The Democrat's and Some on the Left's problem w/Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

It's not Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez who doesn't understand "how the world works", it's YOU. AOC knew EXACTLY how this was working and that's why she set out to stop it.

Amazon wasn't spending "their money" to build this big shiny campus. They were spending $9 billion of New York Taxpayers money to build this ugliness. Amazon - a company which pays no federal income tax but has the highest retail sales in the world. A company whose owner, Jeff Bezos, is one of the richest men in the world, who pays no income taxes was receiving $9 billion dollars in infrastructure improvements and enhancements to New York subway and transportation systems to move them to and from work.

Building this hub, which would have employed 50,000 New Yorkers in LOW WAGE JOBS, which would not have been sufficient to pay their living costs in New York. And the people currently living in this area, AOC's voters, would have pushed out of their homes to make way for this ugliness. One of the last lower cost housing areas in the New York, would have been eliminated so Jeff Bezos could make more money.

AOC's opposition to this boondoggle of a development shows that she is very economically astute and really does know "how the world works". You're the gullible and clueless fool.
As usual all you know how to do is LIE.

1. HQ2 would NOT spend ANY NY tax dollars to build HQ2. The "tax incentives" would happen only after HQ2 was built and workers were hired. NY offered $3.4b in tax incentives, NOT $9b.

2. Officials had estimated the project would bring in $27 billion in tax revenue to New York over 25 years and generate 25,000 to 40,000 jobs for the area with an average salary of $150,000, plus another 1,300 construction jobs per year during the 15-year building process.

3. AOC either wants the jobs and tax revenue or not. AOC said her people would rather sit on their porches.

4. I know math is racist, but a quick look says that Amazon would spend $3b to build HQ2 and get $3.4b in tax breaks over 25-years. NY would get $27b in tax revenue over 25-years. $27b - $3b = $24b in net tax revenue NY lost because AOC is a MORON. Amazon would pay $150b in salaries to NYC workers in those 25-years. Now those potential workers get ZERO salaries.

5. Your LOW WAGE job comment is a LIE. $150,000 a year is a nice paycheck. It's a Corporate HQ in NYC, DUH.

6. The people of VA are very happy to have the new HQ2 and all the good jobs and new tax revenue.

7. Your comments about Amazon and Bezos paying zero in Federal taxes just shows how corrupt the Federal Tax Laws are. They are written by the oligarch's lobbyists and paid for by political donations. Did Biden and AOC re-write ANY tax laws to ensure that the wealthy pay their "fair share"? The Federal taxes not paid has nothing to do with the HQ2 deal, that's just a stupid argument since HQ2 just moved to VA, duh.
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and making more money then she has ever made, moving her uptown im sure.....
"Stealing tips" isn't just someone who didn't like her shoes.
I served cocktails when I was younger. Stealing tips is what could get someone involved in a rendezvous in the alley after closing time.

She's gone up in the world. Now, instead of one or two fellow employees wanting to pound the piss out of her, it's many millions of smart Americans.
She is like most politicians on both sides she stands for nothing other than whatever she thinks will benefit her politically at the moment does not hold herself to the same standards she does others and thinks she is far more intelligent than she is. Basically she is just your typical paint by the numbers politican.
I'm not a democrat, but one of the problems with AOC is that she doesn't know how the world works, and how she can make her constituents' lives better. One example:
Amazon wanted to build their new HQ2 in AOC's district where they would have spent $billions to replace a blighted area with a new beautiful complex. There would have been thousands of construction jobs and 30,000 or so new full time jobs with benefits. Cuomo said that it would generate $30b a year in state revenue, plus NYC revenue. AOC and her followers said NO, so HQ2 moved to VA. She's a moron.

View attachment 586946 HQ2 would have changed this...

View attachment 586948 this. DUH.
I believe she essentially agrees with Modern Monetarist Theory, which to me is essentially socialism. And I think it's been tried repeatedly and failed every time. Actually she may not agree with MMT so much as it's a convenient way for her to say all of the policies she favors (medicare for all, minimum family income, 70% taxes on whom she considers too wealthy, are all achievable and will benefit the econ as a whole

"The reason the government doesn’t need to sell treasury securities, or levy taxes, to spend money is that the central bank, under the control of the treasury, can pay for everything by conjuring up electronic money. In MMT’s ideal world there would still be taxes, but their main purpose, aside from lessening inequality, would be as “offsets” to keep inflation under control. Taxes would drain just enough money from consumers and businesses so total spending in the economy won’t be excessive.

It’s tempting to view MMT’s conception of fiscal policy as essentially similar to that of the mainstream—“Hey, they believe in taxes, too!”—but that’s not quite right. MMTers hold that inflation isn’t primarily the result of excessively strong growth. They blame much of it on businesses’ excessive pricing power. So before trying to choke off growth to kill inflation, they would try to break up monopolies and stop banks from making too many loans. “The more actively we regulate big business for public purpose, the tighter the full employment we can achieve,” three MMTers wrote in a letter to the Financial Times’ Alphaville column that was published on March 1."
Sounds like a few drones wandered too far from the hive. Reeducation will commence shortly.
AOC is the consummate Dim.....

