The Democrats Better Worry...'re never happy!

I provided polls from both sides.....that should satisfy a fence-sitter like you.
You can't ever satisfy a fence sitter.

Because they aren't interested in reality. They're just interested in hovering between right and wrong, without ever having to cast a line out themselves. They reject accountability for everything, and they think they can get out of accountability by whining over and over "everybody is equally stupid/evil/wrong" whatever.
I know, I know. Partisans don't like people who think for themselves.

Always happy to give a clear and specific accounting of my stand on any issue at any time. All ya gotta do is ask.

So polls matter again, right?

Oh that's a new twist. "If you have an opinion, you can't think for yourself. But if you think everybody is stupid, then you're insightful!"

You sound like a retard.
So do polls matter again?

Boy, sure is tough getting a direct answer around here!

I am startin' to worry about you....perseveration is a sign of schizophrenia....
Okay, does two plus two usually equal four?

Just checking here!
Okay, so we're back to polls mattering again?'re never happy!

I provided polls from both sides.....that should satisfy a fence-sitter like you.
You can't ever satisfy a fence sitter.

Because they aren't interested in reality. They're just interested in hovering between right and wrong, without ever having to cast a line out themselves. They reject accountability for everything, and they think they can get out of accountability by whining over and over "everybody is equally stupid/evil/wrong" whatever.
I know, I know. Partisans don't like people who think for themselves.

Always happy to give a clear and specific accounting of my stand on any issue at any time. All ya gotta do is ask.

So polls matter again, right?

"Partisans don't like people who think for themselves."

I know that the Nazis hated partisans in enemy-occupied Yugoslavia, Italy, and parts of eastern Europe....

...I hope there's nothing auto-biographical in your post!
Holy crap! This is just the craziest thing ever!

PC starts a thread about polls that favor her guy (kind of, for him), but refuses to say whether polls even matter!

I love this place!


You see, normal people, those who actually have an opinion might say why they agree that Trump's increasing acceptance/popularity is good or bad.

Not you!

You'll latch on to anything but an articulate position....

What are you so afraid of: no one knows who you are.

You didn't know that?
1. Seems that Trump got 46% of the vote...
"Donald Trump, With 46 Percent of the Vote, Is the First Sore Loser to Be Elected President"
Donald Trump, With 46 Percent of the Vote, Is the First Sore Loser to Be Elected President

That was in November....

2. ...and for weeks we heard this:
"Donald Trump Is the Least Popular President-Elect in Modern History ..."
Donald Trump Is the Least Popular President-Elect in Modern History

And they've worked hard to keep that going.

3. But.....this morning:
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance."
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Soooo......lots who didn't vote for President Trump, over 5 million likely voters.....seem to have changed their minds.

Even with the full-court press by the the press!!!!

Democrats.....crying towels ready?

For those of us who have seen Rasmussen's act, your thread is hilariously retarded.


Anyone notice a pattern of bias there? lol, or isn't it obvious enough?
You can't ever satisfy a fence sitter.

Because they aren't interested in reality. They're just interested in hovering between right and wrong, without ever having to cast a line out themselves. They reject accountability for everything, and they think they can get out of accountability by whining over and over "everybody is equally stupid/evil/wrong" whatever.
I know, I know. Partisans don't like people who think for themselves.

Always happy to give a clear and specific accounting of my stand on any issue at any time. All ya gotta do is ask.

So polls matter again, right?

Oh that's a new twist. "If you have an opinion, you can't think for yourself. But if you think everybody is stupid, then you're insightful!"

You sound like a retard.
So do polls matter again?

Boy, sure is tough getting a direct answer around here!

I am startin' to worry about you....perseveration is a sign of schizophrenia....
Okay, does two plus two usually equal four?

Just checking here!

You're worried about your total number of cerebral neurons???

Too late.

At least it's down to a manageable number.
It's the GOP way- Low profile thievery, incompetence, corruption and pander to the rich, high profile attacks and wars, bs propaganda and character assassination- works great for about 8 years, then wrecks the world...
I know, I know. Partisans don't like people who think for themselves.

