The Democrat's and Some on the Left's problem w/Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

More trickle down bullshit

Trump promised the Corporate tax cuts would lead to more jobs and higher pay
The companies just kept the money
More minorities were employed while Trump was President than any other time. Why do you hate working people?
There is no perfect government. It's personal. Do I care if trannies want to marry? No. Do I want common sense gun legislation? Yes. Am I rich and don't like social programs? No. Do I see the value in unions? Yes.

Do I believe the NYT is lying to me when Trump tells me they are? No, because he is clearly king of all liars. And he's catering to the right socially and economically.

The same people who love Trump loved Bush. Preferred Bush over Clinton or Obama. If that's you, you're picking the lesser of two evils too.

And who do you want us to vote for Rand Paul? No thanks. Joe Rogan?
but since i dont pick one of those 2 evils you cant say that about for dracula over lucifer isnt going to help much.....
More minorities were employed while Trump was President than any other time. Why do you hate working people?

Not true
More minorities were employed under Obama and Biden than Trump

Trump lost jobs, minorities were the first to go
That does not square with her chasing thousands of good paying jobs out of her district.

The people in her district did not want the disruption
They protested and AOC backed her constituents

AOC had no control over the decision
but since i dont pick one of those 2 evils you cant say that about for dracula over lucifer isnt going to help much.....
Bullshit. Imagine how much better the supreme court would be today if you voted for Gore, Kerry and Hillary.
Now you're lying. Liars go to hell.
It's all true. And it all happened that way because Trump lied to us about the pandemic coming because he didn't want it to hurt his election. So he lied. Then it got out of control. Then he said don't wear masks and go to parties. Drink bleach. Take gamma rays like the hulk. He lied and hundreds of thousands of people died needlessly. Because of you people who won't wear masks, social distance or get vaccinated.
As a whole, the Trump tax cuts helped the wealthy much more than the poor and working class. He threw a few scraps to the working class while he radically cut corporate taxes, the upper tax rate and inheritance taxes
So doubling the standard deduction is "crap"? What would you have done? Many of the poor don't pay any taxes?
Winner, winner Chicken Dinner!

Just what I anticipated….

Trickle Down

Why is what you see as trickle down so bad? If so, Why does it have to be either/or? Don’t you and the AOC followers ever ask how all of your programs are going to get paid for or do you really believe there is unlimited wealth? Have you run scenarios where if you even taxed at 100 percent how much is left that still needs to get paid for? Do you not see how some of your policies like energy actually add costs to the poor and working class??
Earlier this week I had an exchange w/a fellow USMB poster I believe is generally on the left and they expressed having a problem w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

However, when prompted to get to the bottom of their reasons, the response was nothing more than fluff.

Personally, I love everything she stands for and she represents her constituents well, and they support her.

This is to/for those of us on the left, including Democrats, what, if any, are your problems w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Let's get to the bottom of if.
She is a totally vacuous idealogue far beyond anything Trump ever was.... he at least had some street smarts....she is beyond dangerous to her constituents....who will grow to resent her total lack of any discernable acumen.

Why is what you see as trickle down so bad? If so, Why does it have to be either/or? Don’t you and the AOC followers ever ask how all of your programs are going to get paid for or do you really believe there is unlimited wealth? Have you run scenarios where if you even taxed at 100 percent how much is left that still needs to get paid for? Do you not see how some of your policies like energy actually add costs to the poor and working class??
No they don't.

If you’re gay then you should know AOC is an ally. A pretty strong supporter of you getting equal treatment. You should reconsider.
Trying to play along..... why do you think AOC is a man?

She's manLY, I'll give you that much, especially with those clownish farm animal teeth, but AOC's pronouns are probably her and dumb gash.....
Who's good enough for you Harry? Who have you voted for? What party is pure and will stay pure when it gets in power?
as long as someone is attached to a party.....none of them....and no party is pure and never will be.....
So doubling the standard deduction is "crap"? What would you have done? Many of the poor don't pay any taxes?

While he cut your ability to deduct state and local taxes and personal exemptions

Again I ask for an example of what Republicans have done in the last 20 years that helps the poor and working class more Han the rich

I have plenty of examples for Democrats
While he cut your ability to deduct state and local taxes and personal exemptions

Again I ask for an example of what Republicans have done in the last 20 years that helps the poor and working class more Han the rich

I have plenty of examples for Democrats
Yep but that hurts the wealthy, as their exemptions were high due to high mortgage interest and RE taxes, correct? Certainly negatively impacted me. But you said helped the poor and lower middle class. I gave you the example already. Higher wages, doubled the standard deduction, reduced illegals pouring in here. Democrats give free money and it perpetuates poverty.

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