The Democrats’ journey from center to hard Left


It was Bill Clinton's conservative stand on trade, ironically, that cost Hillary Clinton the election.

No Moon Bat. You are confused once again.

Bill Clinton or Putin or Comey did not cause Crooked Hillary to lose the election.

She lost the election because she was corrupt, dishonest, incompetent and Trump worked harder and had a better message.

She ran on a platform of raising taxes, having open borders, demonizing gun owners and bringing in a million damn Muslims. She had the added stigma of being part of Obama's failed administration. She was a terrible candidate.

You Moon Bats were idiots electing her as your nominee. You knew she had more baggage than Delta Airlines but you nominated her anyhow, even when we told you she was bad news. You should have went with Commie Bernie. He was batshit crazy and an asshole and would have lost also but at least he didn't have the reputation for being dishonest and corrupt.
It was Bill Clinton's conservative stand on trade, ironically, that cost Hillary Clinton the election.

It was Trump's pulling the GOP to the left on trade that cost the Democrats the election.
I thought it was the Russians. Or Comey. Or voter fraud. Or right wing fake news. Hard to keep up.

It was the left's alternative bubble universe that cost the Democrats the election. Most folks outside of the leftist's big cities know that doing the same thing won't yield better results.

Fair trade is a left wing policy now? When did that happen?

I told you all why she lost the day after she lost. You should have been paying attention.

Most Democrats voted against NAFTA. Something else you should have been paying attention to.

It was Bill Clinton's conservative stand on trade, ironically, that cost Hillary Clinton the election.

No Moon Bat. You are confused once again.

Bill Clinton or Putin or Comey did not cause Crooked Hillary to lose the election.

She lost the election because she was corrupt, dishonest, incompetent and Trump worked harder and had a better message.

She ran on a platform of raising taxes, having open borders, demonizing gun owners and bringing in a million damn Muslims. She had the added stigma of being part of Obama's failed administration. She was a terrible candidate.

You Moon Bats were idiots electing her as your nominee. You knew she had more baggage than Delta Airlines but you nominated her anyhow, even when we told you she was bad news. You should have went with Commie Bernie. He was batshit crazy and an asshole and would have lost also but at least he didn't have the reputation for being dishonest and corrupt.

She only lost by losing three states, remember? Rust belt states where the union vote turned against her, over trade and losing jobs overseas.
Can't you right wing puppets please condense your copy and paste brain throw up. Frontpagemag is an extremist hate site. Hate is a powerful tool for control but come on righties isn't it about time you thought on your own? No one reads these large copy and paste BS articles. They accomplish nothing and I love how the wingnut choir comes online with a hate hallelujah.Shows you their depth of thought. There is no left in America today if there were the working class would be up in arms over corporate control of their lives and livelihood.

'We, the Plutocrats vs. We, the People, Saving the soul of democracy'

We, the Plutocrats vs. We, the People – Saving Democracy's Soul

"President Eisenhower describes his administration's political philosophy as 'dynamic conservatism,' then as 'progressive, dynamic conservatism,' then as 'progressive moderation,' then as 'moderate progressivism,' and then as 'positive progressivism.'" William Manchester quote from 'The Power and the Glory'
We are up in arms over your fascist control of our lives....if you'll notice, we sent Trump to deal with that....
Trump is Con Man Fraud. Now we have 4 years to prove it.

She only lost by losing three states, remember? Rust belt states where the union vote turned against her, over trade and losing jobs overseas.

You are confused Moon Bat.

She lost the election by a score of 304-227.
The democrats plantation is crumbling.....

No, the world is crumbling.

This crumbling is a preplanned crumble so they can create their little world order they so desire.

This should be a rocky year.

And yes, it's all Trump's fault Dims.

Thanks for that.
Can't you right wing puppets please condense your copy and paste brain throw up. Frontpagemag is an extremist hate site. Hate is a powerful tool for control but come on righties isn't it about time you thought on your own? No one reads these large copy and paste BS articles. They accomplish nothing and I love how the wingnut choir comes online with a hate hallelujah.Shows you their depth of thought. There is no left in America today if there were the working class would be up in arms over corporate control of their lives and livelihood.

'We, the Plutocrats vs. We, the People, Saving the soul of democracy'

We, the Plutocrats vs. We, the People – Saving Democracy's Soul

"President Eisenhower describes his administration's political philosophy as 'dynamic conservatism,' then as 'progressive, dynamic conservatism,' then as 'progressive moderation,' then as 'moderate progressivism,' and then as 'positive progressivism.'" William Manchester quote from 'The Power and the Glory'
We are up in arms over your fascist control of our lives....if you'll notice, we sent Trump to deal with that....
Trump is Con Man Fraud. Now we have 4 years to prove it.
No, no....

I asked you how so....
No....we have Americans and the LWNJs....

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That's another thing, where do you clowns get the idea from that fascism is a left wing ideology?

You are correct of course. What happened in the United States during the 1950s Red Scare was that communism was defined as the opposite to capitalism. Communism was defined then as now as state ownership of the means of production while free enterprise or the market involved little or no state involvement in the economy. It was then that the word Left symbolized communism and Right the free market absent government. This terminology still poisons political discourse in the United States and allows a lot of woolly thinking.