Always happy to give a clear and specific accounting of my stand on any issue at any time. All ya gotta do is ask.

So polls matter again, right?

Oh that's a new twist. "If you have an opinion, you can't think for yourself. But if you think everybody is stupid, then you're insightful!"

You sound like a retard.
So do polls matter again?

Boy, sure is tough getting a direct answer around here!

I am startin' to worry about you....perseveration is a sign of schizophrenia....
Okay, does two plus two usually equal four?

Just checking here!

You're worried about your total number of cerebral neurons???

Too late.

At least it's down to a manageable number.
I wonder why such a straightforward question has you spinning and deflecting so hard.

Oh, I'm just kidding.

I know why.
Okay, so we're back to polls mattering again?'re never happy!

I provided polls from both sides.....that should satisfy a fence-sitter like you.
You can't ever satisfy a fence sitter.

Because they aren't interested in reality. They're just interested in hovering between right and wrong, without ever having to cast a line out themselves. They reject accountability for everything, and they think they can get out of accountability by whining over and over "everybody is equally stupid/evil/wrong" whatever.
I know, I know. Partisans don't like people who think for themselves.

Always happy to give a clear and specific accounting of my stand on any issue at any time. All ya gotta do is ask.

So polls matter again, right?

"Partisans don't like people who think for themselves."

I know that the Nazis hated partisans in enemy-occupied Yugoslavia, Italy, and parts of eastern Europe....

...I hope there's nothing auto-biographical in your post!
Holy crap! This is just the craziest thing ever!

PC starts a thread about polls that favor her guy (kind of, for him), but refuses to say whether polls even matter!

I love this place!

Polls don't put bread on the table, Mac.
1. Seems that Trump got 46% of the vote...
"Donald Trump, With 46 Percent of the Vote, Is the First Sore Loser to Be Elected President"
Donald Trump, With 46 Percent of the Vote, Is the First Sore Loser to Be Elected President

That was in November....

2. ...and for weeks we heard this:
"Donald Trump Is the Least Popular President-Elect in Modern History ..."
Donald Trump Is the Least Popular President-Elect in Modern History

And they've worked hard to keep that going.

3. But.....this morning:
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance."
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Soooo......lots who didn't vote for President Trump, over 5 million likely voters.....seem to have changed their minds.

Even with the full-court press by the the press!!!!

Democrats.....crying towels ready?

Cut the bullshit, two polls have him at 39%'re never happy!

I provided polls from both sides.....that should satisfy a fence-sitter like you.
You can't ever satisfy a fence sitter.

Because they aren't interested in reality. They're just interested in hovering between right and wrong, without ever having to cast a line out themselves. They reject accountability for everything, and they think they can get out of accountability by whining over and over "everybody is equally stupid/evil/wrong" whatever.
I know, I know. Partisans don't like people who think for themselves.

Always happy to give a clear and specific accounting of my stand on any issue at any time. All ya gotta do is ask.

So polls matter again, right?

"Partisans don't like people who think for themselves."

I know that the Nazis hated partisans in enemy-occupied Yugoslavia, Italy, and parts of eastern Europe....

...I hope there's nothing auto-biographical in your post!
Holy crap! This is just the craziest thing ever!

PC starts a thread about polls that favor her guy (kind of, for him), but refuses to say whether polls even matter!

I love this place!

Polls don't put bread on the table, Mac.
It's the GOP way- Low profile thievery, incompetence, corruption and pander to the rich, high profile attacks and wars, bs propaganda and character assassination- works great for about 8 years, then wrecks the world...'s a Democrat worrying right now!

Am I prescient, or what!'re never happy!

I provided polls from both sides.....that should satisfy a fence-sitter like you.
You can't ever satisfy a fence sitter.

Because they aren't interested in reality. They're just interested in hovering between right and wrong, without ever having to cast a line out themselves. They reject accountability for everything, and they think they can get out of accountability by whining over and over "everybody is equally stupid/evil/wrong" whatever.
I know, I know. Partisans don't like people who think for themselves.