Corrupt as fuck.... check
Communist as fuck.... it's easy to be communist in a free country.... not so fun in a communist country
Wears expensive designer clothing that zero percent of her constituents can afford (let them eat dirt)
Operates in a district with 16% voting participation (they don't give a fuck)
Really.... and I mean REALLY.... dumb. I've got socks with more intellect than that dumb animal
Got fired from the only real job she's ever had for.... wait for it.... stealing her co-workers tips
Repulsive, defective appearance.... looks like a sewer rat fucked a coked up Mr. Ed
The only merit badge missing from her "Junior Marxist" CV is "raping minors", and let's assume she's working on it....

I suppose I just want to "date" her.... but only if I can avoid sticking my clean dick in one of her filthy inputs....
lol. What makes her corrupt?
Earlier this week I had an exchange w/a fellow USMB poster I believe is generally on the left and they expressed having a problem w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

However, when prompted to get to the bottom of their reasons, the response was nothing more than fluff.

Personally, I love everything she stands for and she represents her constituents well, and they support her.

This is to/for those of us on the left, including Democrats, what, if any, are your problems w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Let's get to the bottom of if.

She lied about being vaccinated and got Covid.
I will say most of the Dems I talk to realize AOC is to far left to push as a state-wide or national candidate. I seem to recall Pelosi having a little talk with AOC. After that talk AOC was quiet for a while.
Aregentina was a nation with great potential. Then they went down the wrong path politically and is still suffering today as compared to what they could be.....AOC...Don't cry for me Aregentina! The end result though will be a combination of hard-working capitalism and communist style leadership.
Describe what you think happened to/in Argentina. As if that has anything to do w/the price of tea in China.
As usual all you know how to do is LIE.

1. HQ2 would NOT spend ANY NY tax dollars to build HQ2. The "tax incentives" would happen only after HQ2 was built and workers were hired. NY offered $3.4b in tax incentives, NOT $9b.

2. Officials had estimated the project would bring in $27 billion in tax revenue to New York over 25 years and generate 25,000 to 40,000 jobs for the area with an average salary of $150,000, plus another 1,300 construction jobs per year during the 15-year building process.

3. AOC either wants the jobs and tax revenue or not. AOC said her people would rather sit on their porches.

4. I know math is racist, but a quick look says that Amazon would spend $3b to build HQ2 and get $3.4b in tax breaks over 25-years. NY would get $27b in tax revenue over 25-years. $27b - $3b = $24b in net tax revenue NY lost because AOC is a MORON. Amazon would pay $150b in salaries to NYC workers in those 25-years. Now those potential workers get ZERO salaries.

5. Your LOW WAGE job comment is a LIE. $150,000 a year is a nice paycheck. It's a Corporate HQ in NYC, DUH.

6. The people of VA are very happy to have the new HQ2 and all the good jobs and new tax revenue.

7. Your comments about Amazon and Bezos paying zero in Federal taxes just shows how corrupt the Federal Tax Laws are. They are written by the oligarch's lobbyists and paid for by political donations. Did Biden and AOC re-write ANY tax laws to ensure that the wealthy pay their "fair share"? The Federal taxes not paid has nothing to do with the HQ2 deal, that's just a stupid argument since HQ2 just moved to VA, duh.
She is another steppingstone to the globalist system of capitalism China style married to communism. Even if she does not say things that way. The nation must submit to massive socialism policies to weaken us. The older Democrats, who are Progs, should never be forgiven for what they are bringing to us.
The Democratic Party may have the Oval Office, but they have only a tiny majority in the House, and the slimest majority in the Senate.

They DO NOT have a mandate. The vast majority of Americans are NOT on board with AOC's agenda.

If you want to call middle-of-the-road democrats "Republican light", be my guest, but they win elections.

Yes, I agree with most of AOC's agenda, but I don't agree with a LOSING strategy for implementing it. I'm for a winning strategy that will actually succeed in implementing it.

Yes, it is dishonest, But when it comes to politics, the American people CAN'T HANDLE the TRUTH. Besides, the tactics of the Republican Party justify unprincipled tactics by the Democrats. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

Manchin was right when he said that if the Democrats want to pass BBB, they have to win more elections. AOC and the far left are undermining that possibility.

Maybe you should travel out of your urban shell and get to know America. You'd find that America is still a 'Cowboy' country. That's a reality that liberals have to deal with...because we're a Democracy.
All of this and not one iota of a link supporting it. You answered zero of my questions.

Please tell me how Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has undermined anyone.

Isn't it Manchenima that's been undermining the Biden Administration from day one? At least answer this one.
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Describe what you think happened to/in Argentina. As if that has anything to do w/the price of tea in China.
Argentina was a rising nation based on Capitalism many decades ago. Then they were seduced by socialism and have never recovered to what they could have been. The Peron family including Evita did their damage.

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