The Democrats believed that Trump is the single biggest threat to the Constitution and Democracy. Are they right?

The following is from the Heroes Act of 2002: "Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act of 2003 - Authorizes the Secretary of Education to waive or modify any requirement or regulation applicable to the student financial assistance programs under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 as deemed necessary with respect to an affected individual who: (1) is serving on active duty during a war or other military operation or national emergency; (2) is performing qualifying National Guard duty during a war, operation, or emergency; (3) resides or is employed in an area that is declared a disaster area by any Federal, State, or local official in connection with a national emergency; or (4) suffered direct economic hardship as a direct result of a war or other military operation or national emergency."

Note that only those who are in the military or employed by Federal, State or Local Officials in connection with a national emergency. My daughter is to have $20,000 Pel Grant waived but she is not in the military nor employed by a government agency. Understand?
The following is from the Heroes Act of 2002: "Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act of 2003 - Authorizes the Secretary of Education to waive or modify any requirement or regulation applicable to the student financial assistance programs under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 as deemed necessary with respect to an affected individual who: (1) is serving on active duty during a war or other military operation or national emergency; (2) is performing qualifying National Guard duty during a war, operation, or emergency; (3) resides or is employed in an area that is declared a disaster area by any Federal, State, or local official in connection with a national emergency; or (4) suffered direct economic hardship as a direct result of a war or other military operation or national emergency."

Note that only those who are in the military or employed by Federal, State or Local Officials in connection with a national emergency. My daughter is to have $20,000 Pel Grant waived but she is not in the military nor employed by a government agency. Understand?
In case of National Emergency, as in this case as written in the tweeter......Covid, which left a lot of people without jobs and in debt.
Fascism doesn't grow government power, it diminishes it. Government employees or civil servants are replaced with lackeys who are biased to the dictator, or in America's case the president.

He can be referred to as 'the president' even when he gains power after his elected term is over by using mechanisms he's created to ensure he can hold onto power. (the Scotus)
You mean like every President has over time? That isn't fascism. Have you read the book "Behind the black Mask: My Time as an Antifa Activist." - Gabriel Nadales? Communists use fascism to gain control. But, once in control, the Communist government is everything to the country. But, even in Nazi Germany, Hitler and the Nazi Party was the government and controlled everything. No?
In case of National Emergency, as in this case as written in the tweeter......Covid, which left a lot of people without jobs and in debt.
You didn't read the Heroes Act in which Biden is using? The tweet left out many words from the act that I showed you. The National Emergency only is good for Government workers such as the military and Government Jobs. Their debt may include student loans they have but mostly everything else. It's not for those non-military and government workers. The SCOTUS, if it gets that far will shut this down. Biden is acting like a dictator superceeding the Congress. he's a sick puppy. Promising students and former students things he cannot give them.
Communism isn't completely godless but what remains of religious superstitious beliefs is on the wane.

In that, successful communist systems can gain a leg up over Christian nations.

Socialist or socially responsible democracies have the same advantage. They don't send their children to school to be entertained with stories of a 6000 year old earth!
successful communist....hey komrad did you forget having money is evil there are zero succefful communist regiems and china is the most capitalist nation so don say them
You didn't read the Heroes Act in which Biden is using? The tweet left out many words from the act that I showed you. The National Emergency only is good for Government workers such as the military and Government Jobs. Their debt may include student loans they have but mostly everything else. It's not for those non-military and government workers. The SCOTUS, if it gets that far will shut this down. Biden is acting like a dictator superceeding the Congress. he's a sick puppy. Promising students and former students things he cannot give them.
When I hear the Republicans in Congress go on strike, I will accept your reading on it.
Communism isn't completely godless but what remains of religious superstitious beliefs is on the wane.

In that, successful communist systems can gain a leg up over Christian nations.

Socialist or socially responsible democracies have the same advantage. They don't send their children to school to be entertained with stories of a 6000 year old earth!

Most Christians don't believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old.

That isn't in the Bible you know.
When I hear the Republicans in Congress go on strike, I will accept your reading on it.
Huh? Try to make sense. What I wrote is accurate right out of the 2003 bill itself...Be sure there will be a lawsuit. Think about it. Most people don't go to college. But, the majority will be paying for the college degrees of those who get this bailout. The thing is, when you sign a contract, then you should be held accountable. And, many of those who graduated that got jobs are paying off the loans. Or, at least they should be, not me. Not you.
Huh? Try to make sense. What I wrote is accurate right out of the 2003 bill itself...Be sure there will be a lawsuit. Think about it. Most people don't go to college. But, the majority will be paying for the college degrees of those who get this bailout. The thing is, when you sign a contract, then you should be held accountable. And, many of those who graduated that got jobs are paying off the loans. Or, at least they should be, not me. Not you.