Always happy to give a clear and specific accounting of my stand on any issue at any time. All ya gotta do is ask.

So polls matter again, right?

"Partisans don't like people who think for themselves."

I know that the Nazis hated partisans in enemy-occupied Yugoslavia, Italy, and parts of eastern Europe....

...I hope there's nothing auto-biographical in your post!
Holy crap! This is just the craziest thing ever!

PC starts a thread about polls that favor her guy (kind of, for him), but refuses to say whether polls even matter!

I love this place!


You see, normal people, those who actually have an opinion might say why they agree that Trump's increasing acceptance/popularity is good or bad.

Not you!

You'll latch on to anything but an articulate position....

What are you so afraid of: no one knows who you are.

You didn't know that?
Where do we find increasing acceptance/popularity at 39%?
1. Seems that Trump got 46% of the vote...
"Donald Trump, With 46 Percent of the Vote, Is the First Sore Loser to Be Elected President"
Donald Trump, With 46 Percent of the Vote, Is the First Sore Loser to Be Elected President

That was in November....

2. ...and for weeks we heard this:
"Donald Trump Is the Least Popular President-Elect in Modern History ..."
Donald Trump Is the Least Popular President-Elect in Modern History

And they've worked hard to keep that going.

3. But.....this morning:
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance."
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Soooo......lots who didn't vote for President Trump, over 5 million likely voters.....seem to have changed their minds.

Even with the full-court press by the the press!!!!

Democrats.....crying towels ready?

This thread needs more pics of Ann Coulter. :)


I'm not saying she's the sexiest thing ever, but I sure do admire her.

A dozen scholarly and fully documented best sellers!

Some gal!!!
ONLY ON FOX!! lol. Absolute bs...


Illustration: Jim Cooke/FMG

If you want to understand intra-GOP warfare, the decision-making process of our president, the implosion of the Republican healthcare plan, and the rest of the politics of the Trump era, you don’t need to know about Russian espionage tactics, the state of the white working class, or even the beliefs of the “alt-right.” You pretty much just need to be in semi-regular contact with a white, reasonably comfortable, male retiree. We are now ruled by men who think and act very much like that ordinary man you might know, and if you want to know why they believe so many strange and terrible things, you can basically blame the fact that a large and lucrative industry is dedicated to lying to them.

Because there was a lot of money in it for various hucksters and moguls and authors and politicians, the conservative movement spent decades building up an entire sector of the economy dedicated to scaring and lying to older white men. For millions of members of that demographic, this parallel media dedicated to lying to them has totally supplanted the “mainstream” media. Now they, and we, are at the mercy of the results of that project. The inmates are running the asylum, if there is a kind of asylum that takes in many mostly sane people and then gradually, over many years, drives one subset of its inmates insane, and also this asylum has the largest military in the world.

For years, the conservative movement peddled one set of talking points to the rabble, while its elites consumed a more grounded and reality-based media. The rubes listened to talk radio, read right-wing blogs, watched Fox News. They were fed apocalyptic paranoia about threats to their liberty, racial hysteria about the generalized menace posed by various groups of brown people, and hysterical lies about the criminal misdeeds of various Democratic politicians. The people in charge, meanwhile, read The Wall Street Journal andThe Weekly Standard, and they tended to have a better grasp of political reality, as when those sources deceived their readers, it was mostly unintentionally, with comforting fantasies about the efficacy of conservative policies. From the Reagan era through the Bush administration, the system seemed to be performing as designed.

But if this was a reasonably useful arrangement for Republicans, who won a couple close elections with the help of their army of riled-up kooks, it was a fantastic deal for the real engine of the right-wing propaganda machine: companies selling newly patented drugs designed to treat the various conditions of old age, authors of dubious investing newsletters, sellers of survival seeds, hawkers of poorly written conservative books, and a whole array of similar con artists and ethically compromised corporations and financial institutions. The original strategy behind demonizing the “mainstream media” may have purely political, to steer voters away from outlets that tended to present information damaging to the conservative cause, but the creation of the conservative media was also a revenue opportunity for shameless grifters from the very start, as Rick Perlstein showed in his classic Baffler piece on the snake oil-salesmen of the right.
1. Seems that Trump got 46% of the vote...
"Donald Trump, With 46 Percent of the Vote, Is the First Sore Loser to Be Elected President"
Donald Trump, With 46 Percent of the Vote, Is the First Sore Loser to Be Elected President

That was in November....

