The Democrats are teaching us a lesson. Again.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Pretty amazing, watching the Democrats turn their political advantage in a full scale circus like this. The current bill they're working on changes every 30 seconds or so, as Manchin and Sinema make them reduce or throw out more and more of Biden's agenda.

I'll give them credit, in that at least they're trying to fund their massive spending (unlike we saw in the previous administration), but they're having one helluva time getting their shit together, and it's playing out in public. And holy crap, is it ever awkward.

So we're seeing it yet again: The party in power trying to cram through its agenda with the thinnest of margins, only making itself look bad in the process while trying desperately to put lipstick on a pig. Right on cue. Over and over and over.

Why do we keep seeing this? Because communication, collaboration and innovation between the parties is no longer allowed. We've lost that capacity. We literally no longer know how to work together to deal with issues. We're no longer exceptional.

Will we learn this time? Will this be the time we finally wake up? Nope.

Ooohh, Look Vichy Mac turning on the Democrats again. Yup, having a third party no one wants to vote for is the answer, Vichy Mac.

Pretty amazing, watching the Democrats turn their political advantage in a full scale circus like this. The current bill they're working on changes every 30 seconds or so, as Manchin and Sinema make them reduce or throw out more and more of Biden's agenda.

I'll give them credit, in that at least they're trying to fund their massive spending (unlike we saw in the previous administration), but they're having one helluva time getting their shit together, and it's playing out in public. And holy crap, is it ever awkward.

So we're seeing it yet again: The party in power trying to cram through its agenda with the thinnest of margins, only making itself look bad in the process while trying desperately to put lipstick on a pig. Right on cue. Over and over and over.

Um, okay.. Well, this isn't really anything new. Remember 2009, when we got stuck with RomneyCare Plus because Joe Lieberjew (D-Israel) refused to allow a public option or a Medicare buy in? I do.

This is the problem when you build a coalition with people who are only marginally on your side.

Why do we keep seeing this? Because communication, collaboration and innovation between the parties is no longer allowed. We've lost that capacity. We literally no longer know how to work together to deal with issues. We're no longer exceptional.

Will we learn this time? Will this be the time we finally wake up? Nope.

Yawn, so how is a third party going to fix this, exactly?

The problem here was that Democrats failed to win races they should have won in 2020... and now they are paying for it in that a character like Machin can call the shots....

The Republicans will retake Congress in 2022, then remind the world how crazy they are and get Biden Re-elected in 2024. That's how our cycle works.
Ooohh, Look Vichy Mac turning on the Democrats again. Yup, having a third party no one wants to vote for is the answer, Vichy Mac.

Um, okay.. Well, this isn't really anything new. Remember 2009, when we got stuck with RomneyCare Plus because Joe Lieberjew (D-Israel) refused to allow a public option or a Medicare buy in? I do.

This is the problem when you build a coalition with people who are only marginally on your side.

Yawn, so how is a third party going to fix this, exactly?

The problem here was that Democrats failed to win races they should have won in 2020... and now they are paying for it in that a character like Machin can call the shots....

The Republicans will retake Congress in 2022, then remind the world how crazy they are and get Biden Re-elected in 2024. That's how our cycle works.
Exactly...this isn't "Dems in Disarray"

It's Manchin and Sinema...both corporate shills

Manchin owns a coal brokerage and Sinema is in the pocket of big Pharma. And that's just what is public knowledge.
Ooohh, Look Vichy Mac turning on the Democrats again. Yup, having a third party no one wants to vote for is the answer, Vichy Mac.

Um, okay.. Well, this isn't really anything new. Remember 2009, when we got stuck with RomneyCare Plus because Joe Lieberjew (D-Israel) refused to allow a public option or a Medicare buy in? I do.

This is the problem when you build a coalition with people who are only marginally on your side.

Yawn, so how is a third party going to fix this, exactly?

The problem here was that Democrats failed to win races they should have won in 2020... and now they are paying for it in that a character like Machin can call the shots....

The Republicans will retake Congress in 2022, then remind the world how crazy they are and get Biden Re-elected in 2024. That's how our cycle works.
No. The problem is the Ds are no different from the Rs. Both are corporatist parties doing the bidding of big corporations and the ultra wealthy. The people are of little concern.

