars. That will likely continue to worsen.
He liked the attention and adoration? Trump was universally liked by everyone prior to running. The media loved him, Hollywood loved him, rappers wanted to be like him, etc. the minute her ran he was demonized.
so seeing as how your first 2 assertions are clearly incorrect, what else do you got?
Why does he like his “pep rallies”? Because he gets to speak directly to the American people without the filter of the media.

The only reason Trump was liked before running for office is because nobody knew anything about him. When he threw his hat in the ring and then became the nominee, that is when they really started digging into his past. Nobody dug up much against Trump before he ran, because nobody really cared much about him and were willing to believe his bloviating bullshit.
Yeah. His 40-50 years in the public eye, countless articles written about him, interviews, etc... he was a total enigma.
Perhaps you’re mistaking him for barrack Obama.

Guess you missed where Trump was his own mouthpiece, calling and pretending to be his public relations manager during that time.

No idea what you are talking about
Last edited:

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
Maybe one day you will wake up and realize that Donald Trump was despised by the political class and the media (same thing really) because he wouldn’t play ball. He wasn’t in on the scheme of cutting deals and making financial commitments that didn’t benefit American citizens in exchange for getting the politicians and their families rich. He wasn’t on board, and they did all the could you demonize him. And you bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

He was despised because he was an incompetent, corrupt narcissistic human being. He cares only about himself. Past, present, future. End of Story. He is about enriching himself, his family, and his interests at the expense of everyone and everything else. The man had absolutely no interest in doing the job of being President of the United States. He like the adoration, attention, and ego boost that came from always running for it. Why do you think he likes his pep rallies so much. Fawning, adoring sheep willing to drive hundreds of miles to come hear a carnival barker riff like the last drunk at the bar at closing time. This man wouldn't know a policy position if it stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

And you and people like you helped enable him. Bought his gear, attended his pep rallies, supported him on your right wing dungeon sites. Yep, Barnum was right, there's one born every minute. And there's a crapload of you suckers. :)
Really? So being the president enriched him? Last estimate I saw his net worth decreased by a billion dollars. That will likely continue to worsen.
He liked the attention and adoration? Trump was universally liked by everyone prior to running. The media loved him, Hollywood loved him, rappers wanted to be like him, etc. the minute her ran he was demonized.
so seeing as how your first 2 assertions are clearly incorrect, what else do you got?
Why does he like his “pep rallies”? Because he gets to speak directly to the American people without the filter of the media.

The only reason Trump was liked before running for office is because nobody knew anything about him. When he threw his hat in the ring and then became the nominee, that is when they really started digging into his past. Nobody dug up much against Trump before he ran, because nobody really cared much about him and were willing to believe his bloviating bullshit.
Yeah. His 40-50 years in the public eye, countless articles written about him, interviews, etc... he was a total enigma.
Perhaps you’re mistaking him for barrack Obama.

Guess you missed where Trump was his own mouthpiece, calling and pretending to be his public relations manager during that time.

I idea what you are talking about

Take some time and read the link. There were many times that Trump pretended to be someone else who was his public relations manager and told everyone how great he was.

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
Maybe one day you will wake up and realize that Donald Trump was despised by the political class and the media (same thing really) because he wouldn’t play ball. He wasn’t in on the scheme of cutting deals and making financial commitments that didn’t benefit American citizens in exchange for getting the politicians and their families rich. He wasn’t on board, and they did all the could you demonize him. And you bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

He was despised because he was an incompetent, corrupt narcissistic human being. He cares only about himself. Past, present, future. End of Story. He is about enriching himself, his family, and his interests at the expense of everyone and everything else. The man had absolutely no interest in doing the job of being President of the United States. He like the adoration, attention, and ego boost that came from always running for it. Why do you think he likes his pep rallies so much. Fawning, adoring sheep willing to drive hundreds of miles to come hear a carnival barker riff like the last drunk at the bar at closing time. This man wouldn't know a policy position if it stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

And you and people like you helped enable him. Bought his gear, attended his pep rallies, supported him on your right wing dungeon sites. Yep, Barnum was right, there's one born every minute. And there's a crapload of you suckers. :)
Really? So being the president enriched him? Last estimate I saw his net worth decreased by a billion dollars. That will likely continue to worsen.
He liked the attention and adoration? Trump was universally liked by everyone prior to running. The media loved him, Hollywood loved him, rappers wanted to be like him, etc. the minute her ran he was demonized.
so seeing as how your first 2 assertions are clearly incorrect, what else do you got?
Why does he like his “pep rallies”? Because he gets to speak directly to the American people without the filter of the media.

The only reason Trump was liked before running for office is because nobody knew anything about him. When he threw his hat in the ring and then became the nominee, that is when they really started digging into his past. Nobody dug up much against Trump before he ran, because nobody really cared much about him and were willing to believe his bloviating bullshit.
Yeah. His 40-50 years in the public eye, countless articles written about him, interviews, etc... he was a total enigma.
Perhaps you’re mistaking him for barrack Obama.

Guess you missed where Trump was his own mouthpiece, calling and pretending to be his public relations manager during that time.

I idea what you are talking about

Take some time and read the link. There were many times that Trump pretended to be someone else who was his public relations manager and told everyone how great he was.
Lol that’s hysterical. I’ll check it out.
Yet republicans are trying to overturn elections
If a guy walks up to a craps table and rolls 7s, 100 times in a row, without a single miss, we all know he cheated.
It may take us a bit to figure out how he did it, and then prove it, but we all damn well know it happened.

And if you want to pretend that's a legit win, then we know something about you and your integrity (or rather lack of) too.
Yet republicans are trying to overturn elections

Stupid lie.

If a guy walks up to a craps table and rolls 7s, 100 times in a row, without a single miss, we all know he cheated.
It may take us a bit to figure out how he did it, and then prove it, but we all damn well know it happened.
And if you want to pretend that's a legit win, then we know something about you and your integrity (or rather lack of) too.

Liberals love to talk about science when in fact they reject both science and math. You are referring to a statistical impossibility, something that is theoretically possible, but the odds are so high against it that it is a mathematical impossibility all the same.
Yet republicans are trying to overturn elections

Stupid lie.

If a guy walks up to a craps table and rolls 7s, 100 times in a row, without a single miss, we all know he cheated.
It may take us a bit to figure out how he did it, and then prove it, but we all damn well know it happened.
And if you want to pretend that's a legit win, then we know something about you and your integrity (or rather lack of) too.

Liberals love to talk about science when in fact they reject both science and math. You are referring to a statistical impossibility, something that is theoretically possible, but the odds are so high against it that it is a mathematical impossibility all the same.

The Soviet Union had "Science," too.......and if you didn't agree with their "Science," they sent you to the gulag...

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.


We were becoming a serious country with Trump........the democrats now want to turn us into the servants of China, and the financers of evil......biden is currently wrapping up the next 150 billion in cash, and putting it on a pallet to give to Iran.......

Iran, Russia, and China are all waiting for January 20..........

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.


We were becoming a serious country with Trump........the democrats now want to turn us into the servants of China, and the financers of evil......biden is currently wrapping up the next 150 billion in cash, and putting it on a pallet to give to Iran.......

Iran, Russia, and China are all waiting for January 20..........

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