2. ...and for weeks we heard this:
"Donald Trump Is the Least Popular President-Elect in Modern History ..."
Donald Trump Is the Least Popular President-Elect in Modern History

And they've worked hard to keep that going.

3. But.....this morning:
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance."
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Soooo......lots who didn't vote for President Trump, over 5 million likely voters.....seem to have changed their minds.

Even with the full-court press by the the press!!!!

Democrats.....crying towels ready?

Cut the bullshit, two polls have him at 39%

Watch your language.
Try to pretend you're an adult.
You can't ever satisfy a fence sitter.

Because they aren't interested in reality. They're just interested in hovering between right and wrong, without ever having to cast a line out themselves. They reject accountability for everything, and they think they can get out of accountability by whining over and over "everybody is equally stupid/evil/wrong" whatever.
I know, I know. Partisans don't like people who think for themselves.

Always happy to give a clear and specific accounting of my stand on any issue at any time. All ya gotta do is ask.

So polls matter again, right?

"Partisans don't like people who think for themselves."

I know that the Nazis hated partisans in enemy-occupied Yugoslavia, Italy, and parts of eastern Europe....

...I hope there's nothing auto-biographical in your post!
Holy crap! This is just the craziest thing ever!

PC starts a thread about polls that favor her guy (kind of, for him), but refuses to say whether polls even matter!

I love this place!


You see, normal people, those who actually have an opinion might say why they agree that Trump's increasing acceptance/popularity is good or bad.

Not you!

You'll latch on to anything but an articulate position....

What are you so afraid of: no one knows who you are.

You didn't know that?
Where do we find increasing acceptance/popularity at 39%?

And one more worrying Democrat!

1. Seems that Trump got 46% of the vote...
"Donald Trump, With 46 Percent of the Vote, Is the First Sore Loser to Be Elected President"
Donald Trump, With 46 Percent of the Vote, Is the First Sore Loser to Be Elected President

That was in November....

2. ...and for weeks we heard this:
"Donald Trump Is the Least Popular President-Elect in Modern History ..."
Donald Trump Is the Least Popular President-Elect in Modern History

And they've worked hard to keep that going.

3. But.....this morning:
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance."
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Soooo......lots who didn't vote for President Trump, over 5 million likely voters.....seem to have changed their minds.

Even with the full-court press by the the press!!!!

Democrats.....crying towels ready?

This thread needs more pics of Ann Coulter. :)


I'm not saying she's the sexiest thing ever, but I sure do admire her.

A dozen scholarly and fully documented best sellers!

Some gal!!!
ONLY ON FOX!! lol. Absolute bs...


The only less well respected political analysis would be Bazooka Comics.

Sooo....when did you cancel your subscription to Bazooka, blanko?
This thread needs more pics of Ann Coulter. :)


I'm not saying she's the sexiest thing ever, but I sure do admire her.

A dozen scholarly and fully documented best sellers!

Some gal!!!
ONLY ON FOX!! lol. Absolute bs...


The only less well respected political analysis would be Bazooka Comics.

Sooo....when did you cancel your subscription to Bazooka, blanko?
Or any RW bs outlet, dupe.
It's the GOP way- Low profile thievery, incompetence, corruption and pander to the rich, high profile attacks and wars, bs propaganda and character assassination- works great for about 8 years, then wrecks the world...

Really, from a shill from the party whose motto is "lie, cheat, and steal" and "the end justifies the means"?

I think not, sorry. Your last OP is a candidate for worst ever of all time. Maybe you should reconsider your relevancy.

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