The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts

This article makes sense. No matter what Hillary does she loses. If the 3 states do not make the hand counting dead line then Trump goes under 270 and Hillary stays the same. Thus it would go to congress with the same results as if the EC never changed. Now the question is, why the direct assult on our Republic. Is it just to legitimize Trump? Is some rich benefactor ordering Hillary to attack the substance and structure of the Republic? f
Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts
Uh, yeah...his name is George Soros. He didn't get his money's worth and by GOD he's going to do whatever he can to get HIS Justices appointed to the USSC.
This recount circus, will be the last nail in Hillary's story. Let's hope she ends up in jail after all! :mad-61:
This article makes sense. No matter what Hillary does she loses. If the 3 states do not make the hand counting dead line then Trump goes under 270 and Hillary stays the same. Thus it would go to congress with the same results as if the EC never changed. Now the question is, why the direct assult on our Republic. Is it just to legitimize Trump? Is some rich benefactor ordering Hillary to attack the substance and structure of the Republic? f
Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts

Democrat's view that they are entitled to win is unshakable
This recount circus, will be the last nail in Hillary's story. Let's hope she ends up in jail after all! :mad-61:
Nope and she won't. But the nailing of the Orange Clown continues. He is going to be given the same change that Obama was given by the far right: none.
Irrelevant. Clinton won the popular vote, Trump won the electoral college. The electoral college and gerrymandering were developed to insure the common folk were able to be locked out of the process in order to be ruled by a minority of substantial people.

Funny how Democrats were the party that gerrymandered yourselves into dominant majorities and you didn't care ... until you lost power.

Your indignation is feigned
Can´t this deadline be extended until the votes are recounted?

No because the only people that can extend the deadline are the representatives of that state. That would take a bill introduction, debate, passage, and then the signature by the Governor. Not nearly enough time for all that to happen.
Can´t this deadline be extended until the votes are recounted?

No because the only people that can extend the deadline are the representatives of that state. That would take a bill introduction, debate, passage, and then the signature by the Governor. Not nearly enough time for all that to happen.

Not in Florida. The Florida Supreme Court just ordered it extended because the Democrat was losing. Maybe other States could follow that guideline ...
Hopefully it makes Trump reconsider his willingness to not prosecute Hillary

For what?


For what? Because Trump won and Hillary conceded. It was over, and Trump decided not to pursue the case against Hillary to just let it go. Now Hillary is reversing her decision and wants to make an issue out of this. So Trump should take that off the table. If Hillary wants to pull this stunt, Trump should pull his stunts as well. Sort of like a gamble. If Hillary still wins, then she is the President. If she loses, then she will have to face whatever wrath Trump has in store for her.

He was willing to give her a break, but if she don't want it, then it's her call.
Hopefully it makes Trump reconsider his willingness to not prosecute Hillary

For what?


For what? Because Trump won and Hillary conceded. It was over, and Trump decided not to pursue the case against Hillary to just let it go. Now Hillary is reversing her decision and wants to make an issue out of this. So Trump should take that off the table. If Hillary wants to pull this stunt, Trump should pull his stunts as well. Sort of like a gamble. If Hillary still wins, then she is the President. If she loses, then she will have to face whatever wrath Trump has in store for her.

He was willing to give her a break, but if she don't want it, then it's her call.

So I'm not the only one who noticed her reversal after Trump said he was letting it go ...
This article makes sense. No matter what Hillary does she loses. If the 3 states do not make the hand counting dead line then Trump goes under 270 and Hillary stays the same. Thus it would go to congress with the same results as if the EC never changed. Now the question is, why the direct assult on our Republic. Is it just to legitimize Trump? Is some rich benefactor ordering Hillary to attack the substance and structure of the Republic? f
Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts

I think the left knows it's not going to turn up much. I think the strategy is to try and convince the electors that something was wrong, and they should switch their vote to her. At the very least, give leftists something to cry about the next 8 years how she won the popular vote but still lost the presidency.

If the MSM gives it enough attention, it will invigorate all those jobless lowlifes to start protests and riots all over again.
I think their plan is going to back-fire. I believe Trump will 'Make America Great' and not only that, he'll win over a bunch of these folks when the policies coming out of his administration are good for the country and do not attack all the groups that the D's have been scaring everyone to tears with. Trump is a center politician and a great negotiator, a good thing in politics.
We shall see......I am willing to give him a chance
Not in Florida. The Florida Supreme Court just ordered it extended because the Democrat was losing. Maybe other States could follow that guideline ...

Yes, they did, but that's why the Supreme Court stopped it. Judicial legislation is illegal in this country.
no one has said they expect the results of the recount would change the result of the election, jill stein has said such, she expects no change in that....she says it's to establish the election was not hacked...?

I have no idea why you think Stein wants a Hillary, she HATES Hillary....did you see any of her ads that ran?? holy smokes! no love there at all!

Sounds like DRAMA QUEEN material saying this is a direct assault on our Republic? that's CRAZY STUFF and CRAZY THINKING....

Our REPUBLIC provides for all of these measures, from recounts to what happens when there are not enough electors to the House voting for president....

IT IS ALL PART OF OUR REPUBLIC, and the RULES that our founders set up for our republic....

So please stop with the whining and speculations that are absoutely off the wall bull crud...these things being done ARE PART OF OUR REPUBLIC'S set up.

Yeah....that was before.....go check jill stein's bank account now....see if any deposits have been made since the election....
kaz and fayeray are melting because their Messiah is challenged.

This is going to be your every day for every day until he is gone.

Every true American from far right to far left opposes him.
no one has said they expect the results of the recount would change the result of the election, jill stein has said such, she expects no change in that....she says it's to establish the election was not hacked...?

I have no idea why you think Stein wants a Hillary, she HATES Hillary....did you see any of her ads that ran?? holy smokes! no love there at all!

Sounds like DRAMA QUEEN material saying this is a direct assault on our Republic? that's CRAZY STUFF and CRAZY THINKING....

Our REPUBLIC provides for all of these measures, from recounts to what happens when there are not enough electors to the House voting for president....

IT IS ALL PART OF OUR REPUBLIC, and the RULES that our founders set up for our republic....

So please stop with the whining and speculations that are absoutely off the wall bull crud...these things being done ARE PART OF OUR REPUBLIC'S set up.
Stein is lying out her ass.

Hopefully it makes Trump reconsider his willingness to not prosecute Hillary

Trump was willing to give Hillary a pass for the good of the country, he has far more important things he needs to focus on. Hillary is Obama's baggage not his. But if she insists on being a bitch about losing maybe he should sick the attorney general on her ass.

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