Nowadays, on hate radio and FOX News, any and all government enterprise is labeled leftist. The code words big government are meant to denigrate the people's government and leave as much as possible to businessmen who are best able to run things according to market forces. It is no surprise, then, when people who are opposed to government are elected to legislatures at state or federal level, government does not work well and the business class make a killing, sometimes literally.

In contrast, those who see a purpose in regulating the market to ensure that people are protected from exploitation or the dangers of an uncontrolled economy are labeled Left. Fundamental rights, not of the business class or corporations but of the ordinary people, are protected by the left or leftists. Such rights include, water, housing, health care, jobs, peace on the streets, education, protection from foreign aggression, etc. are the concern of leftists.

So, those who are for an unregulated market and the minimum of government agency are the conservatives of today while those who champion government involvement are of the left. I suppose a hard left party would be one that operates the defense forces, policing, prisons, schools, water management, farming, telecommunications, transport, and, let's say, every company with 10 or more employees. The thing is, there is no so-called hard left in the USA. There isn't even a left. The political system is dominated by two conservative parties, one capitalist and the other very capitalist.
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No....we have Americans and the LWNJs....

View attachment 104110

That's another thing, where do you clowns get the idea from that fascism is a left wing ideology?

You are correct of course. What happened in the United States during the 1950s Red Scare was that communism was defined as the opposite to capitalism. Communism was defined then as now as state ownership of the means of production while free enterprise or the market involved little or no state involvement in the economy. It was then that the word Left symbolized communism and Right the free market absent government. This terminology still poisons political discourse in the United States and allows a lot of woolly thinking.

Nowadays, on hate radio and FOX News, any and all government enterprise is labeled leftist. The code words big government are meant to denigrate the people's government and leave as much as possible to businessmen who are best able to run things according to market forces. It is no surprise, then, when people who are opposed to government are elected to legislatures at state or federal level, government does not work well and the business class make a killing, sometimes literally.

In contrast, those who see a purpose in regulating the market to ensure that people are protected from exploitation or the dangers of an uncontrolled economy. Fundamental rights, not of the business class or corporations but of the ordinary people, are protected by the left or leftists. Such rights include, water, housing, health care, jobs, peace on the streets, education, protection from foreign aggression, etc. are the concern of leftists.

So, those who are for an unregulated market and the minimum of government agency are the conservatives of today while those who champion government involvement are of the left. I suppose a hard left party would be one that operates the defense forces, policing, prisons, schools, water management, farming, telecommunications, transport, and, let's say, every company with 10 or more employees. The thing is, there is no so-called hard left in the USA. There isn't even a left. The who political system is dominated by two conservative parties, one capitalist and the other very capitalist.
What a LWNJ.....

She only lost by losing three states, remember? Rust belt states where the union vote turned against her, over trade and losing jobs overseas.

You are confused Moon Bat.

She lost the election by a score of 304-227.

You can't even get the numbers right. 304 plus 227 equals 531.

Goddam you people get dumber every day. Will I ever be able to stop saying that?
The democrats plantation is crumbling.....
Meanwhile, the GOP and Trump have made the United States Racist Again.
How so?
Trump did manage to take "Hate-n-Racism" main stream. White supremacy, white nationalist now feel they have a hero in "Trump".......

Trump released his immigration policy, far-right extremists saw a clear signal that Trump understood their core anger and fear about America being taken over by minorities and foreigners. Trump's plan to deport masses of undocumented immigrants and end birthright citizenship was radical and thrilling.

Racist America now have their Hitler in the White House!!!! Now let Trump and the GOP "Over Reach" for the next 4 years.
Big government, Kool-aid boy.

I see, so big government is left wing by definition?

That leads to the question why conservative heroes like Saint Ronnie didn't do anything to make it smaller though

Reagan only managed to slow the growth of the federal government not shrink it for several reasons:
1. A massive re-armament and military modernization, some would say overdone, others that it was necessary given the state of the U.S. Military and the Soviet threat, in any case this resulted in an expansion of federal spending and an overall increase in federal employees.
2. The Democrats controlled congress and were hesitant to reduce domestic spending or address full scale entitlement reform; however Reagan and O'Neil were able to pull off significant Social Security reform which was badly needed.
3. The federal bureaucracy is resistant to any significant shrinkage, not only does the system defend itself but voters are unwilling to give up THEIR federal goodies (although they often have no qualms about giving up SOMEONE ELSE'S federal goodies).

I don't believe any administration no matter how well intention-ed or fiscally hawkish will be able to actually shrink the size and cost of the federal government, the only thing that will do that is a massive currency/debt crisis and/or a full scale tax payer revolt. History demonstrates democratic governments eventually collapse under the weight of the demands made on them by citizens that have discovered that it's easier to vote themselves goodies paid for by others rather than work and save for them.

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic." -- Benjamin Franklin
The democrats plantation is crumbling.....
Meanwhile, the GOP and Trump have made the United States Racist Again.
How so?
Trump did manage to take "Hate-n-Racism" main stream. White supremacy, white nationalist now feel they have a hero in "Trump".......

Trump released his immigration policy, far-right extremists saw a clear signal that Trump understood their core anger and fear about America being taken over by minorities and foreigners. Trump's plan to deport masses of undocumented immigrants and end birthright citizenship was radical and thrilling.

Racist America now have their Hitler in the White House!!!! Now let Trump and the GOP "Over Reach" for the next 4 years.
How so?

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