Further proof of this is Joe Manchin. He’s managed to control the D Party, yet he’s not a progressive or a liberal. He’s a conservative. How does a party that claims to be progressive allow this?
Well the republicans had the majority in the Senate for the whole of tramp admin. The house turned blue in 2018, which they all voted the same.

We have more diversity in the democratic party, which is the US.
Do you see a pattern YET? An R wins the WH and loses Congress because he’s a fraud. A D wins the WH and loses Congress because he’s a fraud. It’s the nature of the thing and has been for some time.
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We have more diversity in the democratic party, which is the US.
Agreed. But the problem remains: Pushing through legislation by the tiniest whisker is not as good as collaborating and/or creating something all new.

Plus, collaboration means that both parties have skin in the game and are responsible for success. Instead, all we see are sabotage and wild swings, back and forth.

I don't get it.
Manchin represents a state that Biden couldn’t win one county in.

It’s fascinating to watch this crowd try to figure out how and why the country is such a complete mess. You complain about “corporatism” yet all the major corporations are firmly on the Dem’s side as they gleefully enact illegal mandates and fire employees during a huge labor shortage.

You can’t engineer the destruction of a nation faster than what this completely failed regime is doing. Higher energy costs, broken transportation sector, hospitals overrun while firing nurses for wrong think, and what little manufacturing we have people are walking off the job.

But hey, at least it’s not Orange Dictator, right?
They KNOW how to work together, but the Dems REFUSE.
The Dems want it all THEIR WAY, or NO way at all.

Besides the Dems selling this entire country out to Jinping, they want to destroy it and turn it into the largest "3rd world country" there is on the planet (while syphoning our tax dollars dry).............all to fill their own already overstuffed bank accounts they have in other countries all over the world, before they finally hand us over to China.

The Dems will not pass any bill unless it's stuffed full of their personal and private agendas. Look for a government shutdown the end of this year.
Pretty amazing, watching the Democrats turn their political advantage in a full scale circus like this. The current bill they're working on changes every 30 seconds or so, as Manchin and Sinema make them reduce or throw out more and more of Biden's agenda.

I'll give them credit, in that at least they're trying to fund their massive spending (unlike we saw in the previous administration), but they're having one helluva time getting their shit together, and it's playing out in public. And holy crap, is it ever awkward.

So we're seeing it yet again: The party in power trying to cram through its agenda with the thinnest of margins, only making itself look bad in the process while trying desperately to put lipstick on a pig. Right on cue. Over and over and over.

Why do we keep seeing this? Because communication, collaboration and innovation between the parties is no longer allowed. We've lost that capacity. We literally no longer know how to work together to deal with issues. We're no longer exceptional.

Will we learn this time? Will this be the time we finally wake up? Nope.

They worked great over the years together to the tune of some $30 trillion in debt, endless wars abroad, over 50 million abortions with no end in site, a health care legislation both parties hate and say needs changing, and the refusal to secure the border so that government can control immigration in any way.

Maybe it is time to stop working together so well.
Manchin represents a state that Biden couldn’t win one county in.

It’s fascinating to watch this crowd try to figure out how and why the country is such a complete mess. You complain about “corporatism” yet all the major corporations are firmly on the Dem’s side as they gleefully enact illegal mandates and fire employees during a huge labor shortage.

You can’t engineer the destruction of a nation faster than what this completely failed regime is doing. Higher energy costs, broken transportation sector, hospitals overrun while firing nurses for wrong think, and what little manufacturing we have people are walking off the job.

But hey, at least it’s not Orange Dictator, right?
Growing up it used to be that democrats blamed corporations for all our ills and Republicans blamed government

Who knew they were both right?
They KNOW how to work together, but the Dems REFUSE.
The Dems want it all THEIR WAY, or NO way at all.

Besides the Dems selling this entire country out to Jinping, they want to destroy it and turn it into the largest "3rd world country" there is on the planet (while syphoning our tax dollars dry).............all to fill their own already overstuffed bank accounts they have in other countries all over the world, before they finally hand us over to China.