Many of the college students—past and present—who will benefit most from this student loan relief, are radical leftist ideologues and intelligentsia who took degrees in far out, ideologically specific sociology sub fields such as gender theory studies, racially sensitive dance and the like. In short, they are people who will always vote for the farthest left candidates and attack traditional American values for the rest of their careers. Biden is investing in a future army of psychologically deranged madmen—people who believe make believe is real.
Democrats are opposed to anyone or anything that inhibits their quest for all-out demmunism. Democrat voters are just retarded baboons, useful idiots for demmunists.
Many of the college students—past and present—who will benefit most from this student loan relief, are radical leftist ideologues and intelligentsia who took degrees in far out, ideologically specific sociology sub fields such as gender theory studies, racially sensitive dance and the like. In short, they are people who will always vote for the farthest left candidates and attack traditional American values for the rest of their careers. Biden is investing in a future army of psychologically deranged madmen—people who believe make believe is real.
That's because the latest polling shows that these young people don't like Biden either. They shouldn't. He's a little girl sniffing creep.
The Democrats believed and still believe Trump is the single biggest threat to the Constitution and Democracy. Well, the Constitution gives the House the purse strings to control the money collected by the Federal Government. Yet, yesterday, President Joe Biden said he has the authority to forgive student debt. Biden announces student loan relief for borrowers making less than $125,000
Biden is arguing under the Patriot Act provision that it says because of a "war" debt can be forgiven or delayed. And, Biden is using Covid19 saying it was a "war." No, it was a pandemic. Unless you want to say China declared war on the United States with germ warfare with Covid19. Do Democrats liberals want to say that? But, even then, it's up to Congress only to declare war.
Also, the Constitution is clear that Congress cannot give up their place to control the money purse strings. Schumer is saying in a 1965 bill that they did just that for student loans. But, that bill was never challenged. It will be now in court and will lose.
So, here you have the President Biden and the Democratic Congress usurping the branches of Government mandated in the Constitution destroying the Constitution, again. Also, taking away the House from this decision with our money is also destroying democracy. Yet, the Orangeman is still the biggest threat? Biden's move will increase taxes and inflation. Well, now we see why the Democrats are employing 87,000 new IRS agents. And, you people still want to vote for Democrats in the midterm elections?
Democrats need to look in the mirror on many issues.
Typical bureaucratic B.S. The feds release an affidavit explaining why they redacted the original affidavit.
Most Christians don't believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old.

That isn't in the Bible you know.
Most Christians, excluding the more intelligent leaders of the mainstream churches believe in creation, and that is consistent with the 6000-10,000 year old earth.

If you don't then you are in the more intelligent minority of Christians.
I don't understand the Facist/Dictator narrative by the left. Even if Trump became that, I do believe that most of the right, even Trumpers, cherish the Constitution and our republic over any leader and would oust them, including Trump, in a heartbeat.
Most Christians, excluding the more intelligent leaders of the mainstream churches believe in creation, and that is consistent with the 6000-10,000 year old earth.

If you don't then you are in the more intelligent minority of Christians.
You're probably right. However, their are ideas and theories that do try to explain and or harmonize science and religion. Neil Degrasse Tyson said it best when he said that that the Bible teaches how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go. I can't agree more. One theory is the Gap theory.

Interesting take IMO but also not perfect. Regardless, religion is faith. None of the classical religions, that I know of, require a specific belief in the "how" of creation. So for religious people to hang their religious hats non-salvific issues is vain.
Biden is investing in a future army of psychologically deranged madmen—people who believe make believe is real.

Ideology is only going to carry you a short distance on the Battlefield ...
Unless they just want to fight it in the lofty Halls of Congress, or Lecture Halls on Campus.

I don't understand the Facist/Dictator narrative by the left. Even if Trump became that, I do believe that most of the right, even Trumpers, cherish the Constitution and our republic over any leader and would oust them, including Trump, in a heartbeat.
Of course you don't....


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