The Democrat's and Some on the Left's problem w/Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Try as you like, no one but other brainless democrats is going to buy your disingenuous BS.
I’m sorry

But I’m not going to waste my time explaining levels of Government and their responsibilities to you
How does a Congresswoman from DC have the power to stop a project that is approved at the state and local level ?

Who's surprised MarcAtl respects everything AOC stands for?

Yeah it's really sad. A shame these type vote.

Say Marc, do you think it's true, Republicans just want to fuck her but she won't have them?
What does Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stand for?

Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez praised citizen activists for helping to thwart Amazon's plans to build a headquarters in New York City, declaring victory after the company announced it was scrapping its plans Thursday.

"I think it's incredible. I mean, it shows that everyday Americans still have the power to organize and fight for their communities and they can have more say in this country than the richest man in the world," Ocasio-Cortez said on Capitol Hill, referring to Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos.
Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez praised citizen activists for helping to thwart Amazon's plans to build a headquarters in New York City, declaring victory after the company announced it was scrapping its plans Thursday.

"I think it's incredible. I mean, it shows that everyday Americans still have the power to organize and fight for their communities and they can have more say in this country than the richest man in the world," Ocasio-Cortez said on Capitol Hill, referring to Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos.
Yeah, she helped and was the central force in organizing against the Amazon shipping facility. Despite Amazon pledging to support affordable housing for workers.

I'm not against local citizens stopping a company from coming into their community, but without AOC I don't think the opposition would have been as effective.
A number of state and local politicians have made it clear that they oppose our presence and will not work with us to build the type of relationships that are required to go forward with the project,"

In other words, the wealthiest company in the US is demanding tax breaks that less wealthy companies dont qualify for
AOC stands up for poor and struggling Americans

That is why Conservatives hate her

AOC is a moron that's in completely over her head and thinks her critics want to bang her.

I most certainly do not hate her. That woman is a poster child for the lunacy of the left and I want her to stay EXACTLY where she is for all the country to see.
Yeah, she helped and was the central force in organizing against the Amazon shipping facility. Despite Amazon pledging to support affordable housing for workers.

I'm not against local citizens stopping a company from coming into their community, but without AOC I don't think the opposition would have been as effective.
AOC acted as a resident not as a Congress member
AOC acted as a resident not as a Congress member
LOL. She doesn't get to switch hats. But again, I don't have any issue with her effectively leading the campaign to get Amazon to change it's plans. And her constituents approved.

And really Amazon may have miscalculated. There are many more communities that would welcome a shipping center with the lowest wage being 2400 a month.
Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez praised citizen activists for helping to thwart Amazon's plans to build a headquarters in New York City, declaring victory after the company announced it was scrapping its plans Thursday.

"I think it's incredible. I mean, it shows that everyday Americans still have the power to organize and fight for their communities and they can have more say in this country than the richest man in the world," Ocasio-Cortez said on Capitol Hill, referring to Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos.
A Blue Dog Democrat would have promoted that. A declining nation supports the AOC Argentina way. The federal money is expected to keep coming in to offset employment.... Evita... "I kept my promise...You keep your distance"! Now we have Prog politicians doing the authoritarian act. And the Prog broads at the forefront.
As it turns out, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had absolutely nothing to do w/Amazon pulling out of Queens...

And this is from the horse's mouth.

Thus far there's been nothing but lies spewing from the usual rightwing suspects of USMB.

However, I haven't seen any substantive criticism coming from my fellow lefties.

its funny how both sides vote for the so called "lessor" thats saying that both sides are ok with voting for evil,as long as its their wonder so many good things we have had are suffering.....evil is still evil.......
There is no perfect government. It's personal. Do I care if trannies want to marry? No. Do I want common sense gun legislation? Yes. Am I rich and don't like social programs? No. Do I see the value in unions? Yes.

Do I believe the NYT is lying to me when Trump tells me they are? No, because he is clearly king of all liars. And he's catering to the right socially and economically.

The same people who love Trump loved Bush. Preferred Bush over Clinton or Obama. If that's you, you're picking the lesser of two evils too.

And who do you want us to vote for Rand Paul? No thanks. Joe Rogan?
A Blue Dog Democrat would have promoted that. A declining nation supports the AOC Argentina way. The federal money is expected to keep coming in to offset employment.... Evita... "I kept my promise...You keep your distance"! Now we have Prog politicians doing the authoritarian act. And the Prog broads at the forefront.
Well one way a government, who is the referee, can combat wage growth disparities is to tax the rich and provide the masses with social programs that help the poor become middle class.

Unregulated Free Market Capitalism doesn't work. Makes the rich richer, poor poorer and doesn't help the middle class. Hurts the environment.

For example, in the 2000's you guys were all for sending manufacturing overseas but today not so much. You flip flopped on that remember? Point is, you now admit that we should not just allow manufacturing companies to move operations overseas and not pay tariffs for importing those goods from Mexico or China. At least you understood that when Trump was fighting a trade war with China in 2019. Do you still understand? Maybe now that Biden is POTUS you'll have a different position.

Show me any recent (20 years) policy or legislation from conservatives that helps the poor and working class more than the wealthy
The flawed mindset is that policy and legislation must help the poor and working class more than the wealthy. That is consistent with a similar either /or proposition that oil and fossil fuel companies must be penalized as a step towards green energy.

I would argue first that tax policies that generate more net revenue to the Treasury help pay for many of the social programs from liberals. How does it benefit poor and working class if they are paying close to $4 gallon of gas vs. $3 or under $3? How about faith-based initiatives and the incentives and direct contributions they make vs. large, complex legislative packages that are conditioned on cronies, bureaucracies, and other programs getting paid before money flows from liberal programs? School vouchers - making quality education affordable when the local public schools are failing?

I am not 100 percent opposed to proposals and social welfare policies rooted and created by liberals. I am for limiting those programs which are egregious, not sustainable, and/or LARGELY dependent on unrelated programs as part of complex legislation. I am also against policies that make it conditional and necessary to penalize or abolish programs and policies from conservatives as described earlier.
As it turns out, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had absolutely nothing to do w/Amazon pulling out of Queens...

And this is from the horse's mouth.

Thus far there's been nothing but lies spewing from the usual rightwing suspects of USMB.

However, I haven't seen any substantive criticism coming from my fellow lefties.

I would applaud her if she did. If you want to do business in NYC, you have to pay a premium for the location. Where did Amazon move instead? Chances are those employees are not happy and they are trying to unionize because of the piss poor pay and treatment. Does NYC need that?

Republicans need to stop bending over for corporations. They need to pay their share of taxes. Don't like it, go to China and sell there.
Earlier this week I had an exchange w/a fellow USMB poster I believe is generally on the left and they expressed having a problem w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

However, when prompted to get to the bottom of their reasons, the response was nothing more than fluff.

Personally, I love everything she stands for and she represents her constituents well, and they support her.

This is to/for those of us on the left, including Democrats, what, if any, are your problems w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Let's get to the bottom of if.
I think her heart is the right place however I rarely agree with her solutions or stands on issues.
The flawed mindset is that policy and legislation must help the poor and working class more than the wealthy. .....
The flawed mindset is that only democrat ideas, policies, and practices ever help the poor. Especially those that aim to help everyone and the country as a whole.

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