The Democrat's and Some on the Left's problem w/Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

AOC is not a state legislator and has no power to impact state tax breaks.
AOC stopped the HQ2 project in NYC. HQ2 would have created $27b in state tax revenue over 25-years, plus NYC tax revenue, plus about $150b in new wages over 25-years, plus about 1,300 construction jobs over 15-years, plus cleaned-up a blighted area into a new state-of-the-art architectural "green" wonder in NYC.

The NY state and NYC tax breaks were made w/o AOC, she and her constituents stopped the project, so it went to VA where people want to work.

Say Marc, do you think it's true, Republicans just want to fuck her but she won't have them?
Fer cryin' out loud, why?
AOC stopped the HQ2 project in NYC. HQ2 would have created $27b in state tax revenue over 25-years, plus NYC tax revenue, plus about $150b in new wages over 25-years, plus about 1,300 construction jobs over 15-years, plus cleaned-up a blighted area into a new state-of-the-art architectural "green" wonder in NYC.

The NY state and NYC tax breaks were made w/o AOC, she and her constituents stopped the project, so it went to VA where people want to work.
She didn’t have that power. There was a lot of opposition to it and she was one who had an opinion but no power.
Unless you are a 1%er his policies don’t align with you. Everything else is just culture war nonsense to distract you from that indisputable fact.

No? Who the fuck are you to determine that? Typical progressive "huh huh I know more about you than you do, huh huh huh"

Closed borders, lower regulatory burden, lower taxes, all good stuff unless you are a government leech.
To say that Conservatives don’t stand for poor and struggling Americans based solely on difference of policy is a misnomer. For example, Conservatives want poor and struggling Americans to get support from Government and Churches but not have that support be “cradle to grave” and redistributive of wealth to the point of “equality of wealth” does not mean Conservatives don’t “care”. Further, Conservatives recognize that such policies are not sustainable as eventually, you run out of money and wealth to redistribute. A rising tide raises all ships.

Show me any recent (20 years) policy or legislation from conservatives that helps the poor and working class more than the wealthy
Earlier this week I had an exchange w/a fellow USMB poster I believe is generally on the left and they expressed having a problem w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

However, when prompted to get to the bottom of their reasons, the response was nothing more than fluff.

Personally, I love everything she stands for and she represents her constituents well, and they support her.

This is to/for those of us on the left, including Democrats, what, if any, are your problems w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Let's get to the bottom of if.
/---/ What AOC and DJT have in common, is both were political outsiders who won in an upset and went to Washington to shake up the establishment. But one is revered by the left while the other is reviled.
AOC stopped the HQ2 project in NYC. HQ2 would have created $27b in state tax revenue over 25-years, plus NYC tax revenue, plus about $150b in new wages over 25-years, plus about 1,300 construction jobs over 15-years, plus cleaned-up a blighted area into a new state-of-the-art architectural "green" wonder in NYC.

The NY state and NYC tax breaks were made w/o AOC, she and her constituents stopped the project, so it went to VA where people want to work.
How does a Congresswoman from DC have the power to stop a project that is approved at the state and local level ?
AOC is good people. She is inexperienced and weighs in too fast on things. She also doesn’t mind rolling in mud with republicans at their level at times but she’ll mature.

Do you parse Ted Cruz and Donald Trumps words as carefully? Lots of dumb shit from that ilk. Maybe you’re an Adam Kinzinger fan. He seems ok at times.
I am a Dan Crenshaw fan.
Yep. I would certainly refute something like that. You would not?

Probably not. All it does is make people say you are protesting too much. Those that want to believe it will no matter what you say, so what is the point?

Do you believe Trump is guilty of everything he has been accused of and did not personally refute?
Don't play coy. You know how the media works.

AOC opposed giving massive tax breaks to our wealthiest corporation

But her voice has no more authority than yours or mine to award a contract at the state and local level
Probably not. All it does is make people say you are protesting too much. Those that want to believe it will no matter what you say, so what is the point?

Do you believe Trump is guilty of everything he has been accused of and did not personally refute?
He refutes everything. Its Trump.
AOC opposed giving massive tax breaks to our wealthiest corporation

But her voice has no more authority than yours or mine to award a contract at the state and local level
Save that BS for your liberal cocktail parties.

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