The Dems will not pass any bill unless it's stuffed full of their personal and private agendas. Look for a government shutdown the end of this year.
To be fair, do you really want to work with the democrats? Do we really want to negotiate with terrorists?
Pretty amazing, watching the Democrats turn their political advantage in a full scale circus like this. The current bill they're working on changes every 30 seconds or so, as Manchin and Sinema make them reduce or throw out more and more of Biden's agenda.

I'll give them credit, in that at least they're trying to fund their massive spending (unlike we saw in the previous administration), but they're having one helluva time getting their shit together, and it's playing out in public. And holy crap, is it ever awkward.

So we're seeing it yet again: The party in power trying to cram through its agenda with the thinnest of margins, only making itself look bad in the process while trying desperately to put lipstick on a pig. Right on cue. Over and over and over.

Why do we keep seeing this? Because communication, collaboration and innovation between the parties is no longer allowed. We've lost that capacity. We literally no longer know how to work together to deal with issues. We're no longer exceptional.

Will we learn this time? Will this be the time we finally wake up? Nope.

A coal Barron could be expected to be a difficult sale on fossil fuel reductions. Manchin has a weakness though, and without sinema wouLd be much more amenable.

Sinema is the real issue. She ran as a Democrat to get elected, and now she's voting like a republican to get rich. She's already torched her political career, now she's just milking this for every penny she can before she has to go job hunting. But she has no handles and is getting millions in donations from big pharma and big oil to torpedo the Democratic legislation in question.
Well the republicans had the majority in the Senate for the whole of tramp admin. The house turned blue in 2018, which they all voted the same.

We have more diversity in the democratic party, which is the US.
They turned on Trump to some degree. Opportunities were there. In just a few seconds you saw what John McCain really was when he voted with his thumb down to end the version of Obamacare we have. We may get single payer, but it will not be what you like after a while. You never listen to a politician's red flag blunders. Most are Progs. And they have opinions on the elderly. And it is not utopia.
They KNOW how to work together, but the Dems REFUSE.
Pretty amazing, watching the Democrats turn their political advantage in a full scale circus like this. The current bill they're working on changes every 30 seconds or so, as Manchin and Sinema make them reduce or throw out more and more of Biden's agenda.

I'll give them credit, in that at least they're trying to fund their massive spending (unlike we saw in the previous administration), but they're having one helluva time getting their shit together, and it's playing out in public. And holy crap, is it ever awkward.

So we're seeing it yet again: The party in power trying to cram through its agenda with the thinnest of margins, only making itself look bad in the process while trying desperately to put lipstick on a pig. Right on cue. Over and over and over.

Why do we keep seeing this? Because communication, collaboration and innovation between the parties is no longer allowed. We've lost that capacity. We literally no longer know how to work together to deal with issues. We're no longer exceptional.

Will we learn this time? Will this be the time we finally wake up? Nope.

Sausage making is not pretty. We’re about to finally have universal pre-K for the first time in this country. That’s a huge win for working parents. The Republicans have not delivered anything for Americans in years.
Agreed. But the problem remains: Pushing through legislation by the tiniest whisker is not as good as collaborating and/or creating something all new.

Plus, collaboration means that both parties have skin in the game and are responsible for success. Instead, all we see are sabotage and wild swings, back and forth.

I don't get it.
That’s a fine sentiment in a rational world with reasonable actors. That, unfortunately, is not reality.
There is no interest in anything other than intransigence on the right. Look how they did the debt limit. There is no collaboration to be had with McConnell and co.
A coal Barron could be expected to be a difficult sale on fossil fuel reductions. Manchin has a weakness though, and without sinema wouLd be much more amenable.

Sinema is the real issue. She ran as a Democrat to get elected, and now she's voting like a republican to get rich. She's already torched her political career, now she's just milking this for every penny she can before she has to go job hunting. But she has no handles and is getting millions in donations from big pharma and big oil to torpedo the Democratic legislation in question.

"Coal Barron", so would it be safe for me to assume you will equally demonize all who seek to profit off green energy?
Sausage making is not pretty. We’re about to finally have universal pre-K for the first time in this country. That’s a huge win for working parents. The Republicans have not delivered anything for Americans in years.
All true, but this isn't a controversial as the media would like you to believe. There's only one real.hold out.

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