The Democrats Must NOT Push to Impeach the Big Orange Head

The Big Orange Head is the perfect example of Republican arrogance and indifference towards average Americans.

When the Republicans address the many issues that most concern the vast majority, their efforts are to oppose the will and needs of that majority, and to instead serve only the needs of the 0.1%. (Plus, their own petty partisanship shown in their hatred for President Obama. After eight long years of your bullsh!t, now that he is out of office, isn't it time for you racist fools to move on?)

The Democrats’ increasing calls to impeach the Big Orange Head are doing the majority of Americans more harm than good.

The investigations into the obvious corrupt Big Orange, his family, and his henchmen are of little value. The majority knew this before the 2016 elections, and that is why Mrs. Clinton won the majority vote.

The congressional Republicans must be permitted to do all the harm to average Americans they and Big Orange have planned. It is necessary to prove to the stupid people who vote only for Republicans that the GOP has no concern to serve the 99.9%.

Give the Republicans the rope they need to hang themselves. Let them repeal Obamacare, and replace it with the useless “Trumpcare” that steals health coverage from tens-of-millions and hands billions-of-dollars over to the 0.1%. The same goes for rolling back Dodd-Frank and other regulations that protect small investors. Let the Republican gut, or completely eliminate regulations that protect the environment, workers’ safety, and workers’ rights. Let the Republicans also pass laws hurting the LGBT Americans, they are used to the horrid way they are treated, and should have the courage to steel themselves against the conservative hatred for a short time longer. Women rights have suffered under Republican rule, and will be eroded even more by permitting them to continue their conservative war on women.

Regarding these and many other issues, the GOP must be given every opportunity to continue their agenda against average Americans. Their consistently spiteful and heartless actions against poor and middle class citizens will prove the goals their hate-filled agenda. In doing so, the Republicans will create millions upon millions MORE liberal voters for 2018 mid-term elections.

The Big Orange Head lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes in 2016. Adding a large percentage of voters who lost their health coverage to the liberal voting roles, will send the conservative ba$tards packing. Not only in the House and Senate, but also in red states, where the average citizens have been damaged so badly.

So Democrats in blue states, and especially in red states, stop calling for impeachment. Allow the Republicans’ own greed, arrogance, and indifference to the needs of average Americans destroy the pr!cks and their sh!tty party.


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Rebuild your party because the Democrats were and are very much about the same greed and indifference to the needs of average Americans. If the Democrats continue in calling for impeachment then they will make this man a martyr.
You need 2/3 in the will never get it.

You hope. Note the total lack of Republicans going to Trump's defense after Comey's testimony.

They will never ever vote to remove him from office dream on.

We'll see

See what? You think the Republicans will ever back down to the Democrats now?

Republicans can only put party before country for so long
same with the democrats....
THE ONE & ONLY PIECE OF EVIDENCE of Russian interference in the election is the Russian dossier on Trump..which Comey refused to investigate

if anything, Putin wanted Trump to lose. IF ANYTHING, PUTIN WANTED TRUMP TO LOSE!
It's remarkable that Comey''s entire testiming was based upon his feelings and imaginary memos, not a shred of actual evidence.
Impeachment would be really stupid.
-It would fire up the republican base

The best thing we democrats can do is to point out how Trump is a failure and his policies are bad for America. We can win if we play our hand right...3.5 years of hell to come but that was expected after that Nov night.
The Big Orange Head is the perfect example of Republican arrogance and indifference towards average Americans.

When the Republicans address the many issues that most concern the vast majority, their efforts are to oppose the will and needs of that majority, and to instead serve only the needs of the 0.1%. (Plus, their own petty partisanship shown in their hatred for President Obama. After eight long years of your bullsh!t, now that he is out of office, isn't it time for you racist fools to move on?)

The Democrats’ increasing calls to impeach the Big Orange Head are doing the majority of Americans more harm than good.

The investigations into the obvious corrupt Big Orange, his family, and his henchmen are of little value. The majority knew this before the 2016 elections, and that is why Mrs. Clinton won the majority vote.

The congressional Republicans must be permitted to do all the harm to average Americans they and Big Orange have planned. It is necessary to prove to the stupid people who vote only for Republicans that the GOP has no concern to serve the 99.9%.

Give the Republicans the rope they need to hang themselves. Let them repeal Obamacare, and replace it with the useless “Trumpcare” that steals health coverage from tens-of-millions and hands billions-of-dollars over to the 0.1%. The same goes for rolling back Dodd-Frank and other regulations that protect small investors. Let the Republican gut, or completely eliminate regulations that protect the environment, workers’ safety, and workers’ rights. Let the Republicans also pass laws hurting the LGBT Americans, they are used to the horrid way they are treated, and should have the courage to steel themselves against the conservative hatred for a short time longer. Women rights have suffered under Republican rule, and will be eroded even more by permitting them to continue their conservative war on women.

Regarding these and many other issues, the GOP must be given every opportunity to continue their agenda against average Americans. Their consistently spiteful and heartless actions against poor and middle class citizens will prove the goals their hate-filled agenda. In doing so, the Republicans will create millions upon millions MORE liberal voters for 2018 mid-term elections.

The Big Orange Head lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes in 2016. Adding a large percentage of voters who lost their health coverage to the liberal voting roles, will send the conservative ba$tards packing. Not only in the House and Senate, but also in red states, where the average citizens have been damaged so badly.

So Democrats in blue states, and especially in red states, stop calling for impeachment. Allow the Republicans’ own greed, arrogance, and indifference to the needs of average Americans destroy the pr!cks and their sh!tty party.


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They didn't repeal obamacare when it fails this year you can thank Obama and the democrats. You own this failure 100%.

Actually the GOP owns it and most know it, we know how the GOP fought it from day 1.
Please tell me how many republicans voted for it? Yes they fought it for the very reason no body will be able to afford it by the end of the year.

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