The Democrat's and Some on the Left's problem w/Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The flawed mindset is that only democrat ideas, policies, and practices ever help the poor. Especially those that aim to help everyone and the country as a whole.
Well, so far, I've yet to see anyone answer the challange to post any gop intiative that helped workers. I'm sure someone would suggest the McConnell Trump tax cuts, but the graph showing gnp increase and employment didn't really change.
The flawed mindset is that policy and legislation must help the poor and working class more than the wealthy. That is consistent with a similar either /or proposition that oil and fossil fuel companies must be penalized as a step towards green energy.

Winner, winner Chicken Dinner!

Just what I anticipated….

Trickle Down
Well, so far, I've yet to see anyone answer the challange [sic] to post any gop [sic] intiative [sic]that helped workers. ......
:lol: And again in typical democrat fashion, you cannot even comprehend anything outside the view from the leftist bubble. You prove my point entirely.
The flawed mindset is that only democrat ideas, policies, and practices ever help the poor. Especially those that aim to help everyone and the country as a whole.

Again I ask for any recent Republican policy that is targeted at helping the poor and working class rather than helping the wealthy
As it turns out, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had absolutely nothing to do w/Amazon pulling out of Queens...

And this is from the horse's mouth.

Thus far there's been nothing but lies spewing from the usual rightwing suspects of USMB.

However, I haven't seen any substantive criticism coming from my fellow lefties.

Please. Amazon pulled out after criticism of their employment model. But people are free to do that. Maybe it worked for AOC's constituents.

But when opposition in New York grew, Chairman Jeff Bezos and his team decided it only made sense to focus their efforts on the other victor in the HQ2 sweepstakes: Northern Virginia
I suppose Trump's embrace of Tariffs would be one, but I'd say overall it hurt more than helped.
He doubled the standard deduction...that certainly helped the lower middle class. Didn't help the wealthy...

Historic low unemployment and rising wages further help the poor and stronger border policies meant fewer illegals taking jobs.
Please. Amazon pulled out after criticism of their employment model. But people are free to do that. Maybe it worked for AOC's constituents.

But when opposition in New York grew, Chairman Jeff Bezos and his team decided it only made sense to focus their efforts on the other victor in the HQ2 sweepstakes: Northern Virginia
Bezos was engaging in extortion of local politicians and playing one region against the other
NY told him to go fuk himself
He doubled the standard deduction...that certainly helped the lower middle class. Didn't help the wealthy...

Historic low unemployment and rising wages further help the poor and stronger border policies meant fewer illegals taking jobs.
As a whole, the Trump tax cuts helped the wealthy much more than the poor and working class. He threw a few scraps to the working class while he radically cut corporate taxes, the upper tax rate and inheritance taxes
The flawed mindset is that only democrat ideas, policies, and practices ever help the poor. Especially those that aim to help everyone and the country as a whole.
I believe Republican cuts to social programs over the years has helped get poor unmarried women to stop having babies they can't afford.

A lot of this decline is probably because people are waiting until they feel ready to become parents. U.S. social policy has emphasized the importance of people's waiting to have children (until they are financially stable) for decades. It's probably been the most successful policy ever implemented.
Bezos was engaging in extortion of local politicians and playing one region against the other
NY told him to go fuk himself
Republicans and indis in AOCs district wanted Amazon. Before she led the charge, Amazon was going to build. She certainly had every right to do what she did, and her constituents had every right.
Bezos was engaging in extortion of local politicians and playing one region against the other
NY told him to go fuk himself
He did no such thing, New York didn't want Bezos and in the end Bezos said no problem, I'll take Amazon to Virginia. New York politicians opposed their coming to New York, they were increasingly hostel to Amazon, so why go where you are not wanted. A win for AOC but a loss for NYC.

As a whole, the Trump tax cuts helped the wealthy much more than the poor and working class. He threw a few scraps to the working class while he radically cut corporate taxes, the upper tax rate and inheritance taxes
And my father noticed prices went up right after Trump's tax breaks were passed. Of course it caused inflation.

And Trump's tax breaks screwed states that didn't vote for him.

The upside of residing in states with high income and property taxes was that you could write off tens of thousands of dollars in state and local levies (known as SALT) if you itemized your tax return. Under the new law, that write-off has been limited to $10,000.
She's a congresswoman from New York, dipshit, not DC.
Another moron who doesn’t understand the different responsibilities between local, state and federal government.

Congress is in DC dipshit
AOC has no authority over local political decisions
Again I ask for any recent Republican policy that is targeted at helping the poor and working class rather than helping the wealthy
Jobs. Do you remember the Trump State of the Union speech when Democrats sat on their hands when President Trump said that minorities had never been employed at a higher rate. Why do you democrats want people dependent on government?
Jobs. Do you remember the Trump State of the Union speech when Democrats sat on their hands when President Trump said that minorities had never been employed at a higher rate. Why do you democrats want people dependent on government?

More trickle down bullshit

Trump promised the Corporate tax cuts would lead to more jobs and higher pay
The companies just kept the money

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