The Democrat's and Some on the Left's problem w/Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

marc the key thing here is.....she says some stupid things and then then gets the treatment for saying it......and i know you know what i mean she is her own worst problem......
Such as what?

BTW, this thread is for those of us on the left, which is not you, so why are you interjecting yourself into this discussion?
Argentina was a rising nation based on Capitalism many decades ago. Then they were seduced by socialism and have never recovered to what they could have been. The Peron family including Evita did their damage.
Can you list the socialist events that brought them down in your estimation?
I'm not a democrat, but one of the problems with AOC is that she doesn't know how the world works, and how she can make her constituents' lives better. One example:
Amazon wanted to build their new HQ2 in AOC's district where they would have spent $billions to replace a blighted area with a new beautiful complex. There would have been thousands of construction jobs and 30,000 or so new full time jobs with benefits. Cuomo said that it would generate $30b a year in state revenue, plus NYC revenue. AOC and her followers said NO, so HQ2 moved to VA. She's a moron.

View attachment 586946 HQ2 would have changed this...

View attachment 586948 this. DUH.
AOC is not a state legislator and has no power to impact state tax breaks.
if you want to change the country get rid of the fucking parties and lets all start 1 party....the United States of America party,lets get this Country back to no.1 first and then worry about starting parties so we can divide our selves again.....
What were we # 1 in that we are no longer #1 in?
I suppose I just want to "date" her.... but only if I can avoid sticking my clean dick in one of her filthy inputs....
If you’re gay then you should know AOC is an ally. A pretty strong supporter of you getting equal treatment. You should reconsider.
AOC stands up for poor and struggling Americans

That is why Conservatives hate her
To say that Conservatives don’t stand for poor and struggling Americans based solely on difference of policy is a misnomer. For example, Conservatives want poor and struggling Americans to get support from Government and Churches but not have that support be “cradle to grave” and redistributive of wealth to the point of “equality of wealth” does not mean Conservatives don’t “care”. Further, Conservatives recognize that such policies are not sustainable as eventually, you run out of money and wealth to redistribute. A rising tide raises all ships.
But imo one has to give AOC credit because - assuming I'm correct in believing she really does think the econ would best function with the treasury simply issuing dollars, and the fed reserve not really having any role at all because issuing debt bonds would not be necessary, and the treasury controlling inflation simply removing money supply, and taxes being only relevant to income equality - then primarying people like Crowley and Schumer would be aimed at furthering her view of government and not just her ego. And progressive pols will only change America by convincing enough of them to elect pols who will further their agenda.

This Argentina "discussion" is no more relevant than a Madonna musical.
She's an upper middle class twit who pretends to be a prole.

Typical "Vanguard" mentality we see from most socialists.
But you have no issue with the guy who literally shits in a gold toilet pretending he understands and fights for the little guy?
Did you read the article? Are you a fan of AOC?
AOC is good people. She is inexperienced and weighs in too fast on things. She also doesn’t mind rolling in mud with republicans at their level at times but she’ll mature.

Do you parse Ted Cruz and Donald Trumps words as carefully? Lots of dumb shit from that ilk. Maybe you’re an Adam Kinzinger fan. He seems ok at times.
I believe she essentially agrees with Modern Monetarist Theory, which to me is essentially socialism. And I think it's been tried repeatedly and failed every time. Actually she may not agree with MMT so much as it's a convenient way for her to say all of the policies she favors (medicare for all, minimum family income, 70% taxes on whom she considers too wealthy, are all achievable and will benefit the econ as a whole

"The reason the government doesn’t need to sell treasury securities, or levy taxes, to spend money is that the central bank, under the control of the treasury, can pay for everything by conjuring up electronic money. In MMT’s ideal world there would still be taxes, but their main purpose, aside from lessening inequality, would be as “offsets” to keep inflation under control. Taxes would drain just enough money from consumers and businesses so total spending in the economy won’t be excessive.

It’s tempting to view MMT’s conception of fiscal policy as essentially similar to that of the mainstream—“Hey, they believe in taxes, too!”—but that’s not quite right. MMTers hold that inflation isn’t primarily the result of excessively strong growth. They blame much of it on businesses’ excessive pricing power. So before trying to choke off growth to kill inflation, they would try to break up monopolies and stop banks from making too many loans. “The more actively we regulate big business for public purpose, the tighter the full employment we can achieve,” three MMTers wrote in a letter to the Financial Times’ Alphaville column that was published on March 1."
You're giving AOC too much credit. AOC would rather have her constituents sit on their porches than work.
But you have no issue with the guy who literally shits in a gold toilet pretending he understands and fights for the little guy?

If his policies align with what I want, why wouldn't I support him?

Good for him shitting in a gold toilet, at least he isn't trying to make me install one of those low flush "environmentally friendly" useless hunks of porcelain.

This is one things progressives never get about their opponents, we only begrudge wealth when people who have it 1) try to stop us from getting it 2)try to make us lower our standards of living while keeping theirs and 3) preach one thing but practice another.

Rich assholes jetting to Vichy to bitch about climate change and how I need to get rid of my Nissan Altima while they keep the G6's is a prime example of this.

Trump is a rich flamboyant asshole, but he isn't trying to make me change how I live my life.
You're giving AOC too much credit. AOC would rather have her constituents sit on their porches than work.
Well, yeah. imo MMT is about the gummit deciding what is the most valuable "work." But as George Wallace put it "the only four letter words hippies don't like is soap and work." I agree that work sucks, but ...... LOL
Earlier this week I had an exchange w/a fellow USMB poster I believe is generally on the left and they expressed having a problem w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

However, when prompted to get to the bottom of their reasons, the response was nothing more than fluff.

Personally, I love everything she stands for and she represents her constituents well, and they support her.

This is to/for those of us on the left, including Democrats, what, if any, are your problems w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Let's get to the bottom of if.

Who's surprised MarcAtl respects everything AOC stands for?

Yeah it's really sad. A shame these type vote.

Say Marc, do you think it's true, Republicans just want to fuck her but she won't have them?

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